Cosmological Structure Formation A Short Course - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Cosmological Structure Formation A Short Course


Cosmological Structure Formation A Short Course I. Why Dark Matter, and why Cold? Chris Power Evidence for Missing Matter Zwicky (1933) measured the radial velocities ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Cosmological Structure Formation A Short Course

Cosmological Structure FormationA Short Course
  • I. Why Dark Matter, and why Cold?
  • Chris Power

Evidence for Missing Matter
  • Zwicky (1933) measured the radial velocities for
    eight galaxies in the Coma cluster and found an
    unexpectedly large velocity dispersion of 1000
  • He used the Virial Theorem to deduce that the
    mass density of Coma would have to be 400 times
    that of the luminous matter -- although he
    assumed a Hubble parameter of 500 km/s/Mpc. For
    present day value of Hubble parameter mass
    discrepancy of 50.
  • What caused this mass discrepancy? What could
    resolve it?

The Virial Theorem
  • Recall the Virial of Clausius -- a useful tool
    from statistical mechanics that can be applied to
    a gravitating system -- related to the moment of
  • The time derivative of the virial leads to the
    virial theorem
  • For a gravitationally bound system, RHS tends to
    zero, so twice the kinetic energy should equal
    the potential energy.

Evidence for Missing Matter
  • Zwicky had found evidence for missing matter.
  • If this overdensity is confirmed we would arrive
    at the astonishing conclusion that dark matter is
    present with a much greater density than luminous
  • From these considerations it follows that the
    large velocity dispersions in Coma (and in other
    clusters of galaxies) represents an unsolved
  • but waited for New Physics to resolve the

Fritz Zwicky
  • Zwicky was educated at ETH in Zurich but
    emigrated to US to work with Millikan at Caltech
    in 1925, where he was made Professor of Astronomy
    20 years later.
  • Widely regarded as a visionary but was infamous
    during his lifetime as a prickly and eccentric
  • Coined the term supernovae with Baade and
    proposed that galaxy clusters could be used as
    gravitational lenses.

Evidence for Missing Matter
  • Smith (1936) confirmed Zwickys earlier result
    using galaxies in the Virgo cluster and
    speculated that a great mass of internebular
    material existed within the cluster.
  • Babcock (1939) obtained long slit spectra of M31
    and noted that the outer parts of the disk were
    rotating with unexpectedly high velocities
  • The great range in the calculated ratio of mass
    to luminosity in proceeding outward from the
    nucleus suggests that absorption plays a very
    important role in the outer portions of the
    spiral, or, perhaps, that new dynamical
    considerations are required, which will permit of
    a smaller relative mass in the outer parts.

Cosmologys Early Years
  • Hubble published A relation between distance and
    radial velocity among extra-galactic nebulae in
  • Prompted Einstein to regret including a
    cosmological constant in his field equations --
    his greatest blunder is now known as dark
  • In 1940s George Gamow and his collaborators
    argued that galaxies must have been closer
    together at earlier times -- and the Universe
    could have been infinitely hot at some distant
    point in time.
  • Essence of idea revived by Dicke and Peebles at
    Princeton in the mid-1960s -- without knowledge
    of Gamows work -- or that of Penzias and Wilson
    at Bell Labs

Cosmologys Early Years
  • In 1965 Penzias and Wilson discovered the Cosmic
    Microwave Background Radiation as a source of
    excess noise in their radio receiver.
  • Could it be pigeons?? No, relic radiation left
    over from Big Bang!
  • Received Nobel Prize in Physics in 1978
  • Cosmology became a respectable science.

Cosmologys Early Years
  • Between 1965 and 1989, a number of efforts were
    made to measure the temperature of the CMB as a
    function of wavelength in its first minutes of
    operation, COBE was able to provide this
    measurement in unprecedented detail and verified
    that the CMBR followed a black body curve.
  • Vindication of the hot Big Bang model.
  • The CMB was observed to be very smooth -- we now
    know that the rms deviations are smaller than 1
    part in 100,000 -- so how did the Universe get to
    be so clumpy?
  • Gravitational instability

Gravitational Collapse Stability
  • Sir James Jeans (1877-1946) -- who also proposed
    a theory for planet formation -- developed a
    framework within which to understand the
    formation of structures from gravitational
  • If we consider a cloud of ideal gas with
    temperature T, it should be clear that the
    temperature of the cloud can help prevent
    collapse under its own gravity. As the cloud
    cools however, there will come a point when the
    internal pressure is no longer able to prevent
    collapse. The cloud will contract and a point
    will be reached where the configuration is in
  • This process is important in the formation of
    stars and in the cooling of gas on to dark matter

Cosmologys Early Years
  • Two schools of thought investigated how structure
    in the Universe formed
  • The Russian school led by Yakob Zeldovich, who
    argued for top-down or the adiabatic scenario
  • The American school led by Jim Peebles, who
    argued for bottom-up or the isothermal
  • Both assumed baryons radiation
  • Neither could work
  • Adiabatic scenario predicted fragmentation of
    structure from pancakes
  • But also predicted enormous anisotropies in the
    CMB - inconsistent with observations.
  • Isothermal scenario predicted formation of
    GC-mass structures that merged
  • But no plausible mechanism for producing
    perturbations of this kind

Evidence for Missing Matter
  • Babcocks study of the rotation curve of M31
    predated the work of Rubin Ford (1970) and
    Roberts Whitehurst (1975).
  • These provided the first widely recognised
    observational evidence in favour of dark matter
    in galaxies.
  • Roberts Whitehursts study important because it
    mapped HI rotation curve, which extended to
    roughly 10 times optical radius.

Credit M. S. Roberts
Evidence for Missing Matter
  • At around this time there were a number of
    influential theoretical studies that examined the
    impliciations of dark matter in galaxies...
  • Ostriker Peebles (1974) suggested that the
    stability of galactic disks required the presence
    of a massive halo around galaxies
  • Ostriker, Peebles Yahil (1975) noted that if
    the mass-to-light ratios of galaxies increase
    with increasing radius, then this dark mass could
    be cosmologically significant.
  • But what could this dark matter be?

Evidence for Dark Matter
  • One of the earliest proposals for the dark matter
    was that it could be comprised of a large
    population of faint low-mass halo stars such as
    M-dwarfs -- what we might call MACHOs or Massive
    Compact Halo Objects.
  • Rees (1977) concluded that the dark matter could
    be of a more exotic character, such as
    neutrinos with a small rest mass -- an example of
    a WIMP or a Weakly Interacting Massive Particle

Evidence for Dark Matter
  • Gunn Tremaine (1979) used phase space
    constraints and the observed core radii of dwarf
    spheroidals and galaxy clusters to place
    stringent limits on the allowed range of neutrino
  • White Rees (1978) published one of the seminal
    studies in cosmology -- Core condensation in
    heavy halos - A two stage theory for galaxy
    formation and clustering -- dark matter
    aggregates provided the potential wells within
    which gas could cool, condense and form stars.

Evidence for Dark Matter
  • White, David Frenk (1984) argued that the
    properties of the neutrino aggregates expected in
    a neutrino-dominated universe are incompatible
    with observations irrespective of the efficiency
    with which they form galaxies -- one of the
    earliest examples of the power of the
    cosmological simulation!
  • Although Bond et al. (1983) is credited with
    first using the term cold dark matter, White
    (1987) is thought to have been the first to
    assert that cold dark matter (in the sense we now
    use it) is Zwickys missing matter.

Early History of Dark Matter
  • Check out
  • Lonely Hearts of the Cosmos by Dennis Overbye,
    a biography of 20th century cosmology and the
    characters who played a part in shaping it. Bear
    in mind that it was written in 1993!
  • The First Three Minutes by Steven Weinberg
    nicely presents the physics of the Big Bang
  • As is The Very First Light by John C. Mather
    -- great insight into the history of our
    understanding of the CMB.
  • The Early History of Dark Matter by Sidney van
    den Bergh (1999, PASP, 111, 657)

The Cold Dark Matter Model
  • Standard theoretical framework for cosmological
    structure formation -
  • The Universe is spatially flat..
  • It underwent a period of rapid exponential
    inflation shortly after the Big Bang
  • The matter content is dominated by non-baryonic
    Cold Dark Matter.
  • The expansion rate of the Universe at the present
    epoch is accelerating, driven by dark energy.

Structure Formation Cold Dark Matter
  • The growth of structure proceeds in a
    hierarchical manner
  • Smaller structures merge to form progressively
    larger structures
  • The bottom-up picture of structure formation
  • Consequence of the coldness of the dark matter
  • Amplitude of initial density perturbations
    increases with decreasing spatial scale.

Whats so Cold about CDM?
  • Non-thermal relic of the Big Bang
  • Lightest supersymmetric particle - the
  • Direct detection experiments place upper limits
    on its mass (e.g. DAMA, CDMS)
  • May need to wait for construction of ILC c. 2020

Whats so Cold about CDM?
  • Lets think about the Universe as it was a
    fraction of a second after the Big Bang --
    uncomfortably hot, 1000 billion K.
  • At these temperatures, particles could condense
    out of the vacuum and annihilate in accordance
    with Heisenbergs uncertainty principle.
  • While the collision rate was much shorter than
    the expansion rate of the Universe, these
    particles were in thermal equilibrium.
  • As soon as the collision rate dropped below the
    expansion rate, particles decoupled and were
    frozen in.
  • Abundance of these thermal relics can be
    computed from well understood statistical
    mechanical principles.

Whats so Cold about CDM?
  • For thermal relics such as neutrinos relatively
    straightforward to compute their present day
  • Neutrinos relativistic at decoupling, velocity
    dispersion large.
  • Candidates for Hot Dark Matter -- ruled out by
  • For non-thermal relics such as Cold Dark
    Matter, very difficult to compute their present
    day abundance.
  • Velocity dispersion assumed to be vanishingly
  • Velocity dispersion important for the formation
    of structure

Velocity Dispersion
  • Velocity dispersion has the effect of smearing
    out density perturbations that may develop and
    helps stabilise a mass condensation against
    gravitational collapse.
  • Hotter forms of dark matter can free stream --
    this erases density perturbations on small
  • The negligible velocity dispersion of Cold Dark
    Matter means that density perturbations are
    preserved on all scales.
  • Interestingly velocity dispersion has been used
    to derive an upper limit on the central densities
    of Cold Dark Matter haloes -- there does not
    appear to be one!

Does it have to be cold?
  • Big Bang Nucleosynthesis predictions are in
    excellent agreement with observations -- and
    imply that most of the dark matter must be
  • Observations also tell us how much of this
    non-baryonic dark matter is present.
  • Most crucial tests of the nature of dark matter
    to be made on small scales -- this is hard!
  • Need not be cold but we can constrain how hot it
    can be -- and it cannot be too hot. Tepid??

Next Two Lectures
  • Cosmological inflation, the Cosmic Microwave
    Background and the seeds of structure
  • Gravitational instability --
  • Jeans Theory in an expanding Universe, also known
    as Linear (Perturbation) Theory
  • The Spherical Collapse Model
  • The Structure of Dark Matter Haloes
  • The Formation of the First Stars
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