- Konrad Kuijken
- Leiden Observatory
- Evidence for dark matter
- Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
- The Milky Way
- Galaxy dynamics
- Gravitational lensing
- Alternatives
- What is it?
- Prospects
- Last scattering surface at z1100
- Inhomogeneities at 1105 level
- Power spectrum powerful probe of cosmology
- Early fluctuations in density
- Grow gently at first
- Start to oscillate when enter horizon
- Photons escape at last scattering when H atoms
form and free electrons disappear (T3000K). - Tnow / Tlast scatt defines redshift of CMB
Time ?
Wavelength ?
More baryons
Peak 1
- Early fluctuations in density
- Grow gently at first
- Start to oscillate when enter horizon
- Photons escape at last scattering when H atoms
form and free electrons disappear (T3000K).
Density photons plasma
Peak 2
Peak 3
Higher overdensities (same pressure, more inertia)
More baryons
Peak 1
- Early fluctuations in density
- Grow gently at first
- Start to oscillate when enter horizon
- Photons escape at last scattering when H atoms
form and free electrons disappear (T3000K).
Time ?
Horizon crossing
Last scattering
Peak 2
Peak 3
- Spectrum of fluctuations in the CMB (WMAP)
- baryon/photon ratio enhances peaks 1,3,5,
- Strong measurement of baryon density
- Consistent with Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
(Wayne Hu)
- Constraints on dark matter content measurement
of matter/radiation equality - Radiation ?? a-4
- Matter ?? a-3
- Crossover near z3000 (before last scattering!)
- Changes horizon crossing times for different
fluctuation wavelengths - Moves peaks in CMB angular spectrum!
- Higher (early) peaks move more than 1st (last)
peak. - 1st peak mostly constrains curvature
Peak 1
Time ?
Horizon crossing
Last scattering
Peak 2
Peak 3
- Parameter constraints on matter content from CMB
- Universe close to flat
- Assume exactly flat ? strong constraint on ?m
- Otherwise strong degeneracy between ?m, ? (and H0)
Spergel et al. 2003
10Structure formation
- Gravitational instability causes large-scale
structure - Without dark matter, get insufficient structure
growth - Foam-like LSS follows out of CDM
11Structure formation
- Gravitational instability causes large-scale
structure - Without dark matter, get insufficient structure
growth - Foam-like LSS follows out of CDM
- Good agreement with observations down to few-Mpc
scales - Combined constraints from CMB (initial
conditions) present-day LSS (in galaxies!) give
best constraints on total (cold dark) matter
density ?m h2. - Result 23 dark matter, 4 baryons, 73 dark
12Galaxy dynamics
- General evidence for stronger gravitational
fields around galaxies than can be explained - by plausible stellar population M/L ratios
- by the shape of the light distribution
- Galaxies are not WYSIWYG
- But bathed in extended mass distributions -- dark
13The Rotation Curve of the Milky Way
The Rotation curve is roughly flat out to 20kpc.
No Keplerian fall-off. But rotation curves in
other galaxies are much better measured
- Tricky
- Radial velocities see no solid-body rotation,
need distances - Proper motions are local, require absolute frame
- HI rotation curve
- Proper motions
- (A-B)220km/s / 8kpc (Sgr A)
- (A-B)216km/s / 8kpc (HIPP)
14Vertical kinematics
- Unique 3-D measurements of the potential ?
- Solar neighbourhood
- Vertical kinematics (Oort problem)
- Distribution fn. f(z,vz)f(Ez)f(?(z)vz2/2
) - Read off f from velocities at low z (where ?0)
- Vary ? to reproduce density at high z
Local disk mass consistent with stars and gas
observed (Siebert et al 2003 Kuijken Gilmore
15How much mass resides in the disk?
- Simple model Mestel disk
- Flat rotation curve
- Predicts at sun
- Measurements of total mass density
dA/dF Bienayme 2000
dA/dF Holmberg Flynn 2001
dK Kuijken 1991, Siebert al. 2003
gK Flynn Fuchs 1994
16Flattening of the Halo
- Local potential E4 (diskhalo)
- Flaring of HI layer halo axis ratio 0.8
- At large radii vertical confining gravity mostly
(Olling Merrifield)
Depends strongly on adopted Galactic constants!
17Rotation curves of spirals
- Rotation curves extra gravity in outskirts of
18PNe and dark matter around elliptical galaxies
- PN.S project (PI N. Douglas)
- Slitless spectroscopy through narrow-band 5007
filter find emission-line objects - Simultaneous counterdispersed images deduce
position and velocity at once. - Programme to study nearby elliptical galaxies
- Advantage of PNe
- probe large radii (integrated light too faint for
spectroscopy) - Represent old stellar population (?)
19PN.S optical design slitless spectroscopy
through narrow-band filter
OIII filter (tiltable tuneable)
Focal plane calibration mask
20PNe with counter-dispersed imaging
positions velocities in one go!
undispersed field
O III filter, slitless, dispersed 0
O III filter, slitless, dispersed 180
21PNe with counter-dispersed imaging
positions velocities in one go!
reconstructed field velocity ½ separation
O III filter, slitless dispersed 0
O III filter, slitless, dispersed 180
22PNe in NGC 3379
E1 , MB -20.0 D 11 Mpc
WHTPN.S March 2002 3 hrs
197 PN velocities to 7 Reff , ?v 20 km/s
23NGC 3379 Dispersion profile
long-slit data (Statler Smecker-Hane 1999)
isotropic constant-M/L Hernquist model
29 PNe Ciardullo et al. (1993)
197 PNe from PN.S
24Combined dispersion profiles
NGC 821, NGC 3379, NGC 4494 PN ?p(R)
declining with R
NGC 821, NGC 3379, NGC 4494, NGC 4697 PN ?p(R)
declining with R
Should we take this seriously?
isotropic constant-M/L Hernquist model
25Interpreting the KinematicsOrbital anisotropy
- Tangential orbits
- at large R, much of the motion in line of sight
- High velocity dispersion cf circular speed
- Flat velocity distributions
- Radial orbits
- at large R, most of the motion in plane of sky
- Low velocity dispersion cf circular speed
- Peaked velocity distributions
26Velocity distribution shaperelates to orbit
Van der Marel Franx 1993
27NGC 3379 orbit models
- PN velocities
- LOSVDs shown in radial bins
- data
- simulated from data
- model
- isotropic orbits
28NGC 3379 orbit models
Circular velocity profile
29NGC 3379 orbit models
- Results
- constant M/L ruled out at 1 ?
- flat rotation curve ruled out at 6 ?
- cumulative M/L at 5 Reff 6 - 9
- cf. models of stellar pop M/L 4 -
9 (Gerhard et al. 2001, after Maraston 1998)
- at virial radius non-baryonic fraction 48 -
86 cf. cosmological fraction 85 - 86
(Spergel et al. 2003) - dark matter at large radius?
- Orbital anisotropy hard to measure
- Need 100s of velocities or accurate spectra
- Assumed spherical symmetry
- What if we see a face-on disk or triaxial galaxy?
- PNe trace overall stellar population?
- If colder component, density more concentrated
- Underestimate mass if dont correct density
- Dekel et al. (2005) disk merger simulations
- Make young stars during simulation
- Colder, tighter component
- Trace PNe?
Enclosed mass
- Orbital anisotropy hard to measure
- Need 100s of velocities or accurate spectra
- Assumed spherical symmetry
- What if we see a face-on disk or triaxial galaxy?
- PNe trace overall stellar population?
- If colder component, density more concentrated
- Underestimate mass if dont correct density
- Are the dynamics in equilibrium?
33Outer envelope of M87 (Weil et al. 1997)
- Flattened outer envelope
- Asymmetric ? unrelaxed
30 (135kpc)
34Dynamical consequences of dark matter in galaxies
- Static
- rotation curves, dispersion profiles
- Dynamics
- Disk stability (Ostriker Peebles 1970)
- Angular momentum exchange with bars, warps
(Athanassoula 2003, KuijkenDubinski 1995) - Mergers
- Dynamical friction (energy loss to dark halo)
- e.g., LMC or Sgr orbit
35Gravitational lensing
- No dynamical equilibrium assumptions
- Direct measurement of projected mass distribution
- Cluster masses (X-ray, dynamics, lensing) agree
- Weak shear measure shapes of halos as well as
overall power spectrum of dm (not average density
Lens pushes sources away Radial squeezing
36(No Transcript)
- MOND (Milgrom 1984)
- Below accelerations of ca 10-10 gravity gets
stronger ??(?(g/a0)g)4?G? where g?? and ??
1 for large g - ?(x) ? x for small x gives for weak
accelerations g?(GMa0/r2)1/2? 1/r - Relativistic version TeVeS (Bekenstein 2004)
Excuse me?
- TAK!
- Rotation curve shapes and amplitudes
well-explained - Pioneer effect?
- Naturally explains Tully-Fisher
- NIE!
- Cosmic expansion as if there is no dark matter
- Unclear how well it does on clusters
- Halo shapes?
- Galaxy stability?
38Co to jest?
- Baryons?
- Nucleosynthesis and CMB bounds
- Brown dwarf, cool white dwarf counts
- Compact objects (MACHOs)?
- Microlensing experiments
- LMC results (MACHO, EROS) 0-20 of dark halo can
be made up of objects with masses of
planets-stars - Detailed interpretation complex because of
unknown 3-D structure of LMC.
39M31 microlensing
- Pixel lensing
- Higher optical depth than to LMC
- Compare near far side of disk
- Very different M31 halo path lengths
- Discriminate MW vs M31 halo vs M31 disk
- Constrain M31 halo flattening
40MEGA project (Crotts, P.I. de Jong, PhD thesis)
- INT monitoring, 1999-2004
- Find variables in PSF-matched difference images
- 14 events
- Consistent with lensing by bulge and disk only
- AGAPE team used same data, claim 20 halo
41 Doubts
- Lets detect the particle!
- Has dynamical friction against a dark halo ever
been seen? - Satellites (clouds), bars, warps, polar ring
formation - Do all galaxies have dark halos?
- NGC 3379
- What are the shapes of dark halos?
- Direct detection experiments continue
- Improved constraints from CMB
- PNe as tracers of outer dynamics probe galaxy
halos - Weak lensing measurements for projected shapes
and radial profiles
42The KIDS survey and dark matter
- VST/OmegaCAM survey
- 1700 sq deg. ugriz YJHK
- Median z 0.8
- Weak lensing
- Galaxy halo masses, radii, shapes
- Power spectrum of large-scale mass distribution
- Evolution of angular diameter distance
- Halo objects
- Faint high proper-motion stars (white, brown
43KIDS(Leiden, Groningen, Munchen, Bonn, Paris,
Naples, Imperial, Edinburgh, Cambridge)
- Overlaps
- 2dFGRS
- 960 sq deg.
44KIDS(Leiden, Groningen, Munchen, Bonn, Paris,
Naples, Imperial, Edinburgh, Cambridge)
- Overlaps
- 2dFGRS
- 720 sq deg.
- Perfect for VLT and AAT, APEX, ALMA
46Weak gravitational lensing
Lens pushes sources away Radial squeezing
80,000,000 background galaxies
200,000 foreground galaxies (zlt0.2)
47Galaxy-galaxy lensing
- 45 sq. deg from RCS survey (Hoekstra, Yee,
Gladders 2004)
Galaxy-mass correlation
Halo radii
Halo shapes
KIDS 7x smaller errors (pairs) Good photo-zs
(b/g), spectroscopic zs (lenses) Study effect by
galaxy type
48w (weak lensing)
- Weak lensing constraints
- Lensing effect depends on relative distances of
source and lens - Measure lensing strength as function of redshift
- Deduce distance as function of redshift
- Geometrical test of expansion history w (5)
- Needs well-controlled photo-zs!
- Dark matter is with us
- CMB, large-scale structure formation
- Galaxy dynamics
- Gravitational lensing
- It is mostly non-baryonic
- CMB, nucleosynthesis arguments
- Halos do not consist of MACHOS
- Microlensing experiments to LMC and M31
- Evidence for live dark halos would be nice
- Shapes
- Dynamical friction
- Laboratory detection of a DM particle would be
PNe as astrophysical tool!