Title: Superintendents Final Budget Update
12009-2010 Superintendents Final Budget
Update Jean-Claude Brizard Superintendent of
Schools Board of Education April 28, 2009
2It Is About Every Child
- Ensuring that every child in Rochester has
access to world class content taught by world
class teachers in schools led by world class
3Three Core Values
- Achievement Improving student achievement
through a laser-like focus on teaching and
learning with an emphasis on results. - Equity - Equitable distribution of resources
based on the needs of schools and students. - Accountability Use of data to ensure that we
hold adults accountable for the success of all
42009-2010 Superintendents Proposed Budget The
- Well defined curriculum and clear academic goals
- The Whats
- - ELA
- - Math
- - Graduation
- - School Safety
- Early and continuous assessments of students and
programs - - Proper planning and oversight
- Continue to address challenges with Federal and
State mandates
52009-2010 Superintendents Proposed Budget The
- Building a highly competent crew
- Training for administrators and teachers to
increase student learning - Reviews of instructional programs, practices
and arrangements
6Changes in Baseline Planning Assumptions
- Federal Deficit Reduction Act pass through
dollars offset Governors proposed budget
reduction approximately 13.4 M - Received 1.9 M less than planned for Federal
Stimulus in Title I and IDEA funds 15.4 M for
one-time or temporary issues - Flat revenues in other Federal grants
- Decrease in interest income
- Structural deficit reduced over 3 year period
- Reduction in staffing to reduce structural
deficit - Reduction of 10 or more in operational lines
- Use of unappropriated fund balance only for EPE
reimbursement - 2.1M
72009-2010 Revenue Summary
8STILL Aligned with Goals
- Direct Impact on Students
- Individual School Operations
- Academic Support
- Students with Special Needs
- Special Education
- English Language Learners
- Youth Development Family Services
- Central Office Driven Programs
- School Safety, Food Service, Transportation
- Other School programs and support
- Indirect Support to Students
- Administration
- Accountability
- Human Capital Initiatives
- Legal
- Communication
- Board Of Education
Total 612,969,924
Total 86,512,770
9District Direction
- Minimize educational impacts to greatest extent
possible - Control expenditures
- Begin multi-year correction to Structural Deficit
10Department of Educations Guiding Principles
11Advance Core Reforms Governors Assurances
12Budget Overview Before Stimulus
- Reported in January 2009
- 61 M structural deficit
- Possible elimination of 500-550 positions
- Programs would be cut or substantially
- reduced
- Governors proposed cuts worsened our situation
- Unsustainable operations driven by existing
- structural deficit
13Stimulus Buy-Back
- Budget Prior to Stimulus-Estimated
669.6 M - January -Governors Proposed Cut of 13.4 M
- Structural Deficit of 61 M
- Substantial cuts in programs
- Title I/IDEA Stimulus Package 17.2 M
- Reduction to Estimate of Title I/IDEA
-1.5 M - Stabilization funding for Deficit Reduction
13.4 M Additional increases in grant funding
revenue .7 M - FINAL 2009-10 BUDGET 699.4 M
Title I Regulations and Compliance
IDEA Regulations and Compliance
Contract for Excellence Money
Deficit Reduction Dollars from State
- Rules and regulations are still undefined
- Unsure of reporting and tracking expectations
- Overlapping funding to support programs
- Remaining need to right-size district
- Restrictions on expenditures
15Piece 1 Title I Federal Stimulus Funds
16Piece 2 IDEA Federal Stimulus Funds
17Piece 3 State Fiscal Stabilization Funds
18Piece 4 Contract For Excellence Funds
- 2009-10 No new programs, budget will
substantially continue current C4E programs - 2009-10 NYS Contract for Excellence calendar
- June 1 Districts certify and submit 2009-10 C4E
contracts - June 3 Districts release C4E contracts for
30-day public - review
- July 1 10 TBD C4E Public Hearing
- July 3 Districts post assessments of public
comments - July 10 Districts have completed C4E public
192009-2010 Superintendents Proposed Budget The
- Decline of Wall Street
- Decline in the Economy
- Title I and IDEA stimulus package ends 2011
- Federal/State Stabilization package is one year
only - RCSD Structural Deficit will continue to grow
- Double digit increases in employee benefits and
the - rising costs of state retirement fund
- Aging buildings more dollars
- needed for improvements and
- school redesign