Title: EHS Strategic Plan Update
1EHS Strategic Plan Update
- Department of Environment, Health and Safety
- UNC-Chapel Hill
2Mission Our purpose and objectives. Vision
Where we want to go. What we want our future to
look like. Values Our rules and principles that
guide our daily actions. Strategic Plan Our
specific plan to realize our vision and mission.
3Mission Statement
- We support the Universitys core mission of
teaching, research, and service by providing
comprehensive environmental, health and safety
services to the University community including
education through training and consultation
maintaining a safe environment ensuring
regulatory compliance and recognizing and
controlling health and safety hazards.
4Vision Statement
- We will do our jobs in a professional manner and
provide innovative solutions. - We will show appreciation to all employees and
maximize customer satisfaction. - We are accountable not only to UNC, but to the
surrounding community as well. - We will strive to give quality customer service
at all times. In this way, we will be a
recognized leader in our University support role.
5Core Values
- Partnership with the customer
- Integrity
- Strive for 100 regulatory compliance
- Customer focus
- Dedication
- Responsiveness
- Employee involvement
- Training
- Innovation
- Effective planning
- Compliance enforcement
- Professionalism
- Employee enrichment and enhancement
- Accountability
- Employee appreciation
- Protect life, property, and the environment
- Employee development and teamwork
6Overall Strategic Objectives
- Help students, faculty, staff and visitors safely
learn, discover and enjoy Carolina. - Comply with OSHA, EPA, DOT, FAA, accreditation
agencies - Alignment with the Universitys mission of
teaching, research and public service. - Improve UNC Research competitiveness make
research compliance easier
7Overall Strategic Objectives
- Maintenance of EHS Programs as UNC and
requirements grows - Support UNCs building program
- Meet UNCs EHS changing needs
- Take advantage of opportunities
- Process improvements and modernization of EHS
8Some 2003 Highlightsthis list is not
- Developed and began implementation of Laser
Safety Policy and program. Laser Safety Committee
was formed to evaluate the program. - Implemented on-line radioactive materials
inventory program. - Disposed of large number of legacy radioactive
sealed sources from Venable - Renewed UNCH radiation services contract
9Some 2003 Highlightsthis list is not
- Glowing comments from radiation protection
inspectors. No fines or penalties. - New fire extinguisher vendor, saving
300-500/month - Electronic 510 forms (Hazardous Material Transfer
Form) replaced paper forms and streamlining
processing. - Phase II NPDES stormwater permit submitted March
2003 - Mason Farm remediation project source removal
approx. 500,000 under budget
10Some 2003 Highlightsthis list is not
- Entered into an agreement with DENR to clean the
Chemical Waste site within eight years. - No RCRA fines or penalties.
- Giles Horney SARS scare
- Facilitated, organized and processed paperwork
for 2,503 flu shotsthe first time UNC has
offered this to all staff at no cost to them. - Developed an e-mailing list to update 450 UNC
employees on DOT hazmat shipping laws.
11Some 2003 Highlightsthis list is not
- Brought UNC in compliance with new DOT rules for
hazmat security. - Select agent registration, security risk
assessments and inventory system. - On-line orientation training now in production.
- Other improvements to our web site to make it
more helpful and user-friendly - Established a new chemical hygiene officer,
environmental safety officer and industrial
hygienist specialist in indoor air quality.
Unfortunately had to lay off asbestos position
due to budget cuts.
12EHS spring 2002 Strategic Planning retreat
- Lots of great ideas from EHS staff
- Made good progress on many issues
- Where do we go from here?
- Consider time and resource constraints
- Benefit gt cost?
- Need to set priorities and refresh the plan
- Newer ideas?
13Improvements to EHS Programs and Processes
The above and following goals were developed as
part of EHS spring 2002 Strategic Planning
retreat .
14Improvements to EHS Programs and Processes
15Improvements to EHS Programs and Processes
16Improvements to EHS Programs and Processes
17Ideas for New EHS Programs and Initiatives
18Ideas for New EHS Programs and Initiatives
19Ideas for New EHS Programs and Initiatives
20Ideas for New EHS Programs and Initiatives
21Better Use of Technology
22Better Use of Technology
23Additional and Improved Resources for EHS
24Additional and Improved Resources for EHS
25Professional Development and Continuing Education
26Professional Development and Continuing Education
27Improvements to EHS Workplace
28Issue Parking Lot
- Better utilize inspection, complaint, accident,
injury and incident information in planning and
training - Website FAQ
- Allow people flexibility to develop/utilize
personal talents/likes within prescribed job
descriptions - Bar code system for hazardous waste containers
and fire extinguishers
29Some 2004 Goalsthis list is not comprehensive
- Implementation of stormwater management program
- Chemical waste site cleanup begins
- Disposal of remaining legacy Venable radwaste
- Select Agent compliancepass inspection(s)
- Mercury Free UNCPhase 2 (thermometer exchange)
- Install sensors in lab hoodPhase 1
- Formaldehyde training program and database
- Chemical safety IBC compliance, inventories,
emergency signage, better lab plan review
30Some 2004 Goalsthis list is not comprehensive
- Further HASMIS enhancements, including on-line
lab safety plan - IAQ/mold preventionremediation team?
- Fit testing and respiratory protection awareness
for physicians - Laboratory hood policy
- Implementation of new Training and Occupational
Health Enforcement Policy
31Some 2004 Goalsthis list is not comprehensive
- West Nile Virus prevention awareness
- More intensive communication efforts and
continuation of efforts to identify high risk
situations - AED policy
- Employee health screening? (proposal)
- Break ground on new EHS offices and liquid waste
building - Materials handling at radwaste facility