Title: Mr' Shaw
1Leading Indicators for ESH Performance
Measuring How Well Our Management System Is
ISM Best Practices Workshop September 12, 2006
Steven R. Woodbury DOE Office of Nuclear Safety
and Environmental Policy
- The mix of ESH performance measures changes as
an ESH program matures. - DOE currently uses many lagging measures.
- Our next level of performance measurement
should focus on how well key elements of our
ESH management system are performing. - There are instructive examples in the literature
of best practices on which we can build. - But nobody says this is easy.
3Three Levels of Performance Measurement
- Grace Wever identifies three types of
performance measures that organizations may
employ - 1. Operational indicators (lagging)
- For example
- waste generation
- accident/injury rates
- regulatory violations
- 2
- 2. Identifying underlying management system
deficiencies (leading) For example, the quality
of - training
- audits
- communications
- documentation
- review processes
4Three Levels of Performance Measurement
- 3. Identifying gaps in internal competencies
and external relationships (leading)For
example, - Organization begins to measure
- Impacts of products, operations, or services on
public health and the environment - EHS research and development
- Capital investments
- Stakeholder and customer partnerships
- Organization strives to link financial, human
resource, operation, EHS, and other goals and
measures - The mix of an organization's performance
indicators tends to reflect the maturity of its
EHS program. - Grace Wever, Strategic
Environmental Management, pp 158-9
5Importance of Leading Indicators
- The importance of developing good leading
indicators goes beyond Its hard to steer by
looking in the rearview mirror. - The importance goes beyond continuous improvement
We should do what leading organizations are
doing. - We need to be concerned because even good
performance, on good lagging indicators, cant
assure us that risks are really being controlled.
6Outcome Measures are Not Sufficient
- When safety is good and injury and loss rates
are low, then outcome measurements are not
sufficient to provide adequate feedback for
managing safety. - For operations where there may be potential
for severe accidents, the likelihood of such
events must be extremely low. This means that
the absence of very unlikely events is not, of
itself, a sufficient indicator of good safety
management. - --European Process Safety Center, 1996, p. 3.
7Outcome Measures are Not Sufficient
- Health and safety differs from many areas
measured by managers because success results in
the absence of an outcome (injuries or ill
health) rather than a presence. But a low
injury or ill-health rate, even over a period of
years, is no guarantee that risks are being
controlled and will not lead to injuries or ill
health in the future. This is particularly true
in organizations where there is a low probability
of accidents but where major hazards are
present. - A Guide to
Measuring Health Safety Performance Health
Safety Executive (UK), p 5
8Some Best Practices in Next Level Performance
- Guide to Measuring Health Safety Performance
(British Health and Safety Executive) - Total Quality Environmental Management Matrix
(Grace Wever, Council of Great Lakes Industries) - Positive Performance Indicators (Australia,
Department of Employment and Workplace
Relations) - General Electric Company
- ProSmart software (Chemical Process Safety
9Health Safety Executive (UK)
- Guide discusses performance measurement in the
context of a health and safety management system - Discusses the limitations of traditional
lagging measures - Provides a systematic approach to deriving
measures which link to the HS management system
10Why Measure Performance?
- The primary purpose of measuring HS
performance is to provide information on the
progress and current status of the strategies,
processes and activities used by an
organization to control risks to health and
safety - A Guide to Measuring Health Safety
Performance Health Safety Executive (UK), p 7
11HSE Guide a Balanced Approach
- Performance measurement should be based on a
balanced approach, which addresses - Input
- Monitoring the scale, nature and
distribution of hazards created by the
organizations activities - Process
- Active monitoring of the adequacy,
development, implementation and deployment of the
HS management system - Outcomes
- Reactive monitoring of adverse outcomes
resulting in injuries, ill health, loss and
accidents with the potential to cause injuries
ill health or loss (measures of failures)
12HSE Guide Measure the Management System
- The HS management system is the process which
turns uncontrolled hazards to controlled risks - The key elements of
- Policy
- Organizing
- Planning and implementation
- Measuring performance
- Audit and review
- all need to be in place to control risks
effectively - The performance measurement system must cover
each element of the HS management system
13HSE Guide What and How to Measure
- Measuring elements of the HS management system
should cover three aspects - Capability
- Implementation
- Deployment
- The measurement process can gather information
through - Direct observation of conditions and peoples
behavior - Talking to people to elicit facts and their
experiences as well as gauging their views and
opinions - Examining written reports, documents and records
14HSE Guide Observations
- Performance measurement is approached in the
context of the health and safety management
system - Guide acknowledges the need to measure outcomes
but this is not sufficient - measures of failure
- doesnt guarantee that risks are really
controlled - Approach is not limited to Health and Safety
completely applicable to management across ESH - Focus is on the performance of key management
system elements - Measures are largely qualitative
- Provides a clear framework for thinking about
ESH management and performance measurement
15Total Quality Environmental Management Matrix
Seven Categories
- TQEM identifies 7 performance categories, based
on Baldrige Criteria most relevant to EHS
management, as well as the ISO 14001 standard - Identifies performance levels (110) (based on
descriptive text) - Detailed self-assessment questionnaire is
provided to support evaluation. - Within a category, one cannot score at a higher
level unless performance is fully satisfactory at
all lower levels - Developed in the 1990s by Grace Wever, and the
Council of Great Lakes Industries
Ten Performance Levels
16Total Quality Environmental Management Matrix
- Seven categories (different weights)
- Leadership (15)
- Information and Analysis (7.5)
- Strategic Planning (7.5)
- Human Resource Development (10)
- Process Management (15)
- Environment, Health Safety Results (30)
- Customer/Stakeholder Satisfaction (15)
17TQEM Performance Levels Environmental Health
and Safety Results
- Example ESH Results Category
- 10. Benchmarking shows unit is best-in-class
- 7. EHS improvements contribute to financial and
business improvements - 5. Positive improvement trends in units key
EHS measures - 4. EHS measures reviewed and improved at least
annually - 3. EHS results compared with objectives and
targets used to improve effectiveness of
management systems and performance - 1. EHS performance measures identified baseline
data and trends collected
EHS Results
18TQEM Performance Levels Strategic Planning
- Example Strategic Planning Category
- 9. Information on competitors EHS strategies
used to improve units strategies and performance - 8. EHS integrated into long and short-term
business plans for all of units products,
processes and services. - 6. EHS plans and deployment consistently aligned
at all levels of the unit - 4. Long and short-term plans that include EHS
objectives are reviewed and improved at least
annually. Key measures include EHS measures - 1. Long-term and short-term planning process used
that addresses EHS needs annual operating plan
includes EHS management needs
Strategic Planning
19TQEM Performance Levels Human Resource
- Example HR Development Category
- 9. EHS needs fully integrated into units HR
development plan. Training/education for EHS
staff include key business knowledge - 7. Employees proactively initiate activities to
improve EHS performance - 5. Measures of EHS training effectiveness in
place employees with potential to impact EHS are
competent to perform EHS responsibilities - 3. All employees have received appropriate EHS
training employees aware of EHS compliance
requirements. - 1. EHS training needs identified, resources
Human Resource Development
20TQEM Matrix Observations
- Not limited to environment completely
applicable to management across ESH - System is based on explicit, but qualitative,
criteria for ESH management - Focus is on qualitative measures of performance
in key management categories - Published matrix is fully defined (not
open-ended) - Matrix was developed more than 10 years ago it
should be updated on the basis of additional
experience - Its importance is as a conceptual framework
the specific content can be adapted
21Positive PerformanceIndicators
- Positive Performance Indicators (PPIs) focus on
assessing how successfully an organization is
performing by monitoring the processes that
provide good OHS outcomes. - PPIs are to be developed in addition to
traditional outcome indicators. - PPI program was developed by the Australian
Governments Department of Employment and
Workplace Relations
22Positive Performance Indicators Based on
Quality Management
- PPI is based on a Quality Management approach.
PPIs may be - Inputs (Key Activities)
- Measures of actions or initiatives undertaken to
improve OHS - Provide indicators of commitment and effort, but
not of effectiveness - Can provide useful information on participation,
leadership and communication - Processes (Monitoring Key Risks)
- Identify key risks
- Identify key contributors to outcomes of concern
- Develop measures to monitor behaviors and
practices - Outputs (Milestones)
- Achievement of objectives
- Progress toward achievement of higher-level OHS
goals and targets
23Positive Performance Indicators Part of a
Management System
- PPIs are only useful if an organization has a
systematic approach to management of OHS - Many variations exist, but all have the following
principles - Commitment and policy
- Planning
- Implementation
- Measurement and evaluation
- Review and improvement
24Positive Performance Indicators Categories of
- Commitment and policy
- Measures demonstrated commitment to improve OHS
performance - Planning
- Measures what procedures are in place to
eliminate workplace injury and disease - Implementation
- Measures the capability and support mechanisms
that are necessary to achieve OHS objectives and
targets - Measurement and Evaluation
- Measures the extent to which workplace health and
safety is monitored and evaluated so that issues
can be identified and corrective action taken - Review and improvement
- Measures the effectiveness of the OHS management
system, and its continuing suitability
25Examples of PPIs Commitment and Policy
26Examples of PPIs Implementation
27Positive PerformanceIndicators Observations
- PPIs are not limited to Occupational Health and
Safety completely applicable to management
across ESH - PPIs focus on identifying key elements of the
ESH management system, and measuring how well
these key elements are functioning - PPIs are non-prescriptive and open-ended
approach provides great flexibility at the
facility and site level - Most PPIs are qualitative, based on assessments,
record reviews, surveys, or audits - The Guidance document assumes a fairly basic
management system. DOE sites generally have more
sophisticated ESH management systems in place,
with the opportunity to develop more
sophisticated measures.
28General Electric Health and Safety Framework
- At the April ISM meeting in Albuquerque, Kurt
Krueger described GEs corporate-wide Health and
Safety program - One standard, one program, one set of metrics
for every GE facility around the world No
exceptions! - GEs Health and Safety Framework includes a mix
of 21 - Management system elements For example
- Training
- Accident investigation and follow-up
- Subject matter areas For example
- Industrial hygiene
- Chemical management
- Motor vehicle safety
29General Electric (continued)
- Detailed questions
- GE-specific guidance expectations
30General Electric (continued)
- Scorecard ratings are based on
- Plant self-assessment (540 questions, twice a
year) - Periodic corporate audits
- Tied to monthly site operational metrics and
supervisor scorecards, - tailored to site operations
- designed to drive supervisor behaviors that will
find and fix HS issues before an accident finds
them - GE has a parallel system for assessing
environmental performance - GE also continues to track trailing metrics
For example - Recordable injury and illness rates
- Lost time injury and illness rates
- Permit exceedances
- Notices of noncompliance
31General Electric Observations
- Integrated into GEs broader management system
- Reflects a balance between frequent site
self-assessment and reporting, and periodic
headquarters audits - GE chose to implement a uniform corporate system.
While this might not be DOEs choice, there is
still a lot to learn from the overall framework,
and from the measures GEs chose to include
32ProSmart Center for Chemical Process Safety
- In 1993, CCPS began a project to measure the
effectiveness of process safety management
systems - Their objective wasto provide management with
the tools for assessing the health of process
safety management systems on a real-time basis - Based around 12 management system elements
- Extensive set of computer-based questions, using
qualitative and quantitative measures - Rolls up responses into a single score or index
33CCPS ProSmart Based on 12 Management System
- CCPS identified 12 key management system
elements, such as - Accountability
- Process knowledge and documentation
- Capital project hazard review
- Training and performance
- Management of change
- Incident investigation
- Audits and corrective action
- ProSmart generates a score, which is continually
34CCPS ProSmart Based on 12 Management System
35CCPS ProSmart Drills Down to Detailed
Evaluation Questions
36ProSmart Observations
- Derived from a quality management approach
- Focus is on specific management system elements
- Established for chemical process safety, but in
principle could encompass environment,safety and
health - Like TQEM and GE, ProSmart provides a set of
detailed assessment questions, for qualitative
assessment against established criteria
37Key Aspects of Next Level Performance Measures
- Next Level performance measures identify and
measure how well key elements of the ESH
management system are functioning - Measures tend to involve
- Precursor analysis and trending
- Observations, assessments and audits
- Measures tend to be qualitative rather than just
counting events - (This doesnt mean they cant be rigorous
and replicable)
38DOE Has Many Pieces in Place
- Analysis and trending
- Data collection
- Trending and analysis
- Root cause analysis
- Observations, assessments, audits
- Contractor self-assessment processes
- DOE oversight activities
- Annual ISM assessments should systematicallyaddre
ss management system elements - Inspections by the Office of ESH Inspections
(HS-64, formerly SP-44) address ESH management
system functioning at a high level (ISM core
functions) - Individual IG audits address some management
system elements
39Audits and Inspections
40ESH Inspections
- (colors added)
- Define Scope of Work
- Analyze the Hazards
- Identify and Implement Controls
- Perform Work Within Controls
- Feedback and Continuous Improvement
- (contractor) (DOE)
- Essential System Functionality
41ESH Evaluations of 17 DOE Sites 2002-2004
- There is a common thread of best practice, across
many different organizations to move beyond
outcome (lagging) indicators, we need to start
systematically measuring how well key elements
of our management system are performing. - This is not as easy as counting occurrences
(injuries, enforcement actions) it must involve
walk-throughs, audits, surveys, and other varied
approaches. - This next level of leading performance
measurement complements, and does not replace,
outcome (lagging) measures. - Approaches developed for process safety, worker
safety, environment, can be applied across ESH.
We need to be eclectic and ecumenical in our
thinking. - Nobody has a turnkey system thats right for DOE.
We need to identify and build on the best of
these various approaches. - Nobody says it will be easy.
43Next Steps
- Identify key ESH management system elements
- We currently categorized some information (e.g.,
ORPS reports Independent Oversight Assessments)
around ISMs five broad core functions - Within these core functions, we can identify more
specific management system elements, including - Identification of requirements - Corrective
action management - Hazard identification - Lessons
Learned sharing - Communication -
Performance Measurement - Training -
Worker involvement - Documentation - Audits
and assessments - Periodic top management review
44Next Steps (continued)
- Identify the various things we are already doing
to assess how well these elements are functioning - Identify and fill gaps as appropriate
- Organize and present the information in a way
which provides current feedback to management on
how effectively key management system elements
are functioning at each site and each facility - In Sum Use the health of these key management
system elements as the conceptual and organizing
framework to strengthen our ability to know how
well we are managing risks
45In Closing
- Far better an approximate answer to the right
question which may be difficult to frame, - than an exact answer to the wrong
questionwhich is always easy to ask. - statistician John
W. Tukey
- Grace Wever, 1996, Strategic Environmental
Management Using TQEM and ISO 14000 for
Competitive Advantage, John Wiley and Sons, NY - European Process Safety Centre (Jacques van
Steen, ed.), 1996, Safety Performance
Measurement, Institution of Chemical Engineers,
Rugby (UK) (distr by Gulf publishing Co., PO Box
2608, Houston, TX 77252-2608) - Health and Safety Executive (United Kingdom),
2001, A Guide to Measuring Health Safety
Performance http//www.hse.gov.uk/opsunit/perfmea
s.pdf - Commonwealth of Australia (Department of
Employment and Workplace Relations), 2005,
Guidance on the Use of Positive Performance
Indicators to Improve Workplace Health and
Safety http//www.nohsc.gov.au/PDF/Standards/Guida
nceNotes/ASCCPPIGuidanceBooklet.pdf - Kurt Krueger, Creating a Culture of Safety
Excellence The Journey and the Prize, talk at
DOE ISM Champions Workshop, Albuquerque NM, April
2006 http//www.eh.doe.gov/ism/workshops/Creating_
a_Culture_of_Safety_Excellence.pdf - George Eckes, The Six Sigma Revolution How GE
and Others Turned Process into Profits, New
York John Wiley and Sons, 2000. - Center for Chemical Process Safety, ProSmart
software http//www.aiche.org/CCPS/Publications/So
47Contact Information
- Steven R. Woodbury
- DOE Office of Nuclear Safety and Environmental
Policy - 202-586-4371
- steven.woodbury_at_eh.doe.gov