Title: Discrimination: Empirical Evidence
1Discrimination Empirical Evidence
- Lent Term
- Lecture 7
- Dr. Radha Iyengar
2Last Time
- Models of discrimination
- Employer Preferences/Becker Model
- Discrimination by average firm does not mean
discrimination by marginal firm - Competition will eventually eliminate
discrimination - Statistical Discrimination
- Groups with different means may get compensation
based on group-average productivity not
individual productivity - Can occur even with the same mean but different
variance in signals
3Testing for Discrimination - 1
- Regression studies.
- interpret the meaning of a race or gender
coefficient in an OLS model, typically a wage
model. - use a Oaxaca- Blinder decomposition to interpret
the magnitude of findings. - Learning models
- Apply structural models to make inferences about
what employers believe initially and how they
update beliefs as productivity is revealed over
time. - The key tool here is to use information known to
the econometrician at market entry (such as test
scores) but not known by employers except through
its revealed effect on productivity or its
correlation with other observables.
4Testing for Discrimination - 2
- Quasi-experiments where race/gender is
alternatively revealed or concealed. - Experimental Studies
- Audit studies attempt to randomize race to
evaluate if minorities are treated differently in
job application, housing search, vehicle
purchases. - Lab experiments. In a non-market setting,
experimenters look for evidence of disparate
treatment of members of race or gender groups.
5Earnings Equation
- Define
- Yi the outcome of the process, such as income
earnings, or wage for the ith person. - Xi a vector of productivity characteristics of
the ith person that are independent of Y and of
the particular form of economic discrimination
under study (exogenous) - Zi 1in the majority group
- ei random error term
- Our Standard Earnings Equation is then
- Y X'B AZ e
6Estimating Discrimination
- If A gt 0 then there is evidence of discrimination
- null is A 0 with one-side alternative
- were not considering reverse discrimination
where A lt 0 - Define discrimination to be
- Obvious Problem is, what to do with differences
in Xs - May be that investment in a given level of X has
different returns due to statistical
discrimination Remember the TWM results from GED
paper - Expectation of discrimination? underinvestment
(this is a point Heckman makes in his review of
the education lit)
7The Regression Approach
- Originally done by Oaxaca and repeated in many
settings - Key is to establish FACTS
- Not entirely clear what the causal mechanism
underlying observed differences can be - Useful for defining classes of models that could
explain these differences
8Race and Gender Earnings Differences
- Black and Hispanic men, as well as white women,
earn about 2/3 that of white men. - Black and Hispanic women earn even less than
minority meanonly slightly over ½ of what white
males earn. - Wage trends reveal that women, particularly white
women, have experienced an increase in their
earnings relative to mean. - After declining in the 60s, wage gaps have
widended between race/ethnic groups. -
9Race and Gender Hours Differences
- Among women white womens wages have risen
steadily since 1980. - Black womens wages almost reached parity with
white women in the 1970s but diverged after that.
- Hispanic women are doing relatively worse,
although that may be due to immigration and
changing composition. - Annual earning show an even large differential
than hourly wages, suggesting that weeks and
hours worked are lower among minorities and
females. These differences are less among
full-time/full-year workers, but are still
substantial. - Women are more likely to work part-time.
10Race and Gender Employment Differences
- White men are more likely to ever be employed and
to be employed at any point in time. - Unemployment among white women has been as low or
lower than among white men since the early 80s. - Blacks have about twice the unemployment rate of
whites and this unemployment is more cyclical. - Female labor force participation rates have been
converging. Women, especially white women, have
been entering the labor force rates. They have
reached parity with black women. - These are more particular to US labor market
11Thinking about Black-White Gap
- How much of the B/W earnings gap is explained by
differences in skills that are formed prior to
market entry? - This is a great question because so much of
literature is focused on market discrimination - Ideal test Look at identically skilled teens
before market entry and then again later in life
What is the initial earnings gap and does it grow
over time. - Ideall, if there are no differences in tastes or
costs of skill investment, one could attribute
observed differences to discrimination.
12Testing for observed race differences
- Cant assume differences are all due to
discrimination but can try to control for
unobserved innate productivity - Use NLSY. Sample 15 to 23 years old, who took
AFQT prior to age 18. Regress age effects out of
AFQT. - The basic result. Pre-market skill appears to
explain a large part of racial earnings gap for
currently employed workers.
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15Basic Results
- Military has done validation studies using
objective performance measures. Finds no evidence
that test systematically under-predicts
performance of blacks. - Given this, do blacks underinvest in skills due
to lower return? - In Table 2 and 3, no evidence of differences in
return to AFQT. But this is an endogenous
comparison conditional on having attained a
given level of skill. - Return may have been lower in prior eras, and
this could affect beliefs of black parents, who
choose how much to invest in kids skills. - How would you convincingly test this? What does
this imply that we should see for IV estimates of
returns to school for blacks versus whites?
16Selection into Labor Market
- Low scoring blacks noticeably less likely to
participate in labor market. - How do we deal with this? Two approaches
- Median regressions. If nonparticipants have wage
offers less than median for group with similar
observables (race, test score) and at least half
participate, then the median is identified - Less of the gap is explained once we condition on
17Selection into Labor Market
- Notice that
- E(w) LFPR E( w participate)
- (1-LFPR)E( w dont participate)
- Comparing two groups
- We can rewrite this as
18Adjusting for selection
- Defining a selection factor
- Can adjust the observed earnings ratio by a
selection factor. - OLS wage gap -0.072
- Median gap -0.134
19Adjusting for Selection - 2
- We need to define a few other parameters
- Making a symmetry assumption kb kw 0.1
- LFPRb 0.91 and LFPRw 0.94
- Using this we can get
- Making an assumption on potential earnings of
non-employed, - we get back the observed ratio.
- this calculation does not account for AFQT scores
- if score gap is much larger among non-employed,
this suddenly does not seem so conservative.
20Bottom line on Selection
- Appears that selection into pre-labor market
characteristics has large explanatory affect - We need to worry more about the determinant of
the Xs - This motivates much of the discussion on gender
differences in preferences - May be even more serious as incarceration rates
and social welfare participation affect
minorities - Important interactions with signaling models
21Effects of Selection into LFPR
- Butler and Heckman (1977) expansions in the
generosity of transfer programs over the decade
of the 1960s ? reduced LFPR for low-skilled
workers - African-American men were more likely to be
lower-skilled, observed relative wages would
increase. - a preoccupation with the wages of workers would
cause social scientists to overstate the success
of Title VII Legislation, or spuriously conclude
that discrimination against blacks had declined. - May not be that the Civil Rights Act (CRA)
raising the relative demand for black labor - selective withdrawal hypothesis could also
rationalize the data
22Source Chandra (1998)
23Explaining trends in Wages
- Increase in the returns to skill that would occur
in the 1980s - a factor which would cause withdrawal to the
extent that reservation wages were relatively
fixed over this period. - Massive growth in the US prison population as a
result of the war on drugs and the related
Sentencing Reform Act of 1984 - Mandatory and longer sentencing guidelines for
drug-related convictions. - Together could generate convergence in observed
wages since they disproportionately affect
low-skilled blacks.
24What do we know about selection?
- Nonparticipation matters across the entire skill
distribution, prime-age black men have withdrawn
from the labor-force at rates that exceed those
for comparably skilled whites. - By 1990, 30 percent of blacks versus 6.1 percent
for whites were not employed during a random
reference week in the year - Wages are not observed for 20 percent of prime
age black men with annual rates at 40 percent for
certain black skill groups. - Sample-selection criteria based on weeks worked
or hours worked also generate convergence in
observed wages by disproportionately excluding
low-skill blacks and thereby exacerbating the
bias induced by ignoring nonparticipants.
25Returning to the Oaxaca Decomposition
- Differences in wages can be thought of as due to
- differences between whites and blacks in
observable skill (between skill differences) - differences in unobserved skill as well as the
possible contribution of discrimination (within
skill differences). - For those respondents with wages, we may write
the observed racial (log) wage gap - GObs E(wbtz 1) - E(wwtz 1) in year t
- This is a non-parametric version of the familiar
Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition. - no problem with overlapping supports since the
skill cells are constructed separately by race
but using the same Xs - unlike the conventional decomposition where
counterfactual wages of blacks are typically
estimated by extrapolating into a region of no
support, the nonparametric method does not suffer
from this limitation.
26Decomposing Observed Differences
- We can thus decompose observed outcomes as
27Adding the Time factor
- Looking over time and defining selection
correction weights, we can then define
28The effect of Data on Inference
- In the US, a large amount of the inference is
based on the Current Population Survey, this is
similar to the inference based on the labor-force
surveys - Most labor force surveys, including the CPS, have
the advantage of producing a fairly consistent
yearly time-series which cover a large section of
the population - for example, the CPS is consistent from 1964
onward - The CPS also come with limitations
- The CPS for example does not contain information
on the institutionalized population. This
omission overstates the convergence over time
because it ignores the role of increasing
criminal activity - the Census provides a more accurate count of the
Not in Labor Force (NILF) group than does the
CPS. - In 1990, ignoring the non-employed will be shown
to understate the racial wage gap by 11-16
percentage points of this, 4-6 percentage points
is the effect of incarceration which would be
omitted by the CPS.
29Imputing Wages for Nonworkers
- Wages for nonworkers are imputed assuming that
nonworkers are drawn from points on the
conditional wage offer distribution that lie
below that of the median respondent. - This method does not rely on the presence of
arbitrary exclusion restriction to identify the
counterfactual distribution of wages for
nonworkers. - Can construct a non-parametric identification of
the standard sample-selection model and a
non-parametric method to decompose the mechanisms
of convergence is provided.
30Selection-Corrected Estimates
- Selectivity-corrected estimates of the racial
wage gap indicate large differences - Ignoring nonparticipation in segregated states
causes estimates of convergence in the 1960s to
be understated by as much as 15 percent as a
result of excluding a number of nonworking blacks
in 1960 from the analysis. - In contrast to the convergence in the observed
series from 1970-90, selectivity corrected
estimates indicate complete stagnation over this
period with a divergence of 5 percent between
1980 and 1990.
31Differences in Selection Corrections
32Supply-Side Effects
- The recent withdrawal of black men across the
skill distribution in recent years is a
supply-side effect - by 1990 blacks in the lowest quartile of the
offer wage distribution had non-participation
rates that were 20 percent higher than whites in
the same quintile, - differences in offer wages explain 40 percent of
the overall difference in participation. - Over the 1960-90 period, differences in offer
wages explain a declining portion of the racial
gap in employment, - In 1990, wage elasticities of nonemployment imply
that a 10 increase in offer wages would
increase weekly participation by 3.5 percent for
blacks (about 50 percent higher than comparable
33Can discrimination explain differences?
- May be blacks are selecting out of labor market
because of low expected wages or because of
employers tastes - Bertrand Mullinathan Apply for jobs by sending
resume by mail or fax. - Manipulate perceptions of race by using
distinctively ethnic names. - Otherwise, hold constant resume characteristics.
- Test Are callback rates lower for
distinctively black-named applicants?
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35Does implied race really matter?
- In most cases, names receive equal treatment but
thats because in most cases, applicants are not
called back. - Black names appear to benefit less from resume
enhancements (such as honors, more experience)
than do whites. - Authors view this as evidence against statistical
discrimination should work in opposite
direction they believe. - Discrimination based on zip-code characteristics
appears quite important, and does not
systematically differ between white and non-white
36Response Papers on Names
- Response by Levitt and Fryer detailed birth
records data that non-white names not
substantially correlated with life outcomes once
one conditions finely on mother/birth
characteristics. - B-M response Not a surprise its not the name,
and thats name is taken as proxy for race when
race is shielded.
37Can this be eliminated by the market?
- Economists typically study the economics of
discrimination but not the process by which
discrimination is remedied (through, for example,
shifts from segregation to integration) - Goff, McCormick and Tollison (AER, 2002) plan is
to model desegregation as innovation in order to
answer What type of firm takes advantage of an
innovation early and why? - Use the case of professional sports
- Easy to measure outcomes
- Observable quality of both firms (e.g. teams) and
individual players in baseball and basketball
38Theories of Integration - 1
- Worst-first The worst firms have the most to
gain from the recruitment of a larger pool of
talent that includes minorities. - The problem with this is that the poor
performance of these teams may be due to poor
management, which may also render them unaware of
potential profit gains from desegregation. - This hypothesis is based on competitive rivalry
- Using league standing as a measure of
performance, this theory predicts that the
farther a team is back in the league standings,
the more likely it is to be a leader in
integration - Â
39Theories of Integration - 2
- Best-first If these teams perform better because
of better management, then they may better
understand the profit opportunities offered by
integration. - This hypothesis is based on managerial
capability. - Using league standing again as a measure of
performance, teams with the best winning records
and better management are more likely to be
leaders in the integration process.
40Estimation Baseball
- BLACKit at b0 b1(Games Back)it-1,
b2(Median Income)it b3 ( Nonwhite)it eit , - WhereÂ
- BLACKit number of black players on team i in
year t - Games Backit-1 number of games out of first
place by team i in year t-1 - Median Incomeit median family income (in 1950
dollars) for team i in year t and - Percentage Nonwhiteit percentage of population
that is non-white in year t for team i.
41Results Baseball
- We should see b1 gt 0 if the worst teams
integrated first and b1 lt 0 if the best teams
integrated first. - The negative coefficients are consistent with the
best-first hypothesis (managerial ability). - These finding also suggests that competition in
the NL, led by the Brooklyn Dodgers, forced other
NL teams to integrate rapidly or lose, - absent Branch Rickey in the AL, the overall pace
of integration was slower.
42Table 2 Estimates of Major League Baseball
Integration, 1947-1971
Variable Variable Coefficient Coefficient Coefficient Coefficient Coefficient
Intercept Intercept 7.49 (7.96) 7.49 (7.96) 7.49 (7.96) 7.49 (7.96) 7.49 (7.96)
Games Black Games Black -0.03 (4.64) -0.03 (4.64) -0.03 (4.64) -0.03 (4.64) -0.03 (4.64)
Median Family Income Median Family Income -0.16 (-1.32) -0.16 (-1.32) -0.16 (-1.32) -0.16 (-1.32) -0.16 (-1.32)
Percentage Non-white Percentage Non-white -0.01 (-0.32) -0.01 (-0.32) -0.01 (-0.32) -0.01 (-0.32) -0.01 (-0.32)
R2 R2 0.58 21.10 0.58 21.10 0.58 21.10 0.58 21.10 0.58 21.10
F-statistic F-statistic 0.58 21.10 0.58 21.10 0.58 21.10 0.58 21.10 0.58 21.10
Year Effects Year Effects Year Effects Year Effects Year Effects Year Effects Year Effects
1947 -5.88 (-7.74) -5.88 (-7.74) 1955 -3.06 (-4.50) 1963 -1.19 (-2.03)
1948 -6.08 (-8.12) -6.08 (-8.12) 1956 -2.08 (-4.19) 1964 -1.23 (-2.11)
1949 -5.79 (-7.85) -5.79 (-7.85) 1957 -2.66 (-4.02) 1965 -0.68 (-1.18)
1950 -5.67 (-7.78) -5.67 (-7.78) 1958 -2.19 (-3.38) 1966 -0.05 (-0.04)
1951 -5.09 (-7.10) -5.09 (-7.10) 1959 -2.05 (-3.20) 1967 -0.24 (-0.40)
1952 -4.85 (-6.09) -4.85 (-6.09) 1960 -2.34 (-3.79) 1968 0.26 (0.45)
1953 -4.70 (-6.73) -4.70 (-6.73) 1961 -1.90 (-3.00) 1969 0.84 (1.47)
1954 -3.58 (-5.18) -3.58 (-5.18) 1962 -1.69 (-2.80) 1970 0.59 (1.08)
43Other results
- They find similar results in college basket ball,
where good managers are the first adopters of
black players - Can think of this as new technology
- Best managers adopt new productivity enhancing
technology faster - Then should be the case that black players in
professional baseball and college basketball,
around the time of integration, were better than
their white counter parts
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45Shifting Gears a little What about trends in
Gender Differences?
- The gender earnings ratio began to increase in
the late 1970s or early 1980s. - Convergence has been substantial between 1978
and 1999 the weekly earnings of women full-time
workers increased from 61 percent to 76.5 percent
of men's earning and flattened out by the
mid-1990s - Could be that
- Women are encountering less discrimination than
previous ones - an upward progression over time in the gender
ratio within given cohorts
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48Human Capital Explanations
- Usually analyzed within the human capital model
(Mincer and Polachek, 1974) - The idea division of labor by gender in the
family, women tend to accumulate less labor
market experience than men. - women anticipate shorter and more discontinuous
work lives, they have lower incentives to invest
in market-oriented formal education and
on-the-job training - choose occupations for which on-the-job training
is less important, gender differences in
occupations would also be expected
49Non-human Capital Explanations
- Specific Capital
- Shorter experience/tenure at firms
- employers may be reluctant to hire women for
such jobs because the firm bears some of the
costs of such firm-specific training and fears
not getting a full return on that investment. - Labor market discrimination may also affect
women's wages and occupations. - "statistical discrimination," differences in the
treatment of men and women arise from average
differences between the two groups in the
expected value of productivity - discriminatory exclusion of women from "male"
jobs can result in an excess supply of labor in
"female" occupations, depressing wages there for
otherwise equally productive workers
50Testing for Discrimination
- Difficult to observe employer tastes
- Can we separate human capital differences from
some form of discrimination - Set aside, for the moment, pre-market
discrimination - Clever natural experiments by Goldin Rouse
using orchestra - Symphony orchestras used to be all male in the
past and have slowly hired female musicians in
the post-war period. - Many orchestras introduced screens during
auditions in the 1970s, so that the judges
wouldnt be able to see the gender of a
performer. - data on auditions for about four decades for 8
major US symphony orchestras.
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52Estimating Differences after Blind Auditions
- Simple difference in success rates in screened
and not-screened auditions - On average, women do worse on blind rounds
- this could be due to changing composition of
female pool. - Possible that only the very best women competed
when the game was lopsided. - Limited to musicians (male and female) who
auditioned both blind and non-blind suggest that
women did relatively better in blind rounds
(diff-females minus diff-males) - All of these models exclude orchestra fixed
effects because there is no within variation in
orchestra blind policies. - Modeling changes for the 3 orchestras that switch
policies, can include musician and orchestra
fixed effects
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54Glass Ceilings
- One particular form of discrimination might be
glass ceilings - women not being promoted to higher level jobs.
- If this is due to discrimination, then we would
expect the women who do get promoted to be
particularly able. - Wolfers (2006) looks at the stock returns to
female headed SP 1500 firms - very slightly negative returns for female headed
firms (though not many observations) - This result implies either there is no
discrimination, or if there is discrimination,
the market completely understands how much better
the women are and values the firms
correspondingly - May be incorporated in stock prices and didnt
study the announcement of hiring a female CEO
55Can we explain differences with preferences?
- Hard to do in a non-experimental setting
- Rarely observe controlled enough conditions to
isolate preference related response - Typically want to have more stylized setting
- What might generated differences in outcomes?
- Preference for competition
- Negotiations
56Difference in Response to Competition
- Gneezy, Niederle, and Rustichini (2003) lab
experiment. Students at and Israeli engineering
school were asked to solve mazes on a computer. - The experimental sessions were run with six
students at a time working in a room. They were
paid according to how many mazes they solved
using different payment schemes - An individual piece rate 2 shekels per maze
solved - A piece rate with randomization Among a group of
six subjects, only one was selected randomly to
be paid at the end, and that individual received
12 shekels - A single sex tournament Only the participant in
the group solving the most mazes was paid 12
shekels for every maze solved, and groups
consisted of six men or six women - A mixed tournament Only the participant in the
group solving the most mazes was paid 12 shekels
for every maze solved, and groups consisted of
three men and three women
57Gender Differences in Competition
- Performance was the same for piece rates and
piece rates with randomization. - Men solved significantly more mazes in either of
the tournaments, and their performance was
similar in the single sex and mixed tournaments. - Men solve slightly more mazes than women.
- Otherwise womens performance resembled that of
mens, except in the mixed - In the tournament were women performed only as
well as in the piece rate scheme. - Results suggests that women compete less in mixed
gender environments. - This may be rational because they expect the
slightly better men to win anyway or due to
58Testing Choking behavior
- Not quite the same but related question Do women
perform differently (worse) than men in
competitive environments? - Paserman analyzes data from tennis Grand Slam
tournaments, played by professional tennis
players for rather high stakes. - He analyzes how the performance of men and women
in singles matches varies with the stakes within
a tournament - To do this, he assigns each point a significance
based on the how winning the point affects the
probability of winning the entire match - uses the classifcation of each points into
winners, forced errors, and unforced errors, - and focuses on unforced errors as evidence of
59Choking Evidence
- Results
- Simple comparison of outcome of a play and the
importance of a point Not much of a
relationship for men, but women make more
unforced errors in more important points. - More formally, including match fixed effects men
actually make fewer unforced errors as the stakes
get higher, women more. - Women become more conservative on both measures,
men hit faster first serves, slower second
serves, and also have longer rallies. - Higher risk aversion of women could possibly
explain these results - Again, stylized setting, hard to interpret
magnitudes or generalizability
60Women and Negotiations
- The Theory Its not preferences over
competition/work environment/etc. its failure to
ask for money that generates differences in
observed outcomes - Babcock and Laschever (2003) suggest that women
expect lower salaries and are less likely to ask
for higher salaries in the workplace. They
present some evidence that this results in lower
pay for women.
61Women and Negotiations - 2
- Some evidence
- Survey of starting salaries of Carnegie Mellon
Students. Women earn 8 less. 7 of women
negotiated but 57 of men negotiated. Those who
negotiated were able to raise their starting
salaries by about 7. - Lab experiment where participants were told they
would be paid between 3 and 10 dollars at the
end. Everybody was actually offered only 3
dollars at the end. 9 times as many men as women
asked to be paid more. - Internet survey of individuals negotiation
behavior in real life. Women negotiate less often
than men.
62Bottom Line
- There is some discrimination. In recent data,
this is probably more important with respect to
race/ethnicity than with respect to gender,
although there was probably a lot of gender
discrimination in the past. - It is less of a settled issue what the causes for
discrimination are, i.e. whether it is
statistical or taste based. However, evidence for
rational statistical discrimination is weak - Particularly for women, other things seem to
matter a lot. Different preferences, potentially
different skill sets, different opportunity costs
all seem to play a role