Title: Federal Job Search Skills you should know
1Federal Job Search Skillsyou should know!
- Background Information and Definitions
- Finding Vacancy Announcements
- Reading Vacancy Announcements
- Writing Federal Success Statements ? P A R S ?
- Researching Federal Success Statements
- Your federal résumé (using RESUMIX)
- Applying, and follow-up actions
- Frequently Asked Questions and Wrap-up
? P A R S ? Part B
2Link your past successes ...
to the employers current needs
If it worked back then
it will work great now!
?Click?Youre hired!
3Try it yourself-you be the Hiring Manager
- If you owned a trucking company
- and were interviewing new truck drivers
- who would you pick from these candidates?
- 1 I type 25 wpm and do exact inventories.
- 2 Ive driven big trucks the past 7 years.
- 3 Ive driven big trucks for 18 months. I have
a safe driving certificate for 50,000 accident
free miles, and received a bonus last month for
10 perfect, on-time deliveries.
4? Results ?
- Single wordssuccessfully professionally
thoroughly quickly correctly completely
cheerfully accurately - Short phrases ( which, )resulted in __
saved __ bymade money by __ improved __
byenabled __ by met goals by __exceeded the
set objective by __received an award for
__recognized for __
Whats yours?
5Uncle Jons advice Use the skills (verb-noun
sets) from the duty description and
qualifications blocks of the vacancy
announcement, and add your TIME and How Well
RESULTS to the skills!!
6Security Guard Vacancy Announcement (Duties
Protects Federal Property from hazards protects
Stands guard at exterior and interior
gates stands guard
Insures that all incoming and outgoing vehicular
traffic is registered with the security
office Insures traffic is registered
7Think of the Vacancy Announcements Duty
Description and Qualifications Blocksas
Interview Questions Are you good at
- protecting property ?
- standing guard ?
- insuring traffic is registered ?
Answer each of their questions that they have
given to you in the announcement! Be relevant,
focused, and aligned to your target employers
8Security Guard Vacancy Announcement (Duties
Protects Federal Property from hazards protects
Job Specific exact exampleProtected Federal
property from hazards successfully for 3 years
while in the U.S. Army.
9Security Guard Vacancy Announcement (Duties
Stands guard at exterior and interior
gates stands guard
Transferable something like itStood guard at
warehouse gates properly and followed all of my
instructions while on guard duty for 10 of my
time during my 3 years of service.
10Security Guard Vacancy Announcement (Duties
Insures that all incoming and outgoing vehicular
traffic is registered with the security
office Insures traffic is registered
Insured that all incoming and outgoing persons
(foot traffic) were registered with the security
office while on guard duty, resulting in me
meeting the established security standards for 3
11Let them see you and hear you in the jobby
writing your examples
Vacancy announcement for a security guard reads
Candidate will guard gates.
For the last 6 years I correctly guarded gates.
For example while in the Army on gate-guard duty
10 of my time I inspected passes and
identification cards, directed traffic, called
for back-up when people tried to get on the base
illegally and directed visitors to the security
office. Passed all of my inspections and met the
12Results Oriented Success Statements enable
decision makers to make decisions positively
about you
- Expanded PARS
- Situation
- Hindrance (challenge, problem)
- Action
- Results
- Evaluation
- Problem
- Action
- Results
- Statements
13- Expanded PARS SHARE (SCARE)
- Situation
- Hindrance
- Action
- Results
- Evaluation
My organization operated its own warehouse
It was losing money and supplies and did not know
why or how to stop the losses
I started an inventory and sign out system that
tracked what was on hand and what was taken, the
amounts and by whom
This resulted in our organization being able to
track where supplies went, how much was available
and how much to order
This immediately saved over 600 and decrease
ordering and down time by 10 every month.
14? B L U F ? Bottom Line Up Front
Immediately saved over 600 and decrease ordering
and down time by 10 every month when I started
an inventory and sign out system that tracked
what was on hand and what was taken, the amounts
and by whom, resulting in our organization being
able to track where supplies went, how much was
available and how much to order.
Saved over 600 and decrease ordering and down
time by 10 every month by starting an inventory
and sign out system.
15Read and use the duties and qualifications blocks!
Properly performed technical assignments and
classified clerical and technical positions for
over 2 years. Correctly typed over 40 words per
minute for the past 6 years and my work is ready
to use.
16? P A R S ?Matches and supports theRESUMIX
- Problem Action Results
- Their Past Tense Noun How ?
How Well ?Problem Verb (What)
Much Results!
The RESUMIX Software
The Hiring Manager(s)
The CPOC Staffing Specialist
17A Cautionary Note
- Write about only those skills, positions,
education, training, awards, etc., that you have
actually done! - Please do not s t r e t c h the truth!
- You are writing in the past tense because you
have actually done the skills, education and
training - You automatically send this statement with each
Army Résumé Builder save
18Write what you have actually done So that they
can read qualify select YOU!
Your Verbs Nouns Times and Accomplishment
19Alignment to the Vacancy Announcement with time,
results and examples Duty Description and
Qualifications Blocks!
The Vacancy Announcement states The incumbent
will review reports before they are submitted.
Candidate 1 I have reviewed reports. Candidate
2 My teams reports were accurate, complete,
in the right format, and submitted on time
because I carefully and thoroughly reviewed
reports 10 of my time over the last 5 years.
Candidate 3 I typed monthly reports in MS Word.
Who did you pick? Why?
20Now you try it!
- Their Past Tense Noun How
? How Well ?Problem Verb
(What) Much Results!
then your examples
Answer Phones
Write reports
BLUF Bottom Line Up Front
21Zipper together your history and relevant
Your HistoryArmy Résumé Builder 3 blocks
Experience(paid and volunteer)12,000
charactersemployers, your titles, time-frames,
locations, hours, pay Education2,000
characters Additional Information6,000
charactersTraining, Licenses, Certifications,
Awards, References, Quotes
Your Marketing Accomplishments (how long how
well examples) in the skills from the
announcements duties and qualifications.
Few Changes
Always consider changing as each announcement is
a slightly different interview
22- Allocate your RESUMIX to Connect the Dots back to
the Vacancy Announcements - Duties
- Qualifications
- A
- B
- C
- D
ACCOMPLISHMENTS ?PARS?Federal Accomplishments
time and results - 1st (current) Job Time Frame From ___ to ___
Your Title Your Organization - Accomplishments in A, B, C, D
- 2nd Job Time Frame From ___ to ___ Your
Title Your Organization - Accomplishments in A, B, C, D
- 3rd Job Time Frame From ___ to ___ Your
Title Your Organization - Accomplishments in A, B, C, D
- 4th Job Time Frame From ___ to ___ Your
Title Your Organization - Accomplishments in A, B, C, D
- 5th Job Time Frame From ___ to ___ Your
Title Your Organization - Accomplishments in A, B, C, D
- 6th Job Time Frame From ___ to ___ Your
Title Your Organization - Accomplishments in A, B, C, D
12,000 Characters
2,000 Characters
6,000 Characters
23A technique for you to consider
1. Highlight (paint) the key parts of the Vacancy
Announcement and copy EDIT and COPY
right-click the mouse and COPY
2. Go to an MS WORD document and paste EDIT and
PASTE right-click the mouse and PASTE
- Spell Check
- TOOLS Word Count
- Multiple examples
Protects Federal Property from hazards Stands
guard at exterior and interior gates
4. Highlight (paint), COPY and PASTE your fully
constructed statements into the appropriate
blocks in Army Resume Builder
3. Use the pasted sentences to guide you in
constructing your actual Success Statements
Protected Federal Property from hazards for over
4 years successfully. Stood guard at exterior and
interior gates properly for over 3 weeks at a
time for 15 of time during my 4 years in the
24Missed the target
Can you write about accomplishments beyond the
Unrelated value-added skills
RelevantValue-added skills
The stated skills (verb-noun sets) from the
Beyond the duty description
YES! But be relevant!
25What other chocolate did you want to add to give
it sweetness and color?
M M Peanut Candy
The Peanut
The Peanut The hard core, stated skills
26- The Bulls Eye
- protecting property
- standing guard
- insuring traffic is registered
The Security Guard Vacancy AnnouncementsDuties
and Qualifications blocks
What is an example of value-added, relevant
- Your accomplishments beyond the duty description
and qualifications - accurate reports and duty logs
- using radios and phones
- wearing uniforms and equipment
- safe driving of various vehicles
- inspecting buildings, doors, windows
- first aid and CPR
What other skills are you good at that make you a
wise choice for them?