Title: Finding an Internship
1Finding an Internship Presented by Jennifer
Broyles Career Center University of Maryland,
College Park 3100 Hornbake Library, South
Wing 301-314-7225 http//www.CareerCenter.umd.edu
2What is an Internship?
An internship is a supervised work experience in
which an individual has intentional goals and
reflects actively on what he/she is learning
throughout the experience.
You cannot teach humans anything. You can only
help them discover it within themselves. -
3Benefits of an Internship Top 10 reasons to do
1. Gain relevant work experience Gives you an
edge Gain immediate career-related experiences
that complement your academic credentials Add
these new skills to your resume and discuss them
in an interview Gain better understanding of
your career objectives, which will help focus
your job search 2. Active coaching from a
designated mentor Learn from experts within your
field Can be a powerful ally when you start your
job search helping you to locate positions,
network, and make decisions about offer 3. Put
your degree to work Internships are designed to
provide a place for you to apply your academic
knowledge Allow you to experience first-hand
whether your dream job is right for you 4. No
experience required (usually) Most full-time
positions require previous experience,
(internships dont!) Internships allow you to
gain the experience needed for a full-time
position 5. Develop new talents in the
workplace By completing assignments, you will
learn new skills Learning how to successfully
navigate through an office environment also
increases your confidence
4Benefits of an Internship Top 10 reasons to do
one (cont.)
6. Receive regular performance evaluations Mentor
provides regular feedback on your strengths and
areas of improvement Set objectives for your work
at the internship site and progress your work
towards completing those objectives Performance
reviews provide tangible ways for your mentor to
highlight your accomplishments 7. Create a
professional network An internship brings you
into contact with people who can help you turn
your career plans into reality Use the
connections you have made to network and learn
about opportunities within the organization, as
well as in other organizations Schedule
informational interviews with various employees
at your internship site 8. Make a difference to
an organization Contribute your new ideas,
energy, and eagerness to the workplace Contribute
your knowledge of the latest research 9. Travel
to new geographic locations 10. Improve your
prospects for getting full-time work Internships
provide experience that you can highlight
whenever you apply for full-time jobs Mentors and
professional colleagues can introduce you to
potential employers, as well as provide
references and recommendations Maryon Urquhart,
Director, Customer Relations at Career Edge,
Youth Internship Program
5Questions to ask yourself before you begin the
- What type(s) of career fields am I interested in?
- FOCUS self-assessment
- Major related?
- Where do I want to do my internship (geographical
region)? - UMD area?
- Home?
- 3. When do I want to do the internship?
- Summer?
- School year?
- Do I want to do a paid or unpaid internship?
- Academic credit?
6Tools for finding an Internship
Networking 5 Fs
Use your networks! Family, friends, faculty,
fellow students, foundations (Informational
Resume Cover Letter
Industry and position driven a well crafted
resume cover letter is key
Visit the Career Center
Same Day Assistance Individual Career
Counseling Resume Cover Letter Assistance Mock
Interviews Events Career Fairs (network!),
Panels, Employer Information Sessions, Workshops
(Fed. Govt. Internships) Resource Room
Internship Bible, Company listings Employer
7Tools for finding an Internship
TERP Online
Access to Job/Internship listings, On Campus
Interviewing, Resume Referral, Employer Profile
Information Calendar of Events
careercenter.umd.edu (TOL) monstertrak.com
Terp Network internshipprograms.com
tech-centric.net/ http//tech-interns.com
Idealist.org CMPS Newsletter
On-line Resources
Academic Department
Internships for credit UNIV 379 (Beyond the
Classroom) CMPS 497 (perm. required)
Experiential Learning (1-3 credits)
UNIV 099
0 credit course, transcript notation No option
in academic department
8Internship Phone Script!
Internship Telephone Script Hello, this is
_________________ and I am a __________insert
your class standing at University of Maryland,
College Park, studying/majoring in _____________.
I am calling to inquire about your__________
describe the type of position internship,
listed through the University of Maryland Career
Center or insert where/how you learned of the
position, for _____________ semester/summer.
To request more information, consider the
following questions Is the position
available for ___________ semester/summer?
Could you please describe the responsibilities of
the position? What is the application
process? May I schedule an interview?
What if the contact is not available?
Explain to the individual on the other line who
you are and why you are calling, ask if there is
a better time to reach your contact, or leave a
time that you will be available to receive their
call. Organize your correspondence by logging
the contact name, site, time and date of the
call, a brief description of your conversation,
and action steps.
9TERP Online Internships
- Anti-Piracy Intern
- Entertainment Software Association
- The intern will be responsible for coordinating
with ESA Anti-Piracy staff on its case projects
and maintaining databases of case information in
Excel, Access and other proprietary databases.
The intern will also be responsible for assisting
in identifying piracy on the Internet and pirated
game product. - Student Trainee, IT Specialist
- Dept. of Veterans Affairs, Office of Inspector
General - Student will work with hardware and software life
cycle management, including procurement,
installation, configuration, and
inventory. Provides desktop and network support
by assisting users resolve hardware or software
issues. Will assist in IT training, including
class scheduling, needs assessment, and
contracts. Student will develop and publish
websites and work with database application
development. - ? Information Systems Intern
- National Community for Quality Insurance
- The typical activities the interns might perform,
with guidance from NCQA's staff, include user
management, data management, possible server
configuration, scripting of small scale programs,
and a variety of similar tasks that would provide
some experience with what is involved in
deploying and administering systems once the
coding is done
Consider these positions
10Internship Websites
- ? MonsterTrak National Internship Database
http//www.monstertrak.monster.com/ - Students can search by Job Category, Job Type,
Location, Listing Date, Keywords, for
internship opportunities around the country and
international. - ? Internship Programs http//www.internshipprogra
ms.com/ - Search for internships in Advertising/Marketing/PR
Companies/Agriculture Ecology/Arts
Humanities/ Government Agencies/Large
Corporations/Law Firms Organizations/News
Media/ Sports Teams Organizations/ as well as
by region. - ?Tech-centric http//tech-centric.net/
- A leading technology job portal, providing
students and graduates thousands of daily
openings throughout the country, FT, PT,
internships and co-op related jobs. You must
register to use this site, but registration is
free and simple. - ? Rising Star Internships http//www.rsinternship
s.com/ - You can search for internships in a number of job
categories from accounting to youth development.
Students can also post their resumes for
prospective employers to search. - CorpTech http//www.corptech.com/
- Directory of technology companies with the
ability to search by location and industry. - Tech-Interns http//www.tech-interns.com
- For undergraduate and graduate science and
engineering internships and co-op positions.
Sponsored by NASA and the American Society for
Engineering Education.
Great websites to check out
11Internship Websites Continued
- ComputerJobs http//www.computerjobs.com/homepage
.aspx - ? Internship Opportunities in the Federal
Government http//www.house.gov/watt/intern03.htm
Congressman Melvin L. Watt has compiled a list
of internship and volunteer opportunities in the
federal government. - MDInfotech http//www.mdinfotech.com/
- A great list of tech companies in Maryland.
Access to basic information is available free
with a registration. Search by product and type
of company. - HighTechnologyCareers http//www.brassring.com/
- You can search this database of 9000 jobs and
create a webpage of your own. - Student Jobs http//www.studentjobs.gov/ A
gateway for information about part-time, summer,
and internship positions in the federal
government. - Students.gov http//www.students.gov Welcome
to students.gov, your comprehensive information
portal providing answers to your questions on
education, career, government and more. Check out
the topics below!
Great websites to check out
12Things to consider
- Think outside the box EXPLORE (Externships)
- Network, Network, Network!!!
- Create a resume cover letter
- Visit the Career Center, Hornbake Library, 3rd
Floor - Same Day Assistance (SDA) and Individual
Counseling - Mock Interviews
Next Steps!
13Thank you! Questions?
15Types of Interviews
- Phone
- In-person
- Job Fairs
Interview Preparation
- Research the company
- Reflect on your skills and experiences
- Anticipate the questions use the job
description - Get to know the common questions (terp job search
guide) - What are your strengths?
- What are your weaknesses?
- Practice your answers
- Know your key points you want to make
- Prepare some of your own questions to ask
16Dress and Presentation
- Professional clothing is a quality investment
- Personal presentation
- No political buttons
- Be modest with jewelry, make-up and perfume
- Clothing is appropriate, cleaned and pressed
- Attention to personal hygiene
- Body positioning and gestures (smile!)
- Be prepared and punctual (arrive 15 to 20 minutes
17What to Bring to the Interview
- Check the weather
- Extra resumes
- Pen and paper
- Suitable reading material
- Detailed instructions, directions, contact info
- Your pleasant and confident personality
- Handwritten Thank You Note to each interviewer
- Phone call if necessary
18Internship Offer
19Evaluating the Internship Offer
- Assess the company/organization
- Are the company/organizations values consistent
with your own? - Does the company/organization take training and
personal development seriously? - Assess the internship
- Do the actual duties appeal to you? Are they
challenging? - Is there potential for a full-time job at some
later point? - Do you like the work conditions/environment?
- Will you enjoy it?
- Assess wage/stipend or credit
- Will there be a stipend or class credit?
- Is there an opportunity to work flexible hours?
20Accepting an Internship Offer and Related Ethics
- Once you have accepted an offer, do so in writing
and on the phone - Call the interviewer or your contact at the
organization and let him/her know that you are
formally accepting the position - That same day, write a formal acceptance letter
stating the same thing and keep a copy for your
records (optional) - Once you have accepted an offer, avoid changing
your mind - If you have carefully weighed your options and
are not taking the job just to have something
until the next interviewer gets back to you,
rescinding should not be an issue - Ethically, declining an offer once you have
accepted is very inappropriate because - Employers may have sent rejection letters to all
other candidates and now you have put them in a
bind - You may be burning bridges for future
opportunities by damaging your credibility and
commitment - If you find yourself in a bad situation
- If you accept a position and find that it is not
right for you or the internship site is
unpleasant, contact the Career Center for advice
on how to proceed.
21Declining Internship Offers
- Be prompt and call the recruiter as soon as you
have made your decision, the company may be
considering other candidates - Be respectful and gracious, hold the door open
for future opportunities - Express appreciation of the time spent on your
candidacy - Briefly explain that you are continuing your
search, but focus on the aspects of the company
that impressed you - Be clear in your language, dont let the employer
misinterpret a confusingly worded rejection as an
attempt to negotiate - Stay in touch with employer that youve turned
down build your contact base - Send thank you notes!
22Once You Accept Your Internship
- On the Job-
- Know your job description and its expectations
- Self-evaluate regularly
- Ask for feedback
- Volunteer for projects or committees where
appropriate - Use a mentor to learn new things or observe other
parts of the company - Use a learning contract
- On a Broader Scale-
- Utilize professional development opportunities
- Remember each internship is a stepping stone to
your career - Be a conscientious worker!
- See Making the Most of Your Internship
23- Thank you!
- Any questions?
24Tips for a full-time job search
25Top Qualities/Skills Sought by Recruiters(from
National Association of Colleges and
EmployersJob Outlook 2004 Survey)
- (1) Communication skills
- (verbal and written)
- (2) Honesty/integrity
- (3) Interpersonal skills (relates well to others)
- (4) Motivation/initiative
- (5) Strong Work Ethic
(6) Teamwork skills (works well with
others) (7) Analytical skills (8)
Flexibility/adaptability (9) Computer
skills (10) Detail-oriented
26Remember the 5 Fs
- Network with
- Family
- Friends
- Faculty
- Fellow Students
- Foundations
- (utilize connections from your internships!)
27Utilize the Career Center
- Terp Online
- On Campus Interviews
- Career Fairs (Fall and Spring)
- Employer Information Sessions (network!)
- Resume Writing and Interviewing workshops
- Panels (connect with employers and alumni)
- Terp Network
- Web-site industry specific job search sites
- Mock Interviews (virtual and in-person)
28Continue to build experience
- Student Clubs and Organizations
- (Leadership Opportunities)
- Volunteer Opportunities
- Part-time employment
- Internships/Externships
29Use ALL Your Resources
Newspapers www.washingtonpost.com Online
databases CompTIA Tech Careers Compass-
www.tcc.comptia.org/ High Technology Careers-
www.computerjobs.com/homepage.aspx Association/Fou
ndation web-sites National Workforce Center
for Emerging Technologies http//www.nwcet.org CM
PS web-site and newsletter Career Center (TOL,
OCI) Target specific Companies/Organizations/Corpo
rations Connections! (networking)
30Maintain An Organized Search
- Keep a log of each job to which youve applied.
Note the following - date you applied
- date position closes
- position title and organization name
- contact name and phone number
31To Summarize
- Network!
- Utilize the Career Center
- Continue building experience
- Use all your resources
- Stay organized
- Be a Success!!!!
32- Thank you!
- Any questions?