Title: Strategic Development Council
1Strategic Development Council
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2What is the Strategic Development Council
The SDC consists of organizations from the
concrete industry represented by their top level
executives who have a common goal best described
by SDCs Vision Statement.
3SDC Vision Statement
- Bring together the concrete industry, along with
government, academia and customers, to focus on
collaborative problem-solving in meaningful
technology advancement. The result shall be the
expeditious movement of meaningful innovations
through the standardization process into
commercial use.
Revised 11-04
4What is the advantage of the (SDC)?
Leadership, defined as enabling,
facilitating, and expediting
SDC can focus on areas within the concrete
industry that are
- acknowledged to be an issue
- extend beyond a single or few interests in the
concrete industry
5What is the SDCs relationship to theAmerican
Concrete Institute (ACI)?
6The Strategic Development Council (SDC) is one of
three councils of ConREF.
Concrete Research and Education Foundation
Concrete Research Council
Scholarship Council
Strategic Development Council
7And ConREF is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the
American Concrete Institute.
Concrete Research Council
Strategic Development Council
Scholarship Council
8What is the SDCs rolein the concrete industry?
The role of SDC is to facilitate advancement of
concrete technology and can best be described by
examples of its past and current activities.
SDCs activities can be grouped into three
distinct areas outlined in the SDC Mission
9Mission Statement
- The SDC shall facilitate advancement of concrete
technology by - Providing a forum for visioning and
prioritization of key challenges facing the
concrete industry - Assisting ACI in timely adoption of innovative
technologies, problem solutions, and best
practices - Providing a framework for consortia-directed
development programs leading to or supporting
improved commercialization
Revised 11-04
10Mission Statement
- The SDC shall facilitate advancement of concrete
technology by - Providing a forum for visioning and prioritizing
key challenges facing the concrete industry - Assisting ACI in timely adoption of innovative
technologies, problem solutions, and best
practices - Providing a framework for consortia-directed
development programs leading to or supporting
improved commercialization
Revised 11-04
11forum for visioning
- Vision 2030
- A Vision for the U.S. Concrete Industry
- Accelerating Technology Acceptance (ATA)
- Vision 2020
- Concrete Repair Industrys Vision of the
Future - ConREFs
- Concrete Recruitment Workshop
For more information on any of the above, visit
the www.concretesdc.org.
12Mission Statement
- The SDC shall facilitate advancement of concrete
technology by - Providing a forum for visioning and
prioritization of key challenges facing the
concrete industry - Assisting ACI in timely adoption of innovative
technologies, problem solutions, and best
practices - Providing a framework for consortia-directed
development programs leading to or supporting
improved commercialization
Revised 11-04
13timely adoption
- Guide for Concrete Slabs to Receive
Moisture-Sensitive Floor Coverings - Identified by SDC as an Industry Critical
Technology - Goal is to move this document through the ACI
consensus process to the public in two years
compared to typical 8-12 years - Pre-eminent example of the use of SDCs
Accelerating Technology Acceptance (ATA) process
- SDC working with ACI Committee 302 Construction
of Concrete Floors to accomplish a timely adoption
For more information on the above, visit the
14Mission Statement
- The SDC shall facilitate advancement of concrete
technology by - Providing a forum for visioning and
prioritization of key challenges facing the
concrete industry - Assisting ACI in timely adoption of innovative
technologies, problem solutions, and best
practices - Providing a framework for consortia-directed
development programs leading to or supporting
improved commercialization
Revised 11-04
15consortia-directed development
- Consortium 40 Concrete Floor Issues
- Consortium 41 Self Consolidating Concrete
- Consortium 44 Performance Based
Specifications - Consortium ?? Cracking
- Consortium ?? Sustainability (Green)
- Action Group - ATA
16SDCs Current Focus
- To
- Identify critical industry technologies
- Identify barriers to technology acceptance
- Act as a catalyst to remove the barriers
- This is the outline of the SDCs ATA
- (Accelerating Technology Acceptance)
- ATA is becoming a buzzword for urgency and
the need for timely action. - Issues identified with ATA are creating a sense
of urgency among those involved.
For more information on the above, visit the
18Visit the SDC website at www.concretesdc.org
- For more information, contact
- Douglas Sordyl, P.E., LEED AP
- Managing Director, SDC
- (248) 848-3755
- douglas.sordyl_at_concretesdc.org