Title: Depth of Knowledge A HEAP of Complexity
1Depth of KnowledgeA HEAP of Complexity
2Cognitive Complexity
- Factual Knowledge
- Terminology
- Specific details
- Conceptual Knowledge
- Classification, categories
- Principles, generalizations
- Theories, models, structures
- Procedural Knowledge
- Subject specific skills
- Subject specific techniques
- Criteria for determining correct
- use of appropriate procedures
- Metacognitive Knowledge
- Strategic knowledge
- Knowledge about cognitive tasks
- Self-knowledge
3Cognitive Complexity
4Cognitive Complexity
5HEAP Assessment Modes
6A HEAP of Cognitive Complexity
Extended Thinking Requires an investigation
time to think and process multiple conditions of
the problem or task and more than 10 minutes to
do non-routine manipulations (e.g. Task 610
Record, analyze, evaluate strategies used by
alcohol companies in promoting their product
during sporting event on television,)
Strategic Thinking Requires reasoning,
developing a plan or sequence of steps has some
complexity more than one possible answer
generally takes less than 10 minutes to do
(e.g., Module 350 Devise a 2-step plan to stay
tobacco-free through high school beyond.)
Basic Application of Skill/Concept Use of
information, conceptual knowledge, procedures,
two or more steps, etc. (e.g., Module 332
Describe safety rules for pool and explain why
the rules are necessary)
Portfolio Performance Tasks Events
Extended Response Short Answer
Selected Response
Recall Recall of a fact, information, or
procedure (e.g., What is the FIT principle?)
7Alignment Balance of Representation
Do Assessments Align For Cognitive
Is there an appropriate balance? (mode,
Assessments are denoted by SCASS-HEAP module
number (e.g., 100-600) and Webbs Depth of
Knowledge (1-4)