Energy Security and Climate Change - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Energy Security and Climate Change


Energy Security and Climate Change ... Social costs of energy supply disruptions ... Cost of electricity shortage Impacts of blackouts ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Energy Security and Climate Change

Energy Security and Climate Change
Methodologies on risk assessment and cost
estimates of supply disruptions
Anil Markandya Bath, May 12, 2006
  • Definition of Energy Security and Main Concerns
  • Risk Assessment Methodologies
  • Assessment of risks (can we define probabilities
    of disruption events)?
  • Estimation of costs of disruption
  • Estimation of degree of internalization
  • Estimation of risk premium
  • Social costs of energy supply disruptions
  • Social costs of oil supply disruptions looking
    at past shocks
  • Some quantitative estimates for European Union
  • Social costs of electricity shortage qualitative
  • Conclusions and areas for research

Definition of Energy Security
  • Availability of regular supply of energy at a
    reasonable price (IEA)
  • Physical availability and price dimensions
  • Long term and short term dimensions
  • Long term will there be enough energy available
    at an affordable price?
  • Short term the unanticipated cut in supply and
    sharp increase in price
  • Definition suggests that any measure of ES should
    be linked to welfare, but measures are not
  • We focus here on short term insecurity. Data
    analyzed elsewhere suggest that long term supply
    is not an issue at global level.

Measures of Energy Security
  • Stress dependence and vulnerability
  • Dependence measures include imports of energy and
    share of imports in total
  • Vulnerability measures include
  • Days supply of stocks
  • Diversity and concentration indices of supply
    (e.g. Shannon Weiner Index)
  • Fuel used per capita, per of GDP
  • Indices are monotonically related to welfare
    effects of ES, but precise link has not been
    established and welfare definition of ES has not
    been made

ES An Important Dimension of Energy Policy
  • Measures taken under rationale of ES include
  • Maintenance of strategic reserves
  • Diversification of sources
  • Incentives to reduce imports and increase
    domestic production beyond competitive levels
  • Support for RD to make domestic sources more
  • Incentives to increase energy efficiency
  • Treaties and use of force to secure supplies
  • But theoretical foundations of ES policy remain

Theoretical Justification for Public Policy on ES
  • Individual decisions on production, consumption
    and import of energy do not take account of full
    social costs (externality)
  • Disruption of supply has macroeconomic impacts
    that individual do not take into account
  • Producers and importers cannot accommodate the
    risks for competitive reasons (e.g. holding of
  • Individuals underestimate the risks of disruption
    (We dont know if this is the case)

Dependence Vulnerability Indicators for OECD
  • The following table derived from WETO, IEA,
    US-DEA and IIASA Scenarios, shows a wide
    divergence of views on dependence, but more
    agreement on supply concentration (increases) and
    GDP efficiency (also increases) (() Figures are
    only for oil)

  • Risk Assessment Methodologies

Cost of oil disruptions
Cost of oil disruptions Dimensions of past
  • Typologies of oil disruptions
  • Quantity shocks, related to physical constraints
    (political and military conflicts, strikes)
  • Price shocks, related to producers decision
    (OPEC) or economic factors (Asian crisis)
  • Technology shocks, related to new concepts and
    ideas, or to new constraints (i.e., an
    unanticipated technical advantage of nuclear over
    oil with the discovery of the climate change
    problem) (rare)
  • Dimensions oil disruptions looking at the past
  • Magnitude of supply shortfall absolute value (4
    mb/d limit value of main shocks, 3.2 mb/d IEA
    reference value for Emergency Response System)
  • Magnitude of supply shortfall relative value
    (7 reduction in oil supply, as IEA reference
    value for Emergency Response System)
  • Variation of oil price (increase of 100)
  • Duration of shocks (maximum 9 months)

Cost of oil disruptions Impacts of past shocks
  • Factors that affect the magnitude of economic
  • Capacity to anticipate shocks
  • Level and duration of the shortfall (and price
  • Response of the oil markets (increase of
    production elsewhere, price volatility)
  • Internal oil production and dimensions of
    strategic stocks
  • Specific characteristics at macroeconomic level
    for immediate impacts
  • Oil intensity of industrial sectors or transport
  • Degree of flexibility of the energy sector
    (fuel-switching capacity)
  • Specific characteristics at macroeconomic level
    for indirect impacts
  • Monetary and fiscal policies (in order to reduce
  • Level of petroleum products taxation
  • Degree of flexibility of labour market
  • Specific institutional mechanisms

Cost of oil disruptions Impacts of past shocks
  • Main direct economic impacts of oil disruptions
  • Losses of GDP due to general increasing cost of
  • Losses via negative balance of payments due to
    increasing import price
  • Rise of inflation and interest rates
  • Main indirect economic impacts of oil disruptions
  • Reduction in tax revenues with an increase in
    budget deficit, consequently
  • Reduction in welfare expenditure and (DIRECT
  • Increase of interest rate (due to rigidities of
    government expenditure)
  • Increase of inflation rate with upward pressure
    on nominal wage levels
  • Higher unemployment (due to wage pressure and
    reduced demand) (DIRECT SOCIAL COST???)
  • Reduced real incomes of consumers (regressive
    effects due to short-term inelasticity of oil
    demand) (DIRECT SOCIAL COST???)

Cost of oil disruptions Assessment for EU
  • Some estimates of main direct economic impacts of
    oil disruptions
  • Reduction of GDP growth rate with 1-2 years lag
  • Negative balance of payments with maximum 1 year
  • Reduction of negative effects (especially for GDP
    growth rate) after 1973 oil shock due to
  • More appropriate policy responses
  • Consistent reduction of oil consumption (demand
    restraint policies)

Cost of oil disruptions Assessment for EU
  • Some estimates of main indirect impacts of oil
  • Increase of inflation rate with 1 year lag
  • Increase of unemployment rate with 1-3 years lag
  • Progressive reduction of negative effects for
    inflation rate
  • Small progressive increase of unemployment rate
    due to
  • Structural conditions of European labour market

Cost of oil disruptions Some general estimates
  • Some factors influencing future economic effects
    of oil price increase
  • How far has it been possible to anticipate price
  • Elasticity of GDP with respect to oil price for
    estimation of economic losses
  • The higher the elasticity the higher the negative
  • EU estimates an oil price increase of 10 per
    barrel would reduce economic growth in the
    industrialized countries by 0.5
  • IMF estimates an oil price increase of 10 per
    barrel would reduce economic growth in the
    industrialized countries by 0.6
  • Estimates could be substantially different within
    different industrialized regions because
    elasticity of GDP respect to oil price could be
    reduced due to
  • Higher oil reserves
  • Lower import dependence

Cost of electricity shortage
Cost of electricity shortage Impacts of
  • Factors that affect the magnitude of economic
  • Extension of the disruption in terms of people
    and area affected (and demographic density of the
  • Presence of alternative energy sources that could
    replace the missing energy
  • Duration (time) and the continuity of the
  • The specific moment of the day (morning,
    afternoon, night)
  • The season, climate factor is very important both
    on the consequences side, and on the magnitude of
    the disruption (usually summer black outs are
    more serious due to air conditioning)
  • Availability of advance warning and information
    (I.e. anticipation of shortage)

Cost of electricity shortage Impacts of
  • 1. Expenditure for military, police and emergency
    actions (excluding health)
  • Cost of activating the counter-terrorism machine,
    due to lack of immediate warning about black out
  • Cost for emergency requests to police and public
    order forces (arrests, etc.)
  • Cost for emergencies for fire workers (i.e.,
    elevators, closing doors, subway, fires, etc.)
  • 2. Expenditures for public transportation
  • Costs for public railway due to interruption
    reduced revenues, increased emergencies, delays
    (both effects on public system and on consumers),
    risk of accidents (computers failures in the
    traffic system)
  • Cost for subway interruptions reduced revenues,
    increased emergencies, risk of accidents, delays
    (both effects on public system and on consumers)
  • Cost for flights, increased emergencies, delays
    (effects on consumers), risk of accidents

Cost of electricity shortage Impacts of
  • 3. Health and Sanitary Expenditures
  • Immediate costs into sanitary structures
    (hospitals, emergencies, laboratories) emergency
    surgery, emergency medical-service calls lost of
    medicines, organs, blood and analysis (and
    experiments) due to reduced refrigerating
    capacity (prolonged shortage)
  • Post blackout health expenditure (for violence,
    for intoxications due to fires or food poisoning,
    for panic attack, for uncomfortable temperature
    inside buildings)
  • 4. Sanitation and Waste disposals
  • Immediate costs for interruption in sanitation
    services and waste disposal, as recycling systems
    or composting/incinerator disposals
  • Further costs due to excessive waste accumulation
    into deposits
  • Possible sanitary costs due reduced capacity of
    wastewater treatment disposals

Cost of electricity shortage Impacts of
  • Other Public services
  • Costs of interruption of classes and lessons into
    public schools (and university)
  • Costs of damaged food losses due to reduced
    refrigeration capacity in all public
  • Costs for illness (reduced work capacity)
  • Cost of loss of leisure time, personal injury,
    fear and panic
  • Costs for interruption of other public
    administrative services (Councils, assistance,
  • Losses of museum revenues
  • Political fallout
  • 6. Human life values
  • Costs for deaths (human life value)
  • Costs for illness (reduced work capacity)
  • Costs for loss of leisure time, personal injury,
    fear and panic

Risk Assessment Some conclusions
  • Oil disruption costs are partly macroeconomic and
    partly microeconomic
  • Should we convert into a single measure?
  • In adding up we need to avoid double counting
  • In electricity shortage categories overlap
  • E.g. Health expenditures and costs of illness
  • E.g. Sanitary costs and costs of illness
  • In both cases how much of the cost is
    internalized? (E.g. via insurance for loss)?

Risk Assessment Some conclusions
  • For both kinds of shocks we should also include
    risk aversion
  • Calculate expected value of losses as laid out
  • Then add a premium for the aversion society has
    to such events
  • How to measure this risk aversion?
  • Direct questionnaires on HH and enterprises
  • Implicit values from government measures to avoid

Other Thoughts
  • The issue of anticipation is also relevant. Not
    all shocks are equally unanticipated.
  • How to parameterize anticipation?
  • How does cost decrease with anticipation?
  • What measures can we take to increase level of
  • The issue of anticipation is also related to the
    issue of internalization.

A Simple Energy Model Under Uncertainty
  • To evaluate measures for ES and analyze links
    between ES and CC policies we need to put ES into
    more of a theoretical framework
  • The following is a very simple model for ES, in
    which social goal is to maximize Expected Utility
    of Consumer Surplus generated by energy
  • We assume a given probability of disruption and a
    consequence that can be translated into a higher
    unit cost of energy

A Simple Energy Model Under Uncertainty
  U(.) Von-Neumann Morgernstern concave utility
function P(x) Inverse demand function for energy
(P(x) lt 0) C(x0) Total cost of domestic energy
(C(x0) gt 0, C(0) lt c1a) c1a Normal cost per unit
of imported energy c1b Cost per unit of imported
energy with disruption x0 Quantity of domestic
energy produced and consumed x1 Quantity of
imported energy produced and consumed 1-p
Probability of a disruption in supply  
A Simple Energy Model Under Uncertainty
For an interior solution we have  
  • Equation (1) states that at the optimum the MC of
    domestic production equals the consumer price
    (I.e. there are no specific subsidies or taxes
    on domestic production)
  • Equation (2) states that the expected marginal
    utility from an additional unit of imports is
    equal to zero.
  • The following figure shows how the optimum
    compares with a solution that ignores the risk.
    X0 is higher and X1 is lower

A Simple Energy Model Under Uncertainty



Domestic Price





A Simple Energy Model Under Uncertainty
  • To see how optimal quantities vary with p and the
    parameters of the utility and demand functions we
    use the following forms
  • ß lt 1 (1- ß) is coefficient of relative risk
  • µ gt 0, is price elasticity of demand. B gt 0
  • a gt 0, b gt 0 are parameters of unit elastic cost

Parameter Values
Some Results Sensitive to Cost of Disruption
  • Even with cost of 1.5 demand is restrained by20
  • Total consumption falls further 38, implying
    substantial demand restraint
  • Energy dependence declines substantially Imports
    fall 90
  • Domestic production increases 48
  • Tax on energy goes from 12 to 45

Results Sensitivity to Probability of Disruption
  • With 0.1, demand is restrained 20
  • Demand falls by 36, implying substantial demand
  • Energy dependence declines substantially
  • Imports fall 46
  • Domestic production increases 30
  • Tax on Imports goes from 20 to 30

Some Results Sensitivity to Price Elasticity
  • Domestic production is unchanged
  • Imports increase with elasticity 35 and total
    demand increases
  • Taxes are not sensitive to elasticity
  • Total demand is restrained 25 at high elasticity
    and 50 at low elasticity

Some Results Sensitivity to Risk Aversion
  • Total varies little with risk aversion in range
  • Taxes are not sensitive to aversion coefficient
  • Demand is restrained 33 - 35

Conclusions From the Simple Model
  • In all cases demand restraint is a key adjustment
    for ES.
  • To the extent this has not been done, CC policies
    that reduce demand will also move us in the right
    direction w.r.t. ES
  • Energy security implies some increase in domestic
    production and a reduction in imports relative to
    a solution that ignores risks.
  • But domestic production is not subsidized

Conclusions From the Simple Model
  • A tax is needed to raise domestic prices above
    world prices. Tax can vary from 12 to 45 and is
    most sensitive to cost of disruption followed by
    probability of disruption. Demand elasticity and
    risk aversion are not that important.
  • Domestic output will be increased by having
    domestic prices above world prices. Based on
    assumed supply elasticity of one output can be
    30 higher than in no risk case. Imports can be
    as much as 90 lower.

Implications of Climate Change for ES
  • With CC coming as an additional issue, all fossil
    energy becomes more expensive as costs of carbon
    constraint are translated into higher energy
  • For ES, we assume higher energy costs for both
    domestic and foreign producers. If tax increase
    is same, the adjustment in consumption for ES
    reasons becomes smaller, although total tax goes
    up gt carbon constraint does some of the work for
    ES. Table below is for mean values of all

Implications of Climate Change for ES
  • With CC, incentives increase for development of
    renewable and cost of renewable energy sources
    relative to fossil fuel declines. Since renewable
    sources are less tradable, CC polices should
    reduce ES needs.Table shows what happens if
    domestic production is all renewable.

Implications of ES for Climate Change
  • Model shows that ES policy measures should depend
    critically on how probability of disruption and
    costs of disruption change in the future. On the
    cost side we have seen some decline over the
    1990s and in this decade. If this continues ES
    adjustments will be less gt lower demand
    restraint, more imports and less domestic
    production. These will all increase carbon
  • As far as probability of events is concerned,
    there is no clear indication of how things are
    changing. Some forecasts show increasing
    dependence (see next table), which would imply
    greater demand restraint, less imports and more
    domestic production. One negative possibility
    for CC is increased development of domestic coal
    to replace imported oil.
  • Link between dependence and probability of
    disruption have not been modeled.
  • Following table shows some decrease in
    concentration is expected but dependence as of
    total energy can go either way.

Dependence Vulnerability Indicators for OECD
  • The following table derived from WETO, IEA,
    US-DEA and IIASA Scenarios, shows a wide
    divergence of views on dependence, but more
    agreement on supply concentration (increases) and
    GDP efficiency (also increases) (() Figures are
    only for oil)

Further Developments
  • Analysis started here is very rudimentary. To
    make progress we need to
  • Model risk and costs more realistically as joint
    probability distribution for the two
  • Take account of measures that reduce costs of
    disruption but have a cost themselves (e.g.
    holding of stocks) (Stock levels are not
    calculated in this way at present)
  • Integrate ES modeling with CC modeling. Bring in
    renewable energy as an explicit option.
  • Develop links between measures of dependence and
    vulnerability and parameters such as risk of
  • Assess more carefully exactly how much ES is an
    externality how much of the risk has been


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