Title: New Perspectives on DHTML, 2e
1Working with Special Effects
- DHTML Tutorial 3Creating Rollovers, Menus,
Filters, and Transitions
- Create and work with image objects
- Create image rollovers
- Learn about text rollovers
- Learn about and create pop-up and pull-down menus
- Work with Internet Explorers filters and
transitions - Create interpage transitions
4Working with Image Objects
- A rollover effect is achieved by changing a
graphical image when a mouse pointer moves over
an object on the page - Knowledge of how DHTML creates and manages image
objects is necessary to create a rollover
5Referencing an Image Object
- To reference an imagedocument.ImageName
- Where ImageName is name of the image
- This approach works for all DOMs with the
exception of nested objects in the NS4 DOM
6Referencing an Image Object
- You may also usedocument.imagesi
- Where i is the index number of the image
- Use the images collection to create reusable
code function ChangeImage(i) - JavaScript commands to modify document.images(i)
7Image Properties
8Image Properties
9Image Properties
- NS 4 DOMyou cannot change the appearance of an
image once it is loaded - IE and W3C DOMsyou can dynamically change the
attributes of inline images
10Image Event Handlers
- A rollover occurs when the mouse moves over an
image - The onMouseOver and onMouseOut events are
commonly usedltimg nameSwap srcout.jpg
onMouseOutthis.srcout.jpg /gt - The keyword this refers to the current object
11Image Event Handlers
- NS 4 does not support onMouseOver and onMouseOut
for the ltimggt tag - Use the ltagt tag with the href property lta
hrefswap idswap onMouseOverdocument.Swa
p.srcover.jpg onMouseOutdocument.Swap.src
out.jpg gt - ltimg nameSwap srcout.jpg border0 /gt
- lt/agt
12Preloading Images
- Preloading images increases performance
- To store the image in the browsers cache
- Create an image object in the head section of the
HTML page - Specify the source of the image object
13Preloading Images
- To create an image objectImageVariable new
Image(width, height) - Where ImageVariable is the name of the image
object - Where height and width are measurements in pixels
and are optional - To specify the source of an image
objectImageVariable.src ImageFile - Where ImageFile is the URL of the image object
14Preloading Images
- Arrays are more efficient
- Write functions to access images by the index
- var ImgOver new Array()ImgOver0 new
Image() ImgOver1 new Image()ImgOver2
new Image() ImgOver0.src over1.jpgImgOve
r1.src over2.jpg ImgOver2.src
15Object Detection
- Use object detection to hide code from older
browsers that lack support for image objects - function RollOver(i)
- if (document.images)
- document.imagesi.src ImgOveri.src
- Where i is the index number of the inline image
16Creating an Image Rollover
17Text Rollovers
- Use the hover pseudo-class ahover style when
the mouse is hovering - Example
- ahover colorred font-weightbold
- This does not work with IE browsers prior to IE 5
or with NS browsers prior to NS 6
18Text Rollovers with the Internet Explorer and
- For IE 4 and above, modify the style properties
in response to a rollover - ltstylegt
- .Rollover color red font-weight bold
- lt/stylegt
- ltp onMouseOverthis.classNameRollOver
- onMouseOutthis.className gt The
Globelt/pgt - Using empty will set the object to its default
19Text Rollovers with Netscape 4
- For NS 4, first enclose text between ltlayergt
tags - ltlayer nameGlobe onMouseOver
Over()onMouseOut Out()gt The Globelt/layergt
20Text Rollovers with Netscape 4
- Then, use document.write() and document.close()
methods - function Over() document.Globe.document.write(f
ont colorredgtltbgtThe Globelt/bgtlt/fontgt)docum
ent.Globe.document.close() - function Out() document.Globe.document.write(Th
e Glove)document.Globe.document.close()
21Working with Menus
22Creating a Pop-Up Menu
- User clicks on an object and the menu appears
- Place menu contents within a set of ltdivgt tags
- Use JavaScript to change the visibility attribute
23Pull-Down Menus
- User clicks on part of the menu and the rest
appears - Place the contents within a set of ltdivgt tags
- Use JavaScript to change the clip attribute
24Creating Functions for the Pop-Up Menu
- To display and hide ltdivgt elements in NS 4
DOMdocument.id.visibility hidedocument.id.v
isibility show - In the IE DOMid.style.visibility
hiddenid.style.visibility visible - In the W3C DOMdocument.getElementById(id).styl
25Displaying Menu Contents
- To display a menu, create a function that will
- Hide the active menu
- Display the menu indicated by the users actions
- Make this menu the active menu
- Call this function using the onMouseOver event
26Displaying Menu Contents
27Displaying Menu Contents
28Working with Filters in Internet Explorer
- A filter is an effect that is applied to an
object or page to change its appearance - Transparency
- Drop shadows
- Masking effects
29Working with Filters in Internet Explorer
- In IE 4.0, filters may be applied only to the
following elements - ltdivgt and ltspangt (with a defined height, width or
absolute position) - ltimggt and ltmarqueegt
- ltbuttongt, ltinputgt, and lttextareagt
- lttablegt, lttrgt, ltthgt lttdgt, lttheadgt, lttfootgt
30Applying Filters by Using Styles
- To apply a filter in IE 4.0filter
filter_name(params) - Where filter_name is the name for the IE 4.0
filter - Where params are required values (if any) that
apply to the filter - To apply a filter in IE 5.5 and upfilter
31Applying Filters by Using Styles
- IE 5.5 provides more filter effects than does IE
4.0 - IE 5.5 supports IE 4.0 filters
- If compatibility is a consideration, use IE 4.0
32Using a Light Filter
- The Light filter presents the illusion of light
- To create a light source filter in IE
4.0filter Light() - In IE 5.5 and abovefilter progidDXImageTransfo
rm.Microsoft.Light() - Once the filter is created, the object must be
illuminated usingaddAmbient(), addPoint(), or
33Using a Light Filter
- To apply an ambient lightobject.filters.Light.ad
dAmbient(red,green,blue, strength) - To create a light source hovering directly
aboveobject.filters.Light.addPoint(x, y, z,
red, green, blue, strength) - To shine a light source at an angleobject.filter
s.Light.addCone(x, y, z, x2, y2, red, green,
blue, strength, spread)
34Using a Light Filter
- To change a light filter
- object.filters.Light.moveLight(light, x, y, z,
absolute) - object.filters.Light.changeColor(light, red,
green, blue, absolute) - object.filters.Light.changeStrength(light,
strength, absolute) - To remove the effect of a light source, set
strength to 0 - To remove all of the light sources applied to an
35Applying Filters Using JavaScript
- IE filter styles in CSS cause problems in NS 4
- Use JavaScript to apply IE filter styles
- Apply a filter using a text stringobject.style.f
ilter filter string - Where object is the name of the object on the
page - Where filter string is the filter name and
36Applying Filters Using JavaScript
- You may also treat the filter as part of the
DOM - object.filtersindex.parameter value
- or
- object.filtersfilter_name.parameter value
- Where object is the name of the object containing
filters - Where index is the index number of the filter
- Where filter_name is the name of the filter
- Where parameter is the name of the filter
37Creating a Rollover Effect with Filters
- Apply a filter for the onMouseOver event
- Remove the filter for the onMouseOut event
38Adding a Filter Effect to the Plays Page
39Working with Transitions in Internet Explorer
- A transition is a visual effect applied over time
- IE 4.0 and IE 5.5 follow different syntax as in
40Blend and Reveal Transitions (IE 4.0)
- A blend transition blends one object into
anotherfilter blendTrans(Duration value) - Where value is the time in seconds
- A reveal transition provides choices for the
transition effectfilter revealTrans(Duration
value, Transition type) - Where type is a number from 0 to 23 specifying
the transition effect
41Blend and Reveal Transitions (IE 5.5)
- To create a transition in IE 5.5 and
abovefilter progidDXImageTransform.Microsoft.t
ransition_name(parameters) - Where transition_name is the name of the
transition - Where parameters are parameters used with that
42Scripting Transitions
- Syntax for scripting transitions follows the same
syntax as for filtersobject.style.filter
e(parameters) - Where transition_name is the name of the
transition - Where parameters are parameters used with that
43Running a Transition
- After a transition has been defined
- Set the initial state of the object(can include
visibility, image source or HTML code) - Apply a transition to the object
object.filtersfilter.apply() - Specify the final state of the object(the state
of the object after the transition) - Play the transitionobject.filtersfilter.play(du
44Adding a Transition to the Plays Page
- Use IE transitions to give the illusion of a menu
unwrapping - For IE 4.0, use the Wipe Down transition
- For IE 5.5 and above, usethe Blinds transition
45Using Interpage Transitions
- Interpage transitions are created using the
ltmetagt tag - ltmeta http-equiv Page-Enter content
transition_type /gt - ltmeta http-equiv Page-Exit content
transition_type /gt - ltmeta http-equiv Site-Enter content
transition_type /gt - ltmeta http-equiv Site-Exit content
transition_type /gt - Where transition_type is one of the transitions
supported by Internet Explorer
- Use the new keyword to create new image objects
- For image rollovers, preload images to speed up
processing during the rollover - To create text rollovers, the CSS pseudo-classes
work for newer browsers - For text rollovers in older browsers, other
approaches must be taken
- To create a pop-up menu, toggle the visibility
property - To create a pull-down menu, clip the object to
hide and reveal menu options - Use Internet Explorers proprietary features to
apply filters and page transitions