Title: Terry A' May Research
1Terry A. MayResearch Graduate
MSUs Educational Programs in RCR offer a diverse
context to promote integrity in the research
process. The goal is to help prepare emerging
scholars for productive careers in diverse
settings while laying the foundation for cultural
changes in disciplinary standards for
expectations of issues regarding professional
2We are interested in YOU and YOUR students!
- YOUR rights and responsibilities
- The rights and responsibilities of YOUR students
- Formal policies, rules regulations
- Guidelines for Actions Behaviors
- Research Mentoring Task Force Report
3Cool Quoteshttp//www.coolquotescollection.com/
- Experience is a hard teacher because she gives
the test first, the lesson afterward - Vernon Law, baseball pitcher
4Which of the following best describes
youracademic affiliation?
- Natural Sciences
- Physical Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Engineering other technical disciplines
- Education
- Clinical Programs
- Arts Humanities
5Please indicate the number of semesters
(excluding Fall 05) you have been a TA, both MSU
and elsewhere.
6How many RCR Workshops have you attended?
72003250 SEPhDs1 3 13 15 19
41 68
Nature 435, 737-738 (9 June 2005) Scientists
behaving badly Brian C. Martinson, Melissa S.
Anderson  Raymond de Vries
8How prepared do you feel to deal with issues of
research integrity in your own work?
- Very Well
- Confident but would admit some uncertainty
- Undecided
- Need to know more
- Feel unprepared
9How prepared do you feel to deal with issues of
academic integrity in your classroom as a TA?
- Very Well
- Confident but would admit some uncertainty
- Undecided
- Need to know more
- Feel unprepared
10Not If When 1
- Choices are yours to make
- Others in positions of power will oversee guide
(both positively negatively) your
opportunities, but no one will be responsible for
solely your interests Except YOU! - Consequences of your actions are not always
obvious, but they may be substantial and
long-lasting - Student Privacy is Paramount
- Disciplinary actions can be significant
- Do not panic
- There are resources committed persons to assist
in a time of need especially the Office of the
1 / Dr. David Wright, MSU Professor
Former Intellectual Integrity Officer
11- YOUR STUDENTS also have choices to make
- YOU are in a position of power to oversee guide
(both positively negatively) their activities,
but you cannot be entirely responsible for their
interests ONLY THEY ARE! - Consequences of their actions are not always
obvious, but they may be substantial and
long-lasting - Student Privacy is STILL Paramount
- Disciplinary actions can be significant BUT DO
- There are resources committed persons to assist
in a time of need Office of the Ombudsman
12(No Transcript)
13Education in the Responsible Conduct of
- This is NOT about teaching you to be a good
person - It IS about the skills and understanding needed
to practice and verify the integrity of ones
scholarship - Both scientifically and personal integrity
- It is about helping to make choices clearer and
decisions easier
- KEY PRINCIPLES - Integrity in research and
creative activities embodies a range of practices
that includes - Honesty in proposing, performing, and reporting
research - Recognition of prior work
- Confidentiality in peer review
- Disclosure of potential conflicts of interest
- Compliance with institutional and sponsor
requirements - Protection of human subjects and humane care of
animals in the conduct of research - Collegiality in scholarly interactions and
sharing of resources - Adherence to fair and open relationships between
senior scholars and their coworkers
15Source On Being A Scientist Responsible
Conduct in Research - Responding to Violations of
Ethical Standards National Academy of Sciences,
2nd Edition. 1995.
- It is easy to find excuses to do nothing, but
someone who has witnessed misconduct has an
unmistakable obligation to act. - Possibly the most vexing personal dilemma for
scholars - This is especially difficult for students (both
graduate and undergraduate) who are in positions
vulnerable to exploitation due to an unbalanced
power structure.
16Professional Responsibilities
- Clear timetables deadlines
- Clear expectations criteria for success
- Clear performance criteria for evaluations
- Reasonable achievable short- and long-term
goals - Frequent objective evaluations
- Informal evaluations as well as formal evaluations
17Federal Policy on Research Misconduct
- Defined
- fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in
proposing, performing, or reviewing research, or
in reporting research results - Fabrication is making up data or results and
recording or reporting them. - Falsification is manipulating research materials,
equipment, or processes, or changing or omitting
data results such that the research is not
accurately represented in the research record. - Plagiarism is the appropriation of another
persons ideas, processes, results, or words
without giving appropriate credit. - Research misconduct does not include honest error
or differences of opinion.
- to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of
another) as one's own - for example, to use (another's production)
without crediting the source - to commit literary theft
- present as new and original an idea or product
derived from an existing source
Merriam Webster Dictionary
19Quotable Onlinehttp//www.quotableonline.com/Marg
- Borrowed thoughts, like borrowed money, only
show the poverty of the borrower. - Marguerite Gardiner, countess of Blessington
(1789 1849) miscellaneous writer.
20Model Responsible Behavior
- Act with integrity especially in matters of
assigning credit
21How do you perceive the overall climate at MSU
concerning Academic Integrity?
- Excellent
- Good
- No Opinion
- Bad
- Very Bad
22How do you perceive the climate at MSU in your
department concerning Academic Integrity?
- Excellent
- Good
- No Opinion
- Bad
- Very Bad
23How prepared do you NOW feel to deal with issues
of academic integrity in your classroom as a TA?
- Very Well
- Confident but would admit some uncertainty
- Undecided
- Need to know more
- Feel unprepared