Title: Quality and Productivity Improvement
1Quality and Productivity Improvement
Check Do Act Plan
Quality level
2Quality Tools
- Check Sheet
- Run Chart
- Histogram
- Pareto Chart
- Flowchart
- Cause-and-Effect Diagram
- Scatter Diagram
- Control Chart
3Check Sheet
- Month Lost Departure
Mechanical Overbooked Other - Luggage Delay
- January 1 2 3 3 1
- February 3 3 0 1 0
- March 2 5 3 2 3
- April 5 4 4 0 2
- May 4 7 2 3 0
- June 3 8 1 1 1
- July 6 6 3 0 2
- August 7 9 0 3 0
- September 4 7 3 0 2
- October 3 11 2 3 0
- November 2 10 1 0 0
- December 4 12 2 0 1
- Total 44 84 24 16 12
4Run Chart
5Histrogram of Lost Luggage
6Cause-and-Effect Chart for Flight Departure Delay
(Fishbone Chart)
Gate agents cannot process passengers quickly
Too few agents
Aircraft late to gate
Agents undertrained
Late arrival
Agents undermotivated
Gate occupied
Agents arrive at gate late
Mechanical failures
Late cabin cleaners
Late pushback tug
Late or unavailable cabin crews
Air traffic
Late or unavailable cockpit crews
Delayed Flight Departure
Poor announcement of departures
Weight an balance sheet late
Delayed checkin procedure
Late baggage to aircraft
Confused seat selection
Late fuel
Passengers bypass checkin counter
Late food service
Checking oversize baggage
Issuance of boarding pass
Acceptance of late passengers
Cutoff too close to departure time
Desire to protect late passengers
Desire to help companys income
Poor gate locations
7Pareto Analysis of Flight Departure Delay Causes
9Scatter Diagram
10Control Chart of Departure Delays
Lower Control Limit
11Corporate Programs for Quality Improvement
- Marriott Personnel Programs
- Zero Defects (Crosby)
- Demings 14 Point Program
- Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award
- ISO 9000
- Benchmarking