Title: How to Implements of ISO 9001 Quality Management System
1How To Implement ISO 9001 Quality Management
2What is ISO?
- International Organization for Standardization
- Worldwide federation of national standards
Bodies from some 130 countries - Non-governmental organization, Established in
1947 - Shouldnt acronym be IOS ? ISO derived from
Greek iso meaning equal
ISO 9001 Quality Management System
3What is Quality?
- According to the American Society for Quality,
quality can be de-fined in the following ways - Based on customers perceptions of a
product/services design and how well the design
matches the original specifications. - The ability of a product/service to satisfy
stated or implemented requirements. - Achieved by conforming to established
requirements within an organization.
ISO 9001 Quality Management System
4What is Quality Management System?
A quality management system is a management
technique used to communicate to employees what
is required to produce the desired quality of
products and services and to influence employee
actions to complete tasks according to the
quality specifications.
ISO 9001 Quality Management System
5Standard Requirements of QMS
- Scope
- Normative Reference
- Terms and Definitions
- Quality Management System
- General requirements
- Documentation requirements
- Management Responsibility
- Management commitment
- Customer focus
- Quality policy
- Planning
- Responsibility, authority and communication
- Management review
ISO 9001 Quality Management System
6Standard Requirements of QMS
- Resource Management
- Provision of resources
- Human resources
- Infrastructure
- Work environment
- Product Realization
- Planning of product realization
- Customer-related processes
- Design and/or development
- Purchasing
- Production and service operations
- Control of measuring and monitoring devices
ISO 9001 Quality Management System
7Standard Requirements of QMS
- Measurement, analysis and improvement
- General
- Planning
- Monitoring and measurement
- Control of non-conforming product
- Analysis of data
- Improvement
ISO 9001 Quality Management System
8Principle of ISO 9001 QMS
- The 8 Principles of ISO 9001QMS are
- Customer Focus
- Leadership
- Involvement of People
- Process Approach
- System Approach to Management
- Continual Improvement
- Factual Approach to Decision - Making.
- Mutually Beneficial Supplier Relationship
ISO 9001 Quality Management System
9Elements of ISO 9001 QMS (Cont..)
The Plan Do Check Act (PDCA) cycle is that
the foundation of all ISO management system
standards. The cycle ensures development,
continuous improvement and management of the
management system in question. it's an easy tool
that ensures constant observation of your
organizations effectiveness.
ISO 9001 Quality Management System
10Plan Establishing the design of your quality
management system is roofed in of the quality
wherever it needs the identification of the
processes, their success criteria, the
inter-relationship between processes and also the
system for checking your results. Do
Implementing the plans and using the quality
management system Check Reviewing whether the
results are satisfactory at appropriate intervals
against the ISO 9001 requirements Act Improving
the quality management system or acting on the
challenges and issues found in the reviews
ISO 9001 Quality Management System
11Why ISO 9001 Required?
- ISO 9001 Certification required for a quality
management system where an organization - Requirements to demonstrate its ability to
consistently provide product that meets customer
and applicable statutory and regulatory
requirements, and - Aims to enhance customer satisfaction through
the effective application of the system,
including processes for continual improvement of
the system and the assurance of conformity to
customer and applicable statutory and regulatory
ISO 9001 Quality Management System
12What is Quality Policy?
Quality policy is a crucial thought for skilled
quality integration in organizations. Quality
policy suggests that what's the intention and
direction among a corporation associated with
quality. Once more the real quality policy may be
seen solely within the awareness and actions of
individuals, not in documents. Documented quality
policy statement issued and signed by the highest
management of a corporation is just a tip of
iceberg of the particular policy. It may,
however, be a helpful social control tool.
Anyway, it's not necessary to use the term
"quality policy" in sensible business operations
though folks have continuously sure quality
ISO 9001 Quality Management System
13What is QMS Certification?
ISO 9001 is an internationally recognized quality
management system (QMS) standard. It the worlds
leading ISO 9001 quality standard and has been
implemented by over a Meg organizations in over a
hundred and seventy countries globally. ISO 9001
belongs to the ISO 9000 family of standards that
is expounded to quality management systems. Its
been created to assist organizations make sure
that they meet the requirements the wants of
their customers and different stakeholders
whereas additionally meeting statutory and
restrictive requirements associated with the
merchandise. The ISO 9000 family of standards
deals with the basics of a QMS that contains the
eight management principles around that the
family of standards relies.
ISO 9001 Quality Management System
14Step for Achieved ISO 90012008 Certification
- Micro level surveys carried out of your
organization and do Gap Analysis. - Submission for documentation and modification in
existing document - Awareness Training Programme for all Employees
- Prepare Quality Policy and display at prime
location - Establishing Quality objectives at departmental
levels - Document finalization.
- Implementation and record maintain
- 1st internal audit In presence of internal ISO
9001 auditors - Implementation of 1st management review
- Application to Certifying body
- Closing of internal audit findings.
- Closing the finding of audits by certifying body.
ISO 9001 Quality Management System
15Key Benefits of ISO 9001 Certification
- Allows you to become a more consistent
competitor in your marketplace - Better quality management helps you meet
customer needs - More efficient ways of working will save time,
money and resources - Improved operational performance will cut errors
and increase profits - Motivate and engage staff with more efficient
internal processes - Win more high value customers with better
customer service - Broaden business opportunities by demonstrating
ISO 9001 Quality Management System
16Thank you...
ISO 9001 Quality Management System
For visit my presentation and more information
about ISO 9001 certification, auditor training,
documents and implements of Quality Management
System (QMS) services visit _at_ www.9001isoquality.c