Title: How to design in sustainable transport
1How to design in sustainable transport
Designing sustainable travel choice
Daniel BlackDesign community engagement
2Topic areas
- Exemplary exemplars?
- Cars are amazing!
- Tips tricks for the designer
31. Exemplary exemplars?
Cycle-use 2 Car-use 64 Source Oxford
Brookes (2004)
4New developments are a side-show
Source National Statistics, 2006 (above), CABE
52. Cars really are amazing!
6Know your limits public transport
Source Urban Design Compendium (2007)
Would you walk ½ mile to a bus stop if you could
take the car instead?
7Sometimes better than driving
Rarely better than driving
8walking cycling
93. Tips and tricks
i Make place over movement ii Re-allocate
road space iii Filter permeability iv Ensure
passive surveillance v Make sustainable routes
great vi Lower car-use ensure adequate parking
vii Share knowledge skills with
communities Viii Match density to local
103.i Place over movement?
11St Marys Redcliffe
12Building roads induces more traffic
Source Goodwin, P. 1996 Empirical evidence on
induced traffic
133.ii Road space re-allocation think big
Seoul Municipal Government
14Road space re-allocation (neighbourhood)
think medium
15 think small
16Traffic evaporates
Reduction in traffic
Source Cairns et al. 2002 Disappearing Traffic?
The story so far
17Guidance supports us
18Foreign examples lure us
Walking, cycling public transport
193.iii Permeability Motor routes coarse
20 Sustainable routes fine grain
213.iv Ensure passive surveillance