Title: Risk Management in Visitor Information Centres
1Risk Management in Visitor Information Centres
- A project overview
- Presented by Elizabeth Curtain
- Geelong Otway Tourism
2Our Volunteers
3Geelong and Great Ocean Road Visitor Information
Centre, Princes Highway, Geelong
4Geelong Visitor Information Centre (at the
National Wool Museum)
5Waterfront GeelongVisitor Information Booth
6Market Square Shopping CentreVisitor Information
7Storage area at the Geelong and Great Ocean Road
Visitor Information Centre
- Heavier boxes should be stored on the bottom
storage shelves - Lighter brochures should be stored on higher
shelves - Any overhead lifting bears additional pressure to
the upper body
8Excess brochure storage
- Does your storage area look like this????
- No trolley access
- Climbing over boxes to get to other boxes
- Throw them out the door (if you can lift them!)
9Excess brochure storage
An ideal storage area should have
- Neatly stacked boxes
- Easily accessible aisles that are suitable for
10Vehicle Access
- Cargo should not be placed on the back seat. In
a crash, these objects become dangerous missiles
- Boxes jumbled in the back make unloading
stressful on the back and impairs rear vision for
the driver
11Vehicle Access
- With boxes packed neatly into car, they are
easier to unload - The driver also has a clearer view in the rear
vision mirror
12Parking in a loading zone
Sedans or Station Wagons are allowed to park in a
loading zone if
- They have a business name, company name or
courier sign on both sides of the body of the car - Letters must be at least 5cm high, and can be
read from 5 metres away - Permanent adhesive signs are permitted. Magnetic
signs, or signs placed in windows or on roofs are
not acceptable
13Lifting Weights
- Boxes currently weigh between 10kg-25kg
- Unsafe to lift such heavy packages
- Geelong Otway Tourism to rule that the maximum
weight of boxes they handle is 12 kg
14Lifting Weights
- Should you have a work-care claim it may be
rebuked on the condition that weights lifted or
moved were too heavy - Accident compensation act allows for negligence
to be denied on reckless acts
15Lifting Weights
- City of great Geelong hired a consultant to look
into the handling, storage and distribution of
in-going and out-going brochure deliveries to
Geelong Otway Tourism - A copy of this assessment is available to you
all today