2Consumer Behavior Self Analysis
- What kind of product did you buy? Brand name?
- Why did you buy the product? What triggered the
desire to make the purchase? - What other brands did you consider purchasing?
- What information sources were consulted before
making the purchase? - What information sources were most influential
and why? - Why did you choose the brand you purchased (what
criteria did you base your decision on)?
3I. What is Consumer Behavior?
- Consumer behavior is the study of how and why
people acquire and use products for themselves
and/or their household.
4II. Why Should Marketers Study Consumer Behavior?
- To better understand the customer
- To develop better marketing mix strategies
5Consumer Decision Making Process
6III. Stages in Consumer Decision Making Process
- Problem Recognition - recognizes a need for
something - (discrepancy between actual and desired state)
- Information Search searches for alternatives to
satisfy the need - (internal and external sources)
- Alternative Evaluation evaluates alternatives
- (evaluative criteria)
- Purchase Decision selects alternative which
bests meets evaluative criteria - Postpurchase Evaluation reevaluates product as
he/she uses it - (cognitive dissonance)
7What New Car Buyers Consider Important
8IV. Three Levels of Consumer Decision Making
- Extended Problem Solving
- high involvement purchase
- high perceived risk
- Routine Problem Solving
- low involvement purchase
- low perceived risk or
- purchase from habit or brand loyalty
- Limited Decision Making
9FIGURE 5-4 Influences on the consumer purchase
decision process from both internal and external
10V. Psychological Influences
- Looks at the consumer as an individual
- Motivation
- Perception
- Learning
- Attitudes
- Motivation is the energizing force that causes a
person to take action to satisfy a need. - Maslows Hierarchy
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- Perception is the process in which an individual
picks up information through their senses,
organizes it, and assigns it meaning. - Selective Perception tendency to perceive only
a portion of the marketing communications we are
exposed to.
- Learning is a change in a persons thought
processes caused by prior experience. - Our experience with product usage, our shopping
experiences, and what we learn through media all
influence our behavior as consumers.
- A learned predisposition to respond in a
consistently favorable or unfavorable manner
toward an object, person, or behavior. - Attitudes are shaped by our beliefs
- Three approaches to change consumer attitudes
- Change beliefs about the extent to which a brand
has certain attributes - Change the perceived importance of attributes
- Add new attributes to the product
- Attitudes tend to be enduring
16VI. Sociocultural Influences
- Our consumer behavior is affected by our
relationships with other people. - Family
- Reference Groups
- Culture and Subculture
- How does the family affect consumer behavior?
- (consumer socialization)
- Family Life Cycle
- Who is the Decision Maker
- (Husband dominant, wife dominant, and joint
decision making)
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19Reference Groups
- People to whom an individual looks as a source of
personal standards. - Most important determinant of reference group
influence -Products conspicuousness - Three types of reference groups
- membership group
- aspiration group
- dissociative group
- The set of values, ideas, and attitudes that are
learned and shared among the members of a group
or society. - Examples American culture, Latin American
culture, Japanese culture
- Subgroups within a larger culture that have
unique values, ideas, and attitudes - Racial/ethnic subcultures
- Age subcultures
- Regional subcultures
22VII. Situational Influences
- Consumers are influenced by the circumstances
surrounding the purchase of a product. - physical surroundings
- social surroundings
- purchase task
- time availability