Title: New Student Orientation
1New Student Orientation
- Fermanian Business Center
- Overview
2The Fermanian Business Centers Mission is to be
- A connecting point between our student, faculty
and business constituency through deliberate,
intentional and focused opportunities.
3The Fermanian Business Center
- We envision this mission to be accomplished in a
variety of ways that will involve, develop and
prepare you for your business and professional
4The Fermanian Business Center
- Our commitment to you is that we will be a
high-touch Center where we work creatively to
further the value-added proposition between the
University, students, faculty and business
5The Fermanian Business Center
- Each academic year at PLNU, you will be able to
attend up to six Professional Development Events,
where businesses, faculty, and students
with common interests will gather in a
professional setting for learning, collaboration
and networking.
6The Fermanian Business Center
- The Business Center also works closely with
Career Services and Graduate Services to develop
a multi-faceted framework of services and
connecting points to the business world,
including internships, job fairs, mentoring,
continuing education, business incubation and
alumni connections.
7The Fermanian Business Center
- Business professionals and organizations will
frequently be at the Center, who utilize the
state of the art facilities of the Business
School and
Center for business planning sessions,
conferences, customer presentations, receptions,
retreats, and more.
8The Fermanian Business Center
- The Business Center staff features seasoned
business professionals with extensive experience
in business ownership and management,
entrepreneurship and the practical issues of
building a successful business career.
9The Fermanian Business Center
- Students can also use the Business Centers
service center which include a study area,
internet access, resume and business card
assistance and business counsel and encouragement
that will enable our students to move forward
with confidence in the business community.
10The Fermanian Business Center
- The Director of the Business Center is also an
- active faculty member which enables the Center
to - best integrate itself as a critical
component of the School of Business mission, and
to support the faculty in the practical arts of
the real world of business.
11The Fermanian Business Center looks forward to
working with you!
- We invite you to a Student and Faculty
Reception on Tuesday, August 29th at 600 PM at
the Burnham Event Plaza. You will hear of
our upcoming events, build relationships with our
business faculty, staff and alumni and hear from
a prominent business leader.
12Welcome to the Fermanian School of Business and
Business Center
- We look forward to getting to know you at PLNU!