Title: Joint Forces Command Update
1Joint Forces Command Update
Briefing to the Worldwide Joint Training and
Scheduling Conference 26 Mar 09
- Update the plenary session of the WJTSC 09-1
- concerning USJFCOM-facilitated working groups
- USJFCOM Exercise Support to the Combatant
Commands - Joint Training Enterprise Management
- JKDDC Stakeholder's Meeting
- Joint Logistics Education, Training
Experimentation Transformation - Joint Task Force Capable HQS Readiness
3USJFCOM Exercise Support Tues 24 Mar 09Mr.
Tank Thorp
4USJFCOM Exercise Support
- Purpose Optimize USJFCOM support for all COCOMS
for FY 09 and FY10 USJFCOM supported events. - Discussion
- Forum was used to address several topics to
include the latest version of the JLVC
federation, JFCOM J3 deconfliction efforts and an
open discussions for JWFC observations regarding
trends across multiple COCOMs. - The primary focus was to look at the FY10-11
calendar and address any conflicts with
supportability and attempt to get agreement on a
way ahead. The discussion also incluede12-14 as
needed. May 2010/11/12/13 and Aug 2011 are still
unsupportability given the current resources
projections. - The group was well attend and all COCOMs where
represented. - Training Trends There where 6 training trends
assigned to this working group. All where
discussed. The group decided to accept them as
trends to study further and readdress at the
next WJTSC. No action to develop issues at this
time. - Issues No new issues.
5Joint Training Enterprise Board / Working Group
Tues 24 Mar 09CAPT Bill Kovach
6Joint Training Enterprise Board
- Purpose To work Enterprise wide issues and
processes focused on improving the Joint Training
Environment. - Discussion
- SE Manning
- FY09 31(29) Service 18(11) COCOM
- FY10 30 Service 18 COCOM
- A/C Status
- Emerald Warrior complete
- A/C Working Group Study
- Joint Training Coordination Program (JTCP)
- COCOMs invited to Joint Training Coordination
Conference (JTCC) - Loss of PBD 707 impact
- JTEN Recapitalization
- 43 Sites
- 15 or less usage considered for
Recapitalization - 7 sites identified reclama process (30 days)
- Training Trends N/A
7Joint Training EnterpriseRDTE Way Forward
Briefer Mr. Ken Goad
- Issue 08-013 The Joint Training Enterprise must
cut 11.8M from specific FY08 programs to meet
approved POM 10 funding levels. - Discussion The directed 31 cut in JNTC/JSS
RDTE (11.8M) from FY08 to FY10 will have a major
impact on the Joint Training Enterprise
Increased costs to Services and combatant
commands to execute training Reduction in
critical capability to support Joint Training
Enterprise research and development and,
Reduction in training capability. - Endstate Training risk to the Force minimized,
no mission essential tasks eliminated, schedule
flexibility optimized, and cost/benefit to the
Joint Training Enterprise evaluated. - POAM USJFCOM identify targeted cuts.
Combatant Commands evaluate impact and develop
contingency plans, as required. - Status Following discussion at WJTSC 08-2,
USJFCOM will reconsider proposed targeted cuts to
minimize impacts to the Joint Training Enterprise
and vet new proposal with stakeholders. - OPRs OSD, USJFCOM OCRs Combatant Commands
15/16 APR 08
24 APR 08
28 APR 08
22 JAN 09
5 JUN 08
SEP 08
MAR 09
Revised targeted cut strategy
Solicit COCOM/ Service feedback On programs
JWFC Cdr Approval
Briefed WWJTSC on JFCOM Proposed Way Forward
RDTE Way Forward Decision Brief to MG Kamiya, J7
Solicited RDTE Investment Priorities from
Services COCOMs
JNTC/JSS RDTE Budget Impact Brief to WJTSC 09-1
JNTC/JSS RDTE Budget Way Forward Finalized
8Mission Area Decrement List
9Use of the Joint Live VirtualConstructive
Briefer Mr. Ken Goad
- Issue 07-014 The Joint Live Virtual Constructive
(JLVC) Federation provides the most realistic
environment to align joint training with
combatant commander assigned missions,
requirements and constraints. The JLVC federation
is comprised of both Joint and Service
simulations and tools. - Discussion Current funding provides Joint
Theater Level Simulation (JTLS) as the standard
suite to support the Combatant Command Joint
Exercise Program (JEP), however, JTLS lacks the
capability to model high fidelity strategic to
tactical operations. This training shortfall was
noted in the Joint Staffs Training Capabilities
Analysis of Alternatives (TC AoA) Gaps 1-22.
JLVC addresses these gaps. Using the JLVC
federation is an option contingent upon
additional Combatant Commander funding for event
integration (CE2) as well as additional USJFCOM
Training Transformation (T2) funding for JLVC
development. Recent cuts to T2 RDTE need to be
addressed to provide sustained integration and
development funding streams. - Endstate Tailored / packaged use of JLVC in
combatant command exercises to meet specific
training objectives. Single standardized JLVC
federation. - POAM Combatant Commands provide details on
which exercise(s) are most enhanced with the use
of JLVC. CE2 SLT allocates funding for JWFC
support (including JLVC) in accordance with CE2
business rules/processes. CE2 addresses only JLVC
integration/support for combatant command events
but not development of JLVC technical
enhancements in demand by combatant command
stakeholders. USJFCOM efforts to reduce JLVC
costs. Investigate JLVC cross-domain solutions.
SEP 07
MAR 08
APR 08
NOV 07
SEP 08
NOV 08
Mar 09
CE2 SLT discuss requirement
USTRANSCOM FY09/10 CE2 PRD emphasizes requirement.
JTLS / JLVC transition decision
Training Gap Analysis Forum
Develop JLVC Low Cost options
FY09 PEP Update at WJTSC 08-2
JLVC reqts discussed at WJTSC working groups
CE2 FY09 PBRs submitted, adjudicated
10Joint Training Enterprise Training MS Gaps
Briefer COL Armstrong
- Issue 09-001 Joint Training Enterprise
identified key training MS gaps which are
currently unfunded. - Discussion As tasked during the WJTSC 08-2, the
Joint Training Enterprise executed a Training Gap
Analysis Forum (TGAF) in November 2008 in order
to identify the top training MS gaps. The forum
identified over 29 gaps and validated them with
the 2004 TCAoA baseline. The forum was conducted
using the established JTRG requirement
procedures. The gaps identified from the TGAF are
currently unfunded. - Endstate Approval of validated TGAF process and
results funding or mitigation plans to support
the development of solutions that close the
training MS gaps identified by the Joint
Training Enterprise. - POAM Joint Training Enterprise identified the
MS Gaps USJFCOM to lead the effort of gap
analysis to determine detailed estimated costs to
close the gaps. - Status Conduct detailed analysis to determine
optimal solutions. - OPRs USJFCOM OCRs Combatant Commands Services
24/25 Nov 08
23 Mar 09
Sep 09
Briefed top 5 Training MS Gaps at WJTSC 09-1
Brief analysis at WJTSC 09-2
11Top 5 TGAF MS Issues
- 1) Integrated Air and Missile Mission (Total 95
Points) 10M -
- 2) Exercise Design and Integration (Total 89
Points) 3M -
- 3) Cross Domain Solutions (Total 80
Points) 1.125M -
- 4) NORAD / Air Ops (Total 35 Points) 4.5M
- 5) Joint Logistics (Total 28 Points) 2.2M
(Point score) based on TGAF voting
12Integration of ABCA PartnersInto the Joint
Training Enterprise
Briefer Col Walrond
ABCA American, British, Canadian, Australian
- Issue 08-018 The enhancement of ABCA Joint,
Combined, Multilateral training in order to
increase operational capability, preparedness,
and improve interoperability. - Discussion  WJTSC WG determined the scope of the
original issue was too narrowly focused on
technical issues. No formal procedure exists for
scheduling and coordinating ABCA Joint Combined
and Multilateral training and use of the full
range of LVC training capabilities. An ABCA
working group, including Combatant Commands and
JS J7, needs to be established to draft
agreement(s), develop business rules, and
identify/develop the appropriate forum for
coordination. Recommend the WG adopt the
PACOM-AUS Joint Combined Training Capability
(JCTC) work as a starting point. Technical
solutions are moving along well. Formal business
rules will require a long term effort, but short
term efforts will continue to leverage existing
multilateral venues. - Endstate Defense level policy guidance, and
agreements. A formal coordination process,
business rules and/or other documents as
necessary for ABCA partners and combatant
commands/Services that outlines the process for
scheduling and coordinating bi-lateral and
multilateral training and exercises enhanced via
LVC enablers using ABCA networks. Short term
endstate will address OIF/OEF pre-deployment
training. Long term solution expected to take
several years. - POAM
- Formalize overarching vision statement and reach
agreement in principle - Establish ABCA WG membership and chair
- Define ABCA training requirements
- Establishment of a scheduling process for the
JTEN and VC assets - Develop and adopt ABCA country agreements/business
rules formalizing this process - OPR USJFCOM OCRs Combatant Commands, JS J7,
Formal acceptance of Business Rules
Finalize Business Rules
ABCA WG meeting
Draft agreements/ Business rules ABCA WG at
Initial ABCA WG Agreement in principle
ABCA WG VTC/telecon
13JKDDC Stakeholders Meeting Tues 24 Mar
09Mr. Joe Camacho
14JKO Metrics Update
Discussion Through FY08 and into FY09, JKO
continues to exhibit steady growth with regard to
adoption and usage of online training capability.
- Joint Service Registered Users gt85,000
- Home page logons gt1,400,000
- Hours Courseware Instruction Delivered gt830,000
- Total Course Completions gt165,000
- Total force useage
- Army 51,000
- Navy 2,400
- Air Force 5,800
- Marine Corps 1,600
- Civilian / Interagency / Multinational 10,000
- Most Completed Courses
- SERE 100
- USFK Theater Specific Required Training
- Combating Trafficking in Persons
15VideosVCAT, SGST, Intel Tutor
16JKO Brief-back
- Purpose The JKO Working Group convened to
address the following - Provide JKO FY09 Program Updates
- Share FY10 Program Goals and Objectives
- Review FY10 Stakeholder Requirements
- Discuss Emerging Issues and New Business
- Discussion The following FY10 focus areas were
agreed to (with comments) - Focus on Achieving Current Warfighters
Requirements - Further Integration into the ADL Community of
Practice - Continued Incremental Improvement in JKO Portal
Functionality and Capability - Expand Customer Service to the Interagency,
Intergovernmental and Multinational Communities - Communications and Outreach
- Service Transition/Sustainment
- Issues JKO LMS requirements and usage (optional
or mandatory)
17JKO Joint Content Management Architecture
18JKO LMS Usage
19Small Group Scenario Trainer (SGST) Formerly
Immersive Learning Environments (ILES)
Briefer Mr. Camacho
- Issue 06-021 Requirement for Large Scale Use of
Online and On Demand Individual and Group
Training, Mission Planning and Rehearsal
Capabilities. - Discussion SGST meets this shortfall by
providing a training, and mission rehearsal
capability that supports both DOD and Interagency
partners in meeting our national security
requirements. SGST is a flexible, on-line, and
distributed training and mission rehearsal
capability that covers the training life cycle
from beginning to end. USJFCOM and USNORTHCOM
conducted tests showing SGST can significantly
shorten the JELC while improving knowledge /
capability. USNORTHCOM and USJFCOM are
collaborating on the development of SGST Version
1. This SGST system evolution facilitates Joint
and Interagency training, mission planning,
rehearsal, and COA analysis. - Endstate SGST established as a Joint Program of
Record (POR) to achieve unity of effort in
individual/small group training across combatant
commands, Services, Combat Support Agencies and
Interagency partners. JKDDC leverages training
transformation funds to provide a centrally
managed / decentralized and interdependent
executed SGST capability, in which SGST may be
configured by the combatant commands to meet
their training needs. This approach enables
content sharing across organizational boundaries
and rapidly supports and optimizes evolving
changes to organizational structures, people,
processes and technologies. JKDDC JMO takes
responsibility for the JKO web enabled SGST
capability, providing integration with the JKO
Portal to provide a generalized small group
training capability. - POAM OSD contract ends Jun 08. JKDDC JMO
accepted responsibility for the JKO web enabled
SGST capability in Feb 08. Leveraging TC AoA Alt
5 funding, webify SGST focusing on USNORTHCOMs
training requirements. - OPR USJFCOM OCRs JS J7 USNORTHCOM
SEPT 07 JUN 08
JUL 08
FEB 07
MAY 07
NOV 06
AUG 07
JUN 09
JAN 08
JAN 07
FEB 08
Web enabled SGST supports USNORTHCOMs IQT
Training Event
Testing of SGST in USJFCOM IA Training
Web enabled SGST contract awarded
N-NC NIPRNet Install
N-NC Spiral 67 Exercises Train the Trainer
Program USJFCOM Spiral 67 Exercises
Functional Testing of SGST in USJFCOM IA Training
SGST Phase IV PMP Approved
N-NC SIPRNet Install
N-NC Spiral 5 Exercise Validation
Functional Testing of SGST in N-NC CMD CTR
20Joint Logistics Education, Training
Experimentation Transformation Wed 25 Mar
09Mr. Warren Bizub
21J.T. Log Ed, Trng Exp Transformation
- Purpose To review recent logistics education and
training related studies, share information, and
identify opportunities to close the gaps and
seams in Joint/DOD logistics education and
training. - Discussion Briefed current initiatives and past
logistics related studies. - Joint Logistics Education Training Exercises
Study/Survey - Center for Joint Logistics Strategy
Excellence/JS J-4 Update - Joint Deployment Distribution Enterprise
- DoD Logistics Human Capital Strategy
- Training Community Modeling Simulation
Business Plan - Joint Deployment Training Center
- Training Trends N/A
- Issue None
22JTF Capable HQS ReadinessWED 25 Mar 09Mr.
Dan Abahazy
23JTF Capable HQ Readiness
- Purpose Address JTF Capable HQ readiness
requirements and issues - Discussion
- 1) Updates on C2 CPM JTF Focus Area FIT JTF HQ
CONOPS - JKDDC support to JTF Capable HQ
readiness USJFCOM Joint Enabling - Capabilities Command JTIMS and
DRRS interface and, CE2 funding - allocation
- 2) Share insights, trends, and challenges
experienced by COCOMs with - regards to preparing and
sustaining the readiness of JTF Capable HQs -
- Training Trends N/A
- Issue 1) Readiness reporting by JTF Capable HQ
- 2) Use of JTF HQ Certification
funds (CE2) for sustainment training -
- (Both issues being addressed via
C2 CPM and SLT)
24USJFCOM Development of JTF HQ Training Programs,
Standards, and JMETL
Briefer Mr. Abahazy
Issue 07-016 Update on status and milestones
for USJFCOM efforts to lead the collaborative
efforts for developing JTF HQ training programs /
standards and JMETL conditions and
standards. Discussion CJCSI 3500.1E, Joint
Staff Joint Training Policy and Guidance (JTPG),
dated 31 May 2008 tasks USJFCOM to lead
collaborative development of joint training
programs, processes, and standards and baseline
JMETL conditions and standards for JTF HQ.
(CJCSI 3500.1E ENCL E, para 6.j) Endstate
USJFCOM provide update of progress to date and
future milestones. POAM USJFCOM provide
update of progress to date and future milestones.
June 09
April 09
JTF HQ CONOPS published.
JTF HQ CONOPS JSAP Action Complete