Title: ERMS in the Library
1ERMS in the Library
- What should it do for us?
Helen Clarke Head, Collections Services University
of Calgary
2Thinking about ERMS
- Two year process and were still shopping
- Started with DLF requirements
- Internal workflow analysis
- Demos from variety of vendors
- Experience led to a functional list of
requirementstranslated the DLF requirements into
a shorter series of statements as to what an ERMS
should do for us - Sent out an RFI based on functional list, 4
vendors replied
3Order and Payment Tracking
- Manage and link the information elements needed
to track the current status of a product and
payments - tie orders to all affected titles and orders
???? - show where order is in acquisition and renewal
process ???? - link order to other attributes (vendor,
consortia) in the ERMS ???? - link financial information (split payments) to
orders ???? - recurring costs and one time payments ????
- standard and customizable alerts for key dates
???? - indicate status of order regarding other products
(SFX enabled) ????
4Manage License and Rights Information
- Hold and manage license terms and other rights
issues - consistent description of licensing terms ????
- link licenses to the individual title ????
- alerts to changes in license conditions ????
- breaches ????
- historic information ????
- Locally defined data elements that are searchable
and reportable ????
5Support Library Workflow
- Flexible open interface, designed to help Library
units identify which activities have been
completed and which still need to be done - easily navigable interface ????
- single point of maintenance for all order,
licensing, and technical support ???? - Indicate unfulfilled steps in order or renewal
???? - levels of access/authorization for different
steps ???? - customizable routing alerts ????
- a reverse workflow in the case of termination
6Manage and Communicate Relationships among
Products and Entities
- Ability to report, track and produce reports
regarding the relationships among items - alerts when changes to one item will have impact
on others (bundled orders, scaled discounts)
???? - relationships between individual titles and
packages (one title many packages) ???? - relationships with external services (SFX
enabled) ???? - search by specified types of relationships
(consortia) ???? - Search for entities by specific fields ????
7Support Administration of Resources
- Manage information critical to initial set up and
ongoing maintenance - a secure environment for administrative data
(logins) ???? - knowledge base and updates of resource metadata
???? - alert to changes in access (urls change) ????
- alert and track access problems ????
- local additions and changes to resource metadata
???? - track customizations ????
8Manage Historic Records
- Retain information tied to individual products
over time - identify and secure historic information (cost,
rights) ???? - track content changes at the individual title
level, including changes in holdings over time
- suited to the standard information needs of
Library staff ???? - individual orders and for groups of orders that
meet criteria (renewal date) ???? - financial, licensing, and order information at
the individual title level ???? - license terms ????
- unfilled steps in workflow ????
- historic information ????
- Provide support, for the following ????
- URI, ONIX data import and export, Library defined
data elements, IP addresses, Printing, emailing,
and downloading capacity for reports and data
- Ability to import, manage, and display statistics
related to resources - internal statistical data from ERMS for library
reporting purposes ???? - external statistical data from e-resource vendors
- consortia agreements and arrangements (multiple
vendors) ???? - reports on demand (consortia products) ????
- same product operates more than one agreement
???? - same title or product is held in different
packages by consortium members ???? - hold, track, and report financial information
???? - designate a subset of products to be tracked
independently (vendor) ???? - exchange or share data between consortia partners
using different instances of the system ????
12Selection and Implementation
- Jane Binksma
- Ryerson University Library
- June 16, 2006
- CLA, Ottawa
13Part I
14Form a team
- Acquisitions
- Reference
- Systems
- Serials
- Cataloguing
- Others?
15Hear from the vendors
- RFP process
- Consortial invite
- Individual presentations on informal level
16What are your goals?
- Better tracking of payment information (ACQ)
- Central location for licensing information (ILL)
- Notification for varied actions trial expiries,
subscription renewals i.e. ticklers (ACQ,
SERIALS) - Overlap analysis (SERIALS)
17What are your goals? (cont.)
- Central location for contact information
(SERIALS) - Enhanced OPAC information for library users, i.e.
scheduled outages, simultaneous users etc.
(REFERENCE) - Tracking system for open calls, technical issues
etc. (SYSTEMS)
18Which one???
- Pricing
- Integration with current ILS
- Functionality there are differences
- Industry reputation
- Commitment to customer service planned
enhancements etc.
19Ryersons choice
- Integration with our current serials and acq
modules - Familiar interface for staff
- Trust in provider to follow through with
21Why? (cont.)
- Security of existing communities to support
through implementation (i.e. ECIUG) - No significant savings through consortial
purchase - We have the staff available to do the initial
data entry
22Part II
- The implementation process
23Re-evaluate the team
- Are all members necessary?
- Smaller core group to decide on the mechanics?
- Should some members be peripheral? Available for
24How to communicate?
- Email
- Website
- Intranet
- Wiki
- Blog
- Meetings
25How to communicate? (cont.)
- How often will you meet?
- Who will arrange meetings, manage communications?
- Who will liaise with the vendor?
26What is your timeline?
- We started investigating last summer!
- Installation may involve system downtime
- Ensure that your current ILS is in the most
recent version (only if integrated with ERM) - Schedule training with the vendor
27Staffing needs?
- We have existing staff that can aid in the data
entry - Will their job descriptions change?
- To what extent can you use student interns?
28Staffing needs? (cont.)
- Where are the skill sets needed for your
installation? - Do you need to hire another librarian/technician/a
ssistant? - Do the librarians working on the implementation
have relief from their usual duties?
29Levels of access
- What will patrons see?
- What will staff in each department see?
- What information is confidential?
30Stages of implementation
- Administrative purposes
- versus
- Public display (or, coverage data)
- Ensure that any decisions made at the outset will
not adversely affect later stages of
31General guidelines
- Information gathering read any documentation
you can! - List-servs are particularly helpful
32General guidelines (cont.)
- Dont expect things to happen quickly
- Communication!!!!!!!!
- Ensure all library staff understand the
importance and value of the system
- Collins, Maria. Electronic resource management
systems understanding the players and how to
make the right choice for your library. Serials
Review. (2005) 31125-140. - Smith, Patricia and Jennifer S. Kutzik.
Implementing ERM a beginners guide. Innovative
Users Group Conference. San Francisco, CA, May
2005. - Strang, Mark and Christy Reineck. Innovative
ERM an implementation tale. Innovative Users
Group Conference. San Francisco, CA, May 2005. - Tull, Laura et. al. Integrating and streamlining
electronic resources via Innovatives Electronic
Management. Serials Librarian. (2005)
34Electronic Resource Management withCUFTS
- Kevin Stranack
- CLA, Ottawa, ON
- June 16, 2006
- SFU Library Software Development
- Why Open Source?
- Knowledge Base
- Journal Database
- Link Resolving
- Planned Enhancements
36SFU Library Software Development
- Multiple open source projects
- Designed to ease resource discovery, access, and
management - Used internationally
- Development teams located at SFU
- Funded by COPPUL, ELN, SFU, international
37Why Open Source?
- LAMP Mature, stable software
- Lower costs
- Philosophical compatibility
- Peer reviewed software community input and
decision-making - Contributes to the wider library community
- Knowledge base of e-resource information
- Kept up to date at SFU
- Includes over 300 collections
- Aggregators
- Electronic publishers
- Open access collections
- First stage of development
- Providing a single location for e-resource
information - Costs
- Renewal dates
- Licensing terms
- Contacts
41CUFTS Journal Database (CJDB)
- Public interface to serials collection
- Integrates print and electronic
- Based on CUFTS data, local MARC records, shared
MARC records - Searchable
- Subject and title browsing
- Tagging
- Export MARC records
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44Link Resolving
- CUFTS can be used as an independent link resolver
- Currently working with the GODOT link resolver
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47Planned CUFTS Enhancements
- A-Z Database of Databases List
- Variable User Permissions
- Staff CJDB Display
- Additional ERM Fields
- Resource Status
- Reports/Statistics
- Import PDF Documents/Excel Spreadsheets
48Further Information
- Kevin Stranack
- Simon Fraser University Library
- kstranac_at_sfu.ca
- http//researcher.sfu.ca