- Elizabeth D. Kennedy
- May 2006
2Masters Project FocusStorybook
AdventuresWords, Pictures, and Puppets
3ADDIE Instructional Design Model Used
- Analysis
- Design
- Development
- Implementation
- Evaluation
4Storybook AdventuresThird Graders Learn to
- ? Retell and tell stories orally and in lyrics
- ? Write their own stories
- ? Use a computer to type stories
- ? Create and Illustrate a picture book
- ? Make a puppet of the main character
- ? Read their books to younger students
- ? Perform the songs in a school assembly.
5Masters Project In Preparation for Program
- Research related successful programs
- Survey participating teachers and students
- Use results to improve program
- Determine additional materials to be added to the
Arts for Learning Web site so others can
replicate the program
6Looking at Storybook Adventures
7Student Responses What did you learn how to do?
- I learned a lot of things that I thought I
could not do. - I learned how to write a song
- I learned how to indent on a computer.
- I learned how to create my own story.
8Student ResponsesWhat did you learn how to do?
- More than 70 mentioned writing
- making/writing a book (45) and
- songwriting (27).
- About 9 mentioned learning to tell stories
- About 9 mentioned using the computer
9Student ResponsesIs there anything youd like
to change?
- No About 40
- Three things were mentioned at least five times
- Working on the computer (6)
- Too much story writing (5)
- Singing in front of other students (5)
10Student ResponsesHow did it feel to make your
own book?
- I felt really good to make my own book because
it my story. I can choose my chareters
characters, setting, problem, and resalson
11Student ResponsesWhat did you like best?
- More than 50 - making the book
- About 10 - songwriting best
- About 25 - performing their songs or reading
their books to younger students
12Research Findings
- Writing Strategy We Can Incorporate Use drawing
to help children envision writing
13Research Findings
- Retelling Strategy We Can Use Have children use
the puppets they made to retell their original
14Teacher Responses
- Uniformly positive about benefits
- The entire project, start to finish, engaged
the children in story listening, story elements,
story retelling, and story writing.
- Age Appropriate Storywriting Software
- More parent involvement
- More time
- More information on Website
16Projected Additions to Website
- Two sections to highlight academic and social
benefits of Storybook Adventures - Documentation
- Participants Responses
17Projected Additions to Website
- Another three sections will provide teachers
tips for participating educators - Lesson Plans
- Teaching Tips
- Materials
18Projected Additions to Website
- Two sections on technology
- Recommended Software
- Levels of Technology
- Working with a limited number of computers
- Working with a computer for each student
19Final Result
- Combining the formal assessment
- we have contracted with WSU to
- do with this project informal assessment and
research on other successful programs, should
position Storybook Adventures for - a successful expansion.