Title: Interagency Environmental Modeling CONOPS Implementation Status
1Interagency Environmental Modeling
CONOPSImplementation Status
Committee for Operational Processing Centers
(COPC) Office of the Federal Coordinator for
Meteorology and Supporting Research Washington,
D.C. 29 May 2008
Prepared by Mr. Michael R. Howland, Air Force
Weather Agency Mr. Mike Clancy, Fleet Numerical
Meteorology and Oceanography Center Mr. James
Rigney, Naval Oceanographic Office CDR Mark P.
Moran, National Centers for Environmental
- Facilitate COPC principals discussion on
Interagency Environmental Modeling Concept of
Operations (IEMCO) implementation status and
offer recommendations for related JAG tasking
3Implementing the IEMCO
- Guiding Principles
- Objectives
- Global Atmospheric Modeling (NAEFS pathfinder)
- Limited Area Atmospheric Modeling (Alignment
Focus Area) - Ocean Modeling (On-Going)
- Space Modeling (Bi-Lateral AFWA/SWPC Focus Area)
- Operations (Limited Area NWP Focus)
- Research and Development
- Infrastructure (JAG Implementation Work Needed)
- IEMCO Management Process
- Relationship to NUOPC
4Limited Area NWP North America/OCONUS Domains
Proposed Nov 2007
Notional AFWA/FNMOC 18km Window
ConfigurationWay ahead for OCONUS Ensembles
DoD Joint
NCEP NATO Alliance
5Limited Area NWP OCONUS Domains In Coordination
May 08
Notional AFWA/FNMOC 15 and 20 km Window
ConfigurationWay ahead for OCONUS Ensembles
DoD Joint
6Limited Area NWP NCEP CONUS/North America Domain
May 08
7Implementing the IEMCO(Proposed Tasks to JAGS)
- For Limited Area NWP Modeling
- Identify common parameters, levels, grid
orientation, and packaging for data exchange - Investigate the feasibility of a common post
processor to output above - Propose a core set of metrics to track relative
model performance (e.g. 2-3 mission relative
metrics common to all OPCs and tracked by all
- What enhancements are needed? (e.g., support for
solar and earth reference systems, irregular
grids, other) - What is the appropriate operational
implementation of ESMF (i.e., how far down into
models codes should it extend) - Project time phased data exchange volume for JAG
8Implementing the IEMCO(Proposed Tasks to JAGS)
- Assess ability/solution to meet projected data
exchange - Identify and address network security concern
areas - Use of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) technology
- Mandated closure of certain network
communications ports - Exclusion of certain communications protocols
- Etc.
- Develop an integrated tri-agency IT security and
data sharing process
9 10 11Limited Area NWP OCONUS Domains In Coordination
May 08
Notional AFWA/FNMOC 15 and 20 km Window
ConfigurationWay ahead for OCONUS Ensembles
DoD Joint
12Example Limited Area Modeling DoD Collaboration
with Coordinated Inner Nests
Shared contribution to theater ensemble
deconflicted AF/Navy inner nests