CS 241 Section Week - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CS 241 Section Week


... you heard of 'The Rock' ? n'); Type conversion #include stdio. ... a better alternative: (strlen(x) = strlen(y)) always true! strcmp() 'string comparison' ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CS 241 Section Week

CS 241 Section Week 2(09/04/08)
Topics This Section
  • More C basics
  • Strings
  • Functions
  • Structures
  • Memory

Simple Example
include ltstdio.hgt void main(void)
printf(Hello World. \n \t and you ! \n ) /
print out a message / return Hello
World. and you !
Summarizing the Example
  • include ltstdio.hgt include header file stdio.h
  • No semicolon at end
  • Small letters only C is case-sensitive
  • void main(void) is the only code executed
  • printf( / message you want printed / )
  • \n newline \t tab
  • Dessert \ in front of other special characters
    within printf.
  • printf(Have you heard of \The Rock\ ? \n)

Type conversion
include ltstdio.hgt void main(void) int i,j
12 / i not initialized, only j / float
f1,f2 1.2 i (int) f2 / explicit i
lt- 1, 0.2 lost / f1 i /
implicit f1 lt- 1.0 / f1 f2 (int) j /
explicit f1 lt- 1.2 12.0 / f1 f2 j
/ implicit f1 lt- 1.2 12.0 /
  • Explicit conversion rules for arithmetic
    operation xyz
  • convert y or z as
  • double lt- float lt- int lt- char, short
  • then type cast it to x s type
  • Moral stick with explicit conversions - no
    confusion !

Review of strings
  • Sequence of zero or more characters, terminated
    by NUL (literally, the integer value 0)
  • NUL terminates a string, but isnt part of it
  • important for strlen() length doesnt include
    the NUL
  • Strings are accessed through pointers/array names
  • include ltstring.hgt at program start

String literals
  • Evaluating ?dog? results in memory allocated for
    three characters 'd ', ' o ', ' g ', plus
    terminating NUL
  • char m ?dog?
  • Note If m is an array name, subtle difference
  • char m10 ?dog?

String literals
  • Evaluating ?dog? results in memory allocated for
    three characters 'd ', ' o ', ' g ', plus
    terminating NUL
  • char m ?dog?
  • Note If m is an array name, subtle difference
  • char m10 ?dog?

10 bytes are allocated for this array
String literals
  • Evaluating ?dog? results in memory allocated for
    three characters 'd ', ' o ', ' g ', plus
    terminating NUL
  • char m ?dog?
  • Note If m is an array name, subtle difference
  • char m10 ?dog?

10 bytes are allocated for this array
This is not a string literal Its an array
initializer in disguise! Equivalent to
String manipulation functions
  • Read some source string(s), possibly write to
    some destination location
  • char strcpy(char dst, char const src)
  • char strcat (char dst, char const src)
  • Programmers responsibility to ensure that
  • destination region large enough to hold result
  • source, destination regions dont overlap
  • undefined behavior in this case
  • according to C spec, anything could happen!
  • char m10 ?dog?
  • strcpy(m1, m)

String manipulation functions
  • Read some source string(s), possibly write to
    some destination location
  • char strcpy(char dst, char const src)
  • char strcat (char dst, char const src)
  • Programmers responsibility to ensure that
  • destination region large enough to hold result
  • source, destination regions dont overlap
  • undefined behavior in this case
  • according to C spec, anything could happen!
  • char m10 ?dog?
  • strcpy(m1, m)

Assuming that the implementation of strcpy starts
copying left-to-right without checking for the
presence of a terminating NUL first, what will
strlen() and size_t
  • size_t strlen(char const string)
  • / returns length of string /
  • size_t is an unsigned integer type, used to
    define sizes of strings and (other) memory blocks
  • Reasonable to think of size as unsigned...
  • But beware! Expressions involving strlen() may be
    unsigned (perhaps unexpectedly)
  • if (strlen(x) strlen(y) gt 0) ...
  • avoid by casting
  • ((int) (strlen(x) strlen(y)) gt 0)
  • Problem what if x or y is a very large string?
  • a better alternative (strlen(x) gt strlen(y))

strlen() and size_t
  • size_t strlen(char const string)
  • / returns length of string /
  • size_t is an unsigned integer type, used to
    define sizes of strings and (other) memory blocks
  • Reasonable to think of size as unsigned...
  • But beware! Expressions involving strlen() may be
    unsigned (perhaps unexpectedly)
  • if (strlen(x) strlen(y) gt 0) ...
  • avoid by casting
  • ((int) (strlen(x)) strlen(y) gt 0)
  • Problem what if x or y is a very large string?
  • a better alternative (strlen(x) gt strlen(y))

always true!
strcmp() string comparison
  • int strcmp(char const s1, char const s2)
  • returns a value less than zero if s1 precedes s2
    in lexicographical order
  • returns zero if s1 and s2 are equal
  • returns a value greater than zero if s1 follows
  • Source of a common mistake
  • seems reasonable to assume that strcmp returns
    true (nonzero) if s1 and s2 are equal false
    (zero) otherwise
  • In fact, exactly the opposite is the case!

Restricted vs. unrestricted string functions
  • Restricted versions require an extra integer
    argument that bounds the operation
  • char strncpy(char dst, char const src, size_t
  • char strncat(char dst, char const src, size_t
  • int strncmp(char const s1, char const s2,
    size_t len)
  • safer in that they avoid problems with missing
    NUL terminators
  • safety concern with strncpy
  • If bound isnt large enough, terminating NUL
    wont be written
  • Safe alternative
  • strncpy(buffer, name, BSIZE)
  • bufferBSIZE-1 '\0'

String searching
  • char strstr(const char haystack, const char
  • / return a pointer to first occurrence of the
    substring needle in the string haystack. or NULL
    if the substring is not found /

Functions basic example
include ltstdio.hgt int sum(int a, int b) /
function prototype at start of file / void
main(void) int total sum(4,5) / call to
the function / printf(The sum of 4 and 5 is
d, total) int sum(int a, int b) / the
function itself - arguments passed by
value/ return (ab) / return by value
Argument Passing
Whats wrong with this ?
include ltstdio.hgt void dosomething(int
ptr) main() int p dosomething(p) printf(
d, p) / will this work ? / void
dosomething(int ptr) / passed and returned by
reference / int temp3212 ptr
(temp) / compiles correctly, but gives
run-time error /
Passing and returning arrays
include ltstdio.hgt void init_array(int array,
int size) void main(void) int list5
init_array(list, 5) for (i 0 i lt 5 i)
printf(nextd, arrayi) void
init_array(int array, int size) / why size ?
/ / arrays ALWAYS passed by reference /
int i for (i 0 i lt size i) arrayi
  • Equivalent of Javas classes with only data (no

include ltstdio.hgt struct birthday int
month int day int year main()
struct birthday mybday / - no new needed !
/ / then, its just like Java ! /
mybday.day1 mybday.month1 mybday.year1977
printf(I was born on d/d/d, birth.day,
birth.month, birth.year)
More on Structures
struct person char name41 int age
float height struct / embedded
structure / int month int day
int year birth struct person me
me.birth.year1977 struct person class60
/ array of info about everyone in class
/ class0.nameGun class0.birth.year1971

Passing/Returning a structure
/ pass struct by value / void
display_year_1(struct birthday mybday)
printf(I was born in d\n, mybday.year) /
- inefficient why ? / . . . . / pass struct
by reference / void display_year_2(struct
birthday pmybday) printf(I was born in
d\n, pmybday-gtyear) / warning ! -gt, not
., after a struct pointer/ . . . . /
return struct by value / struct birthday
get_bday(void) struct birthday newbday
newbday.year1971 / . after a struct /
return newbday / - also inefficient why ?
Synonym for a data type
typedef int Employees Employees my_company /
same as int my_company / typedef struct person
Person Person me / same as struct
person me / typedef struct person
Personptr Personptr ptrtome / same as
struct person ptrtome/
  • Easier to remember
  • Clean code

More pointers
int month12 / month is a pointer to base
address 430/ month3 7 / month address
3 int elements gt int at address (43034)
is now 7 / ptr month 2 / ptr points to
month2, gt ptr is now (4302 int
elements) 438 / ptr5 12 / ptr
address 5 int elements gt int at
address (43454) is now 12. Thus, month7 is
now 12 / ptr / ptr lt- 438 1
size of int 442 / (ptr 4)2 12 /
accessing ptr6 i.e., array9 /
  • Now , month6, (month6), (month4)2,
    ptr3, (ptr3) are all the same integer

Memory Layout
  • How is memory organized?
  • Textcode, constant data

Memory Layout
  • How is memory organized?
  • Textcode, constant data
  • Data initialized global and static variables

Memory Layout
  • How is memory organized?
  • Textcode, constant data
  • Data initialized global and static variables
  • BSS (Block Started by Symbol)

Memory Layout
  • How is memory organized?
  • Textcode, constant data
  • Data initialized global and static variables
  • BSS (Block Started by Symbol)
  • Heap dynamic memory

Memory Layout
  • How is memory organized?
  • Textcode, constant data
  • Data initialized global and static variables
  • BSS (Block Started by Symbol)
  • Heap dynamic memory
  • Stack local variables

Memory Layout
Overview of memory management
  • Stack-allocated memory
  • When a function is called, memory is allocated
    for all of its parameters and local variables.
  • Each active function call has memory on the stack
    (with the current function call on top)
  • When a function call terminates,
  • the memory is deallocated (freed up)
  • Ex main() calls f(),
  • f() calls g()
  • g() recursively calls g()

Memory Allocation
  • How is memory allocated?
  • Global and static variables program startup

Memory Allocation
  • How is memory allocated?
  • Global and static variables program startup
  • Local variables function call

Memory Allocation
  • How is memory allocated?
  • Global and static variables program startup
  • Local variables function call
  • Dynamic memory malloc()

Memory Allocation
  • Heap-allocated memory
  • This is used for persistent data, that must
    survive beyond the lifetime of a function call
  • dynamically allocated memory C statements can
    create new heap data (similar to new in Java/C)
  • Heap memory is allocated in a more complex way
    than stack memory
  • Like stack-allocated memory, the underlying
    system determines where to get more memory the
    programmer doesnt have to search for free memory

Allocating new heap memory
Note void denotes a generic pointer type
  • void malloc(size_t size)
  • Allocate a block of size bytes,
  • return a pointer to the block
  • (NULL if unable to allocate block)

Memory deallocation
  • How is memory deallocated?
  • Global and static variables program finish

Memory deallocation
  • How is memory deallocated?
  • Global and static variables program finish
  • Local variables function return

Memory deallocation
  • How is memory deallocated?
  • Global and static variables program finish
  • Local variables function return
  • Dynamic memory free()

Memory deallocation
  • How is memory deallocated?
  • Global and static variables program finish
  • Local variables function return
  • Dynamic memory free()
  • All memory is deallocated at
  • program termination

Memory deallocation
  • How is memory deallocated?
  • Global and static variables program finish
  • Local variables function return
  • Dynamic memory free()
  • All memory is deallocated at
  • program termination
  • It is good style to free allocated
  • memory anyway

Memory deallocation
Deallocating heap memory
  • void free(void pointer)
  • Given a pointer to previously allocated memory,
  • put the region back in the heap of unallocated
  • Note easy to forget to free memory when no
    longer needed...
  • especially if youre used to a language with
    garbage collection like Java
  • This is the source of the notorious memory leak
  • Difficult to trace the program will run fine
    for some time, until suddenly there is no more

Checking for successful allocation
  • Call to malloc might fail to allocate memory, if
    theres not enough available
  • Easy to forget this check, annoying to have to do
    it every time malloc is called...

Memory errors
  • Using memory that you have not initialized
  • Using memory that you do not own
  • Using more memory than you have allocated
  • Using faulty heap memory management

Using memory that you have not initialized
  • Uninitialized memory read
  • Uninitialized memory copy
  • not necessarily critical unless a memory read
  • void foo(int pi)
  • int j
  • pi j
  • / UMC j is uninitialized, copied into pi /
  • void bar()
  • int i10
  • foo(i)
  • printf("i d\n", i)
  • / UMR Using i, which is now junk value /

Using memory that you dont own
  • Null pointer read/write
  • typedef struct node
  • struct node next
  • int val
  • Node
  • int findLastNodeValue(Node head)
  • while (head-gtnext ! NULL) / Expect NPR /
  • head head-gtnext
  • return head-gtval / Expect ZPR /

What if head is NULL?
Using memory that you dont own
  • Invalid pointer read/write
  • Pointer to memory that hasnt been allocated to
  • void genIPR()
  • int ipr (int ) malloc(4 sizeof(int))
  • int i, j
  • i (ipr - 1000) j (ipr 1000) / Expect
    IPR /
  • free(ipr)
  • void genIPW()
  • int ipw (int ) malloc(5 sizeof(int))
  • (ipw - 1000) 0 (ipw 1000) 0 / Expect
    IPW /
  • free(ipw)

Using memory that you havent allocated
  • Array bound read/write
  • void genABRandABW()
  • const char name Safety Critical"
  • char str (char) malloc(10)
  • strncpy(str, name, 10)
  • str11 '\0' / Expect ABW /
  • printf("s\n", str) / Expect ABR /

Faulty heap management
  • Memory leak
  • int pi
  • void foo()
  • pi (int) malloc(8sizeof(int))
  • / Allocate memory for pi /
  • / Oops, leaked the old memory pointed to by pi
  • free(pi) / foo() is done with pi, so free it
  • void main()
  • pi (int) malloc(4sizeof(int))
  • / Expect MLK foo leaks it /
  • foo()

Faulty heap management
  • Potential memory leak
  • no pointer to the beginning of a block
  • not necessarily critical block beginning may
    still be reachable via pointer arithmetic
  • int plk NULL
  • void genPLK()
  • plk (int ) malloc(2 sizeof(int))
  • / Expect PLK as pointer variable is
  • past beginning of block /
  • plk

Faulty heap management
  • Freeing non-heap memory
  • Freeing unallocated memory
  • void genFNH()
  • int fnh 0
  • free(fnh) / Expect FNH freeing stack memory
  • void genFUM()
  • int fum (int ) malloc(4 sizeof(int))
  • free(fum1) / Expect FUM fum1 points to
    middle of a block /
  • free(fum)
  • free(fum) / Expect FUM freeing already freed
    memory /

Dynamic Memory
Dynamic Memory
Dynamic Memory
Dynamic Memory
Dynamic Memory
Dynamic Memory
Dynamic Memory
Dynamic Memory
Dynamic Memory
Dynamic Memory
Dynamic Memory
Before you go.
  • Always initialize anything before using it
    (especially pointers)
  • Dont use pointers after freeing them
  • Dont return a functions local variables by
  • No exceptions so check for errors everywhere
  • An array is also a pointer, but its value is
  • Many things I havent told you you should be
    comfortable enough now to read them up by

Dynamic Memory
  • Code Execution start with dog()
  • Memory

char cat(char x, int i) static int r
4 x3 'h' char result (char
)malloc(20) sprintf(result, "s x d", x,
i) return result void dog() char
s "my cat" int z 12 cat(s, z)
Dynamic Memory
  • Code Execution
  • Memory

char cat(char x, int i) static int r
4 x3 'h' char result (char
)malloc(20) sprintf(result, "s x d", x,
i) return result void dog() char
s "my cat" int z 12 cat(s, z)
Dynamic Memory
  • Code Execution
  • Memory

char cat(char x, int i) static int r
4 x3 'h' char result (char
)malloc(20) sprintf(result, "s x d", x,
i) return result void dog() char
s "my cat" int z 12 cat(s, z)
my cat
Dynamic Memory
  • Code Execution
  • Memory

char cat(char x, int i) static int r
4 x3 'h' char result (char
)malloc(20) sprintf(result, "s x d", x,
i) return result void dog() char
s "my cat" int z 12 cat(s, z)
z 12
my cat
Dynamic Memory
  • Code Execution
  • Memory

char cat(char x, int i) static int r
4 x3 'h' char result (char
)malloc(20) sprintf(result, "s x d", x,
i) return result void dog() char
s "my cat" int z 12 cat(s, z)
i 12
cat() Stack Frame
z 12
dog() Stack Frame
my cat
Dynamic Memory
  • Code Execution
  • Memory

char cat(char x, int i) static int r
4 x3 'h' char result (char
)malloc(20) sprintf(result, "s x d", x,
i) return result void dog() char
s "my cat" int z 12 cat(s, z)
i 12
cat() Stack Frame
z 12
dog() Stack Frame
my cat
r 4
Static Memory
Dynamic Memory
  • Code Execution
  • Memory

char cat(char x, int i) static int r
4 x3 'h' char result (char
)malloc(20) sprintf(result, "s x d", x,
i) return result void dog() char
s "my cat" int z 12 cat(s, z)
i 12
cat() Stack Frame
z 12
dog() Stack Frame
my hat
r 4
Static Memory
Dynamic Memory
  • Code Execution
  • Memory

char cat(char x, int i) static int r
4 x3 'h' char result (char
)malloc(20) sprintf(result, "s x d", x,
i) return result void dog() char
s "my cat" int z 12 cat(s, z)
20 bytes
Heap Memory
cat() Stack Frame
i 12
z 12
dog() Stack Frame
my hat
r 4
Static Memory
Dynamic Memory
  • Code Execution
  • Memory

char cat(char x, int i) static int r
4 x3 'h' char result (char
)malloc(20) sprintf(result, "s x d", x,
i) return result void dog() char
s "my cat" int z 12 cat(s, z)
my hat x 12
Heap Memory
cat() Stack Frame
i 12
z 12
dog() Stack Frame
my hat
r 4
Static Memory
Dynamic Memory
  • Code Execution
  • Memory

char cat(char x, int i) static int r
4 x3 'h' char result (char
)malloc(20) sprintf(result, "s x d", x,
i) return result void dog() char
s "my cat" int z 12 cat(s, z)
my hat x 12
Heap Memory
z 12
dog() Stack Frame
my hat
r 4
Static Memory
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