Title: Future in Particle Physics!
1Future in Particle Physics!
- Future of Accelerator-Based Particle Physics in
Europe - HEPAP
- Long Range Planning for U.S. High-Energy Physics
- coming up soon?
F. Linde, 14-December-2001, Amsterdam
2Input to ECFA report
- Laboratories
- L. Maiani CERN views for the future
- A. Wagner Views on the future of DESY
- J. Bagger HEPAP sub-panel on long range
planning for U.S. High energy physics - F. Gilman The U.S. high energy physics advisory
panel white paper - A. Skrinsky Russian HEP activity status and
perspectives - S. Komamiya Report on ACFA activities
- Projects
- F. Gianotti Physics perspectives with the LHC
within Standard Model - P. Sphicas Physics perspectives with the LHC
SuSy and other physics beyond SM - K. Hubner New acceleration methods and plans
for high intensity proton machines - R. Klanner Future perspectives for e?p physics
- D. Miller Physics potential and concrete
perspectives for lt1 TeV linear colliders - P. Zerwas Muti-TeV lepton colliders the
physics potential - J.P. Delahaye CLIC, a two beam multi-TeV e?
linear collider - A. de Roeck CLIC, a compact linear collider
experimentation and physics potential - M. Tigner Perspectives and experimental
environment of a muon collider - P. Janot What physics at muon colliders
- K. Peach Neutrino factories
3Physics challenges
- many questions, e.g.
- matter ? anti-matter?
- dark matter?
- three families?
- generation of mass?
- proton decay?
- charge quantization?
- unification?
4Progress within the Standard Model
- Outstanding issues
- Higgs mechanism
- quark-gluon plasma
- CP violation quark sector
- neutrino sector
5Progress beyond the Standard Model
- Approaches
- Rare/forbidden decays
- New particles
- New interactions
- Unification
- Unknown look into the sky!
6Experimental opportunities
7Future G projects
- Hadron-hadron (CERN Fermilab)
- LHC upgrades
- Luminosity upgrade 1034 ? 1035 cm-2s-1 easy
(you want it?) - Energy upgrade difficult (we might want it!)
- Very large hadron colliders VLHC
- Lepton-lepton (CERN, DESY, US, Japan)
- e?e? linear colliders TESLA, NLC, JLC, CLIC
- ???? collider
- Intense neutrino beams (CERN, FermiLab, Japan)
- ??, ??, ?e, ?e
8Very large hadron collider
- Fermilab
- VLHC phased project
- (240 km circumference tunnel)
- Issue cost, cost and cost
dipole magnets interesting (transmission line)
- Physics
- The unknown, new, exciting!
- Continuation of LHC
- But also clear you only embark on this well after
the LHC has cleared the TeV energy range
9Intense neutrino beams (? ????collider?)
- SPL Ep? 2-15 GeV, 1016 p/s
- target p ? ??
- ?-decay ?? ? ??
- ?-cooling reduce ?E?, E??50 GeV
- ?-decay ?? decay in ring
- ?-collider future music
p???????e??e?? ????e??e??
Japan, CERN FermiLab
- Physics
- Near (lt1 km, high rate)
- structure functions
- CKM matrix
- new physics
- Far (102-104 km, low rate)
- oscillations
- CP
neutrino beam
neutrino beam
10???? collider
- Everything e?e? linear collider offers with as
advantages - Far less Beamstrahlung (negligible)
- Far better calibration (?E?5 keV, energy spread
polarization) - Much larger couplings to Higgs bosons
(???/?ee?4?104) - ? Higgs lineshape!
11Linear e?e? collider cartoons
12Linear e?e? collider real work
13Lepton colliders e?e?
- e?e?
- Higgs
- Supersymmetry
- lots more (QCD, )
- X-ray FEL option
- biology
- material
- ?e? and ?? options
14Making choices!
- HEP creativity exceeds available finances ? must
be selective - allow orginal, excellent, new, ... proposals ? be
flexible - limit (expensive) duplications ? operate globally
- sufficient RD before technology decision ? be
economical - realistic time schedules!
- accelerator ? non-accelerator
- links to astro-physics, cosmology and nuclear
physics - plan for the unexpected
- fill no-physics between large accelerator
- Fairly well covered already
- B-physics HeraB/Tevatron - BaBar/Belle - LHCb
- Heavy-ion physics RHIC - ALICE
15ECFA recommendations
- Make the LHC a success i.e. get it running
timely! - Exploit ongoing facilities optimally in pre-LHC
era - Stimulate accelerator RD _at_ home institutes
- Next project a sub-TeV (?s ? 400 GeV) e?e?
linear collider - (irrespective of the findings of the LHC i.e.
justification exists today) - Coordinated RD effort to study ?-storage ring
- (SPL ? intense ?-beam)
- VLHC, CLIC ?-collider far future i.e. beyond
2020 - (coordinate RD efforts)
16Linear e?e? colliders
- pp ? e?e? colliders
- complementary (SppS ? LEP ? Tevatron)
- Z, W discovery ? Z factory
- mt prediction ? top discovery
- mH prediction ? Higgs discovery?
- pp discovery physics (? Nobel exp.)
- e?e? precision physics (? Nobel th.)
17e?e? linear collider physics
- Precision Higgs study (mH, spin, ?H, ?HHH, ?H?ff,
) - Super-symmetry spectroscopy (threshold scans)
- Precision measurements thereby probing higher
energies - Anything new and unexpected (unlikely to escape
LHC though)
18e?e? linear collider Higgs
Higgs signals
19Prospects (limit duplications BTeV, !)