Report of PAC for Particle Physics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Report of PAC for Particle Physics


Report of PAC for Particle Physics T. Hallman JINR Scientific Council Meeting January 20-21, 2005 Dubna, Russia Outline of this Talk Recent decisions taken at the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Report of PAC for Particle Physics

Report of PAC for Particle Physics
  • T. Hallman
  • JINR Scientific Council Meeting
  • January 20-21, 2005
  • Dubna, Russia

Outline of this Talk
  • Recent decisions taken at the November meeting
  • Planned exercise to set scientific priorities for
  • the projects
  • Information on physics topics that will be
    investigated in external experiments

Recommendations on New Projects
  •  The PAC recommends approval of the project
    Lifetime of ? ? - and ? k? atoms to test low
    energy QCD (an addendum to the DIRAC project)
    for execution with first priority until 2005.
    This addendum can be approved for a longer time
    in the future provided the DIRAC studies of
    lifetime of ?? - atoms are fully completed in

Recommendations on New Projects
  • The PAC recommends approval of the project
    Search and study of eta-mesonic nuclei in
    pA-reactions at the Nuclotron for execution
    until the end of 2007, with first priority until
  • The PAC recommends approval of the opening of the
    new theme Mathematical support of experimental
    and theoretical studies conducted by JINR for
    execution until 2007 with first priority in 2005.

Recommendations on Current Experiments
  • The PAC strongly recommends to make the Movable
    Polarized Target (PPM) available to the
    experiments as soon as possible and requests the
    Directorate ensure that adequate resources are
    available for the realization of this project.
  • The PAC notes the physics results obtained in
    NA49 and recommends continuation of JINRs
    participation in this activity.
  • The PAC note the physics results obtained on the
    PHENIX project and recommends continuation of
    JINRs participation in this activity.
  • The PAC notes the successful RD carried out with
    CLIC, as well as the creation of a millimeter
    test range facility the start of experimental
    data taking as well as RD for a
    submillimeter-wavelength range. Taking into
    account the importance of this workthe PAC
    recommends approval of this project up to 2007
    with first priority in 2005.
  • The PAC takes note of the status report on the
    TUS project (JINRs participation) and on the
    development of a proposal for the NUCLEON
    project. The PAC recommends continuation of
    JINRs participation in the TUS project with
    first priority until the end of 2005. The authors
    are invited to present a proposal for NUCLEON ar
    the next meeting of the PAC.

Setting Scientific Priorities Within the Program
  • "The Scientific Council would like the PACs to
    set scientific priorities, in light of budgets
    requested for the projects, being informed by the
    Directorate of the global financial situation,
    and the resources they propose to distribute to
    different fields of research

Setting Scientific Priorities Within the Program
  • An internal committee, Chaired by Prof. Igor
    Savin, will be commissioned to review the
    projects and recommend changes. The
    recommendation of the internal committee will be
    provided to the PAC at the November meeting.
  • In addition the PAC, in response to the following
    charge from Vice-Director Sissakian will provide
    helpful guidance at the beginning of this process
    by providing input concerning the scientific
    priorities of the projects.

Setting Scientific Priorities Within the Program
  • Dear Professor Hallman
  • In accordance with the recommendation of the
    Scientific Council at its meeting of 3-4 June,
    2004, I am asking that the Program Advisory
    Committee for Particle Physics provide guidance
    on the scientific priorities for approved
    projects in the JINR particle physics program.
  • The primary purpose of this exercise is to
    seek input from the PAC on the significance,
    quality, and promise of ongoing and planned
    research in the context of maintaining a
    world-class particle physics research program at
    JINR. In carrying out this charge, the PAC is
    requested to comment on each project concerning
    whether it is
  • First Priority
  • absolutely essential, compelling research
    that "must be done" to support world leadership
    by JINR in particle and nuclear physics
  • Second Budgetary Priority
  • excellent, forefront research by JINR
    scientists which should be supported with high
  • Second Non-Budgetary Priority
  • important scientific research which should
    be carried out if resources permit

Setting Scientific Priorities Within the Program
  • In making this determination, the PAC should
    evaluate the following
  • 1)  Scientific significance of the research
    project in a world view
  • 2)  Strength of the JINR scientific contribution
    to the project
  • 3)  Demonstrated achievement and future promise
    of JINR scientific team on the project strength
    of the team involved in the project (experience,
  • 4)  Extent to which the project contributes to
    the scientific life of JINR in Dubna
  • The comments of the PAC will constitute
    essential input for the effort at
  • JINR to shape a world-class research programme
    which is fits within the
  • constraint of available resources. I greatly
    appreciate the willingness of the
  • PAC to assist the Directorate in making this
    important determination. I look
  • forward to an informative report.
  •         Sincerely, A. Sissakian

Search for the HIGGS Origin of Mass Super
JINR in the CMS Physics Program
JINR in CMS Physics
  • The field of special interest of the Dubna group
    is study of Drell-
  • Yan processes in the large invariant mass region
  • The idea is to test Standard Model calculations
    for muon pair
  • production up to the highest invariant mass
  • This task is attractive because
  • There are many theoretical predictions of
    violations of the SM
  • There is no competition for the LHC ? unique
    opportunity to test the SM up to 3-5 TeV mass
    region (Tevatron region is limited only of 0.8
  • Excellent performance of CMS Muon system
  • Potential of the Dubna theoretical school to
    support this research program
  • This activity of the JINR group is very visible
    in CMS
  • 20 contributions on these issues at CMS week
  • other conferences in 2004 alone.

Research Strategy
  • The strategy of this investigation is
    model-independent precision measurement of
    di-muon spectra and comparison of the data with
    theoretical calculations within the Standard
  • This strategy includes the following main
    research directions
  • Theoretical support
  • calculations of SM di-muon continuum
  • QCD and EW high-order corrections
  • PDFs uncertainties status and perspectives
  • modern tends in physics beyond the SM
    (conceptions, models, event generators)
  • Experimental studies of di-muons
  • Development of reconstruction and analysis
  • a few momentum resolution of TeV muon and
    dimuon pairs
  • high track (and dimuon) reconstruction
  • Data pre-processing and analysis
  • Calibration and analysis
  • Trigger
  • Beam and cosmic tests

JINR in CMS Physics
  • JINR physicists are very well integrated in the
  • (computing / physics / triggering) project
  • They take part in
  • Calibration
  • Development of core and reconstruction software
  • Development of data processing and analysis
  • In particular, JINR physicists are involved in
    the tasks related to
  • B-physics
  • QCD (jet physics)
  • Heavy Ion (QGP) physics

CMS Computing at JINR
The unprecedented LHC research program can not be
carried out with even the most advanced
conventional computing facilities 1 CMS event
1 MB 100-200 events will recorded in 1 sec
2?1015 B/year (2 PetaB/year) To support the LHC
research programme next generation computing
network organization based on the GRID concept is
under development (LCG project)
In JINR, this activity was started by LIT since
the very beginning of the CMS project JINR is
on of the founder of RDMS LHC Regional Computer
Center At present, JINR computer facilities are
well integrated into the LCG project
JINR Central Complex for Information and Computing
6 Interactive 18 Common PC-farm 30 LHC 14
MYRINET (Parallel) 20 LCG 20 File servers
8 LCG-user interface
Year Present time 2004 2005 2006 2007
CPU 116 130 180 250 400
Disk Space, TB 14 18 50 100 500
Tape, TB 2.5 (10 ?) 2.5 (10 ?) 50 50 150
WAN, MBit/s 45 1000 1000 1000
JINR plans for physics with CMS
  • At the stage of data taking and physics analysis,
    the JINR CMS project will be organized as a joint
    effort between several groups from LPP, LHE, LPP
    and LIT with tasks distributed along the
    following lines
  • Data taking and technical support group (LPP
    and LHC)
  • Input data control and processing (production)
    (P.Moissenz 4,LPP)
  • Data processing (V.Korenkov 5, LIT)
  • Physics analysis (S.Shmatov 5, LPP)
  • Theoretical support (O.Teryaev, D.Bardin, BLTP)
  • These groups already exist, most physicists
    are below 35

Permanent weekly seminar in LPP, each Wednesday
at 1500 Planned monthly meeting with other RDMS
Annual RDMS Conferences VII December 2002
in IHEP, Protvino VIII December 2003 in JINR,
Dubna IX December 2004 in NCHEPP, Minsk X
December 2005 in PNPI, St.-Petersburg
JINR preparations for science with ALICE
Planned JINR Scientific Analyses on ALICE
  • 1. Study of hot and dense nuclear matter in
    nuclear (AA) collisions in the frame of QCD
  • Light resonance ( ?, ?, ?) production chiral
    symmetry restoration
  • Particle correlations space-time evolution and
    interferometry measurements

  • Heavy-quark and quarkonium ( J/?, ? families)
    production. Quarkonium suppression (Di-muon decay
    mode Di-electron decay mode)
  • Direct photon production Prompt photon
    characteristics and two-photon correlations

Planned JINR Scientific Analyses on ALICE
  • Study of proton - nucleus (pA) and proton
  • (pp) collisions.
  • pA and pp measurements as a benchmark for heavy
  • ion physics
  • Light resonance production and particle
  • Di-muon decay mode
  • Di-electron decay mode
  • Charged particle multiplicity distributions very
    high multiplicity.

LHC Computing
  • JINR team has taken responsibility to organize
    the Physics Data Challenge for all ALICE
    Institutes situated in Russia
  • Physics Data Challenge March - August 2004 107
    events processed
  • LHC Computing GRID (LCG) activity (deployment,

Processed jobs by JINR
2500 Erroneous jobs on JINR
site 404 Possible
explanation the RAM capacity of 2 processors
batch node (512MB) was insufficient for
processing of two AliRoot jobs.
Physics Simulation in ALICE -- Particle
  • Particle identification with Inner
  • Tracking System and Time
  • Projection Chamber
  • Simulation of F ? KK- including
  • the tracking and detector (ITS,TPC)
  • efficiencies
  • Development of New Cluster
  • Finding Algorithm
  • The Study of the HBT Correlations

480 HIJING events
480 HIJING events
Physics With ALICE
Effective mass distribution of (KK-)
pairs. Particle identification switched on!
The resonance peak after (KK) background
Mass and width BW fit parameters are
respectively 1019.60 0.04 MeV and
4.30 0.12 MeV.
For the BW fit, the gaussian effective mass
resolution (1.23 MeV) has been taken into
account by a convolution of BW and gaussian
The S/B increases from 0.5 at the lowest
pT(KK-) lt 0.6 GeV/c to 6.2 at the highest pt gt
2.2 GeV/c with the significance
equal to 120.
Detection of the Upsilon in p-Pb and Pb-p
collisions in the ALICE muon spectrometer ( pt m
gt 3GeV/c)
  • bb BGR Signal


The ATLAS Detector at the CERN LHC
Search for the HIGGS Origin of Mass Super
Scientific authors from JINR/Dubna (2005)
  • Alexandrov I.,Bardin D., Bednjakov V., Boyko I.,
    Budagov J., Chelkov G., Evtukhovich P., Flyagin
    V., Glonti G., Gostkin M., Grigalashvili N.,
    Kalinovskaja I., Kazarinov M., Kekelidze G.,
    Khovansky N., Kotov S., Kotov V., Krumstein Z.,
    Kukhtin V., Ladygin E., Lazarev A., Manjavidze
    I., Minashvili I., Mineev M., Nanava G., Neganov
    A., Olshevski A., Peshekhonov V., Pisarev I.,
    Romanov V., Rusakovich N., Rybaltchenko K.,
    Sissakian A., Tchepournov V., Topilin N., Usov
    Y., Vinogradov V.
  • graduated students
  • Arabidze G., Barashkou A., Dedovich D., Demichev
    M., Elagin A., Guskov A., Nikolaev K., Kruchonak
    V., Ilushenko E., Khartchenko D., Khoriauli G.,
    Khramov E., Kolesnikov B., Kruchonak V., Potrap
    I., Rumjantsev L., Sadykov R., Tonojan A.,
    Zhemchugov A.

Preparing to do science with ATLAS
Physics simulations and new research proposals of
the ATLAS-JINR group were discussed at the two
workshops on the ATLAS physics program (Dubna--Apr
il and November, 2004). The main topics are the
following Search for the SM Higgs boson with
the ATLAS detector via the process H ? 4µ
(G.Chelkov, I.Boiko, K.Nikolaev,
R.Sadikov) Study of the the ATLAS large-mass
Higgs discovery potential by means of the
reactions H?2W?2l?, or H?2W?l ?jj (Yu.Kulchitsky)
and H?2Z?2l ?, or H?2Z?lljj (V.Vinogradov).
These studies were based on simulated ATLAS DC1
and DC2 data. They rely on the Higgs boson
production via the Vector Boson Fusion mechanism
(the two accompanying forward jets allow very
good background reduction) and on the maximal
Higgs boson decay rates into WW- or ZZ-pair at
MHIGGS 400 -- 1000 GeV.
JINR preparations for physics with ATLAS H ?
  • Study of Higgs Boson Decays
  • H ? µµµµ
  • (Boyko I., Chelkov G., Nikolaev K.)
  • Using the full simulation of ATLAS detector
  • Study effects of pile-up (first time in ATLAS!)
  • Background study.
  • Preprint JINR (?1-2004-44)

Preparing to do science with ATLAS
The possibility of investigating the quark-gluon
structure functions with the ATLAS detector by
means of simultaneous registration of a direct
photon (or Z-boson) and jets (so called
"gamma/Zjet" events) is being studied by
D.Bandurin and N.Skatchkov. An HEP
(semi-)analytical calculation tool for the LHC
(Project SANC Support of Analytical and
Numerical Calculations for Experiments at
Colliders) is being Developed by D.Bardin,
L.Kalinovskaya, P.Christova, G.Nanava A.Andonov
(DLNP, JINR), A.Arbuzov, S.Bondarenko (BLTF,
JINR)and V.Kolesnikov (PhD student, UNC, JINR).
This a work in progress which promises to be
useful for development of the JINR-ATLAS
physical program in the near future. Physical
verification of the SM electric charge of the
top-quark (2/3) with the ATLAS detector
utilizing lepton-jet top decay channels
(N.Russakovich, V.Bednyakov ,E.Khromov,
Preparing to do science with ATLAS
Evaluation of the next-to-leading order QCD
corrections to single top- and top-anti top
quark production together with an estimation of
the associated top-Higgs production (in
pp-interactions) are being studied by A.Akhmedov.
Aspects of research on top- and Higgs boson
production and the search for the exotic
phenomena at the LHC are being explored by
Z.Usubov. Theory and phenomenology of ATLAS
physics with the Higgs bosons, extra gauge
bosons and (very) heavy quarkonia states as well
as a the theory of the multi-particle
correlations during particle production is being
studied by G.Kozlov. A possible monopole search
with the ATLAS detector is being explored by
Yu.Kurochkin (Minsk). Diffractive Higgs
production and the search for the virtual
electroweak effects with ATLAS are being studied
by I.Satsunkevich (Minsk). V.Gilevsky (Minsk)
is studying general parameterization of 4-boson
vertex and its importance for collider physics.
P.Starovoitov (Minsk) is examining the
two-photon mechanism of Drell-Yan lepton
pair production in pp-collisions and has
demonstrated that its contribution is not
negligible. These are ongoing theoretical
studies that still need to be simulated in ATLAS.
JINR Physics at the Tevatron
  • D0 (Alexeev 10)
  • QCD development of a method for direct jet
    energy scale calibration (JES)
  • Direct photons (Pt spectrum)
  • Structure function measurment in new kinematic
  • B physics - development of methods for efficient
    low pT tracking (needed for
  • detecting soft final state pions and protons)
  • Search for Xi_b cascade hyperon in exclusive
    decay channel
  • Xi_b ? J/psi Xi.
  • Software tools development and some analysis is
    done in Dubna the main analysis at FNAL
  • CDF (Budagov 12)
  • JINR CDF groups are heavily involved in the
    measurement of top quark mass in lepton-lepton
    and lepton-jet channels
  • Data analysis is
    performed equally at Fermilab and Dubna

Experimental programs for discussion at a future
Mature Efforts
Future Prospects
  • Aggressive preparations are underway to realize
    the benefit
  • of JINRs contributions to the LHC and play
    a central role
  • in the scientific programs of CMS, ALICE,
    and ATLAS
  • An important exercise has now been commissioned
    by Vice-Director
  • Sissakian at the suggestion of the
    Scientific Council to have the
  • PAC For Particle Physics comment on the
    scientific priorities of
  • the projects within the context of a
    realistic budget

Backup Slides
SM dimuon continuum calculations at present
  • Uncertainties are coming from
  • QCD and EW corrections (up to 6 for 3 TeV)
  • Parton Density Functions

Internal PDF uncertainties are dominant for the
large invariant range!
6 for 1 TeV masses 12 for 3 TeV masses
The PDF needs to be measured more precisely in
the large x and Q2 region
Configuration of AliEn sites in Russia
  • 04Q2 gt4 AliEn operators
    at work stations

(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
CLIC Test facility for the investigation
of heating RF-damage effect in linear colliders

  • Results of 2002
  • The 30 GHz FEM demonstrated the required
    characteristics (RF power and pulse length,
    operational stability, RF parameters deviations
    and repetition rate)
  • The RF test equipment was installed in a test
  • The overall test stand (FEM and RF test
    equipment) was assembled and tuned
  • First RF pulsed heating experiments started in
    order to successfully move to
  • the second study stage of the project.
  • Program for 2003
  • Scheduled routine tests to achieve the required
    integrated statistical level (106 RF pulses)
    required for the third study stage of the
  • Discussion of the experimental results and future
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