Lecture Series in Energetic Particle Physics of Fusion Plasmas - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lecture Series in Energetic Particle Physics of Fusion Plasmas


F. Zonca, F. Romanelli, G. Vlad and C. Kar 1995, Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 698 ... Particle/MHD hybrid model. Use M3D code ... XMHD Model. Experimental observation ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lecture Series in Energetic Particle Physics of Fusion Plasmas

Lecture Series in Energetic Particle Physics of
Fusion Plasmas
  • Guoyong Fu
  • Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
  • Princeton University
  • Princeton, NJ 08543, USA

IFTS, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, Jan.
3-8, 2007
A series of 5 lectures
  • (1) Overview of Energetic Particle Physics in
    Tokamaks (today)
  • (2) Tokamak equilibrium, shear Alfven wave
    equation, Alfven eigenmodes (Jan. 4)
  • (3) Linear stability of energetic
    particle-driven modes (Jan. 5)
  • (4) Nonlinear dynamics of energetic
    particle-driven modes (Jan. 6)
  • (5) Summary and future direction for research in
    energetic particle physics (Jan. 8)

  • Saturation mechanism
  • Single mode saturation bump-on-tail problem
  • Multi-mode problem
  • Hybrid simulation of fishbone instability
  • Summary

Destabilize shear Alfven waves via wave-particle
  • Destabilization mechanism (universal drive)
  • Wave particle resonance at
  • For the right phase, particle will lose energy
    going outward and gaining energy going inward. As
    a result, particles will lose energy to waves.
  • Energetic particle drive

Spatial gradient drive
Landau damping Due to velocity space gradient
TAE Stability energetic particle drive and
background dampings
  • Energetic particle drive
  • Dampings
  • Ion and electron Landau damping, collisional
    damping, continuum damping, radiative damping
    due to kinetic Alfven waves
  • Drive gt damping for instability
  • G.Y.Fu and J.W. Van Dam, Phys. Fluids B1, 1949
  • M.N. Rosenbluth, H.L. Berk, J.W. Van Dam and D.M.
    Lindberg 1992, Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 596
  • R.R. Mett and S.M. Mahajan 1992, Phys. Fluids B
    4, 2885

First observation of TAE in TFTR
K.L. Wong, R.J. Fonck, S.F. Paul, et al. 1991,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 1874
Example of EPM fishbone instability
Mode structure is of (m,n)(1,1) internal
kink Mode is destabilized by energetic
trapped particles Mode frequency is comparable
to trapped particles precessional drift
K. McGuire, R. Goldston, M. Bell, et al. 1983,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 50, 891 L. Chen, R.B. White and
M.N. Rosenbluth 1984, Phys. Rev. Lett. 52, 1122
Bump-on-tail problem definition
H.L. Berk and B.N. Breizman 1990, Phys. Fluids B
2, 2235
Bump-on-tail problem saturation mechanism
  • We first consider case of no source/sink and no
    damping. The instability then saturates at

The saturation is due to wave-particle trapping.
The instability saturates when the distribution
is flattened at the resonance region (width of
flattened region is on order of
Bump-on-tail problem saturation with damping,
source and sink
  • Collisions tend to restore the original unstable
    distribution. Balance of nonlinear flattening and
    collisional restoration leads to mode saturation.
    It can be shown that the linear growth rate is
    reduced by a factor of . Thus, the
    mode saturates at

H.L. Berk and B.N. Breizman 1990, Phys. Fluids B
2, 2235
H.L. Berk et al, Phys. Plasmas 2, 3007 (1995).
Transition from steady state saturation to
explosive nonlinear regime
B.N. Breizman et al Phys. Plasmas 4, 1559 (1997).
Hole-clump creation and frequency chirping
  • For near stability threshold and small collision
    frequency, hole-clump will be created due to
    steepening of distribution function near the
    boundary of flattening region.
  • As hole and clump moves up and down in the phase
    space of distribution function, the mode
    frequency also moves up and down.

H.L. Berk et al., Phys. Plasma 6, 3102 (1999).
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Experimental observation of frequency chirping
M.P. Gryaznevich et al, Plasma Phys. Control.
Fusion 46 S15, 2004.
Saturation due to mode-mode coupling
  • Fluid nonlinearity induces n0 perturbations
    which lead to equilibrium modification, narrowing
    of continuum gaps and enhancement of mode
  • D.A. Spong, B.A. Carreras and C.L. Hedrick 1994,
    Phys. Plasmas 1, 1503
  • F. Zonca, F. Romanelli, G. Vlad and C. Kar 1995,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 698
  • L. Chen, F. Zonca, R.A. Santoro and G. Hu 1998,
    Plasma Phys. Control.
  • Fusion 40, 1823
  • At high-n, mode-mode coupling leads to mode
    cascade to lower frequencies via ion Compton
    scattering. As a result, modes saturate due to
    larger effective damping.

T.S. Hahm and L. Chen 1995, Phys. Rev. Lett. 74,
Multiple unstable modes can lead to resonance
overlap and stochastic diffusion of energetic
H.L. Berk et al, Phys. Plasmas 2, 3007 (1995).
Nonlinear Hybrid Simulation of Fishbone
  • Particle/MHD hybrid model
  • Use M3D code
  • Observed dynamic distribution flattening as mode
    frequency decreases.

G.Y. Fu et al, Phys. Plasmas 13, 052517 (2006)
M3D Code
  • M3D is a 3D extended nonlinear MHD code with
    multiple level of physics
  • resistive MHD
  • two fluids
  • Particle/MHD hyrid

M3D XMHD Model
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Experimental observation of fishbone instability
in PDX
Excitation of Fishbone at high bh
Mode Structure Ideal Kink v.s. Fishbone
Nonlinear evolution of mode structure and mode
Saturation amplitude scale as square of linear
growth rate
Simulation of fishbone shows distribution
fattening and strong frequency chirping
  • Single mode saturates due to wave-particle
    trapping or distribution flattening.
  • Collisions tend to restore original unstable
  • Near stability threshold, nonlinear evolution can
    be explosive when collision is sufficiently weak.
  • Mode-mode coupling can enhance damping and induce
    mode saturation.
  • Multiple modes can cause resonance overlap and
    enhance particle loss.
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