Title: The Genesis and Evolution of PostCom
1(No Transcript)
2The Genesis andEvolution of PostCom ATCMU TCMAA
MMA PostCom
3PostCom Represent the interestsof those who
useand those who supportothers in the useof
mail for Business Communicationand Commerce
4Some of whatwe do....and whatwe've done
5PostCom helped organizethe first
Industry-USPS Brainstorming sessionon issues
pertaining to Advertising Mail
6In a 1986 brief provided to the Postal Rate
Commisson, PostCom proposed the use of
unrelated business income as a test for
distinguishing between regular rate and
nonprofit rate mail.
7PostCom initiated the callthat culminated in the
creationof the Automation and Bar CodeWorkgroup
and the developmentof address-block barcodingon
automation-compatible mail.
8In a 1988 article in Direct Marketing magazine,
PostCom initiated the call for mail
classification reform to update the Postal
Service's mail classification system to reflect
more perfectly the costs of mail processing and
distribution and the savings generated by mailer
9In a letter to Postmaster General Anthony M.
Frank, PostCom issued the first industry call
for postal choice and greater efficiency
through the introduction of competition in the
provision of mail services.
10Through its work with Presidential (Reagan
Administration) and Vice Presidential (Bush
Administration) commissions and Washington-based
think-tanks (Cato Institute, Brookings
Institution, Heritage Foundation), PostCom began
the campaign for comprehensive postal
legislative reform.
11PostCom helped spearhead the drive for the 1994
Postal Service-proposed less-than-inflation,
across-the-board postal rate increase.
12PostCom helped spearheadthe convocation of joint
industryand USPS initiatives such as the
Competitive ServicesTask Force
13PostCom was involved extensively in the Postal
Service's redraft of the mail classification
system, which culminated in the reform of
First, Second, and Third Class Mail.
14PostCom initiated and spearheaded the call for
an increase in the maximum weight for automated
letters from 2.5 to 3.5 ounces, which added
demonstrably greater value and savings
associated with advertising and promotions
using automation-compatible letter-size mail.
15PostCom helped coordinateUSPS-Industry
effortsto clarify rules governingthe use of
inserts and premiumswith Bound Printed
Matterand Nonprofit Rate Mail
16PostCom initiated and spearheaded the call for an
increase in the maximum weight for Bound Printed
Matter from ten to 15 pounds.
17PostCom initiated and spearheaded the drive for
creation of a new Bulk Small Parcel Return
Service with Shipper-Paid Forwarding to provide
mailers a more cost-efficient means for using
mail as an order fulfillment vehicle.
18PostCom helped coordinateUSPS-Industry
effortsto clarify rules governingFirst vs.
Standard Mail
19PostCom initiated the first-ever public
informational campaign to improve the public's
and lawmakers' appreciation of the value and
utility of advertising mail.
20PostCom convened thefirst-ever Postal Summiton
Flat-Mail Processing and Automation
21PostCom held the First-EverIndustry CEO
conference("Hail to the Chiefs") on postal
legislative reform
22PostCom helped spearheadthe creation of the
UniversalPostal Union Consultative Committee, An
International Forumwithin the UPUfor postal
23PostCom serves asVice-Chairman of the UPU
Direct Mail Advisory Board
24PostCom serves ason the National Postal
Museum Advisory Board
25Through its news and information services
PostCom BulletinPostCom Web site
(http//postcom.org), and other
publications, PostCom keeps its members informed
on all postal news and developments that can
affect their ability to use mail productively and
cost-efficiently as a business transactional
26Questions? Gene Del Polito Association for
Postal Commerce 1 703 524 0096 genedp_at_postcom.org