Title: Anger and Aggression
1Anger and Aggression
2Final Exam Date and Time
Date Thursday, Dec. 18 Time 1145-245
3Anger and Aggression
What gets us angrywhat kinds of situations,
people? Is anger more common with friends,
family, strangers, competitors/adversaries? Is
anger a positive or negative emotion? Does anger
ever do any good? Would humans be better off
without anger?
4Causes of Aggression
Territoriality  Impeding free action (B.F.
Skinner, Behaviorism) Â Maintaining Social
Hierarchies  Social hierarchies common across
species, cultures Hierarchies maintained by
threats  Aggressive sequence
Aggression ? Surrender ? Reconciliation  Frust
ration and Aggression
5Frustration and Aggression Theory
Basic Idea Aggression arises when basic goals,
needs, desires are frustrated. Aggression a form
of displacement
Lindzey, G. 1950 Frustration ?
Prejudice Frustrate subjects (40 Harvard males,
20 high
anti-sem, 20 low anti-sem) 1. Cant eat, drink
12 hrs before study 2. Drink 1 QT water, cant
pee 3. Clumsy blood test 4. Failure at group
task 5. Outcome anti-sem subs show increased
6Punishment and Rewards Due to Own
Discomfort(Berkowitz, et al. 1981)
General Effect
7Giving Punishment that Supposedly Helps
Performance vs. Punishment that Hurts
Performance, Due to Own Discomfort
(Berkowitz, et al.
8Giving Punishment that Supposedly Helps
Performance vs. Punishment that Hurts
Performance, Due to Own Discomfort
(Berkowitz, et al.
9Terror Management Theory and Aggression
Human Dilemma Humans only species aware of its
own mortality Humans, like all animals,
instinctively flee danger BUT Mortality
awareness is danger humans cant flee Culture
provides defense against existential terror of
mortality awareness. Promise of immortality
(e.g., religion) Promise of meaningful life,
transcends mortality
10Threat to Cultural Worldview and Violence
If mortality is greatest fear, and If cultural
worldview is my only defense against mortality
fears, Then how do I feel towards those who
challenge my cultural worldview?
Murder for religious, ideological
beliefs Martyrdom for religious, ideological
11Terror Mgt and Violence Experimental Evidence
Mortality Salience Manipulation Briefly write
describe the emotions that the thought of your
own death arouse in you. Jot down, as
specifically as you can, what you think will
happen to you as you physically die. Control
Condition Neutral Write about eating a meal,
watching TV Control Condition
Negative Dental pain, social rejection
12Results of Terror Mgt Experiments
Hostile Attitudes Increased Anti-Semitism Harshe
r criminal sentences to repeat offenders Harsher
ratings of anti USA essay writer Increased
hostility to African Americans Hostile
Behavior Distance from Turk vs. fellow
German Hot sauce administered to person with
opposing views
13Culture and Aggression Yanomamo and Inuit
14Culture and Aggression
Interdependent Cultures Utku Environ.
requires cooperation and tolerance Adios to
crazy, savage researcher  Individualistic/Pride
Based Culture Yanomamo  Environment more
benign, cooperation less necessary Lets rip-off
the sappy researcherÂ
What is the MOST violent industrialized society?
15Violence in the USA
Percent of adolescent boys involved in 1 fights
Percent of adolescent girls involved in 1 fights
Percent of adolescents who bring knife to school
Percent of adolescents who bring gun to school
Percent of men 12-19 encounter violent crime
All stats under-reported
16Individualistic vs. Collectivist Cultures
Individualistic Self interest promoted
"I Self" Collectivist Group interest
promoted "We self" Individualist Your gain
can be my loss Collectivist Your gain is our
gain is my gain Violence in "we self" culture is
bizarre like self- mutilation.
BUT Also authoritarian vs. libertarian societies
17Thanatos Instinct for Destruction (Freud)
Destruction, mayhem is fun Movies, novels,
plays, video games That dog is gonna die
moviesjustify our blood lust. Does anger do any
course of human events, it becomes necessary for
one people to dissolve the political bands which
have connected them with another, ., a decent
respect to the opinions of mankind requires that
they should declare the causes which impel them
to the separation. Â .But when a long train of
abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the
same Object, evinces a design to reduce them
under absolute despotism, it is their right, it
is their duty, to throw off such government,
. Â The history of the present King of Great
Britain is a history of repeated injuries and
usurpations, all having in direct object the
establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these
19Prisoners Dilemma Cooperation Game Â
Player 1 Player 2
Contempt Anger Withdrawal Whining
Not Good
Sometimes Good
Not Good
Not Good
21Function of Anger in Interpersonal Relationships
(Averill, 1981)
Subjects 80 married, 80 singles Subs complete
daily emotion self-reports Results 66 report
anger 1-2 a week 44 annoyance once a day
Anger due to frustration, violation of
expectation, lost of pride, damage
to property, self Anger source Most often
someone known, liked Why get angry? Assert
authority, rights Change the offender
Strengthen relationship
22Does Anger do Any Good? Averill, continued
Feelings about being angry most DONT like it
Was expression of anger beneficial? Percent of
Expressers saying yes Percent of Targets saying
Anger ? relationship readjustment Anger is act of
commitment, is pledge to see problem through But,
anger can lead to cycle of violence
23Seeing Anger Chouchourelou, Matsuka, Harber,
Shiffrar, under review
24(No Transcript)