Title: Red River Chloride Control
1Red River Chloride Control
2Salt Source Areas
3Brine Emission Types
4(No Transcript)
5Wichita River Basin, Texas
- The recommended plan for the Wichita Basin
includes brine collection at Areas VII, VIII
(completed), and X (partially completed), with
disposal in Truscott Brine Lake (completed). - When operational, 409 tons of salt per day will
be prevented from entering the Wichita River and
the Red River.
6Low Flow Diversion
Deflated During periods of high flow after a
rain, will allow diluted brines to pass
Inflated During low flow periods, brines will be
diverted to Brine Containment Facility.
7Elm Fork of the North Fork of the Red
River,Harmon County, Oklahoma (Area VI)
8Area VILooking SW
Salton Canyon
Salton Canyon
Robinson Canyon
Kiser Canyon
OKLAHOMA AND TEXAS. - The project for water quality control in the
Arkansas and Red River Basin, Texas, Oklahoma,
and Kansas, authorized by section 203 of the
Flood Control Act of 1966 (80 Stat. 1420) and
modified by section 1107(a) of the Water
Resources Development Act of 1986 (100 Stat.
4229) is further modified to direct the Secretary
to provide operation and maintenance for the Red
River Chloride Control project, Oklahoma and
Texas, at Federal expense. - Implementation Guidance is pending.
10Red River Chloride Control Project FY-09 Effort
1.5M (Senate report)
- Wichita Basin, TX - 865K
- - Resume Construction Efforts at Area X
Pumphouse. - - Resume ROW acquisition at Area X.
- - Initiate contract PS for Area VIII.
- - Continue Environmental Monitoring.
- Elm Fork, OK (Area VI) - 635K
- Reevaluation Study Efforts continued
- Agriculture economic modeling effort continued.
- Recreation survey/analysis.
- Hydraulic and Hydrologic analysis of watersheds.
- Continue water quality baseline analysis.
11Red River Chloride Control Project FY-09 Effort
3.2M (House report)
- Wichita Basin, TX - 2.565M
- - Resume Construction Efforts at Area X
Pumphouse. - - Complete ROW acquisition at Area X.
- - Initiate Construction efforts for the Area X
Pipeline. - - Initiate contract PS for Area VIII.
- - Continue Environmental Monitoring.
- Elm Fork, OK (Area VI) - 635K
- Reevaluation Study Efforts continued
- Agriculture economic modeling effort continued.
- Recreation survey/analysis.
- Hydraulic and Hydrologic analysis of watersheds.
- Continue water quality baseline analysis.
12Visit the Tulsa District web site www.swt.usace.a
Or our headquarters web site www.usace.army.mil