Title: Torch River Resources Ltd'
1Torch River Resources Ltd.
TSX Venture Symbol TCR
- Red Bird Central Coast of B.C. Canada
- Mt. Copeland Near Revelstoke, B.C.
- Exploring for Moly / Copper / Rhenium
2Corporate Information
- Address Bankers Hall West Tower
- Suite 1000, 888 - 3rd St S.W
- Calgary, AB. T2P 5C5
- Contacts Tel (403)-444-6888
- Fax (403)-668-6001
- Website www.torchriver.ca
- Email torchriver_at_telus.net
- Dr. William Pfaffenberger CEO, President and
- Donald G. Snyder Chairman
- Barry Pearson CFO
- James G. Louie Director
- Dr. David W. Madill Director
- Consultants and Advisory Team
- J.H. Simpson B.Sc.
4Capital Structure
- Shares Issued 45,126,177
- Warrants
4,330,000_at_ 0.35, Expire Sept 28 ,2008 -
1,375,000_at_ 0.50 to Sept 28 ,2008 -
936,666_at_ 0.35 to Dec 29,2008 -
1,466,667_at_ 0.18 to Feb 26,2009 -
233,333_at_ 0.18 to Feb 26, 2009 -
2,500,000_at_ 0.65 to Apr 5, 2009 -
250,000_at_ 0.50 to Apr 5, 2009 -
549,997_at_ 0.75 to Apr 5, 2008 then -
_at_ 0.95 to Apr 5, 2009 - Options 4,490,000_at_ 0.14 to 0.44
- Fully Diluted 61,257,840
5Stock Price History
Latest price (April 11, 2008) 0.215
Volume 15,000
62007 Purchased Property
- Grouse Mountain Property - Near Houston, B.C.
Widespread precious and base metal mineralization
grading to 4 copper, 312 oz/ton silver and .33
oz/ton gold occurs in a number of veins on the
Grouse Mountain Property. Grouse Mountain is
located in central west British Columbia
approximately midway between Smithers and
Houston. Although as presently defined the veins
are not economic because they are too narrow,
their depth potential and the potential that
mineralization may be part of a larger
mineralizing event, is generally unevaluated.
The Julia Vein has a small adit, from which a
2.72 tonne sample was taken in approximately 1939
and which produced 12,548 grams (403 ounces) of
silver and 85.3 kgs (3.14) copper. Torch River
carried out a program of ground geophysics, in
addition to soil and rock chip sampling on the
Grouse Mountain property in the summer of 2007.
72008 Optioned Property
- Mt. Copeland Past Producing High Grade Molybdenum
Property - The Mount Copeland deposit lies within
metamorphic rocks flanking the southern margin of
Frenchman Cap Dome, 32 kilometers northwest of
Revelstoke, British Columbia. The rocks have been
metamorphosed and subjected to three phases of
deformation. Lenses of syenite pegmatite and
syenite aplite are common along the northern
border of the nepheline syenite unit, and because
of their concentrations of molybdenite, are the
focus of economic interest. During the life of
the Mount Copeland mine (1970-1974) almost all
production was from these aplite-pegmatite bodies
within the syenite gneisses, more specifically
the Glacier zone, which was up to 3 meters thick
and exposed for 121 meters along a strike length
of over 1 kilometer. The object of Torch River
Resources exploration efforts will be to attempt
to find a repeat of the Glacier zone, which
produced 163,278 tonnes from ore grading 1.1
percent molybdenum. Torch River has planned a
560,000, 2200 meter diamond-bit drill program on
Mt. Copeland for the summer of 2008.
8Drilling at Red Bird - 2007
Above is a picture of the second hole drilled on
the Red Bird Molybdenum/ Rhenium/ Copper property
in July 2007. You can observe the molybdenum
mineralization in the core boxes in the
foreground. A total of seven holes were drilled
from this site and another three holes were
drilled from a site above this one, both in the
canyon located to the west of the main ore
zone. A total of 2800 meters of diamond-bit
drilling was carried out in 2007. Torch River
has a 1,700,000, 6800 meter diamond-bit drill
program planned for the summer of 2008.
9Red Bird Location
The Red Bird Property is located within the
Skeena Mining Division, central coastal region
of British Columbia, 100 kilometres north of the
town of Bella Coola and 140 kilometres southwest
of Houston, British Columbia.
10Reb Bird Property Access
- Access to the property is by air (float plane in
June-October) and by helicopter in winter from
the south via Nimpo Lake and Bella Coola, from
the north via Burns Lake or Houston. - In 1966, a 14 kilometre access road was built by
Phelps Dodge which connects to Eutsuk Lake via
the Bone Creek valley. At the same time, an
airstrip was built near Eutsuk Lake and a barge
was used to haul equipment and supplies from a
logging road that connects to Vanderhoof or
Quesnel. - A route is being evaluated via the Kimsquit
River valley to the Dean Channel (45 km) for
access to tidewater which does not involve
crossing parks or designated environment
conservancy areas.
11A Closer Look at the Location
12Visual Site Overview
2007 Drilling
Main Zone
S.E. Zone
S.W. Zone
Main Camp
132006 3D Isometric Plot with Overlay
View 60 degrees N.N.E. positioned against area
topography (previous slide).
142008 3D Isometric Plot
View 60 degrees N.N.E. see (previous slide).
15Red Bird Property History
- In 1959 Phelps Dodge mining began conducting an
exploration program on the property which lasted
nine years. - Phelps Dodges program was comprised of extensive
diamond drill testing where a significant
resource of molybdenum mineralization was
identified. The property remained in inventory of
Phelps Dodge with limited work over the years
subsequent to 1968. - In 1979 Craigmont Mining, a subsidiary of Placer
Dome Mining, optioned the Red Bird / Torch River
Property from Phelps Dodge and over the next year
performed follow-up drill testing which confirmed
Phelps Dodges original results. - A combined total of 133 diamond drill test holes
were completed by both companies on the Red Bird
16Recent Property History
- In 2005 Torch River Resources Ltd. performed a
follow-up due diligence geological program which
confirmed the previous results obtained by Phelps
Dodge and Craigmont Mining. Torch correlated all
the then existing results and produced in 2006 an
N.I. 43-101 report outlining this projects
existing mineral estimates as well as
recommendations for exploring for additional
mineral estimates.
17Recent Property History
- In 2006 Torch carried out 1900 meters of core
diamond-bit drilling in seven holes. In 2007
Torch carried out a 2800 meter program. The
results of the 2006 and the 2007 programs were
covered in an updated N.I. 43-101 report in
January of 2008 which increased previously
reported contained molybdenum by 80. The total
indicated is now 88.2 million tonnes and total
inferred is 63.4 million tonnes. This calculates
to 118 million pounds of indicated and 78.6
million pounds of inferred. Molybdenum is
presently valued at 33 per pound.
18Recent Property History
- In 2007 Torch River Resources Ltd carried out
2,800 meters of core diamond-bit drilling in 10
holes. This program was targeted on the western
extension to the orebody and is in an area
identified by sampling and geophysics carried out
by our geologist in 2006 and located where no
previous drilling had been carried out by
previous operators.
19The Cores for Red Bird Property - 2005
101,000 feet of drill core (133 drill holes)
currently situated on site of which 70 drill
holes have been re-sampled to confirm the
historical values.
20The Cores for Red Bird Property
Don Davidson inspecting core at the Red Bird
Property in 2007.
212005 Claim Location Map
22Regional Geology
23Red Bird Property Geology
The Red Bird Property features an Eocene age,
porphyritic quartz monzonite stock which forms an
irregular, elliptical cylinder with a
semi-circular concentric ring-dyke around its
northern circumference. The stock is about 4,000
ft (1,219 m) wide and 5,000 ft (1,524 m) long. At
the stocks wider north end, the porphyritic
quartz monzonite encloses a large screen (or roof
pendant) of altered volcanic rocks. The stock is
hosted in Hazelton Group pyroclastic rocks, which
occur along the north limb of a northwest
trending open anticline fold axis. (J.M. Carr,
Report Minister of Mines, 1964). Mineralization
in the stock is located at approximately 1,150m
(3,772 ft) to 1,800m (5,904 ft) elevation.
Alteration (including sericite, K-spar, silica,
calcite, kaolinite various hydrated clay
minerals and/or poorly ordered micas) and
mineralization (molybdenite, chalcopyrite,
bornite, pyrite) occurs in a concentric pattern
within the pluton. Silica is pervasive as early
and late barren veins as well as a complex series
of cross-cutting and stockwork style of
productive veins. Later-state barren quartz veins
are cut by productive pyrite veins
24First 3 Zones of Interest
25About the 3 Zones of Interest
- The Red Bird claims feature a quartz monzonite
porphyry forming the shape of an irregular
elliptical cylinder with a semi-circle concentric
ring-dyke around the northern circumference. - The following lithologies are present on the Red
Bird claim EOCENE, Nanika Plutonic Suite, quartz
monzonite, accessory minerals include apatite
(coarse grain), rutile, sphene, aplite,
diorite, and quartz-feldspar porphyry. LOWER
JURASSIC Hazelton Group, Telkwa Formation,
intermediate-felsic tuffs/flows, characterized by
induration, hornfels with abundant secondary
biotite, chert, rhyolite (usually occur as
tabular, sub-vertical dyke), agglomerate,
breccia, hornfels, argillite. - Zones of molybdenite-bearing mineralization are
concentric and are contained within a peripheral
ring of the main mass of the pluton, but
extending a variable amount into the walls.
Beyond the ore zones most veins are barren quartz
with some scattered pyrite and a few quartz veins
contain minor molybdenite, as well as galena,
sphalerite, pyrite, fluorite and calcite. In the
ore zone, barren quartz veins predate mineralized
veins and 3 stages of barren quartz veins are
recognizable. - Three stages of quartz-molybdenite-pyrite are
likely, with banded and drusy textures being the
most likely to occur. In general drusy may be
younger and both drusy and banded quartz veins
may be cut by late barren quartz with minor
262006 3D Isometric Plot
- 3D isometric plot showing geological
mineralization - View 180 degrees showing Drill hole
27Historical Resource Estimates and Feasibility
- Craigmont Mines Ltd. Red Bird Property,
Historical Mineral Estimates by Farnsworth and
Vollo (Craigmont Mining) 1980 - 1981 Feasibility
From these historical results it was determined
that a mineral estimate of 81 million tons of
molybdenum ore, at a grade of 0.118 / tonne MoS2
or approximately 2.59 lbs / tonne exists on the
property. This was calculated by Farnsworth in
1981, excluding the Main UG using a cut-off value
of 0.05 MoS2. (to convert to Mo multiply by 0.6
which gives 0.07 Mo)
28Recent Preliminary Resource Calculation Report
- Reserves have been classified by Giroux
Consultants Ltd as 88.21 million tonnes indicated
and 63.39 million tonnes inferred. The total
151.6 million tonnes have an average grade of
0.06 Mo at a 0.03 cutoff with 0.068 Cu. - Further infill drilling was recommended between
existing Craigmont and Phelps Dodge holes to
bring more of this resource to a measured and
indicated status. - Torch mentions that previous owners of the
property did not analyze for copper, silver or
rhenium and that there appears to be a large
copper zone adjacent to the upper molybdenum
zone. - Torch also mentions that assaying cores for
rhenium has given averages of .635 grams/ tonne
from 10 samples in its 2005 program and .106
grams/tonne from 137 samples in its 2006 program
on Red Bird.
29Why the Red Bird Project Now?
- In the 1980s, the low world prices for
molybdenum precluded further work by Craigmont
Mining and they let their option with Phelps
Dodge lapse. Phelps Dodge Mining then divested
much of their Canadian mining interests and the
Red Bird Property reverted back to crown land. - When Craigmont Mining prepared its resource
calculation on the Red Bird Property, molybdenum
was trading for approximately 8 US / pound. - The price of molybdenum is now in the range of
33 to 35 US per pound. - The price of rhenium is now 188 US per gram in
its pure form.
30Structural Similarities to the Henderson Project
31 Similarities to the Henderson Project
- The Henderson mine, located near Empire,
Colorado, owned by Climax Molybdenum
Company, a subsidiary of Phelps Dodge Corporation
with corporate headquarters in Phoenix, Arizona. - The Henderson deposit is composed of three
partially overlapping ore bodies that lie 1,080 m
(3550 ft) beneath the summit of Red Mountain. The
ore bodies are entirely within a Tertiary
rhyolite porphyry intrusive complex that has
intruded the Precambrian Silver Plume granite.
The deposit is elliptical in plan, with overall
dimensions of 670 m by 910 m (2200 ft by 3000
ft), with an average thickness of 185 m (600 ft).
- The mineralization is relatively continuous in
the ore bodies and consists of molybdenite and
quartz in random intersecting closely spaced
veinlets. The mine is currently producing about
30,000 tons of raw ore per day. It is estimated
that the mine has adequate reserves for about
fifteen more years of production. - Henderson is the second largest mine known
Climax Type mine with combined production and
reserves of 437 MT of ore at an average grade of
0.23 Mo (cut-off grade 0.12 Mo).
32Uses for Molybdenum
- Used mainly as an alloying agent in steel, cast
iron super alloys to enhance hardness,
strength, weld ability, temperature strength,
toughness wear corrosion resistance. - Used chemical applications, including catalysts,
lubricants and pigments.
33Molybdenum Primary Uses
34Molybdenum Steel End Uses
- High Strength Low Alloys Steels - HSLA
- Gas Pipelines in Artic conditions.
- Automotive Structural Parts.
- Corrosion Resistance Chlorides - 316/317
Stainless - Architectural applications in coastal areas
areas of high urban or industrial pollution. - Chemical Process Equipment.
- Duplex Stainless Steel
- Sulfur Scrubber Towers, Brewery Piping systems,
Pollution control Equipment. - High Temperature Steels - Cr-Mo Steels
- Oil Refineries, Power Plants, Petro Chemical
Plants, Petroleum Gas Tanks. - Tool High Speed Steels - M-2, M-7
- Cutting tools, Drills, Gear Cutters, Saw Blades.
- Cast Irons
- Large gears, crankshafts for power generation,
ship propulsion, large mining equipment. - Ideal for severe abrasive conditions, such as
mining, milling and crushing.
35Molybdenum Mine Production by Country
(2007 mine production 420 million lbs) (world
Mo reserves 12 million tonnes)
36Molybdenum Demand
37Molybdenum Price
Moly Has Out Performed Most Metals in the Last 4
Molybdenum Price
38Rising Price and Decreased Supply of Molybdenum
- Demand for the metal from China has increased
substantially in recent years due to
infrastructure building and manufacturing plant
construction (increasing demand is not expected
to change over the next 4 years or more). - Demand from the oil gas sector world-wide is
projected to remain strong for drill stems and
off-shore platforms. - Western world molybdenum roasting is at capacity.
- Substitution for molybdenum by other metals is
nearly economically impossible. - Increased new uses of molybdenum in various
industries continue to be developed. - Demand is widely forecast to continue to grow in
conjunction with emerging economies.
39Facts About Rhenium (Re)
- The commercial form of rhenium is a powder
(silvery white with a metallic luster). If
consolidated by pressing and resistance sintering
in a vacuum or hydrogen atmosphere it will
produce a compact shape in excess of 90 of the
density of the metal. Annealed rhenium is very
ductile, and can be bent, coiled, or rolled. - Rhenium density (21.04g/cc) is exceeded only by
that of platinum, iridium, and osmium, and its
melting point (3,180) is exceeded only by that
of tungsten and carbon. - Valuable material due to high-temperature
strength, low friction, ductility and other
rather unique properties make it the material of
choice for many critical applications. - Used not only as a trace alloying agent but as an
additive to tungsten and molybdenum-based alloys
to impart useful properties. It is widely used
for filaments for mass spectrographs and ion
gages, as an electrical contact material as it
has good wear resistance and withstands arc
corrosion. Thermocouples made of Re-W are used
for measuring temperatures up to 2200C, and
rhenium wire is used in photoflash lamps for
photography. Rhenium and rhenium alloys offer
attractive high-temperature properties for use in
aerospace application. Rhenium-molybdenum alloys
are super conductive at 10 K. Rhenium catalysts
are exceptionally resistant to poisoning from
nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus, and are used
for hydrogenation of fine chemicals. - Rhenium is quite expensive and currently costs
about 188/gram (US).
- The 2007 Work Program consisted of 9000 feet of
new core drilling in ten holes on the Red Bird
Property. The site plan and results of that
drilling are available for viewing on our
web-site - www.torchriver.ca
- For 2008, a program has been recommended by our
geologist for Red Bird. A 21,000 foot diamond
drilling program is planned on Red Bird and
should end by late September 2008. - For 2008, a program has been recommended by our
geologist for Mt. Copeland. A 14 hole, 8000 foot
diamond drilling program is planned on Mt.
Copeland and should - end by mid September 2008.
41Red Bird Property Photos
42Red Bird Property Photos
43Mt Copeland Photos
- The Red Bird Property hosts a potential resource
of molybdenum, copper as well as rhenium. The
market demand for molybdenum is increasing. Torch
River is poised to capitalize on this demand by
expanding on its historical resource of
molybdenum. - Torch will attempt to find an extension to the
historical reserves which were mined at Mt.
Copeland. If they are found, Mt. Copeland could
be placed into production at reasonable costs in
the next three years using a small mines permit. - Torch River Resources will be using the
feasibility study which was previously prepared
for Craigmont Mining which indicated that an
economical molybdenum resource existed on the
property considering market conditions of that
time. Management believes that the current
resource will be further extended through its
efforts resulting in the property becoming an
economic mining operation sometime in the future.
- The End
of historical fact, all statements in this Power
Point Presentation - including, without
limitation, statements regarding forecasts, plans
and objectives of Torch River Resources Inc. -
are forward-looking statements that involve
various risks and uncertainties. Although the
Company believes that the assumptions upon which
its forward-looking statements are based are
reasonable, it can give no assurance that these
assumptions will prove to be correct. Important
factors that could cause actual results to differ
materially from the Company's projections and
expectations are disclosed in the Company's
filings with the Securities and Exchange
Commission. The TSX Venture Exchange does not
accept responsibility for the adequacy or
accuracy of this Presentation. THIS IS NOT A
- Breitsprecher, K and Mortensen, J.K., B.C.
BCAge-2004A A database of isotopic age
determinations for rock units in B.C., Ministry
of Energy and Mines Open file 2004-3. - Carter, N.C., 1981, Porphyry Copper and
Molybdenum Deposits, West Central B.C.,B.C.
Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum
Resources, Bulletin 64, pp 132-133 - Clark, K.J., 1972, Stockwork Molybdenum Deposits
in the Western Cordillera of North America, Econ.
Geol. Volume 67, pp. 731-758 - Craigmont Mines Ltd., 1980, Annual Report, Grade
and Tonnage Estimates for Red Bird - Porphyry Molybdenum Deposit.
- Farnsworth, D.J.M. 1981, Preliminary Economic
Appraisal 93E/6 Redbird Molybdenum Deposit, Haven
Lake, B.C., for Craigmont Mines Limited,
Craigmont Mines Limited unpublished report. - Kikauka, A. A., 2004, Geological, Geochemical and
Petrographic Report on the Red Bird Claim, Red
Bird Porphyry Molybdenum Deposit formerly known
as CAFB, Old Glory, Haven Lake, B.C., Fundamental
Resource Corporation, unpublished company report. - King, J.A., 1980. Redbird Property, Report No. 1,
Preliminary Flotation Testwork, Placer
Development Limited, Metallurgical Research
- Massey, N.W.D., MacIntyre, D.G. and Desjardins,
P.J., 2003 Digital Geology Map of - British Columbia Tile NN9 North Coast, B.C.
Ministry of Energy and Mines,Geofile 2003-13,
scale 1250,000. - Murphy, J.D. and Vollo, N.B. 1979, Craigmont
Mines Limited 93E/6 Redbird Molybdenum Diamond
Drill Logs 79-73 to 79-107. - Murphy, J.D. and Vollo, N.B. 1980, Craigmont
Mines Limited 93E/6 Redbird Molybdenum Diamond
Drill Logs 80-108 to 80-131. - Sinclair, W.D., 1995, Porphyry Mo (Low-F-Type) in
Selected British Columbia Mineral Deposit
Profiles, Volume 1 Metallics and Coal,
Lefebure, D.V. and Ray, G.E., Editors, British
Columbia Ministry of Employment and Investment,
Open File 1995-20, pp. 93-96. - Sutherland-Brown, A., 1972, Red Bird Prospect, 24
th Intl. Geol. Congress Guidebook, Field
excursions, pp. 24-26.- 30 -.- 31 -