Title: Introduction to Tendenci
1Introduction to Tendenci
Increase Communication with
your Members and Clients
Schipul The Web Marketing Company Ph. (281) 497.
6567 Tf. (877) 724.4785 Fx. (281)
497.1083 www.schipul.com
2What well Cover
- What is Tendenci?
- How do I manage my site users?
- How do I manage my site content?
- How do I send Newsletters?
3What is Tendenci?
- The software that
- powers your web site.
4What does Tendenci do for me?
- Eases administrative tasks of managing a large,
geographically dispersed organization - Provides content management for the continual
update of site information - Streamlines event registration, payment, check-in
and reporting (Event Marketing -
5What does Tendenci do for me?
- Runs a job database to increase revenues and
address member needs - Sends professional newsletters to members and
non-members selling your services and events
(Email Marketing - http//www.schipul.com/doityou
rself/email/) - Provides usage and financial reports for site
6The number one benefit of using Tendenci
- Increased communication with your clients and
7How do I log in?
- Log in box/link on front of site
- www.company.com/en
- Link to request forgotten passwords
- Link to register with the site
8What is the Tendenci Console?
- Controls all administrative functions over the
site - All registered site Users have access to the
console - Options displayed depend on User security level
- 100 customizable to meet your needs
- Help File - http//www.tendenci.com/en/cms/?1524
9Users Module
- Any person who makes contact with
- you through the web site is a User.
10Three basic levels of Users
- Non-interactive Users those visitors who have
submitted a contact form - Site Users those visitors who have registered
with your site - Site Admins those Users with administrative
access - Understanding User Levels - http//www.tendenci.co
11Non-interactive Users
- Generated by submitted contact forms or imported
into database - Not registered with the site
- Can view but not alter site content
- Receive newsletters
12Site Users
- Registered with your site
- May or may not be a member of your organization
- Can manage their own account address, password,
etc. - Receive newsletters
13Site Users
- Can post items to the site
- Calendar Events
- Articles / Press Releases
- Jobs / Resumes
- Directory Listings
- All items must be approved by Site Admin see
Site Constants
14What do you mean by Record ownership?
- Site Users who add records events, articles,
jobs, etc. are the owners of those records - Owners can, and should, modify and delete their
own records as needed - Eases the burden on the site admin to keep all
data current
15How do I differentiate my Members?
- Site Users who are also members of your
organization - Different membership levels available i.e.
student - Special pricing options
- Match up with national database for consolidation
of information (optional)
16Site Admins
- Full site functionality
- Can send newsletters and emails
- Can manage User accounts and User Groups
- Can run reports on site activity
- Can edit page content
- Can create additional site Admins
17What control does the Admin have over Site
- Most site reflexes can be changed through the
admin screens - Charging or not charging for jobs, resumes,
directory listings - Pricing options for different types of events
- Security access
- Site Reflexes - http//www.tendenci.com/en/help/s
18How are Users added to the site?
- Submitting Contact Form
- Registering with site
- Joining organization online
- Added by Admin
19Can I import an existinggroup of Users?
- Import Users utility allows you to upload a group
of Users to the site - Choose whether they are to be non-interactive
(client/prospect database) or active site users
(organization members or employees) - Retrieve authentication string from Schipul
before proceeding - How to import a file - http//www.tendenci.com/en/
20What are User Groups?
- Used to organize and categorize your Users
- Group by interest for sending targeted
newsletters - Group by referral source for tracking advertising
effectiveness - Creating a usergroup - http//www.tendenci.com/en/
21How do I add Users to User Groups?
- Users are automatically added to groups by
- checkboxes on the contact form
- checkboxes during site registration
- Users can add/remove themselves to/from groups
through their User record
22How do I set up new User Groups?
- Checkboxes on contact form are set up during site
development - New groups can be added by site Admins
- Indicate whether Users can add/remove themselves
- Indicate which modules will use User Groups to
organize their data
23Can I add multiple Users to a User Group in one
- Bulk User utility allows you to add a range of
existing Users to a User Group - A User Group can be specified during Import Users
24Questions on Users?
- What questions can I answer?
- Help Files on Users - http//www.tendenci.com/en/
25Content Manager
- Update your site content
- at any time!
26How do I edit my CMS pages?
- Click the Edit icon to get started
- Use the WYSIWYG interface to format
- Upload images
- Must be a Global Admin to access
- Edit CMS Page - http//www.tendenci.com/en/cms/?27
27Can I add new pages to my site?
- Simple to expand your site
- New pages use same formatting
- Link from other pages
- Modify your navigation
- Adding pages to your site - http//www.tendenci.co
28Questions on Content Management?
- What questions can I answer?
- Help Files CMS - http//www.tendenci.com/en/help/
29Articles Module
- Post news and Information
- at any time!
30How do I view Articles?
- Listed in reverse order of posting date
- Can be searched and categorized
- Featured Articles can show on your site home page
contact Schipul to set this up - Add articles - http//www.tendenci.com/en/cms/?260
31How do I add an Article?
- Articles can be added by all site Users
- Must be activated by Site Admin before appearing
in listing. - Can be categorized/subcategorized important for
SEM - Add contact info for easy follow-up
- Can upload documents/photos
32What are Press Releases?
- Work just like Articles
- Can add a Release Date for timed release
33Questions on Articles?
- What questions can I answer?
- Help Files on articles
- http//www.tendenci.com/en/help/articles
34Events Module
- Items posted to your calendar are called Events.
35How do I view Events?
- Multiple views of Events
- Calendar
- List
- Search
- Filter by Event Type
36How does online registration for Events work?
- Its up to you!
- Registrants do not have to be registered with the
site to sign up for an Event - You can allow/disallow online registration and/or
payment - You can set registration deadlines
37How does online registration for Events work?
- Registrants can download an ical file for direct
import into Outlook calendar - Registrants can receive email reminders of event
and check their event list at any time
38How do I enter manual Event Registrations?
- Register phoned or faxed registrations by
- Viewing Event and clicking Register (in yellow)
or Register Someone Else - Searching for User and using the Event Speed Reg
http//www.tendenci.com/en/cms/?2156 - Register your walk-ins after the event for
cleaner financials and better reports - Register ppl - http//www.tendenci.com/en/cms/?227
39How do I control Event Pricing?
- Options controlled by Event Types
- Specific pricing for
- different events
- different member types (regular, student)
- different registration dates (early, late,
walk-in) - Control icon too
40How do I add Events?
- Can be done by all registered Site Users
- Must be activated by Site Admin before they
appear. - Multiple areas for input of Event details
- Ability to upload documents to Events (handouts,
flyers, agendas) - Add an event type - http//www.tendenci.com/en/cms
/?270 - Add an event - http//www.tendenci.com/en/cms/?528
41What reports are available for Events?
- Access the Event and click the Console icon
(looks like bar chart) or choose MANAGE EVENT - Check-in roster and export options
- Template for generating nametags
- Accounting reports
42Questions on Events?
- What questions can I answer?
- Help Files Events - http//www.tendenci.com/en/hel
43Jobs Module
A valuable service and a money maker.
44How do Jobsbenefit my members?
- Members can search for open positions within the
industry - Option for immediate email to Job contactor
emailing the job listing to a friend - Admin has the option of requiring login to view
Jobs benefit of membership
45How do Jobs benefit my organization?
- Increase your member base by providing a valuable
service - Increase visibility with companies who wish to
post Jobs to the database - Turn the Job database into a revenue stream by
charging for Job listings
46How do I add a Job?
- Jobs can be added by all site Users
- Must be activated by Site Admin before appearing
in listing. - Can set activation/expiration dates
- Use categories to refine search options for
candidates - Add a job - http//www.tendenci.com/en/cms/?1579
47How do I set up Job Pricing?
- Must set site variable to on or off and specify
payment types allowed. - Set pricing options based on
- Duration of posting
- Member status
- Premium options highlighted and top of job list
- Job Prices - http//www.tendenci.com/en/cms/?228
48What will the Job reports tell Me?
- Overall activity on the database
- Most popular Jobs viewed
- Financial reports are you making money?
49What is the Resumes Module?
- Works just like the Job bank but in reverse
- Can require membership
- Can require payment
50Questions on Jobs?
- What questions can I answer?
51Newsletters Module
- The best way to stay in front of your members and
clients! - Newsletters- http//www.schipul.com/doityourself/e
52What are the Benefits of using Newsletters?
- Generate content automatically from other modules
- Easy editing/adding of content before sending
- Choose a User Group for targeted distribution
- Personalized template for more professional look
53How do I generate a Newsletter?
- Use Newsletter Generator from the Tendenci
console - Choose User Group and auto-content
- View/edit email content
- Agree to no-spam contract
- Send Newsletter!
54Got any tips?
- Newsletters started but not sent can be found in
Pending Actions - Send quick email by selecting no auto-content and
adding your own text - Use Bulk User utility to set up targeted
marketing groups
55Questions on Newsletters?
- What questions can I answer?
56What are some of the other Tendenci features?
- Marketing reports
- Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
- RSS Feeds
- Check out the Tendenci Console!
57Thats a Wrap!
Thank you for coming. Maximize your
potential! And dont forget to check your
Tendenci Help files.