Title: CS4273: Distributed System Technologies and Programming I
1CS4273 Distributed System Technologies and
Programming I
- Lecture 1 Introduction to WWW
2WWW, HTTP and Java
- The world wide web (WWW) is an architecture for
accessing linked documents all over the Internet. - The earliest web system was developed by a group
of researchers in physics at CERN (European
Nuclear Research Center) in 89. Its for the easy
distribution of information, such as reports,
blueprints, photos, etc. The 1st demo on
hypertext was in 91. - A graphical web browser Mosaic was released in
Feb 1993 (by NCSA). One of the authors left the
group to form a company Netscape Communications
Corp. A year later Netscape went public in 1995
(sold to America on-Line in 98). - A WWW consortium was set up in 1994, aiming at
further developing the Web, standardizing
protocols, etc. Its home page http//www.w3.org
3Architecture of WWW
- A typical Client/Server model.
- Client a web browser which speaks http,
understands hypertext and hypermedia. - Server a server process listening to TCP port 80
for incoming requests. It keeps hypertext (or
hypermedia) files for clients retrievals.
4How does a web page get displayed in your web
- When you click a web page http//www.cs.cityu.edu.
hk/jia/cs4273/index.html - browser gets the URL from your input.
- browser asks DNS for the IP address of
www.cs.cityu.edu.hk. - DNS replies with
- browser makes a TCP connection to port 80 on - it sends a GET /jia/cs4273/index.html command
(http protocol). - HTTP server on sends file
index.html back to the client - browser processes the format of index.html and
displays it. - browser fetches displays images in index.html
one by one by using GET. - TCP connection closes after a silent timeout.
5HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)
- HTTP is an ASCII protocol, use telnet to try HTTP
commands - slx1 telnet www.cs.cityu.edu.hk 80
- Trying
- Connected to www.cs.cityu.edu.hk.
- Escape character is ''.
- GET /jia/index.html HTTP/1.1 ltcrgt
- Host www.cs.cityu.edu.hk ltcrgt ltcrgt
6HTTP (Cont.)
- HTTP/1.1 200 Document follows
- Date Mon, 24 Mar 1997 020805 GMT
- Server NCSA/1.4.2
- Content-type text/html
- Last-modified Mon, 24 Mar 1997 020711 GMT
- Content-length 380
- lthtmlgt
- ltheadgt
- lttitlegt Xiaohua Jia's Home Pagelt/titlegt
- lt/headgt
- ltbodygtltligt DSc in Information Science, The Univ
of Tokyo, Japan, 1991 - ltligt Msc in Computer Science, The Univ of Sci
Tech of China, 1986 - lt/bodygt
- lt/htmlgt
- Connection closed by foreign host.
- slx1
7HTTP Built-in Methods
8URL (Uniform Resource Locators)
- The browser needs to access different types of
data all over the Internet. In order to retrieve
a piece of information from the Internet, the
browser needs to specify - what is the data (naming) ?
- where it is (locating) ?
- what protocol does the server speak ?
- URL effectively serves as a pages worldwide
name. It has 3 parts - protocol name
- DNS name (servers location)
- local file name
- http//www.cs.cityu.edu.hk/jia, the same as
- http//www.cs.cityu.edu.hk/home/lec/jia/www/index
9Protocols in URL
10HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)
- For details, visit http//www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/Genera
l/Internet/WWW - By embedding standard markup commands within an
html file, web browser can read and format any
web page. - HTML is an application of ISO standard 8879, SGML
(Standard Generalized Markup Language). - It can be contrasted to documents produced by
WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) word
processing software, such as MS-word. - You can view the source file of a displayed web
page, and you also can save it and use it as the
template to write your own web page!
11Example of a home page in HTML
- lthtmlgt
- ltheadgt
- ltTITLEgtA Simple HTML Examplelt/TITLEgt
- lt/headgt
- ltbodygt
- ltH1gtHTML is Easy To Learnlt/H1gt
- ltPgtWelcome to the world of HTML.
- This is the first paragraph. While short it is
- still a paragraph!lt/Pgt
- ltPgtAnd this is the second paragraph.lt/Pgt
- lt/bodygt
- lt/htmlgt
12Main Features of HTML
- HTML is static, only for displaying information.
- HTML can load image files.
- HTML has fill-out forms to collect information
from clients and pass it back to the server (a
CGI program) for processing. - There are many tools to help you write web pages,
such as Microsoft FrontPage Express, Visual
InterDev 6, etc.
13Limitations of HTML
- Lack of extensibility. It does not allow you to
define your own tags or attributes. - Lack of structure or data description. It has no
schema description and no support for checking
structural validity. - Mixture of data display formats. It is
difficult for data search and inefficient for
data transfer (redundant transmission of
formatting statements).
14XML (Extensible Markup Language)
- XML was developed to enhance data description and
data exchange over the Internet. - XML is an intermediate language for data
exchange. It is NOT a language for
end-presentation. An XML document need be
converted into other languages for
end-presentation, such as HTML, WML (Wireless
ML), CML (Commerce ML), MathML (Mathematical ML),
SpeechML, etc. - Both XML and HTML come from SGML. HTML is an
application of SGML, while XML is a subset of
SGML. XML contains about 20 of SGMLs syntax but
has over 80 of its power. - XML is a meta language, which allows you to
define your own markup language.
15A Silly Example of Using XML
- // silly.html, embedding xml tags in HTML file
- lthtmlgt ltbodygt
- ltxml id"cdcat"gt
- ltCDgt
- ltTITLEgtEmpire Burlesquelt/TITLEgt
- ltARTISTgtBob Dylanlt/ARTISTgt
- lt/CDgt
- ltCDgt
- ltTITLEgtHide your heartlt/TITLEgt
- ltARTISTgtBonnie Tylerlt/ARTISTgt
- lt/CDgt
- lt/CATALOGgt
- lt/xmlgt
- lttable border"1" datasrc"cdcat"
align"center"gt - lttrgt
- lttdgtltspan datafld"ARTIST"gtlt/spangtlt/tdgt
- lttdgtltspan datafld"TITLE"gtlt/spangtlt/tdgt
- lt/trgt
16A More Sensible Example of Embedding XML in HTML
- XML separates the data from HTML (formatting
statements). In the following example, xml data
are in a separate file CDdata.xml. - lthtmlgt
- ltbodygt
- ltxml id"cdcat" srcCDdata.xml"gtlt/xmlgt
- lttable border"1" datasrc"cdcat"
align"center"gt - lttrgt
- lttdgtltspan datafld"ARTIST"gtlt/spangtlt/tdgt
- lttdgtltspan datafld"TITLE"gtlt/spangtlt/tdgt
- lt/trgt
- lt/tablegt
- lt/bodygt
- lt/htmlgt
17XML document
- An XML document usually consists of three parts
(files) - Document Type Definition (DTD) define the
logical structure and storage layout. - See an example in www/xml/book.dtd
- Entities (XML) entities are data, whose types
are defined in .dtd. It has a pointer to the .xsl
file to display it. - See an example in www/xml/book.xml
- Display format (XSL) a program to process and
display XML data. - See an example in www/xml/book.xsl
18XSL (eXtensible Style-sheet language)
- XSL was proposed to specify the display format of
an XML document - XSL is almost a fully fledged programming
language, which allows you to program the
processing / formatting of XML data. It has
instructions such as, apply-templates, for-each,
value-of, etc. - XSL files take extension .xsl. The same set of
XML data can have multiple .xsl files for
different display format. - XML data is separated from display format, which
makes transmission of XML data efficient and
clean (easy to search read). - See demo of
- jia/xml/book.xml, book.dtd, and book.xsl
- a different display style in book1.xsl
19Web Programming Technologies at Client Server
20Client Side Technology JavaScript
- JavaScript was originally created by Netscape.
Jscript is Microsofts version of JavaScript. - It is a script language, used in HTML documents
and executed in a web browser. IE and Netscape
contain the JavaScript interpreter. - It is a fully powered programming language, which
has complex data types, control structures,
function definitions, event handlings. - It is a de facto standard of client side script
language. - See a demo jia/JavaScript/Janimation.html or
21Client Side Technology VBScript
- VBScript (Visual Basic Script) is a subset of
Microsoft Visual Basic. - It is used in HTML documents. Internet Explorer
contains its interpreter, but Netscape does NOT
have it. - VBScript is particularly valuable when it is used
with Microsoft ASP (Active Server Pages), a
server side program that creates dynamic content
sent to the clients browsers. - VBScript is the de facto language for ASP.
- See a demo jia/ASP/VBScriptTest.html
22Client Scripting versus Server Scripting
- Client-side scripting interacts directly with
end-users, which reduces the number of trips to
the server and makes uses of browsers functions
for display control. - Client scripting is browser dependent.
- Client scripts are viewable.
- Server-side scripts, e.g. ASP, are executed on
the server, which generates responses sent to the
browser for display (web server must have the
script parser). - When a client requests an ASP file, it is parsed
by an ActiveX component, and scripting codes
(i.e., ASP statements) are executed as they are
encountered. - Each time when theres a client event, e.g.,
button-click or data-input, the browser asks the
server to process the event and send in the new
display file.
23An ASP Example
- lt_at_ Language "VBScript" gt
- lthtmlgt
- ltheadgt lttitle gt An ASP Example
lt/titlegtlt/headgt - ltbodygt
- ltform name"form1" method"post"gt
- ltinput name"TextBox1" type"text"
id"TextBox1" /gt - lt
- ss Request.Form("TextBox1")
- gt
- ltinput name"TextBox2" type"text"
id"TextBox2" value"lt ss gt" /gt - ltinput type"submit" name"Button1"
value"Button" id"Button1" /gt - lt/formgt
- lt/bodygt
- lt/htmlgt
- N.B. ASP statements are enclosed by lt gt.
24Java Applet (a Client Side Technology)
- Java Architecture
- Java is a programming language which is Object
Oriented, platform-independent, interpreted,
multithreading, fast, secure, robust, - A Java source program is compiled to Java
byte-code. - A Java virtual machine sitting on each platform,
interpreting Java byte-code to local machine
instructions and executing them.
25An easy start of Java
- Edit a Java program in file helloJava.java
(note the file name is better to be - the same name as the class name in the program)
- class helloJava
- public static void main(String args)
- System.out.println(Hello Java!)
- Compile the program
- slx1 javac helloJava.java
- it produces a file helloJava.class which is
Java byte-code (note the file name - is the same name as the class name in the source
code program). - Run Java interpreter to execute it
- slx1 java helloJava // no need of extension
name .class
26An Easy Start of Java Applet
- Two kinds of Java programs
- Ordinary application programs run independently
as an application. - Applets require supporting environment like IE
or AppletViewer.
27Our First Java Applet
- Edit the applet program in a file
helloApplet.java (note the file name must be - the same as the applet name in the program!)
- import java.awt.
- import javax.swing.
- public class helloApplet extends JApplet
- public void paint(Graphics g)
- g.drawString(Hello Java Applet!, 5, 50)
- Compile the program
- slx1 javac helloApplet.java
- it produces a file helloApplet.class.
- Embed the applet into an HTML file
- .
- ltapplet codehelloApplet.class width150