Title: Kentucky Housing Corporation June 2004
1Kentucky Housing CorporationJune 2004
2Kentucky Housing Corporation
- State housing finance agency
- Financing for affordable housing
- Administers federal affordable housing programs
3Kentucky Housing Corporations Role
- Influence public policy through establishment of
corporate lending policies. - Improve the condition and sustainability of
Kentuckys affordable housing stock.
4KHCs Universal Design PolicyApplies to
- Single-family and multifamily projects financed
by KHC. - New construction or reconstruction.
- Applies if 50 or more of total project cost is
financed by KHC.
5Universal Design PolicyExceptions
- Homes purchased using KHCs Homeownership
mortgage program - Rehabbed units
6What is Universal Design?
- Design of living spaces to be usable by the
greatest number of people without special
adaptive design. - Differs from accessible design but is inclusive
of adaptable design. - Incorporates structural features that allow for
adapting to changing needs.
7GoalsAffordable Housing Design
- Appropriate and sustainable structural design.
- Meets the needs of the greatest possible portion
of a communitys population.
8Objectives ofUniversal Design Policy
- Usable by greatest number of persons
- Respond to changing needs
- Improve future marketability
9Universal Design PolicyOverview
- Hallways
- Doorways
- Bathrooms
10Universal Design PolicyOverview (contd)
- Entry doors
- Faucets
- Electrical
11Universal Design PolicyOverview (contd)
- Bedrooms
- Exterior accessibility
- High-speed internet wiring
12(No Transcript)
13Lessons Learned
- Takes time to implement policy
- Fair Housing appropriately addresses design
issues for large multifamily housing. - KHCs policy has changed design requirements
primarily for single-family and small multifamily
14Lessons Learned (contd)
- Minimal cost impact for housing
- Biggest cost - designing new plans.
15KHCs Universal DesignArchitectural
CompetitionNational competition designed to
- Raise awareness among architects and plan
designers of need for universal design. - Develop universal design plans appropriate for
affordable housing. - Establish library of universal design plans.
16Impact of KHCs Universal Design Policy
- Policy effective January 1, 2003
- Since inception, 51.7 million allocated for
production of affordable housing - 147 projects
- 3,468 units