Title: The NDLTD and a History of ETDs
1The NDLTD and a History of ETDs
- Gail McMillan
- Director, Digital Library and Archives Virginia
Tech - OETDA, March 28, 2008
2The NDLTD http//www.ndltd.org/
- Since its inception in 1996, the Networked
Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations has
worked to improve graduate education, increase
the availability of student research, empower
students and universities, advance digital
library technology, and lower the costs of
submitting and handling electronic theses and
3Early VT ETD Goals
- Graduate students
- Learn about e-publishing and digital libraries,
applying that knowledge as they engage in their
research and build and submit their ETDs - Education improves through more effective sharing
- Universities
- Learn about digital libraries, as they collect,
catalog, archive, and make ETDs accessible - Learn how to unlock the potential of their
intellectual property/products - Technology and knowledge sharing speed up as
graduate research results become more readily
4In the beginning
- 1987 openly discussed ETDs at UMI meeting
- 1991 VT ETD initiative
- 1995 VT Graduate School invites Library to
participate - 1996 Library brings the players together, creates
web site, drafts workflow scripts - 1997 VT requires ETDs CGSPs DRSCAP
- 1998 NDLTD from National to Networked Digital
Library of Theses and Dissertations
5VT ETD Funding
- Grants
- SURA 1994 30,000 1996 91,117
- FIPSE, 9/96-8/99 208,040
- Contributions
- Adobe donation of software to the first 20
universities engaged in pilot testing. - Support
- Conference fees support conferences
6VT ETD SURA Funding
- 1993 SURA and SOLINET support Monticello
Electronic Library Project. Fox, and Eustis and
McMillan attend Atlanta meeting separately. - 1994 SURA funds VT workshop to develop plans for
ETDs. Attendees select PDF and SGML for
representation and archiving. - 1996 SURA funds VT implementation, research,
development, and dissemination of ETD experience,
or develop and disseminate a standard method for
making graduate students' final work available
7VT ETD SURA Funding
- Grant calls for Fox, Eaton, McMillan to
- Develop a system "that people can use"
- Implement library and user friendly search and
delivery technology, plus programmatic archiving - Document and distribute training materials for
this approach for other universities in the
- Although there are approximately 400,000 master's
or doctoral degrees awarded nationally each year,
many students are poorly prepared for a career in
which electronic publishing and access to
networked information systems will - be commonplace. Fox 9/96
9Hosted or Visited for ETD Support
- Onsite at Arizona State University, Georgia
Southern, Brigham Young, Case Western Reserve,
College of William and Mary, Cornell, Georgia,
Michigan Tech, Pennsylvania State, Worchester
Polytechnic, University of Florida, University of
North Carolina at Greensboro, University of South
Carolina, Vanderbilt, ACRL, ALA, CNI, CAUSE,
OCLC, RBMS, SAA... - Hosted Clemson, Mississippi State, Naval Post
Graduate School, Rhodes University (South
Africa), SUNY Buffalo, University of New
Brunswick, Virginia Commonwealth, Virginia
Military Institute, Wake Forest
10From National to Networked DLTD Mission Improve
Graduate Education
- Produce ETDs, use digital libraries, understand
issues in publishing - Increase availability of student research
- Lower the cost of processing TDs
- Empower students to convey a richer message
- Empower universities to unlock information
resources - Advance digital library technology
11NDLTD Membership 1997-2003
- To join send letter of interest from the
institution expressing interest in ETDS and NDLTD - No obligations
- Non-voting
- 122 US/international universities
- 16 US/international institutions
- 3 consortia
12NDLTDs Key Constituencies
- Faculty-Fox/VT, Moxley/USF, Pavani/PUC-Rio, etc.
- Students--Allard/UKy, Edminster/USF
- Graduate school administrators--Eaton/VT,
Clark/OH - Organizations
- International OAS, UNESCO, World Bank, national
libraries - US CNI, ARL not CGS
- Librarians grow information resources, services
- Companies--Adobe, OCLC, UMI/ProQuest
13NDTLD Governance 1997-2003
- Informal, voluntary, advisory
- Director Ed Fox, VT professor of computer
science - Steering Committee
- 30 members, met twice a year
- International organizations
- National libraries
- Publishers
- Technology companies
- Consortia
- Higher education institutions
- Working groups ETD MS, Strategic Planning
14NDLTD Program Priorities
- Standards and metadata
- Promotion, education, outreach
- Annual conferences
- Institutional representatives new to ETD
initiative - Institutional representatives experienced with
ETDs - Sponsors
- Awards innovation and leadership
- Incorporation and non-profit status
- Develop measures of success
- Membership
- Open access to ETDs
15NDLTD 501(c)(3)
- In order to better serve its membership, in May
2003 the NDTLD was duly formed as a nonstock
corporation for worldwide charitable and
educational purposes within the meaning of US the
Internal Revenue Code. NDLTD is now headed by a
Board of Directors, working with members on
various committees to further the aims of the
16NDLTD Bylaws Board of Directors
- 3-35 persons with demonstrated interest in,
concern for, ability to decide and address issues - Any national origin, sex, sexual orientation,
religious affiliation, race, creed, color,
profession - 3 year terms 1/3 elected each year
- Meet at annual meetings, at least
- Quorum is a majority
- Chair committees
17NDLTD Bylaws Officers
- Executive Director
- Operations manager
- See that policies, orders, resolutions carried
out - Ex officio member of all committees
- Secretary
- Attend all meetings of BoD
- Prepare and maintain custody of minutes
- Keep a true and complete record of the
proceedings of all meetings - Treasurer
- Keep correct and complete records of the
financial condition furnish at BoD meetings - Legal custodian of all monies, notes, securities,
valuables - Immediately deposit all funds in some reliable
bank/depository - Such other officers, agents as necessary
18NDLTD Board of Directors 2008
- Ellen Wagner
- Vinod Chachra
- Edward A. Fox
- Joseph Moxley
- Jude Edminster
- Suzie Allard
- William A. T. Clark
- Eric F. Van de Velde
- Gail McMillan
- John H. Hagen
- Denise A. D. Bedford
- Joan K. Lippincott
- Julia C. Blixrud
- Thomas B. Hickey
- Tony Cargnelutti
- Ana Pavani
- Hussein Suleman
- José Luis Borbinha
- Peter Schirmbacher
- Shalini R. Urs
- Christine Jewell
- Eva Müller
- Samson Soong
- Sharon Reeves
- Susan Copeland
- Xiaolin Zhang
- Austin McLean
19NDLTD Committees
- Conference Planning
- Services and Standards
- Awards (Adobe and NDLTD), 2004 to date
- Innovative ETD
- Innovating Learning through ETDs
- Leadership
- Development (w/international subcommittees)
- Implementation
- Public Relations
- Governance Executive, Finance, Nominating,
Membership - ETD Guide U of So. Florida, UNESCO
- Union Catalog of ETDS VTLS, OCLC
20The NDLTD Bylaws Members
- Categories
- Universities
- Consortia
- Supporting organizations
- Individuals
- No voting rights
- Primary interest of the Board
- Expected to be actively involved in the
conferences and committee activities
21Benefits of NDLTD Membership
- Eligible to be aided by a Mentoring Program
- Discounts on conference registration fees
- Discounts on exhibits/displays at the Annual
Conference - Support for harvesting into the Union Catalog
- Eligibility for NDLTD awards
- May serve on Committees and Board of Directors
- Access to member address (when shared)
- NEW Preservation Network
- Join ETD-L Send mail to listserv_at_listserv.vt.edu.
22NDLTD Membership Fee Structurehttp//www.ndltd.or
- 25 Individuals
- 100-300 Single degree-granting or supporting
institution - Consortium or Multicampus University System
- 200-2,600 Category II-III (up to 50 members)
- 600-7,800 Category I (up to 50 members)
23The NDTLD Bylaws Conferences
- Annual
- Provide a forum for members and guests
- Hear papers
- Promote discussions
- Other appropriate activities
- Technical demonstrations
- Exhibits
24NDLTD Conferences
- 2009 University of Pittsburgh/West Virginia
University - 2008 Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen,
Scotland - 2007 Uppsala University, Sweden
- 2006 Bibliothèque de l'Université Laval, Quebec,
Canada - 2005 University of New South Wales, Sydney,
Australia - 2004 University of Kentucky, Lexington
- 2003 Humboldt-University, Berlin, Germany
- 2002 Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah
- 2001 California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena - 2000 University of South Florida, St. Petersburg
- 1999 Virginia Tech, Blacksburg
- 1998 MECCA - ITEC Conference, Tennessee
25Availability of VT ETDs
26Increasing Availability of VT ETDs
27VT ETD Author Survey 2007/08
- While preparing your ETD, where did you find
answers to your questions? - 60 VT ETD web site
- 18 Friends
- 12 My committee
- Was this web site useful?
- 4 No
- 32 Somewhat
- 59 Useful - very useful
28VT ETD Author Survey 2007/08
- Compared to what you expected, how difficult was
it to create a PDF file? - 14 More difficult
- 57 Less difficult
- 30 neutral
29VT ETD Author Survey 2007/08
- Where were you when you submitted?
- 35 Off campus residence
- 25 Campus office
- 13 Off campus workplace
30VT ETD Author Survey 2007/08
- Compared to what you expected, how difficult was
it to submit your ETD? - 15 more difficult
- 64 less difficult
- 22 neutral
31VT ETD Author Survey 2007/08
- Within the next 1-2 years, what do you intend to
publish from your ETD? - 51 article
- 18 conference proceedings
- 4 book
- 3 chapter
- 4 nothing
- 17 dont know
32VT ETD Author Survey 2007/08
- If you restricted access to your VT ETD, on what
did you base this decision? - 46 Advice of faculty
- 25 Personal choice
- 20 Other
- 4 Advice of others
- 3 Patent pending
- 3 Advice of publisher
33VT ETD User Survey 2007/08
- If you are with a university, does it accept
ETDs? - 80 Yes
- 10 No
- 10 not from a university
- If your university does not accept ETDs, do you
think it should? - 58 Yes
- 28 No opinion
- 14 No
34VT ETD User Survey 2007/08
- Have you submitted an ETD?
- 69 No
- 31 Yes
- What is your reason for using this digital
library? - 85 Research
- 7 Personal interest
- 5 Learn about ETDs
- 2 Job related
35VT ETD User Survey 2007/08
- If you searched for an ETD, how fast was the
response to your search request? - 6 Slow
- 84 Fairly fast, fast, very fast
- 9 didnt search
- If you downloaded any ETDs, how easy was it to
find what you were looking for? - 10 Difficult
- 90 Fairly easy, easy, very easy
36Publishers surveys 1999-2002http//lumiere.lib.v
- According to the editorial policy,
OA/university-only constitutes prior
publication - Open access ETDs
- 9 science publishers
- 14 social science publishers
- 15 humanities publishers
- University-only accessible ETDs
- 1 science publishers
- 4 social science publishers
- 6 humanities publishers
37NDLTD and Preservation of ETDs
- Primary concern for early initiatives
- Paper seen as more enduring
- Commercial alternatives OCLC, ProQuest
- MetaArchive survey 2008
- 75 no formal preservation plan
- 92 interested in NDLTD preservation strategy
- Workshop at 2008 conference, Aberdeen
38Digital preservation?
- The systematic management of digital works over
an indefinite period of time. - Unlike traditional preservation, digital works
demand ongoing attention--constant input of
effort, time, and money. Technological and
organizational change is the stumbling block for
preserving digital information beyond a few
years. - Digital preservation is processes and activities
that ensure the continued access to works
existing in digital formats.
39Backup/IRs vs. Digital Preservation
- Backups are tactical measures--typically stored
in a single location (often nearby or collocated
with the servers backed up) and performed only
periodically. Backups address short-term data
loss via minimal investment of money and staff
time resources. Backups are not a comprehensive
solution to the problem of preserving information
over time. - Digital preservation is strategic--a
geographically dispersed set of secure caches of
critical information. A true digital
preservation program requires multi-institutional
collaboration and at least some ongoing
investment to realistically address the issues
involved in preserving information over time.
- A distributed digital preservation cooperative
for digital archives - Established under the auspices of and with
funding from the National Digital Information and
Infrastructure Preservation Program (NDIIPP) of
the Library of Congress - Sustained by cooperative fee memberships and LC
contracts - Provides training and models for other groups to
establish similar distributed digital
preservation networks - Fosters broader awareness of digital preservation
41Distributed Digital Preservation Network
- Effective preservation succeeds by replicating
copies of content in secure, distributed
locations over time. - Security reduces the likelihood that any single
cache will be compromised. - Distribution reduces the likelihood that the loss
of any single cache will lead to a loss of the
preserved content. - A single organization is unlikely to have the
capability to operate several geographically
dispersed and securely maintained servers - Inter-institutional agreements will ensure
commitment to act in concert over time.
42MetaArchive Distributed Digital Preservation
Networks Across the World, a Region, a State
- Programmatically collects content from a host
- Preserves content among partners servers
- Low cost to administer and run
- Standard hardware, free software
- Audits content and repairs as needed from host or
partners - Disseminates content to only the appropriate
users - Host librarys clientele see the content from
hosts site - Unless it isnt available from there
- Provide copies to partners only to audit and
repair - Dark archive only
43Key Features of the MetaArchive
- Distributed preservation strategy
- Flexible organizational model
- Formal content selection process
- Capability for migrating archives
- Dark archiving strategy
- Low cost to deployment
- Self-sustaining incentives
- Simple exchange mechanisms
44Successful Disaster Recovery Test
- Focused on Hardware, Content, Network
- Simulated and experienced crashing primary node
- Intentionally damaged content (truncate files)
- Disabled access to plug-ins
- Ran routine tests for bad disk, cache manager,
conspectus database, yum repository, kickstart
script, xml configuration file, etc. - Reconstructed primary node, resurrected network,
reconstructed content - Documentation
45ETD Preservation Survey
- Help gauge the digital library communitys
interest in establishing an ETD-specific
preservation network. - 14 multiple choice and short answer questions
- 95 responses Jan.-Feb. 2008
46ETD Preservation Survey
- How did you learn about this survey?
- 17 ARL Association of Research Libraries
- 15 ASERL Association of Southeastern Research
Libraries - 16 CGS Council of Graduate Schools
- 13 DLF Digital Library Federation
- 39 NDLTD Networked Digital Library of Theses
and Dissertations
47ETD Preservation Survey
- Does your institution accept ETDs?
- 20 NO 80 YES
- If so, does your institution accept only
electronic versions? - 61 NO 39 YES
48ETD Preservation Survey
- Estimate the number of ETDs added to your
collection annually. - 5-10 6
- 20-50 15
- 100-199 28
- 200-299 8
- 300-399 13
- 500-599 7
- 600-699 4
- 700-799 6
- 800-900 6
- 1,000 7
- Estimate the number of ETDs in your collection.
- gt100 27
- 100-199 10
- 200-499 14
- 500-999 17
- 1000-1999 13
- 2000-4999 11
- 10,000-20,180 7
49ETD Preservation Survey
- .pdf 21
- .jpg 7
- .wav 7
- Other formats 7
- .gif 6
- .html 5
- .mov 5
- Any format 5
- .avi 5
- .mp3 5
- .tif 5
- .mpg 4
- .doc 4
- .xml 4
- .png 3
- .ppt 2
- .aif 2
- .qt 2
- .aif 2
- .avi 5
- .doc 4
- .gif 6
- .html 5
- .jpg 7
- .mov 5
- .mp3 5
- .mpg 4
- .pdf 21
- .png 3
- .ppt 2
- .qt 2
- .tif 5
- .wav 7
- .xml 4
- Any format 5
- Other formats 7
50ETD Preservation Survey
- Does your institution have a formalized
preservation plan for its ETDs? - 73.68 NO (70/95 responses)
- 26.32 YES (25/95 responses)
- 97.94 of the people who took this survey (95/97)
answered this question.
51ETD Preservation Survey
- Do you have experience with or knowledge of
LOCKSS-based preservation networks? - 30.11 NO (28/93 responses)
- 69.89 YES (65/93 responses)
- 95.88 of the people who took this survey (93/97)
answered this question.
52ETD Preservation Survey
- Would your institution be interested in
participating in an ETD-specific LOCKSS-based
collaborative distributed digital archive
sponsored by the NDLTD? - 49.47 MAYBE (47/95 responses)
- 42.11 YES (40/95 responses)
- 8.42 NO (8/95 responses)
- 97.94 of the people who took this survey (95/97)
answered this question.
53ETD Preservation Survey
- If yes, would there be a preference for
- 17.95 Dark archiving (14/78 responses)
- 41.03 Public archive (32/78 responses)
- 41.03 Dim archiving (32/78 responses)
- 80.41 of the people who took this survey (78/97)
answered this question.
54ETD Preservation Survey
- What would be the level of participation for your
institution in participating in the NDLTD
distributed digital preservation archive? - 45.95 Contributing
- 29.73 Preservation
- 24.32 Sustaining
55ETD Preservation Survey
- What platform or repository structure are you
using to collect, disseminate, and store your
ETDs? - 10 ETDdb
- 1 Eprints
- 2 Fedora
- 19 DSpace
- 22 In-house solution
- 46 Other platform or repository (1-3
CONTENTdm, Digital Commons, DigiTool, OhioLink,
ProQuest, )
56ETD Preservation Survey
- What information would your institution need to
participate in an ETD DDPN? - Costs 38
- Staffing 16
- Technical issues 12
- Expectations, responsibilities 12
- Hardware 9
- Long term goals, sustainability 6
- Access 6
- Procedures 4
- Agreement, legal terms 4
57ETD Preservation Survey
- Comments/concerns, particularly the distributed
model that the MetaArchive Cooperative is
considering for ETDs - A welcome opportunity 8
- Still not enough 5
- Migration? 3
- Confidential ETDs? 2
- Not a priority 2
- Using CDs 2
58NDLTD Distributed Preservation Workshop
- June 4, 2008
- 11th International ETD Conference
- Aberdeen, Scotland Robert Gordon University
- http//scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/DDPNWorkshop20080