Title: ADHD: Childhood and Beyond
1ADHD Childhood and Beyond
- David M. Freed, Ph.D.
- 1180 Cross Street SE
- Salem, OR 97302
- Phone 503-362-9357
2A Brief History of ADHD
- Fidgety Phil was mentioned in 1865
- George Still (1902) described children who were
aggressive, defiant, and passionate - 1917-1918 influenza epidemic survivors
- The concept of Minimal Brain Dysfunction
- The rise of medication therapy
- Subtypes of ADHD
- Lingering symptoms of ADHD in adults
3Diagnostic criteria for ADHD Inattention
- Six or more of the following symptoms of
inattention have persisted and caused significant
problems - careless mistakes
- difficulty sustaining attention
- often does not seem to listen
- fails to finish assignments
- avoids effortful tasks
- easily distracted
- often forgetful
4Diagnostic criteria for ADHDHyperactivity and
- Six or more of the following symptoms of
hyperactivity and impulsivity have persisted and
caused problems - Often fidgets
- Cant sit still
- Feels restless
- Talks excessively
- Noisy
- Has difficulty waiting turn
- Often interrupts or intrudes
5ADHD is frequently associated with other
disorders including
- Conduct disorders
- Learning disabilities
- Problems with emotional regulation
- Substance abuse
- Relationship issues
- Vocational difficulties
6Other Problems Associated with ADHD
- Reduced test performance (i.e., IQ)
- Impaired planning ability
- Excessive talking
- Poor organization
- Difficulty with problem solving
- Poor rule-governed behavior
7Other Problems Associated with ADHD
- Problems with frustration tolerance
- Academic and behavior problems
- Variable performance across time
- More frequent accidents and injuries
- Sleep difficulties
8ADHD and Co-Occurring Psychiatric
Disorders(Adapted from Barkley, 1998)
- Anxiety Disorders (average 25)
- Major Depression (average 25)
- Bipolar Disorder (most likely 6-10)
- Somatization Disorder (24-35 of adolescents)
- Oppositional Defiant Disorder (average 35)
- Conduct Disorder (20-56)
9ADHD and Social Functioning(adapted from
Barkley, 1998)
- Poor peer relationships
- Low social acceptance/status
- Increased aggression against peers
- Less compliance to requests
- More frequent requests for assistance
- More frequent reprimands and consequences
- Frequent changes job, relationship, residence
10ADHD and Emotional Problems
- Low self-esteem
- Depressed and anxious
- Quick tempered
- Frequent meltdowns
- Substance abuse
- Chaotic personal routines
11Features That Support a Diagnosis of ADHD
- Life-long problems with attention
- A family history of similar problems (e.g.,
parents, siblings, children) - Clinical presentation including restlessness,
fidgetiness, and verbal digressions
12Features That Support a Diagnosis of ADHD
- History of academic and behavioral problems
- Sleep disorder
- Associated features of anxiety
- Associated features of depression
13ADHD Symptoms are Context-Dependent Advantage
or Disadvantage?
- High activity level can be an advantage
- Mixed handedness is common and often associated
with excellent dexterity - Easy sociability is the flip side of verbal
impulsivity - Bias to novelty results in unique solutions
14ADHD Symptoms Advantage or Disadvantage?
- Friends appreciate the genuine expression of
emotions (the flip side of quick tempered) - ADHD masks symptoms of depression
- Hypervigilance to tasks of personal interest