Middle and Late Childhood - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Middle and Late Childhood


Lecture 6 Middle and Late Childhood Cognitive Development: Concrete Operations Piaget believed that around the age of 7, children enter the concrete operational stage. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Middle and Late Childhood

Lecture 6
  • Middle and Late Childhood

Cognitive Development Concrete Operations
  • Piaget believed that around the age of 7,
    children enter the concrete operational stage.
  • Concrete operations new forms of reasoning
  • An operation is a mental action that is
    coordinated with other mental actions as part of
    a system.
  • Concrete Operations relate directly to tangible
    objects and thoughts about objects (not to
    abstract propositions or possible future states
    of affairs).
  • Concrete operations transform all aspects of
    psychological functioning, according to Piaget.
    For example, children become skilled at taking
    intentions into account (morality).

  • A number of problem-solving tasks have been
    developed in order to diagnose presence or
    absence of concrete operational thinking.

Conservation tasks
  • Conservation - gt understanding that some
    properties of an object or substance remain the
    same even when its appearance is altered in some
    superficial way.
  • Conservation of liquid (continuous quantity)
  • Experimenter "Are the amounts of liquid in the
    two glasses the same?"
  • Experimenter pours the contents of one of the
    glasses into a third glass that is taller and
    thinner. The liquid rises higher in the new
  • Experimenter "Does the new glass contain more
    liquid than the old glass, does it contain the
    same amount, or does it contain less"

  • 3- and 4-year-old children - gt the taller glass
    has more water.
  • 5- to 6 year-old children - gt transitional stage.
  • 8 year olds children - gt acquired the concept of
  • Although obvious to adults, preoperational
    children lack conservation.
  • A lack of conservation demonstrates an inability
    to mentally reverse actions.

  • Identity "They were equal to start with and
    nothing was added, so they are the same.
  • Compensation "The liquid is higher, but the
    glass is thinner."
  • Reversibility "If you pour it back, you'll see
    that it's the same.
  • Addition/Subtraction "You did not add anything.
    You did not take anything away
  • These ways of understanding indicate that
    children have attained a new stage of cognitive
  • Piaget They are now capable of concrete
  • Other tasksConservation of massConservation of
    numberConservation of area

Class inclusion
  • 13 red plastic chips (ten round and three square
    chips) and 6 white plastic chips (three round and
    three square).
  • Entire collection of plastic chips in disarray -
    gt ascertain child's comprehension.
  • Then the child is asked to lay all the white
    chips off to the side so that only the red chips
  • Experimenter "In this arrangement are there now
    more red chips or more round chips?
  • Concrete operational answer
  • "There are more red ones because they are all
  • There are more red ones, because the round ones
    and the square ones together are more than the
    round ones alone
  • "There are more red ones, because the square
    chips are in there too"

Verbal classification
  • Cats / animals
  • Roses / flowers
  • Volkswagen / cars
  • Boys or girls / children
  • Lego blocks / toys
  • People from Toronto / people from Canada
  • Investigation procedures and instructions "What
    do you think? Are there more Volkswagens or are
    there more cars?"
  • How do you know that? Can you tell me how you
    know that?
  • Concrete operational justification
  • "There are more cars, because they are all cars."
  • "There are more cars, because cars don't come
    only from Volkswagen, but from companies like
    Ford too."
  • "There are more cars, because there are lots more
    cars than just Volkswagen cars."

Piaget and Education
  • Take a constructivist approach.
  • Consider the childs knowledge and level of
  • Turn the classroom into a setting of exploration
    and discovery.

Criticisms of Piaget
  • Stages -gt Horizontal decalage
  • Estimates of childrens competence
  • Culture and education

What Is Intelligence?
  • Intelligence is verbal ability, problem-solving
    skills, and the ability to adapt to and learn
    from lifes everyday experiences.
  • Intelligence cannot be directly measured.
  • Normal Distribution

The Wechsler Scales
  • David Wechsler developed tests to assess
    students intelligence
  • The Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of
    Intelligence-Revised (WPPSI-R) for ages 4-6½
  • The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
    (WISC) for ages 6-16.
  • The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS).
  • The Wechsler scales provide an overall IQ and
    yield verbal and performance IQs.

Gardners Eight Frames of Mind
  • Verbal skills
  • Mathematical skills
  • Spatial skills
  • Bodily-kinesthetic skills
  • Musical skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Intrapersonal skills
  • Naturalist skills

Conclusions (not shared by all psychologists)
  • 1. Human intelligent life is too multifaceted to
    be represented by a single number. IQ is an
    artificial psychological-mathematical
  • 2. Intelligence can be conceptualized in many
    different ways.
  • 3. IQ is not a constant (Flynn effect).
  • 4. Some part of individual differences in
    performance on IQ tests can be attributed to
    heritability (as statistically conceptualized).
  • 5. Significant differences between the average IQ
    scores of "African Americans" and "white
    Americans" cannot be attributed to inherited

  • 6. IQ tests measure only a small part of what is
    significant in mental life.
  • 7. IQ tests are not culture-fair.
  • 8. IQ tests may help when it comes to extremes
    and as a practical device.
  • 9. If you use IQ tests do so in order to help and
    not in order to sort and label.
  • 10. Psychologists must move to something more

Giftedness Creativity
  • People who are gifted have above-average
    intelligence (an IQ of 120 or higher) and/or
    superior talent for something.
  • Creativity is the ability to think about
    something in novel and unusual ways and to come
    up with unique solutions to problems.

Achievment Motivation School
  • 10000-15000 hours in classrooms by graduation.
  • Children entering 1st grade take up a new role,
    interact and develop relationships with new
    significant others, adopt new reference groups,
    and develop new standards for judging themselves.
  • School provides children with a rich source of
    new ideas to shape their sense of self.
  • There is emerging concern about new evidence
    showing that early schooling proceeds mainly on
    the basis of negative feedback.

Weiner's Attribution Theory
  • Four possible causes of success or failure
  • Ability (or thereof) (internal locus of control)
  • Effort (internal locus of control)
  • Task difficulty (external locus of control)
  • Luck (either good or bad) (external locus of
  • Children with an internal locus of control assume
    that they are personally responsible for what
    happens to them.
  • Children with an external locus of control
    believe that their outcomes depend more on luck,
    fate, or the actions of others.
  • Children with an internal locus of control earn
    higher grades and scores on academic achievement
    tests than children with an external locus of
    control do.

Add Stability
Internal External
Stability Stable Ability Task difficulty
Unstable Effort Luck
  • It is not always adaptive to attribute what
    happens to internal causes.
  • Is it healthy to conclude from a failure that a
    child is seriously lacking in ability?
  • Before age 7 Children tend to be unrealistic
    optimists who think that they have the ability to
    succeed in almost any novel task.
  • Age 8 to 12 Children begin to distinguish effort
    from ability. Teachers place more and more
    emphasis on ability appraisals. Children use
    social comparison to appraise their outcomes - gt
    students begin to distinguish effort from ability
    and to make causal attributions for their
    successes and failures.

Dweck's Learned-Helplessness Theory
  • Carol Dweck and her colleagues find that
    middle-school children clearly differ in the
    attributions they offer for their achievement
    outcomes, particularly for their failures.
  • Mastery oriented Children attribute their
    successes to their high ability but tend to
    externalize the blame for their failures ("That
    test was ambiguous and unfair") or to attribute
    them to unstable causes that they can easily
    overcome ("I'll do better if I try harder").
  • Learned helplessness orientation Children
    attribute their successes to the unstable factors
    of hard work or luck. Yet they attribute their
    failures to a stable and internal factor (lack of
    ability - gt low expectations - gt give up).
  • Children who display this learned helplessness
    syndrome might be highly talented students.
    Learned helplessness may persist over time and
    undermine the child's academic performance.

How does learned helplessness develop?
  • Parents and teachers - gt helpless achievement
    orientation Praising the child for being neat or
    for working hard when child succeeds but
    criticizing lack of ability when child fails.
  • 4-6-year-olds can begin to develop a helpless
  • Parents and teachers praise the child's abilities
    when she succeeds but emphasize lack of effort
    when she fails - gt the child may conclude that
    she is certainly smart enough and would do even
    better if she tried harder - gt mastery-orientation
  • Experiment strikingly different attributional
    styles were created in less than one hour.

Therapy Attribution Retraining.
  • Dweck - gt children who had become helpless after
    failing a series of tough math problems - gt two
  • (a) A success-only therapy - gt worked problems
    they could solve - gt tokens for successes.
  • (b) Attribution retraining. Were also told after
    each of several prearranged failures that they
    had not worked hard enough and should have tried
    harder - gt failures - gt lack of effort rather
    than a lack of ability.
  • Results Helpless children in the
    attribution-retraining condition now performed
    much better on the tough math problems they had
    initially failed. Attributed their outcome to a
    lack of effort and tried harder.
  • Children in the success-only condition showed no
    such improvements, giving up once again after
    failing the original problems. So merely showing
    helpless children that they are capable of
    succeeding is not enough.
  • Recommendations Parents and teachers should
    praise the child's abilities when child succeeds.
    Not suggesting that failures reflect a lack of
    ability. Authoritative parenting.

Students from Low Socioeconomic Backgrounds
  • Many children in poverty face problems at home
    and at school that present barriers to their
  • Many schools of children from impoverished
    backgrounds attend have fewer resources than do
    the schools in higher-income neighborhoods.
  • Schools in low-income areas are more likely to
    encourage rote learning rather than thinking
  • Many of these schools provide students with
    sub-standard learning environments.

Ethnicity in Schools (USA)
  • The school experiences of students from different
    ethnic groups vary considerably.
  • School segregation is still a factor in the
    education of children of color in the U.S.
  • John Ogbu proposed the view that ethnic minority
    students are placed in a position of
    subordination and exploitation in the American
    educational system.
  • He believes students of color have inferior
    educational opportunities, are exposed to
    educators who have low academic expectations of
    them, and encounter negative stereotypes.

Ethnic Differences in Academic Achievement
  • Why do differences exist?
  • Parental attitudes and involvement.
  • Minority parents may value education or encourage
    school achievement as much as other parents do.
  • However, minority parents are often less
    knowledgeable about the school system and less
    involved in many school activities.

Ethnic Differences in Academic Achievement
  • Patterns of parenting and peer influences.
  • Positive influence on academic achievement is
    often undermined by peers.
  • Teacher expectancies
  • In USA Asian Americans are expected to be bright
    and hardworking, whereas African-American and
    Latino students from low-income neighborhoods are
    expected to perform poorly in school.

Teachers are not immune to stereotypes!
  • Pygmalion effect Rosenthal and Jacobson (1968)

Strategies for Improving Relations Between
Ethnically Diverse Students
  • Encourage students to have positive personal
    contact with diverse other students.
  • Encourage students to engage in perspective
  • Help students think critically and be emotionally
    intelligent when cultural issues are involved.
  • Reduce bias.
  • View the school and community as a team to help
    support teaching efforts.

Cross-Cultural Comparisons of Achievement
  • In a cross-national comparison of 9- to
    13-year-old students, the U.S. finished 13th out
    of 15 in science, and 15th out of 16 in math
  • In this study, Korean and Taiwanese students
    finished first and second, respectively.
  • Studies have shown Asian students consistently
    outperform American students.

Reasons for Cross-Cultural Differences
  • Research found Asian teachers spent more of their
    time teaching math than did American teachers.
  • Asian students were in school an average of 240
    days a year, compared with 178 days in the U.S.
  • American parents had much lower expectations for
    their childrens education than Asian parents.
  • American parents were more likely to believe that
    their childrens achievement was due to innate
    ability, and they were less likely to help them
    with their homework.

  • Education and language experts continue to debate
    how children should be taught to read.
  • The whole-language approach stresses that reading
    instruction should parallel childrens natural
    language learning, and that reading materials
    should be whole and meaningful.
  • The basic-skills-and-phonetics approach
    emphasizes that reading instruction should teach
    phonetics and its basic rules for translating
    written symbols into sounds, and early reading
    instruction should involve simplified materials.

Findings on Bilingual Education
  • Researchers have found that bilingualism does not
    interfere with performance in either language.
  • Children who are fluent in two languages perform
    better on tests of attentional control, concept
    formation, analytical reasoning, cognitive
    flexibility, and cognitive complexity.
  • Bilingual children are also more conscious of
    spoken and written language structure, and are
    better at noticing errors of grammar and meaning.
  • Bilingual children in a number of countries have
    been found to perform better on intelligence

Amount of Television Watching by Children
  • Children not only learn in school but also from
  • In the 1990s, children averaged 11-28 hours of
    television per week, which is more than for any
    other activity except sleep.
  • Considerably more children in the North-America
    than their counterparts in other developed
    countries watch television for long periods.
  • A special concern is the extent to which children
    are exposed to violence and aggression on
    television, even in cartoons.

How do children learn by observation?
  • Bandura observational learning and instruction
    vicarious reinforcement vicarious punishment
    imitation selective imitation counterimitation
    abstract modeling.

  • 1. Children saw in the model-rewarded condition
    an adult give the aggressive model some candy and
    a soft drink for a championship performance.
  • 2. Children in the model-punished condition saw a
    second adult scold and spank the model for
    beating up on Bobo.
  • 3. Children in the no-consequence condition
    simply saw the model behave aggressively.
  • Children in the model-rewarded and no-consequence
    conditions imitated more of the model's
    aggressive acts than children who saw the model
    punished. Children have learned novel aggressive
    responses without being reinforced.

Effects of Television on Childrens Aggression
  • Several studies have demonstrated the
    relationships between the amount of violence
    viewed on television and subsequent aggressive
    and violent behavior.
  • These studies are correlational, thus the only
    conclusion can be that television violence is
    associated with aggressive behavior, not that it
    causes aggressive behavior.
  • Many experts argue that TV violence can induce
    aggressive or antisocial behavior in children.

Other Effects
  • Reciprocal link Viewing TV violence increases
    children's aggressive tendencies, which
    stimulates interest in violent programming, which
    promotes further aggression.
  • Mean-world beliefs Tendency to view the world as
    a violent place inhabited by people who typically
    rely on aggressive solutions to their
    interpersonal problems.
  • Desensitize children to violence Make them less
    emotionally upset by violent acts and more
    willing to tolerate them in real life.

Effects of Television on Childrens Prosocial
  • Television can teach children that it is better
    to behave in positive, prosocial ways than in
    negative, antisocial ways.
  • Children who watched episodes of Sesame Street
    that reflected positive social interchanges
    copied the behaviors and, in later social
    situations, applied the prosocial lessons they
    had learned.

Television and Cognitive Development
  • Positive influences presenting motivating
    educational programs, increasing information
    about the world beyond childrens immediate
    environment, and providing models of prosocial
  • Regular television is negatively related to
    childrens creativity, however, educational
    programming may promote creativity and
    imagination due to its slower pace and
    coordination of video and audio input.

Children's Reactions to Commercial Messages
  • Young children do rarely understand manipulative
    (selling) intent of ads.
  • By ages 9-11, most children realize that ads are
    designed to persuade and sell, and by 13-14, they
    have acquired a healthy skepticism about product
    claims and advertising in general.
  • Nevertheless, adolescents and adults are often
    persuaded by the ads they see.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
  • ADHD is a disability in which children
    consistently show one or more of the following
    characteristics over a period of time
  • inattention
  • Impulsivity
  • hyperactivity
  • The disorder occurs as much as 4-9 times as much
    in boys as in girls.
  • Students with ADHD have a failure rate in school
    that is 2-3 times that of other students.

Causes of ADHD
  • Definitive causes of ADHD have not been found.
  • Pre- and postnatal abnormalities may be a cause.
  • Possible low levels of certain neurotransmitters
    have been proposed.
  • Heredity is considered a contributor, as 30-50
    of children with the disorder have a sibling or
    parent who has it.
  • Environmental toxins such as lead could
    contribute to ADHD.
  • Family factors?

Treatment of ADHD
  • Many experts recommend a combination of academic,
    behavioral, and medical interventions to help
    ADHD students better learn and adapt.
  • The intervention requires cooperation and effort
    on the part of the parents, school personnel, and
    health-care professionals.
  • Ritalin is a controversial stimulant given to
    control behavior.
  • In many children, Ritalin actually slows down the
    nervous system and behavior.
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