Title: Neuro Anatomy of the Visual System
1Neuro Anatomy of the Visual System
2Lecture Objectives
- Identifies and describes the functional
components of the eye and CNS structures involved
in visual perceptual processing - Understands the neurological organization of the
visual perceptual processing
3Eyeball has three layers
- Outer protective layer
- Sclera and cornea
- Middle vascular layer
- Uveal tract
- Consists of iris, ciliary
- body and choroid
- Inner sensory layer
- Retina
- Encloses eyeball except for cornea
- Extension of the dura mater of CNS
- Protects inner contents of eye
- Helps maintain shape of the eye
- Extraocular muscles attach to its surface
- Outermost layer of eye
- Avascular and transparent
- 5 layers
- Epithelium,Bowmans membrane, stroma,Decemets
membrane, endothelium - Stroma makes up 90 thickness
- Epithelium is bathed in tears and
- must be kept moist to maintain its
- transparency
- Protects inner contents of eye
- Refracts light
- Continuously produced drained away
- trabecular meshwork
- canal of Schlemm
- Maintains health of lens and cornea
- Maintains shape pressure within eye
- Pigmentation protects retina
- Controls pupil aperture
- Dilator muscle
- Dilates pupil
- Under sympathetic control
- Eyes dilate with fear
- Spincter muscle
- Constricts pupil
- Avascular
- 65 water 35 protein
- Refracts light to focus image onto retina
- Shape controlled by ciliary muscles
- Balls up for near focus
- Flattens for distance focus
- Fibers form throughout life
- Gradually become more compacted into center of
lens - Lens loses flexibility
- Presbyopia develops
9Ciliary Body
- Ciliary muscle
- Shapes lens
- Controlled by CN III
- Ciliary process
- Secretes aqueous
- Transparent gelatinous substance
- Maintains transparency and form of eye
- Holds retina in place
- Thin transparent membrane
- covering sclera and
- inner eyelid
- Provides protection
- and moisture
- Many blood vessels
- Few pain fibers
- Conjunctivitis common
- Vascular supply for eye
- Capillaries and veins
- Choroid capillaris
- Separate blood supply for macula foveal area
Direction of light
Retina as viewed through an ophthalmoscope
- Three dimensional-lines posterior 2/3rd of eye
- First neural center for integration of visual
input - Captures images in the visual field
- Maps out the first representation of the visual
14Visual Field
External world that can be seen by the two
eyes without movement of the head Divided at
midline into right and left and superior and
inferior halves
15- Images striking center of the field will be seen
by both eyes - known as the binocular zone
- Images striking the far periphery of the field
will be seen by - that eye only
- known as the monocular zone or lateral crescent
16General Features of the Retina
6 layer structure the consistency of glue-only.02
microns thick Inside out structure light
passes through the first 4 layers to contact the
5th layer of photoreceptor cells- rods and
cones-then makes a return trip 6th layer
consists of retinal pigment epithelium cells
which support and nourish the photoreceptors
Direction of light
17Rod Receptor Cells
Rod Cells
- Concentrated in periphery
- Activate in low illumination
- Detect general form, not details
- Provide background information
18Cone Receptor Cells
Cone Cell
- Capture detail and color
- Require direct stimulation
- Bright light
- Concentrated in fovea
19Macula/ Fovea
Lies opposite the pupil in the center of the
retinal/visual field Composed entirely of
cones Fovea lies in center and is most densely
packed with cones Provides detail vision and
color Has a very limited field of view-only about
4 square inches at a Distance of 8 feet Function
of eye movements is to Keep images focused on the
20Function of Retina
- Breaks down visual input into its spatial
components - Each photoreceptor cell is designed to respond
only to certain type of stimuli - Some respond only when light comes on
- Some only with light goes off
- Some only to a certain color wave length
- Blue, red, green
- Some only to certain orientation of line
- Vertical, horizontal, diagonal, curved
- Some only to certain contrast
- Some only to motion
21Function of retina continued
- Each photoreceptor has its own receptive field
(aka retinal point) - Area of retina that when illuminated will
stimulate this cell - Cell responds only if light strikes in its
receptive field - Images create a mosaic of cell activity
- Job of CNS is to make sense of this
22Working together, cells map out the visual world
and project it onto the retinal field
- Retinal field is divided into regions
- Temporal-area next to temples
- Nasal-area next to nose
- Superior-dorsal
- Inferior-ventral
- Because lens of eye invert images onto the retina
- Images in superior visual field are projected
onto inferior retinal field - Images in inferior visual field are projected
onto superior retinal field
23Images in the left visual field are projected
onto the nasal retinal field in the left eye and
the temporal retinal field in the right eye
24Images from the right visual field are projected
onto the nasal retinal field in the right eye and
the temporal retinal field in the left eye
25Retinal Processing Pathway
Axons form Optic nerve
Ganglion cells
Bipolar cells
- Each retina contains 100 million photoreceptor
cells - Impulses converge onto bipolar cells
- Converge again onto ganglion cells
- Axons of ganglion cells merge to form the optic
nerve (CN 2) and exit at optic disc
26- Retinal field is initially just a disorganized
mess of firing cells - As input passes back through the four layers of
the retina, impulses are converged first onto
bipolar cells, then ganglion cells - Several rod cells converge onto one bipolar
- But only one cone cell converges onto one bipolar
- provides cone cells with greater sensitivity
- Convergence process refines and compresses the
image data - Each retinal point is encoded several times
through filters that are receptive to objects of
different size, spatial and temporal
organization, contrast and color -
27- By the time visual input reaches the ganglion
cells in the last layer, only 1 million pieces of
visual input remain from the 100 million
originally captured - Sufficient to provide the CNS with several
descriptions of objects in slightly different
representations - Axons from the ganglion cells converge at the
optic disc to form the optic nerve
28Optic Nerve
- Exits eye at the optic disc
- Located just medial to the fovea
- No receptor cells are here so the retinal field
is inactive - Creates a 5 degree physiologic blind spot
- Light coming from a single point in the binocular
zone of the visual field never strikes both blind
spots so when both eyes are open, never aware
that you have a blind spot - Only become aware of the blind spot in specific
monocular situations
29Optic Nerve
- Cranial nerve II
- Exits eye carrying a map of
- the images contained in the
- visual field
- 1 million fibers in each eye
- Core of nerve contains
- macular/foveal input
- Periphery contains
- peripheral field input
- Travels back towards
- occipital lobe
30At the Optic Chiasm
- Fibers carrying information
- from the nasal retinal field
- in each eye cross over
- and enter the optic tract
- on the opposite side
- Temporal field fibers
- dont cross
Nasal fields
31Basis of Binocular Function
- Before chiasm
- Two separate, independent sets of information
coming from the eyes - After chiasm
- Input from the two eyes is merged so that now
visual processing is integrated and each
hemisphere is concerned with processing visual
input from the contralateral half of the visual
field - Left hemisphere will process right visual field
information - Right hemisphere will process left visual field
information - The optic nerve changes names and now becomes the
optic tract
32Lateral Geniculate Nucleus(LGN)
- Majority (but not all) fibers in optic tract
synapse in LGN - Contains orderly map of the
- contralateral visual hemifield
- left LGN-right VF
- right LGN-left VF
- Not all parts of retinal field are equally
represented - Contains over representation of central field
- Represents 5 of field but gets half of the LGN
map - Because more fibers of optic tract carry central
field input
33LGN has Two Primary Jobs
- Assists CNS to tune into salient
- features
- Filters out more extraneous
- input and refines image
- Puts two eyes together for
- binocular vision
- 6 layered structure
- Layers alternate maps of contralateral and
ipsilateral visual fields - Provides foundation for stereoscopic vision
- Each image has slightly different representation
because of distance between the two eyes
Signals from ipsilateral eye enter layers
2,3,5 signals from contra- lateral eye enter
layers 1,4,6
34Geniculocalcarine Tracts
- Arise from the LGN and
- terminate in the calcarine
- fissure of the occipital pole
- Carry visual field map of the
- contralateral space
- Two loops
- A Parietal-inferior visual field
- B Temporal-superior visual field
- Temporal loop has more curve
- due to growth of temporal lobe
- Parietal loop fibers have
- straighter line of travel
35Occipital Lobe
Fibers from the geniculo- calcarine tract
terminate in the V1 area of the occipital
pole Serves as a portal or gateway for visual
input traveling to cortex for processing-all
input must go through here Sorts out incoming
input and dispatches it through either temporal
or parietal circuitry
V 1
36Occipital Lobe
- Made up of a complex layering of cells in
horizontal and vertical columns - Each cell in each column is responsible for
extracting a specific quality about the object
seen - Like retinal photoreceptors, some cells respond
only to movement in a certain direction others
only to a specific color etc. - Collectively, the cells in OL determine the
- Spatial orientation of an object
- Brightness
- Form
- Movement direction
- Color
37Occipital Lobe
- Screens out irrelevant and incongruent visual
input - Dispatches the rest for cortical processing
through parietal and temporal lobes
38Cortical Processing
- Job is to enable the use of vision for adaptation
- Cognitive application of vision requires that
visual input be integrated with other information
(memory, emotion, other sensory input) in
prefrontal circuitry of brain - Visual input takes two routes to the prefrontal
lobe - Northern route through posterior parietal
circuitry and Southern route through posterior
temporal circuitry
39Posterior Temporal Circuitry
- Visual object center
- Responsible for recognition, classification of
objects - Concerned with features of objects
- Color, juxtaposition of line, shape, size
- Puts this information together in a composite
which is sent to the prefrontal circuitry - Prefrontal circuitry takes information, compares
it with memory to check the accuracy of the input
and decides what to do with the information - Composite includes appropriate emotional tag
- I like this object, I dont like it
40Temporal Circuitry
- To do its job, temporal lobe must get very
precise visual input - Utilizes macular input
- And must obtain that information in an organized
sequential fashion - Utilizes selective attention
41Posterior Parietal Circuitry
- Visual spatial center
- Incoming sensory input is integrated to create a
sensory representation of the contralateral side
of the body and surrounding space - Known as an internal map
- Map is used to orient the body to objects in
space on the contralateral side of the body - Not a detailed map but a holistic, general
representation of objects and space
42Posterior Parietal Circuitry
- Close your eyes and visualize the space
surrounding you - You have a general idea of objects and their
relationship to you but you lack specific details - Objects closest to you can be visualized with the
most detail - Receive the largest representation on the map
- And therefore most likely to activate attention
- Because can do you the greatest harm
- If your eyes were open, objects moving towards
you would also receive greater representation - Critical that they be detected before they get
too close.
43Posterior Parietal Circuitry
- To have useful internal map, must get the big
picture - Quickly assimilate a lot of information
- Information doesnt need to be very precise
- If a big blurry object is moving towards you, its
not necessary to identify it as a Ford Explorer
to know that you need to get out of its way - Circuitry relies primarily on peripheral visual
field input
44Prefrontal Circuitry
- Combines visual input with other information for
cognitive application - Two important visual centers
- Frontal eye fields
- Dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex
45Frontal Eye Fields
- Direct voluntary search of environment for needed
objects - Direct search by anticipating where an object
will be found - Utilize visual memory
- Where are fire extinguishers located?
- Where are exit signs found?
- The more experience and knowledge you have with
an environment, the faster and more efficient you
will execute visual search
46Dorsal Lateral Prefrontal Cortex
- Supplies short term working visual memory
- Maintain an active memory only as long as needed
to complete the task/objective - Example remembering where you parked your car at
the mall - DLPC keeps areas in parietal and temporal lobes
active with information needed to relocate the
car - Temporal lobe image of the car color, make etc
- Parietal lobe location of the car
- As soon as the car is relocated, this information
is dumped from memory - Important in keeping attention on task and
maintaining organization
47Limbic Circuitry
- Supplies short term and long term memory circuits
for storage of visual images - Many connections between prefrontal areas and
anterior medial temporal lobe - Facilitates storage by attaching emotional stamp
to visual memory - Strongest, most resilient memories are those of
events with great emotional relevance - Babys first smile
- Twin trade towers collapse
48Limbic Circuitry
- Anterior medial temporal lobe
- Assigns motivational relevance to events
occurring in the contralateral space according to
past experience and current need - Objects with greater emotional relevance acquire
more space on the internal parietal map so that
they are more likely to engage attention and
visual search - A jelly donut sitting on a plate to your left
side when you are really hungry - Your dog
- Injury to this area causes indifference to events
on the contralateral side - Visual search is not executed
49- All of these cortical structures interact and
work with each other to provide a coordinated
network for acquiring and applying visual
information - Network is held together by long and short fiber
tracts that enable continuous communication
between areas - Each area of the network contributes a certain
advantage to visual processing - No area works alone or independent of other areas
- Damage in any one area will affect the whole
network - Various deficits will be observed
- Fibers break off the visual pathway before the
LGN and travel to the brainstem - 12 separate centers in BS are involved in visual
processing - Modulate visual reflexes
- Pupillary responses, accommodation, blink reflex
etc - Integrate vision with other sensory input
especially vestibular - Control cranial nerves involved in vision
- Modulating attention
- Key Structures
- Superior colliculus
- Reticular activating system
- Motor nuclei for cranial nerves 3,4,6
51Superior Colliculus
Midbrain structure-one on each side Responsible
for visual capture of any novel or unexpected
visual stimuli Contains a map of the retinal
field If a novel or unexpected stimulus moves
into the field, the SC captures it and directs
persons attention towards it
52Superior Colliculi
- Responds primarily to movement rather than
luminosity - Very attentive to peripheral visual field input
- Response is automatic and reflexive mediated
through sub cortical channels as a protective
response - SC respond to ALL novel stimuli
- Cant inhibit the response
- Each SC directs eye movements towards
contralateral visual space
53Reticular Formation
- Loose collection of cells
- scattered throughout mid
- brain
- Control autonomic functions
- The Four As arousal
- sequence
- asleep
- awake
- alert
- attending
54Reticular Formation
- Visual system strongly influences arousal
sequence - Example might be sitting there ready to fall
asleep during this lecture when suddenly a bloody
hand moves out from behind the screen.. - Sight of the hand would instantly engage your
attention - The more threatening or important the visual
input, the greater the arousal - Visual input also elicits autonomic response
through this system - 13 year old girl catches a glimpse of her crush
- Eyes dilate, heart starts pounding, shortness of
55Reticular Formation
- Important to remember that RF responds most
strongly to somatosensory and vestibular input - When working with low functioning patients want
to provide this input prior to attempting to
engage visual attention - Combine movement with visual attention tasks
- RF also contains motor centers for contol of
conjugate eye movements
56Reticular Formation
- Parapontine reticular formation (PPRF)
- Center for generating saccadic eye movement
- Control center for horizontal gaze
- Involved in execution of all kinds of rapid
automatic eye movements - Receives input from cortical, cerebellar areas,
vestibular nuclei and spinal cord - Integrates this input and sends impulses to CN 3,
4, 6 to initiate eye movements - Injury to this area would wipe out horizontal eye
movements and disrupt other eye movement
57Cranial Nerves Controlling Extraocular Eye Muscles
- Motor Nuclei are located in
- the brainstem
- CN III Oculomotor
- CN IV Trochlear
- CN VI Abducens
- Receive input from vestibular nuclei, cortex,
58Summary of Brainstem Role in Visual Processing
- Acts independently of cortex for some functions
- Protective eye responses
- Accommodation
- Reflexive attention to environment
- Works in conjunction with cortex and cerebellum
for other functions - Synergistic control of smooth pursuits and
saccades - Engagement/direction of voluntary attention
59Brainstem role
- Houses structures that control machinery of the
extraocular and internal musculature of the eyes - Nucleus of 3,4,6 cranial nerves
- Works with vestibular system for control of gaze
stability - Functions primarily as the soldier not the
general - Implements decisions made by others
- Damage it and there is no one to implement the
commands/desires of the cortex and cerebellum
60Cerebellum (CB)
- Integrates vestibular, proprioceptive and visual
input to add synergy to control of eye movements - Puts together information regarding eye position,
head position, eye velocity,head velocity to
ensure that coordinated product is delivered - Requires extensive communication with cortex,
basal ganglia, brainstem
61Cerebellum continued
- Major role as repair shop for eye movements
- All motor commands/plans go through CB
- If cortical/kinetic system initiate a poor plan,
cerebellum cleans it up before its executed - Adapts eye movements to ensure they are
appropriate for the visual stimuli - When CB is damaged, plasticity of oculomotor
system is reduced - Accounts for longstanding nature of oculomotor
deficits following cerebellar damage
62Summary of Cerebellar Role in Visual Processing
- Functions as the first lieutenant
- Makes sure that all plans go correctly
- Utilizes a massive spy system to do its job
- Connected to every other part of CNS
- Adds synergy to all movement and thought
- Acts on the rest of CNS through the rostral part
of the brainstem - Rostral brainstem is one of the most vulnerable
areas of CNS - Damage here mimics CB damage
- CB damage is rare but when it occurs, it is long
lasting and debilitating - Disruption of the effort, force, direction and
timing of eye movement is observed - Dysmetria
- Unable to place eye on target or smoothly tract a
moving target - Nystagmus
- Uncontrolled quivering of eye which causes blurry
vision and reduces visual acuity
64Majority of CNS is Involved in Visual Processing
- Areas are tied together by fiber tracts
- Commissural tracts
- Tie the two hemispheres
- together
- Corpus callosum is the
- largest
- Also many others
65Association Tracts
Localized to a hemisphere or a side of the
brainstem Comprised of short and long
fibers Short fibers tie gyri together
billions of them Long fibers tie lobes
together Two important ones for vision
superior longitudinal fasciculus inferior
occipital frontal fasciculus
66Superior Longitudinal Fasciculus
Carries visual spatial information from occipital
lobe through posterior parietal lobe to frontal
eye fields in prefrontal cortex
Inferior Occipital Frontal Fasciculus
Carries visual object information from occipital
lobe through posterior temporal lobe to
Provide a northern and southern route to
prefrontal cortex for visual processing.
Reciprocal pathway carries input both directions.
67- Pathway system is vulnerable to diffuse axonal
injury in head trauma - Fasciculi are superficial, easily injured
- Those on a decided curve will experience more
shearing and damage
Both of these fasciculus tracts are on
significant curves