2 Whats Our Mission?
The Academic Resources Center is a collaborative
effort of UCSC Student Affairs units which seek
to support student academic success. This
coalition actively seeks to partner with other
academic and administrative departments that work
to support students' academic achievement and
personal development. Our fundamental objective
is to provide students access to academic and
related resources.
3ollaborative Units include
- Disability Resource Center (DRC)
- Educational Opportunity Programs (EOP)
- Learning Support Services (LSS)
- Services to Transfer and Re-entry Students
(STARS) - Student Media
- Student Volunteer Center (SVC)
5UC Santa Cruz is committed to making all
programs, services, and activities accessible to
students with disabilities. The Disability
Resource Center (DRC) exists to ensure that the
academic aspects of the campus are accessible.
Our services are confidential and free of charge
use of services is entirely voluntary and
provided at your request.
6The DRC serves approximately 500 students with
permanent disabilities including
- Learning disabilities
- Psychological disabilities
- Attention Deficit Disorder
- Visual,mobility or hearing
impairments - Chronic systemic disorders
- Temporary medical conditions
- Tailored to each individuals disability-related
needs to achieve his or her educational goals,
commonly used accommodations include - Note takers, readers
- Special testing arrangements
- Liaison with faculty and staff
- Sign language interpreting and Realtime
Captioning - Housing accommodation recommendations
- On-campus transportation referrals
- Adaptive equipment loan
- Alternate media (audio books, etc.)
- Advising and support
- And moresee our website http//drc.ucsc.edu
8In order to qualify for services you must provide
current medical documentation from an appropriate
medical provider as specifically described in the
DRC criteria.
9The DRC also serves as a resource to faculty and
staff as they make their programs accessible to
all individuals.
10How to contact us
Questions about required documentation or
services provided by the DRC can be answered by
contacting the office at (831) 459-2089
(voice), (831) 459-4806 (TTY) 146 Hahn Student
Services Website http//drc.ucsc.edu
11Educational Opportunity Programs (EOP)
- Student academic success and achievement
- Increase student retention and graduation
- Increase student interest, preparation and
enrollment in graduate and professional school - Promote student leadership
13Who is an EOP Student?
- Students who will be the 1st in their family to
complete a bachelors degree -
- Come from under-resourced family backgrounds,
high schools and communities
14Advising Programsand Services
What do we DO...
- Academic Advising
- Personal and Academic Counseling
- Referrals
- Academic Support Programming
15Advising Programsand Services
How we do what we do
- Academic Programs Workshops
- Study Strategies
- Time Management / Life Management
- Peer Leadership
- Community Events
- Academic Preparation Support Program
- Summer orientation program
- Academic advising, learning support, and
community building activities throughout the
academic year
- Pre-graduate programs are designed to promote
graduate and professional school interests and
preparation. The two pre-graduate programs are - Faculty Mentor Program (FMP)
- Graduate Information Program (GIP)
- 2 quarter research internship for EOP students
interested in pursuing graduate studies - Targets 3rd 4th year students in the arts,
social sciences, and humanities - Receive academic credit
- Hands-on research experience with a faculty member
- General graduate and professional
- school advising
- Sponsor activities that focus on informing and
preparing students for educational opportunities
beyond the baccalaureate degree. - GIP website offers a comprehensive step-by-step
guide to all aspects of the process of preparing
for and applying to graduate school including
identifying internships. - www2.ucsc.edu/eop/gip
19 How to Contact EOP
- Please visit or contact us at
- 121 Academic Resources Center (ARC)
- (831) 459-2296
- www2.ucsc.edu/eop
20Learning Support Services LSS
21Learning Support Services Helps students
academic goals
- Interactive environment
- Work with content
- Work with other students
- Ask questions
- Communicate what you know
22Learning Support Services Include
- Modified Supplemental Instruction (MSI)
- Tutoring (for courses not supported with MSI)
- Writing support for all students
- Intensive writing support for ESL students
- Drop-in writing tutoring
- Small guided learning sections in Math 2 and 3
- Study nights during final exam week including
Drop-in tutoring for specific classes and MSI
Review sessions - Academic Success workshops (CSAS)
- Modified Supplemental Instruction (MSI)
- Tutoring (for courses not supported with MSI)
- Writing support for all students
- Intensive writing support for ESL students
- Drop-in writing tutoring
- Small guided learning sections in Math 2 and 3
- Study nights during final exam week
- Academic success workshops (CSAS)
- Specific undergraduate classes are targeted
(30-35 per quarter) for MSI - Weekly interactive learning groups
All students should make MSI a part of their
weekly study habits. Look at the difference in
pass rates for students!
Selected classes in Math, Econ, Science,
Engineering, LALS, Psych, Soc Full schedule on
line at www2.ucsc.edu/msi/
- All students are eligible for tutoring
- Sessions meet weekly
- Small groups
- Sign-up for tutoring on the web
- www2.ucsc.edu/lss/tutorial_services.shtml
- Tutor sign-up start the second week of the
25CSAS Workshops
- Time management
- Discipline-specific study techniques
- Writing a research paper
- Test Anxiety
- Note-taking
More information http//www2.ucsc.edu/csas
26What have students thought about the LSS program?
The LSS programs helped me get through my most
difficult classes and helped me excel in
others. The extra help in classes was just what I
needed to maintain a strong GPA.
Diana Lopez Sociology Major and Education Minor,
Porter, Graduated June 2006
27How to Contact Learning Support Services
- Located on the second floor of the Academic
Resources Center (ARC), - 459-4333 M-F 8-5
- Visit our web-site at http//www2.ucsc.edu/lss/
28(No Transcript)
- Services for Transfer and Re-Entry Students
- Over a period of almost 35 years, STARS has
evolved from a grassroots student-organized
womens re-entry program to a Student Affairs
unit serving 3,100 undergraduate and graduate
transfer and re-entry students on campus.
30Transfer students needs upon arrival to campus
are significant. Some may not be adequately
prepared for their majors. Others may need
assistance with upper division level writing. A
large percentage of them must adjust from a
semester system to the intensity of the UCSC
10-week quarter. Coming from a variety of
socio-economic backgrounds, transfer students are
often the first in their families to attend
college. They face a new academic culture that
can be disorienting and challenging.
Approximately 30 of transfer students are
31Re-entry students at UCSC are deeply committed to
attaining a college education. Our campus
defines re-entry students as
- undergraduates 25 years and older
- graduate students 29 and over
- students who have had a substantial break in
their formal education - military veterans
- students who are also parents regardless of age
32STARS is charged with helping ensure a smooth
transition into the university for these
students. Overarching goals of the unit are
to?Provide services and programs which are
essential for student access, transition,
enrollment, academic success, graduation, and
achievement of life goals. ?Support the social,
cultural, emotional, physical and intellectual
development of individual students within the
transfer and re-entry student population. ?
Through advocacy, help educate the campus
community regarding the multi-dimensional needs
of these students and work in broad-based
collaborations to create an inclusive and
welcoming environment.
33Two resource centers housed in different
locations on campus provide programs and
services STARS at the ARCenter and STARS at
Both STARS centers are comfortable places for
students to study, relax, and meet friends. An
open door policy allows students and prospective
students to drop in and ask for assistance from
professional staff. Computer workstations with
free printing, couches, coffee and tea, and a
variety of reading material make these centers a
home away from home for many students during
their stay on campus.
34UCSC Renaissance Scholars Program
- Assisting foster youth at high school, community
college and UCSC to achieve their college dreams.
We provide innovative and exciting Student-cente
red events, activities and support services
Institution-to-institution and multi-county
Photo UCSC Renaissance Scholars with 8th grade
students from Alameda County attending Early
Academic Planning Camp, 2005
35Renaissance Scholars Program benefits include
- High School
- ? Early Academic Planning Camp
- ? SAT test preparation
- ? UC/CSU admissions, financial aid,
transfer workshops - ? UCSC campus visits
- Community College
- ? Designated community college counselor
- ? Financial aid scholarship advising
- ? UCSC Transfer Partnerships Program counselors
- ? Year-round Renaissance Scholars Program events
at UCSC and off-campus locations
- ? Designated financial aid scholarships advisor
? Program academic advisor/advocate
? Priority registration - ? Work study internships
- ? Leadership development opportunities
PROGRAM was established in 1993 by former UCSC
Chancellor Karl S. Pister to increase
opportunities for talented low income community
college students recognizes students who have
overcome adverse socioeconomic circumstances, and
who have a demonstrated commitment to assisting
and improving the lives of others OSHER
2005, STARS has been honored to receive Bernard
Osher Foundation grants totaling 150,000 which
PROGRAM. The program was endowed in Fall, 2006
with a 1,000,000 gift.
2005 Pister Scholar Ben Baubin
37UCSC Lifelong Learners
UCSC Lifelong Learners is a community of men and
women from diverse educational, occupational, and
geographic backgrounds who are devoted to the
pursuit of learning. They enjoy spirited
discussion, reading, and exploring new
interests. For over two decades, UCSC Lifelong
Learners have come together to learn, and enjoy
cultural, social, and recreational activities.
The organization of over 300 members meets on the
UCSC campus for a faculty colloquium and social
hour throughout the academic year. Membership is
open to anyone who is interested in learning
regardless of age. Most members are between 60
and 85.
38Members are invited to join one or more of our
peer interest groups. These vary from year to
year and include such topics as Art
Architecture, Film Discussion, Boating, Play
Reading, Creative Writing, Opera and Current
Affairs. Seminars and courses, research work
with emeriti faculty, and seasonal social events
are other aspects of the Lifelong Learners
learning community. Members may also audit UCSC
courses with permission of the instructor, or
take courses for credit through University
Extension Concurrent Enrollment. As a UCSC
Friends Group, the Lifelong Learners sponsor a
book scholarship program and endowment for
returning adult students. UCSC Services for
Transfer and Re-Entry Students (STARS) offers
Lifelong Learner members a home base on the UCSC
39You can reach the STARS on the web
http//stars.ucsc.edu or call us at 459-2552
(ARCenter) or 459-5886 (Kresge)
Locations STARS Main Center -- ARCenter Room
216A Stars at Kresge -- Kresge College
Piazetta E-mail STARS -- corky_at_ucsc.edu
40(No Transcript)
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4325 Print Media Organizations
Student Press Center
Journalism Creative Writing Reporting
Poetry Art Photography Design Production
Business  Management
Congress shall make no lawabridging the
freedom of speech, or of the press or the right
of the people to peaceably assemble, and to
petition the government for a redress of
First Amendment
44(No Transcript)
45(No Transcript)
46(No Transcript)
47(No Transcript)
48Student Volunteer Center
Established in 1987, the Student Volunteer Center
(SVC) is a student-run organization designed to
enhance student involvement in the Santa Cruz
community by providing meaningful volunteer
49Campus and Community Involvement Fair
- Held each fall in the Quarry Plaza
- Over 50 campus and community organizations set up
tables and recruit volunteers
50Second Harvest Food Drive
- Students and residential staff donate meals and
flexi dollars from their meal plans and the
proceeds are donated to Second Harvest Food Bank. - Students collect food and monetary donations from
the surrounding community
51Service Recognition Ceremony
- The Service Recognition Ceremony is held each
spring in the ARC Courtyard - The Ceremony honors students, student
organizations, staff and faculty who have
performed exemplary community service
52Community Service Project (CSP) Grant
- Community Service Project Grants are available to
individual UCSC students and student groups who
are interested in designing and implementing
quality, direct-service projects that address
community needs or problems within Santa Cruz
County. - Grant proposals are considered on a monthly basis
between October and April and range from 100 -
53SVC Internship Program
- A great opportunity for students to learn how to
organize a volunteer program and gain leadership
skills - Students are awarded 2 or 5 units to assist the
SVC coordinators or work in a community
54Alternative Spring Break
- A group of students along with a staff and/or
faculty member travel to New Orleans to provide
Katrina relief - Students participate in cultural and educational
activities - SVC student leaders coordinate the entire trip
with support from advisors
55How to contact SVC
Visit us at the Academic Resources Center, first
floor reception desk Call us at 831-459-3363 /
Email us at volunteer_at_ucsc.edu website
56For more information about the Academic Resources
Collaborative, visit us on the web at