Title: Chapter 4 Nelson
1Chapter 4 Nelson Quick
- Attitudes, Values, Ethics
2- Attitude - a psychological tendency expressed by
evaluating an entity with some degree of favor or
Should poor performance be blamed on bad
3ABC Model of an Attitude
Component Measured by
ognition Attitude scales
I believe my Verbal
statements boss plays
about beliefs favorites.
4Cognitive Dissonance
- Cognitive Dissonance - a state of tension that is
produced when an individual - experiences conflict between
- attitudes and behavior
5Two Influences on Attitude Formation
- Direct Experience
- Social Learning
the process of deriving attitudes from family,
peer groups, religious organizations, and culture
6Attitude-Behavior Correspondence Requirements
- Attitude Specificity - a specific attitude
- Attitude favor open communication with employees
- Behavior keep office door open and instruct
secretary not to screen phone calls. - Attitude Relevance - some self-interest
- E.g. permanent fund
- Measurement Timing - measurement close to
observed behavior - Personality Factors - ex. self-monitoring
- Social Constraints acceptability (e.g. dress
7Work Attitudes Job Satisfaction
- Job Satisfaction - a pleasurable or positive
emotional state resulting from the appraisal of
ones job or job experience - Organizational Citizenship Behavior
- Behavior that is above and beyond duty
- Related to job satisfaction
8Consequences of Job Satisfaction
- Employee Withdrawal Actions such as chronic
absenteeism and voluntary turnover (i.e.,
quitting ones job) that enable employees to
escape from adverse organization situations. - Absenteeism
- Turnover
- Individual Task Performance
- Organizational Performance
9Task Performance
- The relationship between satisfaction and task
performance is positive, but it is not very
strong. - Explanations
- In many work settings, there is little room for
large changes in performance. - Job satisfaction and performance may not be
directly linked. Any direct relationship between
them may stem from the fact that both are related
to other factors receipt of various rewards and
organizational commitment.
10Organizational Citizenship Behavior
- Behavior that is above and beyond the call of
duty. Things that affect OCB may be - Job Satisfaction
- Procedural justice
- Helps explain why individual level job
satisfaction is related to organizational
11Work Attitudes Organizational Commitment
12Affective Commitment
- Conditions that enhance
- Job satisfaction (strong, positive relationship)
- Participation
- Job security
- Job characteristics (autonomy, responsibility,
interesting work) - Advantages
- Lower absenteeism, lower turnover, higher
quality, higher productivity, higher performance
13Interpersonal Trust
- A willingness to be vulnerable to the actions of
another in situations involving a degree of risk - I am comfortable discussing with my supervisor
concerns I have about our working relationship. - I am comfortable discussing with my supervisor
concerns I have about my ability to do my job
14Organizational Justice
Distributive Justice- fairness of the outcomes
that individuals receive in an organization
Procedural Justice- fairness of the procedures by
which the outcomes are allocated in an
15- Procedural Justice perceived fairness of
process (rules and procedures) used to make a
decision - Perceived fairness of procedures used to allocate
pay raises is a better predictor of satisfaction
than the absolute amount of the pay raise
received. - Affects trust in management, intention to leave,
evaluation of supervisor, job satisfaction, and
employee theft, layoff survivors.
16Engagement (text page 472)
- Engagement is a positive, fulfilling,
work-related state of mind that is characterized
by vigor, dedication, and absorption. Rather than
a momentary and specific state, engagement refers
to a more persistent and pervasive
affective-cognitive state that is not focused on
any particular object, event, individual, or
behavior. Vigor is characterized by high levels
of energy and mental resilience while working,
the willingness to invest effort in ones work,
and persistence even in the face of difficulties.
Dedication refers to being strongly involved in
one's work and experiencing a sense of
significance, enthusiasm, inspiration, pride, and
challenge. Absorption is characterized by being
fully concentrated and happily engrossed in ones
work, whereby time passes quickly and one has
difficulties with detaching oneself from work
17Gallup Q-12 Engagement cause or effect?
- I know what is expected of me at work.
- I have the materials and equipment I need to do
my work right. - At work, I have the opportunity to do what I do
best everyday. - In the last seven days, I have received
recognition or praise for doing good work. - My supervisor, or someone at work, seems to care
about me as a person. - There is someone at work who encourages my
- At work, my opinions seem to count.
- The mission or purpose of my company makes me
feel my job is important - My associates or fellow employees are committed
to doing quality work. - I have a best friend at work.
- In the last six months, someone at work has
talked to me about my progress. - This last year, I have had opportunities at work
to learn and grow.
13 How satisfied are you with ________ as a
place to work?
18VIGOR When I am working, I feel mentally strong I
can continue for a very long time when I am
working When I work at my current job, I feel
like I am bursting with energy At my job, I feel
strong and vigorous When I get up in the morning,
I feel like going to work DEDICATON I find my
work to be full of meaning and purpose My work
inspires me I am enthusiastic about my job I am
proud of the work that I do I find my work
challenging ABSORBTION Time flies when I am
working When I am working, I forget everything
else around me I feel very happy when I am
working intensively I can get carried away when I
am working I am immersed in my work
19- Employee
- Engagement
- Satisfaction
- Vigor
- Dedication
- Absorbtion
Effectiveness Efficiency
20Process of Persuasion
attitude of the target individual
22Cognitive Routes to Persuasion
e.g. tuition increase
e.g. offer a new course
- Enduring beliefs that a specific mode of conduct
or end state of existence is personally or
socially preferable to an opposite or converse
mode of conduct or end state of existence
Why are we interested in values?
Instrumental - values that represent the
acceptable behaviors to be used in achieving some
end state
Examples honesty, politeness, courage
- Terminal - values that represent the goals to be
achieved, or the end states of existence
Examples happiness, salvation, prosperity
25Work Values
- Achievement (career advancement)
- Concern for others (compassionate behavior)
- Honesty (provision of accurate information)
- Fairness (impartiality)
26Cultural Differences in Values
Chinese value an individuals contribution to
relationships in the work team
Americans value an individuals contribution to
task accomplishment
27Handling Cultural Differences
- Acknowledge differences learn about others
values with the intent to understand the
differences. - Reserve judgment avoid prejudging business
customs - Operate legitimately within others ethical
points of view - Avoid rationalizing borderline actions with
excuses - Refuse to violate fundamental values
- Be open and above board
28Ethical Behavior
- Acting in ways consistent with ones personal
values and the commonly held values of the
organization and society
29Qualities Required for Ethical Decision-making
The competence to identify ethical issues and
evaluate the consequences of alternative courses
of action
The self-confidence to seek out different
opinions about the issue and decide what is right
in terms of a situation
Tough mindedness--the willingness to make
decisions when all that needs to be known cannot
be known and when the ethical issue has no
established, unambiguous solution
30Individual/Organizational Model of Ethical
Individual Influences Value systems Locus of
control Machiavellianism Cognitive moral
Ethical Behavior
Organizational Influences Codes of
conduct Norms Modeling Rewards and punishments
31Values, Ethics Ethical Behavior
- Value Systems - systems of beliefs that affect
what the individual defines as right, good, and
fair - Ethics - reflects the way values are acted out
- Ethical behavior - actions consistent
with ones values
Does ethical behavior affect organizational
32- Locus of Control - personality variable that
affects individual behavior - Internal - belief in personal control and
personal responsibility - External - belief in control by outside forces
(fate, chance, other people)
- Internals
- Take responsibility for consequences
- Make more ethical decisions
- Resist social pressure
- Less willing to hurt another, even if ordered to
do so by an authority figure
- a personality characteristic indicating ones
willingness to do whatever it takes to get ones
own way
- High Machs
- Better to be feared than loved
- Use deceit in relationships
- Justify manipulative behavior as ethical
- Low Machs
- Value loyalty and relationships
- Concerned with others opinions
34Cognitive Moral Development the process of
moving through stages of maturity in terms of
making ethical decisions
Level I Premoral Level
Stage 2 serve immediate interest
Stage 1 avoid punishment
Level Il Conventional Level
Stage 4 observe societal laws
Stage 3 live up to friends expectations
Are there gender differences in moral development
and ethics?