Chapter 10: Napoleonic Europe - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 10: Napoleonic Europe


Chapter 10: Napoleonic Europe Section 10.47: The Formation of the French Imperial System Introduction History of the Napoleonic period is a history of multiple ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 10: Napoleonic Europe

Chapter 10 Napoleonic Europe
  • Section 10.47 The Formation of the French
    Imperial System

  • History of the Napoleonic period is a history of
    multiple expansionist interests
  • Expansionist interests prompted governments to
    ally and resist Napoleon as it suited their
  • GB building commercial interests, Russia wants
    Poland and Turkey, Prussia wants leadership in
    central Europe, Austria wants Germany, Balkans
  • Some think of the period as one of world war but
    actually a series of short, sharp wars with the
    four great power never in field together until

The Dissolution of the First and Second
Coalitions, 1792-1802
  • 1795 First Coalition disintegrates
  • British withdrew maintain naval engagement
  • Prussians made a separate peace recognized as
    Protectors of Germany(ego)
  • Spain (Bourbon) at peace with France (Bourbon
  • Against English control of Gibraltar
  • Austria signs Treaty of Campo Formio
  • 1799 Second Coalition disintegrates
  • Britain shifts focus to Mediterranean and
    defeated French in Egypt
  • Russia shifts focus to the Mediterranean and
    withdraws from western Europe
  • Austria signs the Treaty of Luneville 1801
  • 1802 Britain signs peace of Amiens

Peace Interim, 1802 1803
  • Napoleon shifts focus to West Indies
  • army sent to reclaim Haiti is failure
  • Louisiana Purchase and America
  • Organizes (Cisalpine Republic) northern Italy
    under his direct control (himself as president)
  • Oversaw the shame of the princes in Germany
  • after German princes were forced out of Left Bank
    of Rhine they were given new territories on Right
  • rather than oppose Bonaparte they scramble for
    land east of the Rhine (Church land) led to
    consolidation of German states and end of the HRE

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Formation of the Third Coalition in 1805
  • 1803 GB goes back to war with France
  • communication problems and disease decimate
    French in Haiti
  • Napoleon cuts loses and sells Louisiana to US
  • 1804 Napoleon pronounced himself Emperor
  • Napoleon seizes the Duke of Enghien and has him
    executed violating the sovereignty of Baden
  • Alexander I joins in league against Napoleon to
    address the issue of law and force

Alexander I
  • Grandson of Catherine, educated as enlightened
  • Became Tsar in 1801 at 24 and had liberal men of
    various nationalities as advisers
  • Regarded recent partitions of Poland as a crime
    and wished to restore it with himself as king
  • Moralistic, self-righteous, internationalist
  • puzzled and disturbed statesmen of Europe who saw
    him as enthroned Jacobin or typical Russia
  • Was greatly offended by Duke of Enghiens
  • Had a concept of international collective
    security and indivisibility of peace
  • British send him 1,250,000 pounds for each 100
    thousand soldiers

The Third Coalition 1805-1807 The Peace of
  • 1805 Austria signed an alliance with Britain
  • Napoleon is ready to invade England
  • Gathering forces on Channel coast
  • England Responds
  • Set up lookouts and signal beacons, drill at home
  • Austro-Russian Armies advance to the west in
    summer of 1805
  • British navy under Nelson (October 21, 1805)
  • destroyed French and Spanish fleet off the coast
    of Spain (Trafalgar)
  • Napoleon moves divisions from coast to respond to
    Austro-Russian advances
  • Napoleon wins the ground war
  • England wins the naval war
  • Trafalgar establishes the supremacy of Englands
  • Napoleon is held in check on the continent
  • But now he could rebuild his navy with if he
    gained resources of the continent
  • Or starve England economically

Napoleon Dominates the Continent
  • Napoleon moves against the continent
  • Defeats the Austro-Russian army at Austerlitz
  • Takes Venetia from Austria
  • Begins rebuilding his navy
  • Defeats Prussia at battle of Jena and Auerstadt
    in Oct 1806
  • Prussian king took refuge at Konigsberg
  • Defeats Russian army at battle of Friedland (June
  • Alexander makes Peace at Tilsit (July 1807)
  • On the bank of the Niemen River while Frederick
    William III paced nervously on the bank
  • Napoleon put his charm on Alex, denounces England
    as real enemy
  • Alexander is Eastern Emperor
  • Napoleon is Western Emperor
  • Napoleon turns the continent against England

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The Continental System and the War in Spain
  • No possibility of invading England after
    Trafalgar in foreseeable future
  • Turns to Economic warfare
  • Napoleon forces Europe to trade only with the
    Continent and not with England
  • hoped it would ruin British commercial firms and
    cause business depression
  • British gov would thus be unable to carry
    national debt or borrow from subjects
  • Berlin Decree 1806 forbids the importation of
    British goods into Europe

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Peninsular War in Spain
  • Spain proves to be the beginning of the end for
  • Birth of guerilla (little) war
  • July of 1808 French general surrendered an army
    corps without fighting at Baylen (1st time since
  • Brutal atrocities on both sides
  • Struggle with Spanish resistance leaves gleam of
    hope for the rest of Europe and a rally mounts

Satirical cartoon depicting French emperor
Napoleon with his brother Joseph Bonaparte, king
of Spain, pondering the events of 1808.Napoleon
and Joseph
Goyas The Third of May, 1808
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The Austrian War of Liberation 1809
  • Napoleon gathered a congress together at Erfurt
    in Saxony in 9/18/08 to keep Alexander on his
  • Alex was concerned that Napoleon was going to
    create a Polish state and not helping him with
    expansion in the Balkans
  • Talleyrand told Tsar that Napoleon was
    overreaching himself (traitor)
  • May have been concerned with restoring a balance
    of power
  • Austria declares war in 1809
  • Europe sits on the sidelines
  • Napoleon wins at battle of Wagram in July and
    takes Austrian territory
  • Duchy of Warsaw gains territory
  • Illyrian Provinces

Napoleon at His Peak 1809-1811
  • Austria shifts its foreign policy under Clemens
    von Metternich
  • Believed that Russia was the permanent problem
    and began to renew good relations with France
  • Toward France and away from Russia
  • Napoleon divorces Josephine
  • At 40 he is still childless and begins searches
    the aristocracy for a bride
  • Legitimizes his rule if he marries into a royal
  • Russia turns Napoleon down
  • Poland
  • Austria
  • Duke of Enghien
  • Marries into Austrian royal family
  • Marie Louise in 18
  • Daughter of Austrian emperor and niece of Marie
  • Son is born and named King of Rome
  • He is now by marriage the nephew of Louis XVI

Napoleon and Maria Louisa
Napoleon is taking on trappings of majesty
  • Cozy with French Aristocracy
  • Propped up newly made nobility around himself
  • The son of the revolution calls the emperor of
    Austria my father
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