Title: Kein Folientitel
1From a Photo to the CAD Master Model The
Restoration of a Veteran Car
2Veteran car - front view
3Veteran car - rear view
4Basic informations forthe surface design
5Basic informations for the surface design
6First surfaces of the model
7Complete surface description
8Complete surface description
9Highlight course of the model
10View with rear window
11Visualisation of the complete geometricaldata
12Milling process - front section
13Milling process - rear section
14Model with raw surface - front view
15Model with raw surface -rear view
16Comparison between CAD-model and real car
17The new veteran car
18Thanks for your attention!
Dipl.- Ing. Torsten Helbig KKN-Engineering
Office Hölderlinstrasse 3 08056 Zwickau Germany
Dipl.- Ing.Detlef Neumann University of Applied
Scienes of Zwickau Body Engineering Lessingstrasse
15 08056 Zwickau Germany