Title: Supercomputer Earth
1- Supercomputer Earth
- The Future of Civilization
- ( Africa's part in it)?
December 4th 2008, Goethe-Zentrum Windhoek,
Namibia Christian Heller ( http//www.plomlompom.d
e )?
2(No Transcript)
3The last 500,000 years
- speech, language (500,000-50,000 years)?
- graphical symbols, writing (35,000-5,000 years)?
- abacus, library (5,000-2,500 years)?
- printing (1,500-500 years)?
- digital computing machines (350-150 years)?
- real-time telecommunication (150 years)?
- computer networks (40 years)?
- world wide web (15 years)?
4Internet map Source Wikimedia Commons / Matt
Britt ( http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UserMatt_Bri
tt )? ( http//commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/ImageIn
ternet_map_1024.jpg )? License Creative Commons
Attribution Generic 2.5 ( http//creativecommons.o
rg/licenses/by/2.5/ )?
5Evolution of the Web / Web 2.0
- participation made easier, standardized
- usability standards, friendly design
- standards for data formats interconnections
- more ways and new scales of participation
- anyone can publish, comment on, edit, rate, name,
tag, sort, link anything anywhere anytime - wiring massive user input into intelligence
- people who bought x also bought ...
- new intelligence methods as business models
6Sections from LOGO 2.0 by Ludwig
Gatzke (Â http//flickr.com/photos/stabilo-boss/
)? Licensed under Creative-Commons-BY-NC-SA http
7Some techniques examples
- uploading media ....... YouTube.com, Flickr.com
- open source design ................
SourceForge.net - wiki .............................................
. Wikipedia.org - feeds ................... Blogspot.com,
Bloglines.com - social networks ..........................
Facebook.com - social bookmarking tagging ...........
del.icio.us - crowdsourcing .................................
MTurk.com - anything .........................................
9Growth of the global supercomputer
- thinking brain matter
- more humans, more intelligent brain matter
- growing flows into global intellectual
enterprises - artificial information storage computing
- Moore's law
- improving problem-solving algorithms
- synthesis
- wiring up growing intelligences of brain
machine - extend intelligence network to other matter
10nabaztag Source Flickr / David Haberthür (
http//habi.gna.ch/ )? ( http//www.flickr.com/pho
tos/habi/288065866/ )? License Creative Commons
Attribution Generic 2.0 ( http//creativecommons.o
rg/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en )?
11Everything interfacing everything
- new user interfaces
- from keyboards to touchscreens
- from joysticks to accelerometers
- from mouses to direct neural interfaces
- the internet of things
- mobile devices
- GPS (Global Positioning System)?
- RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)?
12Reigh's Brain rlwat2b Source Flickr / Reigh
LeBlanc ( http//www.flickr.com/photos/reighleblan
c/? )? ( http//www.flickr.com/photos/reighleblanc
/1372175973/? )? License Creative Commons
Attribution Generic 2.0 ( http//creativecommons.o
rg/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en )?
13Supercomputer Earth at work
- physical production
- open source 3D printing RepRap.org
- extend to future nano assemblers
- energy
- intelligently self-organizing energy grids
- centralization vs. decentralization
- biotechnology
- crowdsourcing science InnoCentive.com
- Freeman Dyson bio-engineering kits for every
14'Paradigm Shifts for 15 Lists of Key
Events Source Wikimedia Commons / Ray Kurzweil
( http//www.kurzweilai.net/ )? (
iftsFrr15Events.svg )? License Creative Commons
Attribution 1.0 Generic ( http//creativecommons.o
rg/licenses/by/1.0/ )?
15Development models
- Teilhard de Chardin
- Noosphere, Omega Point
- Ray Kurzweil
- Accelerating Change
- Vernor Vinge
- Technological Singularity
16Africa's part?
17(No Transcript)
- jumping directly into newest technology
- by-passing older forms
- avoiding certain intermediary problems
- avoiding the burden of old infrastructure
- examples opportunities for Africa
- internet adress space IPv6
- decentralized, alternative energy
- wireless telecommunication
19'SMS till you drop' -- mobile phone ad on van in
Kampala, Uganda Source Flickr / FutureAtlas.com
( http//futureatlas.com/blog/? )? (
5/ )? License Creative Commons Attribution 2.0
Generic ( http//creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2
.0/deed.en? )?
20Mobile telecommunication in Africa
- explosive growth
- original, unexpected uses
- examples for use
- collective use of devices pre-paid credits
- information help services via SMS
- micro finance / banking via SMS
21(No Transcript)
22Africa's Supercomputer support
- acceleration through leapfrogging
- technological ideas through special situations
- unexpected contacts
- crowdsourcing potential?
- solar energy?
- Wikipedia.org on Web 2.0, Technological
Singularity and just about anything else - InternetWorldStats.com
- The Impact of Mobile Phones in Africa
- http//commissionforafrica.org/english/report/back
ground/scott_et_al_background.pdf - JanChipchase.com
- Ubuntu.com