Title: Modeling the Earth System at INPE
1Modeling theEarth System at INPE
- Domingos Urbano Paulo Nobre
- National Institute for Space Research INPE
- Center for Weather Forecasting and Climate
Studies CPTEC - Center for Earth System Sciences CCST
- Rio de Janeiro/Niterói, 11-13 May 2010
- Climate Change research programs in Brazil
- Global climate model development
- Near future enhancements on seasonal to
interannual climate predictions at INPE
3Climate Change Research Programs in Brazil
- Rede CLIMA Brazilian network on Climate Change
Research (CCR) - 50 research groups on 10 Focal points
- Grant US 15 million over 5 years
- INCT-MC National Institute on Science and
Technology for CC - 26 research projects covering the science of
climate change, impact-adaptation-vulnerability
studies, and mitigation technological
developments in climate modeling and geosensors - 90 research groups in Brazil and 8 countries 400
researchers and students involved - Grant US 3.7 M for 3 years
- FAPESP program on CCR
- New 15 TF supercomputer facility at INPE
- Brazilian Model of the Global Climate System
(ESM) - Grant of US 5 M per year during the next 10
4Rede CLIMA Focal Points
Biodiversity and Ecossistems MPEG, Belém
Water Resources UFPE, Recife
Regional Development UnB, Brasília
Cities and Industry Unicamp, Campinas
Renewable Energy COPPE / UFRJ, RJ
Agriculture EMBRAPA, Campinas
Human Health Fiocruz, RJ
Economy of Climate Change USP, São Paulo
Climate Modeling INPE CST
Coastal Zones FURG, Rio Grande
6INPEs Supercomputer for Climate Change Research
Sustained Throughput 15 Tflops
Main Memory 20 TBytes
Primary Storage 3 PBytes
Aquisition Installation Early 2010
Total budget US 25 M
and will make it possible to run global climate
model simulations at high spatial resolutions to
grid sizes of 20 km !
7Development of a Global Climate System Model
- A single proposal will be selected
- Consortium of research institutions lead by São
Paulo State institution (but engaging
institutions from all over Brazil and from
abroad) - Build-up of existing experience and models
developed in Brazil - Applied to climate change research
- No black-box solution accepted
- Aims to developing capacity in all components of
Global Climate System Modelling - Strongly associated to PhD training
- Four years duration US 1.5 M
8Brazilian Model of the Global Climate System
9CPTEC.2.0 T213L64
MOM4, Global, 1/8 x 1/8 deep tropics, L50
10INPEs Climate Forecast Coupled Suite Goal
Data Assimilation
Coupled Forecast
Atmos FCST daily/hourly
SFC fluxes
11INPEs CGCM FMS implementation
Coupler Init
Coupled Loop
Flux Ocean to Ice
Update Ice Model up
Atmos Loop
Update Atmos Model
Atmos Loop End
Update Ice Model down
Flux Ice to Land
Slow Loop
Land Loop
Update Land Model
Land Loop End
Update Ice Model down
Flux Ice to Ocean
Ocean Loop
Update Ocean Model
Ocean Loop End
Coupled Loop
Coupler End
12Component models
- Atmos GCM
- CPTEC.2.0 mpi/open_mp,
- Semi-Lagrangian,
- Resolution T62L64 T126L64 T213L64
- Increased PBL and Stratosphere vertical
resolution - RAS/Grell deep cumulus convection
- Improved stratus parameterization scheme
- atmospheric chemistry aerosols
- Land Surface Model IBIS/INLAND?
- Dynamic vegetation
- Carbon Cycle
- Fire Model
- Improved hires land surface hidrology
13Component models
- MOM4,
- Global, 1/4 x 1/4 deep tropics,
- L50, 10m spacing upper 250 m,
- Philander and Pakanowski vertical mixing
- free surface,
- fresh water flux,
- river inflow
- Dynamical ice model (SIS)?
- Biogeochemistry model (Topaz, Bling)
- GFDLs FSM coupler
- Up to 3-hourly coupling interval (lim. atmos
14INPE developments on the atmospheric chemistry
Coupled Chemistry-Aerosol-Tracer Transport model
to the Brazilian developments on the RAMS
15 Including plume rise mechanism trough
super-parameterization concept
1D plume-rise model for vegetation fires Biome
ForestTime duration 50 mnFire size 20 haHeat
flux 80 kWm-2 / 30 kWm-2
16INPE developments on the surface modeling
17River flow and flooded areas
- Aplications over
- Amazônia
- Pantanal
- Araguaia
- Implications
- Flux exchanges between sfc and atmos
- Hydrology
- Carbon cycle
Costa et al., in press
18LANDSAT, terra firme apears as flat uniform land
Bacia ASU
NW of Manaus, 18.000 km2
19HAND Terrain Map
3 Classes
20Processes ResolvedRiver inflow effects on
MOM3 w/o river discharge
MOM4 with river discharge
21Ocean biogeochemistry
- MOM4p1 OCMIP-2 (diagnostic) 3 functional
groups prognostic - Challenges
- Dynamic Green Ocean Models (Le Quéré al. 2005)
10 functiona groups - Emergent Biogeography (Follows al. 2007)
emerging functional groups
22Ice Cover SimulationINPE COUPLED O-A GCM
23OGCM Grid
24INPE-CPTEC CGCM V.2.0 T213 L64, Kuo, 4 x daily
coupling30 days avrg spinup SST
25INPE-CPTEC CGCM V.2.0 T213 L64, Kuo, 4 x daily
coupling30 days avrg spinup Precip
26Few results from INPEs CGCM V.1.0
- Nobre et al., 2009
- Journal of Climate, vol. 22
27Vegetation Scenarios
Nobre et al. (2009)?
281st jEOF SST-Wind Stress200 yrs ctrl run
ENSO like mode of variability reproduced by
CGCM and amplified by AM deforestation
Nobre et al. (2009)?
29Long term departures average (experiment
control) 20 yrs 10 member
- Local rainfall reduction temperature increase
over AM (gt CGCM) - Precipitation and temperature increase over
eastern OP (is a coupled response -- def.)
30Amazon Deforestation Experiment Increased El
Niño Conditions
Statistically significant departures are shaded
Nobre et al. (2009)
31Zonal Velocities over the Pacific Ctrl
(contours) Deforest Ctrl (shades)?
Nobre et al. (2009)?
32Pacific Thermocline DepthDeforest Ctrl
Nobre et al. (2009)?
- Amazon deforestation induces global rainfall,
atmospheric, and oceanic circulation pattern
changes which resemble ENSO-like states - There seems to exist a positive feedback between
Amazon rainfall reduction associated with
tropical rainforest clearing and ENSO conditions
in the coupled model results - Fully coupled ocean-atmosphere modeling is
central to produce the global-scale rainfall and
circulation pattern changes due to tropical
34Planned enhancements of Seasonal and Interannual
climate predictions at CPTEC
- Enhance AGCM resolution to T213L64 op
- Enhance CGCM resolution to global
- AGCM T213L64
- OGCM 1/8 degree lat-lon, 50 levels
- Increase FCST time to 12 months
- Increase ensemble size to 30 per model
- Multi-model RAS, Grell, Kain-Fritsch, Kuo
35Thank you
- pnobre_at_cptec.inpe.br
- domingos.urbano_at_cptec.inpe.br
CNPq 38/2009 48 XCP (1200m) 2 LADCP (bottom) 2
PCDTide Gauge