Title: Welcome to Reporting Tips
1WelcometoReporting Tips Tricks
2The New Reporting Process
- What has changed with UC Flex?
- On demand reporting
- No more waiting for reports to be delivered to
your office - No more overnight batch processing of reports
- Super Users who understand the data provide
reports to End Users - No more waiting for reports to be written by a
programmer however there is a requirement to
learn how to use the UC Flex reporting tools
3Types of UC Flex Reports
- Financials (R/3) Reports
- Real time
- On line
- Drill-downs to source detail
- BW Reports
- Detail summaries
- Analytical tools
4R/3 Reporting
- FMRP_RW_BUDGET Budget Overview
- Overview of changes made to the budget throughout
the year Current budget, original budget,
supplements, returns, and transfers (sender and
receiver) - GR55 Reporting Groups ZFM1, ZFM2, ZFM3
- Flexible reporting of budget to actuals can go
from very high level to lowest level of detail - Similar to view of CUFS EXPC table
- FMRP_RFFMEP1AX All Postings Document Journal
- Line item view of documents, allows for drill
down to detailed level
5BW Reporting
- FM100 Listing of Funds by Fund Owner
- FM805 Commitments versus Budget
- Period and YTD expenditures and encumbrances
compared to budget - This report is executed based on the funds center
hierarchy - FM805F
- Same as previous except the fund is the criteria
for execution
6BW Reporting
- FM810 Undesignated Funds
- Uptown general funds obligations against current
budget also includes view of the permanent
budget - FM810B Undesignated Funds Branches
- Relevant for branch campuses only
- Obligations against current budget
- FM954 FM Fund Balance
- Fund balance by fund owner
- Relevant only for designated, expendable
endowments, restricted gifts, state
appropriation, and agency funds
7Help - Work Instructions
8FMRP_RW_BUDGET Budget Overview
Not all Selections have Groups set up for use.
Enter single values or a range of values using
the Or Value(s) selection blocks under each of
the appropriate selection criteria.
Use this Multiple Selection icon to list multiple
values that do not fall within a range of values.
Groups (hierarchies) have been established for
Funds Center and Commitment Item. These groups
can be used for reporting in both R/3 and BW.
Within R/3, the following transactions can be
used to view the groups/hierarchy structures
FM_SETS_FIPEX3 Display Commitment Item
Groups FM_SETS_FICTR3 Display Funds Center
10FMRP_RW_BUDGET Budget Overview
In order to fit all columns on the screen, right
click on any of the amount column headings,
choose Column Attributes, set column width to 15.
11GR55 Report Groups ZFM1, ZFM2, ZFM3
12GR55 Report Groups ZFM1, ZFM2, ZFM3
Should not use a period beyond the current
13GR55 Report Groups ZFM1, ZFM2, ZFM3
14GR55 Report Groups ZFM1, ZFM2, ZFM3
Navigation Pane Reports section Toggle between
Summary (4 col) and Detail (6 col) Variation
Characteristics section Toggle between the
characteristics listed here to display all values
in the section below. Variation Funds Center
(in this example) By clicking on any of the
values listed here, the report is filtered to
represent that value
15GR55 Report Groups ZFM1, ZFM2, ZFM3
Drilling to details can be done on any of the
amounts in the Budget, Commitments and/or Actuals
columns simply by double clicking on the amount.
These icons allow for collapsing (-) and
expanding () the line item selections
16FMRP_RFFMEP1AX All Postings Document Journal
Layouts/Saving Layouts Filtering
17FM100 Listing of Funds by Fund Owner
No variable entry, no navigation, strictly a
listing of funds and their corresponding fund
18FM805 Commitments Versus Budget
The funds center hierarchy is used on the
variables entry page when the report is executed.
Since the entry box is grayed out, you must click
next to the entry box in order to get the
drop down box to choose what element of the funds
center hierarchy you wish to execute the report
Click to expand the hierarchy.
19FM805 Commitments Versus Budget
Remove from drilldown
Drilldown into columns
Select Filter Values
Delete Filtered Value
Commitment Item Hierarchy Click on the triangle
to the left of the node to expand or collapse OR
right click on the hierarchy node to select
expand or collapse
Drilldown into rows
20FM805F Commitments Versus Budget (by Fund)
Execute based on Fund
21FM810 Undesignated Funds
Click to select the funds center to execute
22FM810B Undesignated Funds Branches
23FM954 FM Fund Balance
This report is executed based on Fund Owner.
Fund Owner is represented by a numerical value
that is identical to the Funds Center number.
The number can either be entered into the field
or the drop down ( ) can be used to select
the fund owner.
24FM954 FM Fund Balance
25Tips Tricks
To create another session,select System from the
mainmenu, then Create Session. When you see an
empty SAP Menu, type the transaction code SMEN to
reach the SAP Menu. Click the User Menu icon to
return to your transactions and reports.
Right Click the SAPlogon icon in the lower right
tray to switch between sessions.
26Tips Tricks
Click the icon in the uppermost left corner of
the UCFlex R/3 screen.