Title: Welcome to Criminal Law
1Welcome to Criminal Law Procedure
- Sinclair Community College
- PAR 205
- Mike Brigner, J.D.
2Why Are We Here?
- Unsolicited comment from a recent
- Sinclair Paralegal Program graduate
- I have now graduated, and also got married this
past June. I also am working for Attorney ____
as a Paralegal. I must admit that the job is
more fascinating than I could have ever imagined.
3Advice from Your Classmates
- I would advise students who take this course in
the future that - It is a lot of fun. Exciting class
- It is a fun class as well as very informative
- You will have a great time
- You learn a lot about the criminals in our society
4Advice from Your Classmates
- I would advise students who take this course in
the future that - It involves lots of reading
- There are many activities and projects, so dont
procrastinate - Be prepared. Read the book.
- Be prepared to do learning on your own
5Advice from Your Classmates
- I would advise students who take this course in
the future that - They must actually read the chapters in the book
assigned - Be sure look at the Internet several times a
day - Read all of the assignment before even beginning
it - Read all elements carefully!
6Advice from Your Classmates
- I would advise students who take this course in
the future that - Start court visit preparation early!
- Plan court visit in plenty of time
- Do not wait until the last minute to do your
court visit and report - They should not procrastinate with the municipal
court visit
7Lexis ID Number URGENT!
- By the end of first week of class
- If you do not already have a Lexis ID for this
school year (through next Sept. 30) - You must go to Sinclair Tartan Bookstore to
purchase ID (44) - Your ID remains the same
- Lexis ID is mandatory
If no Lexis ID, you will be administratively
withdrawn from all PAR classes
8Introductions - Me
- Lawyer for 25 years
- Ten years as judge
- Former news reporter
- Written over 100 articles on the law
- National domestic violence consultant and trainer
- Would rather be on my bicycle
9Reaching Me
- Office Room 5348
- PAR Office 5141
- Mailbox 5141 (NOT under door of office!)
- ADVICE Appointment is recommended, usually in
CIL instead of office
10Reaching Me
- Voice Mail 512-2950 (leave date time!)
- Discussion Board
- E-mail through My.Sinclair
- ADVICE E-mail is recommended over phone call
11Read Your Syllabus
- Contact Info
- Key Dates
- Websites, Other Resources
- Grading Expectations
- Course Outline
- All Due Dates are on Master Calendar
- Changes will be in Announcements
12More Syllabus
- Text
- Other Resources
- Website Resources
- Grading
- Class Procedures Policies
- Extra Credit
13Basis of Grade
- Seven Projects
- Ten Quizzes
- Notebook
- All hand-in work requires a cover page
Criminal Law Procedure PAR 205
14Fun Projects
- Visit to a local municipal court
- Criminal Mini-trial
15Quizzes 20 points each
- First one on Syllabus Rules
- Rest on individual chapters
- One per week, due by Mondays at 11pm
- 90 minute time limit
- Open book, but you must read study chapter
first, or you wont be able to complete the quiz
16Class Notebooks
- Requirements of Notebook
- a) separate binder
- b) includes ONLY corrected versions (no
correction marks) - c) of all of your graded Projects
- d) tabbed in correct order
- You get credit for same work 3 times!
- Must include CORRECTED versions of Projects 2,
3, 4, 5, 7 - Will be graded while you wait at last class
- Worth 20 points
17 Amicus/TimeSlips (See
Special Assignments Handout)
- Amicus Record all of your Assignments/Activities
as To-Do's WITH DETAILS - Record all of your class meeting time and other
meetings as Appointments - Check off To-Dos when DONE
18Amicus/TimeSlips (See Special Assignments
- TimeSlips Keep time for all of the work you do
for this class WITH DETAILS - Travel time? ONLY for court visit
- Record your time in the Timeslips program
- Record your expenses, too - MANDATORY
- Record AS YOU GO at least WEEKLY
- NO advance entry (unethical)
- This will be worth up to 30 points
- Entries must follow STANDARDS FOR AMICUS (handed
out in training)
19Amicus/TimeSlips (See Special Assignments
- Timekeeper Name Always the same YOU
- Client Name Courtney Love
- Client First Name Courtney
- Middle Name Your First Initial Last Name
- Client Last Name Love
- IF YOU ARE Jane Doe Courtney JDoe Love
20Class Procedures Policies
Follow Quality Standards in all PAR work Expectation Letter-Perfect Work You work for the law firm of S, B, B D
You must participate fully in group work Late assignments cost you 10 Check the People Site for forms, copies
Attendance mandatory, or lose 10 pts/ea DUE DATE IS BEGINNING OF CLASS DEAD MOUSE ZONE!
21Useful Info (Rules)
- NO handwritten assignments!
- NO FAX, E-MAIL OR DROP-OFF assignments will be
accepted! - Completed Cover Pages required on all projects
exams - No need to retype Questions, BUT answers must be
correctly d - Course Outline
- Note Reading Assignments
22Easiest Ways to Lose Points
- No cover page
- Incorrect cover page
- Not reading instructions
- Not checking My.Sinclair
- Single spaced
- No spel checkkk proofreading
- Late assignments
- Missed classes
23Time Issues
- Studies show Attendance is key factor in student
success - You must SIGN IN for each class or lose points
for that class! - No 15 Minute Rule. If Prof is delayed, use time
to work on assignments. - SCC CLOSED on Monday, May 29
24One Word
25Advice from Your Classmates
- I would advise students who take this course in
the future that - Details are important. Details, Details,
26Protect Your Work
- Helping others learn is okay
- Doing their work is not
- Do not ask for or give copies or disks
- Copied work ? Failure for user AND donor
- Protect your paperwork
- Protect your disks
27Care Feeding of Disks
- Label your disks!
- The computer ate my homework is not an
acceptable excuse - Dont loan out your disks, or leave them around
for others to borrow
- Save ALL graded papers
- Save ALL corrected papers for notebook
- Save ALL work electronically
- Save ALL corrected work electronically
- BACK UP all saved work
- YOU WILL NEED THESE for Internship Portfolio,
which is required for graduation
29(No Transcript)
30 31My.Sinclair
- Check Daily!
- Watch for class news, notices, assignments
- Watch for Calendar deadlines updates
- Watch Discussion Forum
- ALL e-mail to Prof should be through My.Sinclair
- This is your main
- News notice source
- It is YOUR responsibility to check DAILY
- E-MAIL Personal news to/from Prof
- DISCUSSION BOARD News for class
- Updates, corrections, jobs, class cancellations,
extra credit, assignment tips - DIGITAL DROP BOX A place to store files or send
files to others
- From SCC or Prof.
- News, alerts appear on your home page
- MYGRADES Shows your absences grades weekly.
Check often. Email prof if you catch any errors. - EXTERNAL LINKS Helpful links for this course
- Lexis, Law Libraries, Ohio Supreme Court, Ohio
Revised Code, Montgomery County records, more
34Communicating on My.Sinclair
- With Professor
- E-mail for private messages (grades, illness)
- Use My.Sinclair address only
- Discussion Board for EVERYTHING ELSE
- Class-related questions go HERE, not in E-mail
- ALL Messages Should Begin W/Course
- Example
- Subject 205.01 Projects, Are You Nuts?
- Or 205.50 Classmates, Are They Nuts?
35Communicating on My.Sinclair
- With other students
- E-mail for private messages
- Discussion Board for class info
- We Are A Learning Community
- Without cheating (doing each others work) we
help each other learn. This includes answering
each others questions on the Discussion Board.
If everyone is stumped, I will add suggestions.
36(No Transcript)
37Sinclair People Website
- All course materials here
- Projects, Forms, PowerPoints
- In-Class Exercises, PAR Newsletter
- If you want hard copy, print one
- Replaces H Drive in this class
- Click Course Materials on Menu Bar, or go to
- http//people.sinclair.edu/mikebrigner/
38Assignment Learning StylesSinclair Student
- Go to explore http//
- www.sinclair.edu/stservices/sss/index.cfm
- Click Study Skills Hints, Learning Style
Inventory - Take the short quiz and score yourself
- Answer the LAST QUESTION!
- Print out the results bring to next class
39SCC Disability Services Notice
- Qualified individuals with disabilities who
produce required documentation of their
disability self-identify their need for
accommodations are eligible for disability
services - (Someone with a physical or mental impairment
that substantially limits one or more major life
activities and who, with or without
accommodations, can meet the essential
requirements for participation in a program) - Students are required to identify their needs
to register with the Sinclair Office of
Disability Services in order to be eligible for
academic adjustments. All services are based on
individual needs. - For more info http//sinclair.edu/stservices/edu/
40Welcome Criminal Law Procedure