Title: Healthy Schools Program www'HealthierGeneration'org
1Healthy Schools Programwww.HealthierGeneration.or
2Spring Tune Up for Your Physical Education
- Learn components of a quality PE program
- Learn of resources to evaluate your program
- Get information on how to educate your
administrators regarding PE - Make plans to enhance your program next fall
4Quality PE Components
- Opportunity to Learn
- Meaningful Content
- Appropriate Instruction
5Opportunity to Learn
- Instructional periods totaling 150 minutes per
week (elementary) and 225 minutes per week
(middle and secondary school) - Qualified physical education specialist providing
a developmentally appropriate program - Adequate equipment facilities
6Meaningful Content
- Instruction in a variety of motor skills that are
designed to enhance the physical, mental, and
social/emotional development of every child - Fitness education and assessment to help children
understand, improve and/or maintain their
physical well-being
7Meaningful Content
- Development of cognitive concepts about motor
skill and fitness - Opportunities to improve their emerging social
and cooperative skills and gain a multi-cultural
perspective - Promotion of regular amounts of appropriate
physical activity now and throughout life
8Appropriate Instruction
Full inclusion of all students Maximum practice
opportunities for class activities
Well-designed lessons that facilitate student
9Appropriate Instruction
Out of school assignments that support learning
and practice No physical activity for
punishment Uses regular assessment to monitor
and reinforce student learning
10Evaluation Resources
11Ways to Win Your Principals Support
- Invite your Principal to visit class monthly
- Develop Calendar of Physical Activity Events and
seek the Principal's endorsement
12Ways to Win Your Principals Support
- Have a "Principal Feature" in your PE Newsletter
- Involve the Principal in the staff fitness
activities each month - Provide a physical education folder full of
recent press articles, copies of curriculum,
philosophy, goals for the year
13Take Action!
- Identify two or three actions you will implement
in the fall to improve your PE program
14Contact Information
- Lisa Perry
- Lisa.perry_at_healthiergeneration.org
- 970-724-0088