Title: Lecture Four
1Lecture Four
- More on the neglected Marx
- The rise of Neoclassical Economics
2Recap/Overview Post-1857 Marx
- Classicals labour measure of value
- Marx pre-1857 labour only source of value
- Logical problems
- Failed predictions
- Falling rate of profit
- Inevitable revolt into socialism
- Technical Flaws Transformation problem
- Essentially insoluble
- But a neglected revolution in Marxs thought
- Completed classical theory of value
- Transcended LTV its problems
3Marx Post-1857
- Pre-1857, accepts Ricardo on UV EV
- EV determines price
- UV pre-requisite for exchange
- Utility then is not the measure of exchangeable
value, although it is absolutely essential to it
Ricardo OREF 131 - But no role for UV beyond pre-requisite
- 1857, writing rough draft of Capital
- Re-read Hegel
- Insight dialectics and economics, a role for UV
4Dialectic of the commodity
- 1857, revelation re-read Hegel and considered
application of dialectics to commodity - "Is not value to be conceived as the unity of
use-value and exchange value? In and for itself,
is value as such the general form, in opposition
to use-value and exchange value as particular
forms of it? OREF 210 - Capitalism brings exchange-value to fore, pushes
use-value into background (accumulation of money
wealth the aim of the game, not ) - Price based on Exchange-value (EV)
- Use-value (UV) irrelevant to price, as for
Ricardo - But dynamic tension between UV EV. UV not
irrelevant to economics
5Dialectics of the Commodity
Application to centralunity in capitalism,
General principle
Dialectical Tension
Applied to economics...
6Dialectics of labour
- EV of work brought to fore EV of worker
subsistence wage - UV of worker in background irrelevant to wage
- But UV of worker ability to produce commodities
for sale - Gap between (objective, quantitative) UV and EV
of worker is source of surplus-value (SV) - The past labour that is embodied in the labour
power, and the living labour that it can call
into action the daily cost of maintaining it,
and its daily expenditure in work, are two
totally different things. The former determines
the exchange value of the labour power, the
latter is its use-value. Capital I, 199
7Dialectics of Labor
Foreground Exchange-Value determines
(subsistence) wage
Background Use-Value (ability to produce
commodities for sale)
Dialectical Tension a source of surplus value
8Dialectics of labour
- Problem
- previous explanation of surplus used things which
make labour unique amongst commodities - new explanation uses things which labour has in
common with all other commodities - exchange-value, use-value, independence of
exchange-value from use-value when determining
price - As Marx puts it
9Dialectics of labour
- The circumstance, that on the one hand the daily
sustenance of labour power costs only half a
day's labour, while on the other hand the very
same labour power can work during a whole day,
that consequently the value which its use during
one day creates, is double what he pays for that
use, this circumstance is, without doubt, a piece
of good luck for the buyer, but by no means an
injury to the seller Capital I 163 Every
condition of the problem is satisfied, while the
laws that regulate the exchange of commodities,
have been in no way violated. Equivalent has been
exchanged for equivalent. For the capitalist as
buyer paid for each commodity its full value.
He then did what is done by every purchaser of
commodities he consumed their use-value.
Capital I 189
10Dialectics of Capital (Machinery)
- Since surplus derived by considering things
labour has in common with all other commodities,
the same analysis must be applied to consider
whether machinery creates surplus value. - Marx fudges this in his magnum opus Capital
- appears to prove that capital cannot create
surplus value using use-value/exchange-value
analysis - in the labour process the means of production
transfer their value to the product only so far
as along with their use-value they lose also
their exchange-value. They give up to the product
that value alone which they themselves lose as
means of production. However useful a given kind
of raw material, or a machine, or other means of
production may be, though it may cost 150 yet
it cannot, under any circumstances, add to the
value of the product more than 150. Capital I
11Dialectics of Capital (Machinery)
- In fact Marx contradicts own logic. Properly,
this is - EV of machine cost of production
- UV of machine ability to produce commodities for
sale - As with worker, gap between UV EV machine a
source of SV - Contradicts LTV
- All inputs to production potential source of
profits - Contribution of machine to output will exceed
depreciation - It also has to be postulated that the
use-value of the machine significantly (sic)
greater than its value i.e. that its devaluation
in the service of production is not proportional
to its increasing effect on production. Marx
1857 in Grundrisse p. 383
12Dialectics of Capital (Machinery)
Foreground Exchange-Value (pricecost of
Background Use-Value (ability to produce
commodities for sale)
Dialectical Tension a source of surplus value
13Dialectics of Capital
- Many consequences of this for Marxian economics
- Transformation Problem disappears
- Higher capital/labour ratio in one industry
doesnt necessarily mean lower surplus to
investment ratio - Supports mathematical critiques of Labour Theory
of Value by Steedman Marx After Sraffa 1977,
Bose, Roemer etc. - No tendency for rate of profit to fall (TRPF)
- Higher machine/labour ratio has no necessary
impact on surplus, but may alter aggregate demand
(ability to turn surplus into profit) - No inevitability of socialism
- Inevitability of socialism based on eventual
triumph of TRPF over countervailing forces - No ironclad Marxian justification for socialism
(though many arguments for reform of capitalism)
14Dialectic of the commodity
Smith, Ricardo, pre-1857 Marx
Dialectical Marx
Exchange-value alone explains capitalism
use-value necessary for exchange, but otherwise
Dialectic between exchange-value and use-value
explains capitalism
15Use-value exchange-value
- Pre-capitalist society
- Exchange of use-values socially determined within
societies - Commodity exchange on border of societies
- Perception of utility will influence exchange
ratio - But over time, production specifically for
exchange - Distinction between use-value and use-value for
exchange - Production becomes basis of exchange-value
- Capitalist exchange
- Exchange-value and use-value incommensurable
- So far, application to labour, capital, surplus
- Labour and capital both sources of surplus
- Other dialectical insights insights not affected
by LTV
16Dialectics of Wage
- Worker both a commodity (labor-power) and
non-commodity (person) - Capitalism focuses on commodity aspect, pushes
non-commodity aspects into background - Pure commodity--paid subsistence wage only
- Non-commodity--demands share in surplus
- Dialectical tension
- struggle over minimum wage, social wage, etc.
- Wage normally gt subsistence subsistence wage a
minimum (when commodity aspect dominant)
17Money and Asset Prices
- Money a commodity/non-commodity
- Exchanged, and essential for exchange,
- Not produced by means of commodities
- "What ... is the price of the loaned
capital?... What the buyer of an ordinary
commodity buys is its use-value what he pays for
is its value. What the borrower of money buys is
likewise its use-value as capital but what does
he pay for? Surely not its price, or value, as in
the case of ordinary commodities." (Marx 1894,
p. 352.) - Dialectic of money Exchange-value set by
use-value - 2 price levels commodities cost-price assets
speculative (turns up later independently in
Keynes and Post Keynesians especially Minsky on
money and speculation)
18Misunderstanding Marx
- Dialectical Marx missed by all except Engels,
Hilferding pre-1857 LTV preserved instead - Many reasons why
- LTV much more clearly enunciated by Marx, easier
to understand, less subtle - Poor scholarship many Marxists didnt read
Marx but so-called followers (e.g., Sweezy) - Sweezy on use-value Every commodity,' Marx
wrote, has a twofold aspect, that of use-value
and exchange-value.' Use-value is an expression
of a certain relation between the consumer and
the object consumed. Political economy, on the
other hand, is a social science of the relations
between people. It follows that use-value as
such lies outside the sphere of investigation of
political economy.
19Misunderstanding Marx
- Marx on same subject
- only an obscurantist, who has not understood a
word of Capital, can conclude Because Marx, in a
note to the first edition of Capital, overthrows
all the German professorial twaddle on
use-value' in general,therefore, use-value does
not play any role in his work with me use value
plays an important role completely different than
it did in previous political economy.
(Marginal Notes on A. Wagner in Carver, T.,
Karl Marx Texts on Method 198-200) - Most Marxists still do not appreciate this
important role played by use-value in Marxs
20More Marx
- Several elements unaffected by LTV (or use-value
issue) - Reproduction schema analysis of production
(development and elaboration of Quesnays
Tableau) - Theory of cycles
- Cycles in capitalism caused by struggle over
distribution of income - Critique of Says Law
- Says Law ignores both capitalists and investment
21Reproduction Schema
- Industry divided into 3 sectors
- I Capital goods
- II Consumption goods
- III Capitalist consumption goods
- Inter-sectoral dynamics considered
- For balance,
- wage bill of 3 sectors must equal output of II
- investment plans of 3 sectors must equal output
of I - Continued ideas of Physiocrats
- Basis for 20th century input-output analysis
22Reproduction Schema
Simple Reproduction No accumulation
Investment demand just equals capital output
Wages capitalist spending just equal commodity
23Reproduction Schema
Expanded Reproduction Accumulation Growth
Wages capitalist spending equal commodity
output, as before
Investment output exceeds capital use
Extra 500 accumulated reinvested
24Reproduction Schema
- Prices (not shown) based on cost of production
- Prices just cover costs in simple reproduction
- Prices allow for re-investment of surplus in
expanded reproduction - Schema is
- incompatible with LTV (transformation problem)
- but can be used independently of LTV
25Trade Cycle Theory
- Heavily based on empirical observation of 19th
century cycles - Also class-based model (Ch 25 Capital I)
- High wages--low investment
- Low investment--low growth
- Low growth--rising unemployment
- Rising unemployment--falling wage demands
- Falling wage demands--increased profit share
- Increased profit share--rising investment
- Rising investment--high growth
- High growth--high employment
- High employment--High wages cycle continues
26Critique of Says Law
- Two circuits in capitalism
- Commodity--Money--Commodity (C--M--C)
- Objective to increase UV
- EV constant, UV (qualitative) increased
- Says Law applies
- Money--Commodity--Money (M--C--M)
- Objective to increase exchange-value
- UV irrelevant, EV increased, surplus produced
- Says Law invalid in an economy with accumulation
- Capitalists conceal money seek money, not
commodities, contra Say OREF 118
27Critique of Says Law
- It must never be forgotten, that in capitalist
production what matters is not the immediate
use-value but the exchange-value, and, in
particular, the expansion of surplus-value. This
is the driving motive of capitalist production,
and it is a pretty conception that--in order to
reason away the contradictions of capitalist
production--abstracts from its very basis and
depicts it as a production aiming at the direct
satisfaction of the consumption of the
producers. (Theories of Surplus Value II, s 17.6)
- Was forgotten in decline of Classicism
28From Classicism to Neoclassicism
- Political problem after Ricardo, especially
after Marx, classicism the province of radicals - Classical economics used to criticise capitalism,
not support it - Technical problems with Labor theory of value
- transformation problem insoluble
- Rival utility approach to value had neither
political nor (as yet) technical problems - Long history of utility analysis since Bentham
- Existed in macro vision of economy in Says Law
- Sophisticated expression of it developed
independently by Jevons (England), Walras
(France), Menger (Austria) in 1870s
29The Rise of Neoclassicism
- Utility, not effort, basis of value rejects
Smith, Ricardo, Marx - Scarcity, (not reproducibility as with Ricardo
Marx) adopted as definition of commodity - Exchange, rather than production, the basis of
analysis - Individual, rather than society, focus of
analysis - Static methodology (by default), rather than
dynamic - If we wished to have a complete solution we
should have to treat it as a problem of dynamics.
But it would surely be absurd to attempt the more
difficult question when the more easy one is yet
so imperfectly within our power. Jevons,
Theory of Political Economy, Ch. 4 - Philosophical foundation in Benthams
- Purpose of individuals is pursuit of pleasure,
avoidance of pain - Society a collection of individuals
- Purpose of society is greatest happiness for
greatest number - Individuals pleasures additive non-interactive
- No conflict between individuals in pursuit of
happiness - No exploitation
- No externalities
- Economy as means to maximise pleasure, minimise
pain - Utility as net gap between pleasure and pain
31Physics Envy
- Desire to emulate success of physics via
formalisation - Economy,..., has always of necessity been
mathematical in its subject, but the strict and
general statement, has been prevented by a
neglect of those powerful methods of expression
which have been applied to most other sciences
with so much success. Jevons OREF - scarce and scarcity are given scientific
meaning like the word velocity in mechanics and
heat in physics. Walras - Theory a combination of Benthams utilitarian
philosophy and mathematical static optimisation
techniques of 19th century physics
32Refinement of utility
- Bentham cardinal--measureable, additive
- Banana 2 utils poem 3 utils sum 5 utils
- Neoclassicals ordinal can rank, but no
objective measure - 1 poem gt 1 banana
- poem and banana gt poem or banana but no measure
in utils - Utility diminishes with quantity
- U(2 bananas) lt 2 U(1 banana)
- Concept of marginal utility
33Marginal analysis
- Marginal utility
- Every successive application will commonly
excite the feelings less intensely than the
previous application. The utility of the last
supply of an object, ... decreases ... as some
function of the whole quantity received. Jevons
OREF - Marginal effort as the explanation for supply of
labour - labor will be exerted both in intensity and
duration until a further increment will be more
painful than the increment of produce thereby
obtained is pleasurable. Jevons OREF
34Marginal analysis
- Marginal exchange
- one person will now give to the other so much of
his commodity, and at such a ratio of exchange,
that if he gave an infinitely small quantity,
either more or less, but at the same rate, he
would not gain in utility by it. The increments
of utility lost and gained at the limits of the
quantities exchanged must be equal, otherwise
further exchange would take place. Jevons OREF - Individuals start with given quantities of
commodities - Exchange continues until marginal utility of all
commodities held is equal - Price ratios reflect relative marginal utilities
35Marginal Analysis
- Marginal productivity
- Income distribution reflects contribution to
production (vs. Marx surplus exploitation) - Payment to factor equals quantity of factor times
marginal contribution to output - Marginal analysis completely supplants classical
approach - 2 streams to analysis
- General equilibrium analysis
- Partial equilibrium
- Some things held constant (ceteris paribus)
- Analysis of isolated markets (Marshall)
- Neoclassical macroeconomics (Hicks)
- Utilitarian re-definition of economics (Robbins)
36A Utilitarian Re-definition of Economics
- Classical School definition focus on
- growth and distribution of output questions
- cost of production focus on price determination
- Neoclassical re-definition focus on
- Utility-maximisation as function of economy
- Disutility explanation of price determination
- Summarised in Robbins definition of economics
- "Economics is the science which studies human
behaviour as a relationship between ends and
scarce means which have alternatives uses"
(Robbins 1932 16).
37The Robbins Definition
- Definition deduced from four propositions
- (1) The ends are various. (2) The time and the
means for achieving these ends are limited and
(3) capable of alternative application. At the
same time (4) the ends have different importance
(Robbins 12 numbers added) - Ends
- Final consumer demands (intermediate demand
ignored) - Economics neutral about specific ends
- in so far as the achievement of any end is
dependent upon scarce means, it is germane to the
preoccupations of the economist. Economics is not
concerned with ends as such. (24)
38The Robbins Definition
- Means
- Resources for satisfaction of ends
- Inadequate to meet all ends
- The services which others put at our disposal
are limited. The material means of achieving ends
are limited. We have been turned out of
Paradise. (15) - Alternative uses for means and ends of different
importance - The Economic Problem rank ends, allocate means
to efficiently meet them in order of priority
until resources fully employed. - Market as the best ranking/allocation mechanism.