Lecture Four Bhagavad Gita - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lecture Four Bhagavad Gita


Lecture Four Bhagavad Gita Lecturer: Wu Shiyu Outline I. This session begins with a review of the first three lectures. A. Great books are books that speak to us ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lecture Four Bhagavad Gita

Lecture Four Bhagavad Gita
  • Lecturer Wu Shiyu

  • I. This session begins with a review of the first
    three lectures.
  • A. Great books are books that speak to us
    individually and represent books and authors that
    have made history. These books have lived past
    their time and can influence our lives and events
    today. Great books have a great theme, are
    written in noble language, and are able to speak
    across the ages.

  • B. The course is developed around eternal themes
    God, fate, good and evil, the meaning of life,
    and how people live their lives in pursuit of
    truth. The books discuss duty and responsibility
    law, justice, and government love and beauty
    courage, honor, and ambition our relationship to
    nature and our definition of education.

  • 1. Bonhoeffers Letters and Papers From Prison is
    the work of a man in search of truth who found
    the courage to resist evil and who gave his life
    in the pursuit of good. His ideas have lived on
    despite Hitlers attempt to crush them. The civil
    rights movement of the 1960s found special
    relevance in this work.

  • 2. Homers Iliad offers wisdom to us today in
    such central themes as God, fate, and the meaning
    of good and evil. It also teaches how to live
    life with courage while understanding the virtue
    of moderation. It is the first great work of
    classical Greek literature that has come down to

  • 3. The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius represents
    the summation of Greek thought on God, fate, and
    good and evil. The Roman Empire of Marcus
    Aurelius, which was the Roman Empire of the 1st
    and 2nd centuries A.D., was the cultural heir of
    Greece, and Marcus Aurelius wrote the Meditations
    in Greek. The writings of Marcus Aurelius
    represent the culmination of the transformation
    of the god Zeus from the capricious and lecherous
    master found in the poetry of Homer to a god who
    is associated with absolute truth and good and
    who is equated with nature, is all-powerful,
    all-knowing, and all-seeing.

  • C. In the same way that the Romans were the
    cultural heirs of the Greeks, the United States
    of today is the cultural heir of Europe.

  • II. The culmination of an image of god as a
    vision of truth can be found perhaps as early as
    500 B.C. in the Bhagavad Gita, the Song of God.
    This work was a product of classical Indian

  • A. Around 1800 B.C., the flourishing
    civilizations around the Indus River were overrun
    by invaders from the west.
  • B. The language of these invaders was Sanskrit,
    also the language of the Bhagavad Gita. Sanskrit
    was related to Persian and more distantly to
    Greek, Latin, and the Germanic languages.

  • C. These invaders, who called themselves Aryans,
    meaning nobles, imposed their rule by conquest.
    From warfare and destruction came a new
    civilization that produced rich poetry, including
    the Bhagavad Gita, in an epic form.

  • D. The religion of this people was Hinduism, a
    polytheistic religion that rejects the notion
    that the world of the gods is finite, but is
    willing to recognize any new divine power capable
    of rendering supernatural benefits to the
    community of worshipers. All nature was seen as a
    manifestation of the divine. Sacrifice is
    fundamental to this worship it can be used to
    offer homage to the gods in return for their
    blessings and to avert evil. Individual gods can
    take many forms. As in Homers Iliad and the
    writings of Marcus Aurelius, this polytheistic
    notion of the divine can foster an image of one
    all-powerful and universal god.

  • III. The Bhagavad Gita is part of a longer work,
    the Mahabharata
  • A. It is a poem that presents an epic story of
  • B. Its author is unknown
  • C. The warfare in the Bhagavad Gita is a symbol
    of the ongoing conflict of life and the struggle
    for the wisdom to live life in a way that is
    meaningful to us as individuals. It is the
    struggle between two warring tribes it is also a
    struggle between right and wrong and between good
    and evil.
  • D. At the beginning of the story, Arjuna, the
    hero, does not understand the nature of his
    struggle and wishes to withdraw from the war.

  • IV. Truth is a central idea of the Bhagavad Gita.
  • A. The first word of the Bhagavad Gita is dharma,
    or truth.
  • B. In this allegory, Krishna, the charioteer of
    Arjuna, is also the image of the supreme god of
    the universe Arjuna is everyman, the soul.
    Krishna explains to Arjuna how he must travel the
    battlefield of life.

  • C. Gandhis statements reflect the theme of the
    Bhagavad Gita. Gandhi said that it is more
    important to believe that truth is God than that
    God is truth. Truth comes first.
  • D. Krishnas message to Arjuna is that Arjuna
    must be steadfast in the truth and must fight the
    battle of life understanding what truth is.

  • V. The Bhagavad Gita also explains that behind
    the changing formations of the divine, there is
    one underlying divine being who is all and that
    Krishna is one of his manifestations.
  • A. Gods presence is everywhere throughout all
    things in the universe.
  • B. In the Bhagavad Gita, God makes himself
    visible in his true form to Arjuna. This God is
    everywhere throughout the universe. The universe
    is contained in one atom of this divine being,
    and in every person, there is a part of this
    divine being.

  • VI. After this glimpse of the majesty of God and
    the understanding that God is all, an individual
    can come to an understanding of his or her role
    in the universe that God has created. That role
    is our soul.

  • A. This idea contrasts with the viewpoints seen
    in both the Iliad and the Mediations. Marcus
    Aurelius was unsure of the existence of the soul
    if it did exist, he believed that it came to an
    end at death. For Homer, this life is what we
    have and we must live it.
  • B. In the Bhagavad Gita, the soul endures, is
    eternal, and is divine. The task of mankind is to
    purify the soul and gain wisdom and truth so that
    the soul can gain ultimate liberation.

  • C. This ultimate liberation is the next step. The
    body is seen as a prison bodily desires are the
    result of false knowledge and false wisdom (for
    example, the desire for power and wealth). Wisdom
    enables a person to begin to shed false desires.

  • 1. The path of wisdom is to lead us to a stage
    that frees the soul for eternity from the bondage
    of the body.
  • 2. Power leads to no ultimate liberation after
    death, an individual becomes some other creature.
  • 3. The fate an individual earns through making
    choices affects that individual for many cycles
    of death and rebirth.
  • 4. The Bhagavad Gita is about making the correct
    choices through wisdom. Earthly actions are good
    or evil and have enduring consequences. Choices
    using true wisdom allow a person to ultimately
    gain eternal liberation.

  • D. Wisdom consists of understanding karma, which
    means the task that an individual has been
    assigned by God. Karma is the role and the task
    of the individual. The choice to accept karma
    must be made with full realization of the
    difficulty of performing ones duty. Krishna
    teaches Arjuna that his duty is to fight this

  1. A person who renounces his or her assigned task
    is doomed to eternal reincarnation and suffering.
  2. Accepting the assigned task with fear also leads
    to endless cycles of reincarnation.
  3. Accepting the task with a whole heart allows a
    being to rise a step or two.
  4. Accepting the task with supreme spirit and a
    fully dutiful conscience and understanding can
    lead to ultimate liberation and the pure bliss of
    unification with God, which is ultimate freedom.
  5. The decision to follow the assigned way can bring
    a being to liberation. Even the greatest sinner
    can be liberated by doing his or her task to the

  • VII. The religion of the Bhagavad Gita is not a
    renunciation of life. It is the call to learn the
    ultimate meaning of life. The Bhagavad Gita
    answers the questions of God, good and evil, and
    fate. It also deals with truth, duty, justice,
    and love.

  • A. God is all, God is eternal and everlasting,
    and God pervades the entire universe.
  • B. Good is following the mission of ones life.
  • C. On the subject of fate, the Bhagavad Gita
    indicates that every individual and particle of
    the universe has a destiny. An individual must
    have the wisdom to know his or her destiny.
  • D. Truth is everything and all things.
  • E. Duty and responsibility are assigned by God
    and may lead away from what other people

  • F. Ultimate justice lies in every particle of the
    universe willingly and joyfully carrying out the
    will of God. The Bhagavad Gita does not separate
    the world, God, fate, life, and government. They
    are all mingled in the total vision of the world
    and justice. Justice is not of men but is part of
    the divine order. The person of justice is
    unshakable and steadfast in the truth.

  • G. Love led Krishna to take form in this world so
    that Arjuna could see him. An individuals love
    is to become absolutely immersed in the divine
    to do that, one may forsake all things and put
    oneself on Gods path.

  • VIII. The ultimate message of the Bhagavad Gita
    is that God has created many roads to the truth
    each person must find his or her own road.

  • A. These roads may include ritual sacrifices, a
    life of religious piety, contemplation and study,
    or struggle for liberation. Gandhi understood
    that his path was to struggle for the liberation
    of his country.
  • B. The Hindu never seeks to absolutely define the
    world of the gods. There are many different forms
    of God, and each one may have a role in leading
    one individual to an understanding of truth.
  • C. The form or ceremonies of God are not
    important. What is important is the understanding
    that God is truth. That understanding gives one
    the courage to live life and follow karma.

  • IX. The Bhagavad Gita, like the Divine Comedy, is
    one of the greatest works of education ever
    composed. It leads from the darkness of a life
    without meaning to the clarity of Gods wisdom.

  • X. The civilizations of classical Greece and
    classical India may have had some contact with
    each other. However, classical Indian
    civilization has little regard for history or for
    concrete knowledge of the past. Although
    similarities exist between the vision of divine
    glory in Dantes Divine Comedy and the Bhagavad
    Gita, the classical Indian view would be that
    these similarities represent eternal and enduring
    wisdom that is deeper than history.

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