Title: Library Systems: Synthesize, Specialize, Mobilize
1Library Systems Synthesize, Specialize, Mobilize
Library Systems Synthesise, Specialise, Mobilise
- Robin Murray CEO, Fretwell-Downing Informatics
- Organization Background
- Synthesize, Specialize, Mobilize
- Evolution of service, revolution of systems
- Case study
- Conclusions Opportunities
3Organization Background
- Fretwell-Downing Informatics
- Head office - Sheffield, UK
- Offices Kansas, Melbourne, Amsterdam
- 75 People
- Products LMS, Resource Sharing/fulfillment,
Portals - Focus on IT Solutions for Libraries
- 300 direct customers
- 20,000 libraries using FDI solutions
- October 2005
- FDI acquired by OCLC PICA
4Organization Background
- 250 people
- Largest European library systems player
- Netherlands
- UK
- Germany
- France
5Service Evolution
System Revolution
6Library Systems
Workplace applications - points of need
Mobilize - to put into action
Specialize - involve specific knowledge in order
to serve a particular purpose to apply or direct
to specific end or use.
- Local service
- Local added value
- Local context
- Local knowledge
Synthesize - to combine often diverse conceptions
into a coherent whole.
Atomic Library Services
Atomic non-Library Services
7Adding Value
Value - Created by broadening scope of
Value - Created by generating tight, minimal
Interface definition - KEY SYNTHESIZED SERVICES
Value - Created by broadening scope of
8Case Study Health Care
Knowledge is the enemy of disease the
application of existing healthcare knowledge will
have a greater impact on health and disease than
any drug or technology likely to be introduced in
the next decade. -- Dr. Muir Gray
- 1 Million employees
- 2 million consultations/day
- 10 million clinical decisions/day
- 1000 librarians
- Evidence-based healthcare
- Need a Mobilized, Specialized Synthesized
Evidence base - The National Library for Health
9Map of Medicine
Email RSS
MS Word
- Select appropriate content
- Analyze present content for local need
- Direct to appropriate services
- Monitor use for continual improvement
Knowledge base
Google Spell-checker
Authentication Authorization
Amazon Book reviews
RSS feeds
Data enrichment services
Internal ILL
Link resolution
Commercial Document suppliers
Personalized profiles
10Conclusions Opportunities
- Service is evolutionary, required system support
is not. - ILS will remain critical, but will become a
peripheral - New model is about Synthesize, Specialize,
Mobilize - Many chicken egg scenarios
- Break by ad-hoc market opportunity, or vertical
alignment - Opportunities (threats?)
- Libraries ready to synthesize new services that
add value to their offering - Libraries be ready to outsource internal services
to network service providers who can realize
economies of scale - Network service providers have to be looking for
opportunities to provide new synthesizable
services. - Systems providers opportunities for
revolutionary systems - have to ensure plug-and-play compatibility with
network services.
11Conclusions Opportunities
- We must be far more externally focused
- Value creation
- Synthesizing external services
- Mobilizing through external applications
12Library Systems Synthesize, Specialize, Mobilize
- Robin Murray CEO, Fretwell-Downing Informatics